Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 701 The Road to the Future

This is just a small episode!

For Qin Yuanqing, it was just a small episode, but for many people, it had a nuclear bomb-level impact, because it meant that the fate of hundreds of millions of people was affected, and how many people were ready to lose him, only to be Let me tell you, you are thinking too much.

The "delayed aging" genetic medicine has once again come into the attention of more people. After all, this is no longer one or two cases. No one does not want to obtain the "delayed aging" genetic medicine to retain youth, especially for the rich. , with the deliberate promotion of some people, the open secret of the 'delayed aging' gene medicine has been completely and truly disclosed and is no longer a secret.

For a time, crowds were surging, and public opinions were everywhere. Everyone was afraid of birth, old age, illness, and death, without exception. But now there is something that can make people rejuvenate from aging. How can this not make people excited, how can it not make people want to get it.

"Why, why can't we enjoy the 'delayed aging' gene medicine? All people are created equal, no one dares to be superior. Why can they get the 'delayed aging' gene medicine, but we can't!"

"It's okay that everyone will grow old, sick and die. This is also equality in a certain sense. You come naked and go naked. But what the hell, are you telling me now that someone can have decades more youth than you? This is so funny. Come on, where is the principle of equality? We keep claiming fairness, justice, and openness, but the results are all nonsense! (Angry)"

"When I saw this news, I felt extremely sad. A touch of sadness came from my heart. What's the use of increasing the life expectancy of people? After 60 years old, we are all old people. I can't walk without pain in my back and I am still disliked by others. What's the use of living to be 100 years old? I would rather exchange half, no, two-thirds of my life for youth!"

"Princes, generals, would rather have the guts! Do you want ordinary people like us to use this spirit again? It's so irritating. Even if it's not for us, we must strive for a bright and bright future for our descendants. .”


Countless people in China are feeling unhappy, and some have even shouted the slogan, "Princes, generals, ministers, would rather have their own kind", just like the angry and unwilling roars of Wu Sheng and Chen Guangzai more than 2,000 years ago. This spirit of "Princes, generals, ministers, would rather be born" is rooted in Chinese culture, rooted in the bones and souls of the Chinese people.

Amid such turmoil, Huaxia announced the regulations for applying for 'delayed aging' genetic medicines. This document details the cost and quantity of the 'delayed aging' genetic medicines. At this stage, there is no way to mass-produce them. Under such circumstances, it simply cannot be popularized.

One 'delayed aging' gene medicine costs 500 million yuan, and the output is 20 units a year. The one-time cost of the 'delayed aging' gene medicine is 50 million yuan.

After seeing the official document, everyone understood that this thing was simply not something they could afford. With deliberate guidance, everyone immediately understood that someone was using them as a gun behind them, and they became extremely angry. Even if the conditions are relaxed and the money is used, only a very small number of people will be able to obtain it.

Among the announced accepted lists, without exception, they are either extremely high-level or important pillars in the scientific field, and the common denominator is that they have made great contributions to the development of China.

This is also reflected in the published standards, which makes the general public understand that the 'delayed aging' genetic medicine cannot be bought by you if you have money. Even if you have money, your money may not be enough. Most of the millionaires cannot afford vaccination. The way to obtain the 'delayed aging' gene medicine is to make more contributions. As long as your contribution is large enough, you may obtain it.

Suddenly, the public opinion in China died down. Everyone was angry and angry, but they were also the most reasonable. There is no stupid person in China. Everyone is very smart. No one wants to be used as a weapon. Work hard and contribute. It is possible to obtain it, but if it is measured in terms of money, 99.99% of people will be excluded.

Overseas, it's like an explosion. After all, after so many years, refined self-interest has long been ingrained and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and they don't care about that.

"China should announce the technology of 'delaying aging' genetic medicine. Your production capacity is limited, and we can increase production capacity. This not only belongs to China, but also to the whole world. As the largest power in the world today, China should have enough Take responsibility.”

"Where's our aircraft carrier fleet? There are good things there, why don't you hurry up and get them back!"

"What do our life scientists do? China has developed a genetic agent for 'delaying aging'. Why don't we? Don't we have hundreds of biological laboratories? Do we only study things that are harmful to people?"

"It's so annoying. I'm over 50 years old. I'll be old in a few years. I don't want to live the life of an old person. I want to be young forever!"

"If there is no USA in this world, then why do we need a world?"


It’s a pity that these overseas voices have no effect at all. China is as stable as Mount Tai and unmoving. As time goes by, China’s GDP has been equivalent to 45% of the world’s GDP. Its military strength is also the first echelon in the world. It is also the first in the world. A large economy, and also the world's largest market, has long been out of trouble in terms of energy. Now if China doesn't move, others will have to secretly talk about Amitabha.

