Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 696 The ‘Tiangong’ space station is decommissioned (please vote for me)

Qin Yuanqing's heart was very complicated.

It has been 15 years since the 'Double Ring Space Station' project was approved and the 'Double Ring Space Station' project headquarters was established. The leadership team of the project headquarters are facing a problem. The time has come, even if many people are working in many places. Years ago has actually reached the point where I was retained to continue to shine. But at this time, even if I want to continue to shine, I can't do it because I am old and my body and energy no longer allow it.

Although the 'delayed aging' gene medicine has been developed and the results are very good so far, you must know that the output of 'delayed aging' gene medicine is only about 20 pills a year. People like them are not qualified to use 'delayed aging' at all. Genetic medicine.

There are a large number of more important people who are still waiting in line to receive the 'delayed aging' gene medicine.

"If it weren't for this Russian Space Agency delegation, I would have officially quit!" Zhang Tianqin smiled and drank a glass of wine with Qin Yuanqing: "I am very satisfied to be able to see such development in our aerospace industry in my lifetime. , when I retire and have grandchildren, I can show off what I have done to my grandchildren, and brag about my great achievements to the old guys."

Qin Yuanqing smiled.

Not only Zhang Tianqin is retiring this year, but Yang Liwei is also retiring. He originally wanted to retire a few years ago, but was later retained by the "Double Ring Space Station" project department to continue to shine. But now he is 71 years old and his body cannot bear it. In the early years, training conditions were not as good as now, which resulted in a serious physical deficit. If I hadn't been conditioning my body over the years, I would have been unable to bear it long ago.

The retirement ceremony of the Tiangong space station is also the retirement ceremony of Yang Liwei, the first and second batch of astronauts, and represents the farewell to an era of China Aerospace.

Like all walks of life, the aerospace field cannot withstand the erosion of time. When the time comes, you have to quit because your physical condition does not allow you to quit even if you don’t want to.

This is especially true for the early batch of astronauts. In their early years, no matter the dietary conditions, accommodation conditions, training conditions, or medical conditions, they were incomparable with those later. The words "hard work" may seem simple, but in fact, they are incomparable. How many tears it represents and how much it costs is unimaginable to ordinary people.

It is the efforts of one generation after another that make China what it is today. He also always believes that each generation in China is better than the previous generation. If the next generation cannot compare with the previous generation, doesn’t it mean that the previous generation is too weak and the people they cultivated are too weak? Batch waste?

That night, Qin Yuanqing returned to the room with a complicated mood. Qin Yuanqing, who rarely suffered from insomnia, suffered from insomnia this night.

Before he knew it, he was 46 years old. It turned out that he was not young anymore!

In the past few years, the major restructuring of Chinese universities and colleges has lasted for three years before it gradually came to an end. After the adjustment, the universities were completely different. Many unnecessary majors in science and engineering universities were split, and only science and engineering majors were retained. All students will be transferred to other schools. Normal colleges and universities have also been reorganized and reorganized to focus on their own fields. Art schools have also been reorganized, and many confusing majors have been axed.

Famous universities such as Shuimu were severely damaged. Shuimu alone was split into ten independent universities. Many departments were spun off and either established separate universities or merged into other universities. Only science and engineering were retained and became a veritable science and engineering department. University. Yanda is no exception, and has not escaped the major adjustment of departments.

This major adjustment of departments is not over yet, and it is estimated that it will take another two years to be truly completed.

Through the major adjustment of colleges and universities across the country, the distribution of colleges and universities across the country has become even. Although some places are still particularly strong, they are much better than before. Many schools and enterprises were completely reorganized in this major adjustment, making schools Purely becoming school.

Generally speaking, in this round of major adjustments to colleges and universities across the country, the three northeastern provinces and the central and western regions have benefited the most.

On the morning of the fifth day, I did not go out to visit the company, but came to an aerospace command center located in Chang'an City. This command center was also directly connected to the Beijing Command Center through the Internet. At this time, the Tiangong No. 'Space station decommissioning ceremony.

As China's first space station, the Tiangong space station has a milestone significance. It is precisely this significance that after it has been in service for 10 years, its service time has been repeatedly delayed and repaired for another three years. It has now been in service for 16 years. After 20 years, it is time for it to be retired.

Everyone in the delegation focused their attention on the big screen in the command center. Although they could watch the live broadcast, many things in the live broadcast could not be seen.

I saw that in space at this time, astronauts were packing the equipment and instruments in the Tiangong space station. Although these equipment and instruments are no longer advanced, they still contain high technical content. Even if China cannot use it, It cannot fall into the hands of other parties, and it can be entered into the museum to educate future generations even if it is not used.

When everything was taken care of, the astronauts left the Tiangong space station and entered the transport space plane.

Seven 'Shenlong' aerospace planes and two 'Dapeng' aerospace planes were all surrounding the 'Tiangong' space station at this moment. The astronauts saluted to the 'Tiangong' space station with a 'salute' and said goodbye. Looking at his partner.

At this time, the music melody of "Dongfanghong" sounded from the Tiangong space station, which made people's memories travel through time and space back to April 24, 1970, when our country successfully launched my country's first man-made satellite "Dongfanghong", which opened the The beginning of China’s aerospace era. It has been 66 