Qin Yuanqing arranged a week's holiday for himself, and his family returned to his hometown. This year is an extremely special year. His children retired together with the Super Grand Slam of professional double Grand Slam, and said goodbye to table tennis. From then on, they No longer a professional athlete, they chose to sign up for astronaut selection.

In China, if you want to join the Space Force, you must first become an astronaut, and to become an astronaut, you must participate in the astronaut selection.

Although it is said that thanks to the development of aerospace technology, astronauts' physical fitness is not as high as before, but at the same time, the requirements for the accumulation of knowledge are higher. In the past, you had to have excellent physical fitness. As for the lack of knowledge, it does not matter. Can be learned while training. But it is different now. Nowadays, astronaut selection requires you to have relatively good physical fitness, and at the same time, you must also have a fairly high knowledge reserve, and the latter is even more important.

Fortunately, both children inherited his IQ, and both were admitted to Shuimu University with excellent results. Although they are only 23 years old now, they have already obtained a master's degree diploma. This is because they are participating in competitions and studying at the same time. . Among the academic masters, he is the one who plays table tennis the most, and among the table tennis players, he has the highest academic level.

Qin Yuanqing dragged his family back to his hometown. A very important reason is that his parents are old, almost 80 years old. He is also 46 years old and has not been home for some years.

Qin Yuanqing returned to his hometown again after a few years, which naturally caused a huge sensation. A feast of lion and dragon dances was going on, and Qin Yuanqing's parents also came into the public eye again. People suddenly discovered that although the 'delayed aging' gene drug was It was developed by Qin Yuanqing, but Qin Yuanqing's parents are old people. Although they seem to be in good health, they are obviously no different from ordinary old people. This shows that even Qin Yuanqing's parents have not enjoyed the 'delayed aging' genetic medicine.

Walking on the leisure road in his hometown, Qin Yuanqing looked thoughtful. He was thinking about the future.

In mathematics, as Qin Yuanqing and Perelman said, mathematics has almost reached its end at this point. There is only one "mathematical unification" left. After other top mathematical conjectures in the world were solved by Qin Yuanqing, "mathematics" The Great Unification of Mathematics has become a popular research object in mathematics. Many mathematicians have entered the field of the Great Unification of Mathematics. Of course, the new mathematical disciplines evolved from Qin Yuanqing's mathematical papers have also become very popular in recent years and have become the mainstream of mathematics. Subject.

Qin Yuanqing initially planned to solve the "unification of mathematics", but later stopped. Firstly, he didn't have much time. When he had spare time, he would spend time with his family and rest at home. Secondly, he had to leave something for mathematicians to do. , otherwise what else can those mathematicians do.

In recent years, it is not that the mathematical community has made no new achievements in terms of the "unification of mathematics", but these achievements are not big, and in Qin Yuanqing's view, they are no different from standing still.

In terms of technology, the 'Double Ring Space Station' project and the 'Moon Base' plan are progressing smoothly. The main work of the first phase of the 'Double Ring Space Station' project will be completed by the end of this year. The next step is nothing more than internal matters such as power supply and communications. , including the official launch of the 'controllable nuclear fusion' device and magnetohydrodynamic generator next year, providing a steady stream of energy for the first phase of the 'Double Ring Space Station' project. The foundation of the 'Moon Base' has been laid. The next step is to increase production capacity step by step and continuously expand the scale of the base and the scale of the factory. Although the annual investment is very huge, in fact, there is always output and the value of the output It is also getting bigger and bigger, allowing superiors to see the huge profits in the future, and naturally they will continue to increase investment without hesitation.

Investment is not terrible. What is terrible is that you cannot see the output and the subsequent benefits. As long as you can see the output and see the huge benefits later, no one will think that the investment is too large.

More and more products from the earth base are used in the "Double Ring Space Station", used on satellites, used on aerospace aircraft, and used in the construction of the national defense field.

For example, after so many years of rare earth mining, China's rare earth resources have gradually shrunk. Now the relevant departments have begun to implement a planned protection and exit mechanism, and the vacancy in rare earths will be filled by rare earth mining on the moon.

At this time, Qin Yuanqing was also considering one thing, which was to resign as the commander-in-chief of the 'Double Ring Space Station' project headquarters and the general consultant of the 'Moon Base' plan. After all, at this time, more matters should be solved step by step. The technical problem has been solved long ago, and he no longer needs to occupy this position.

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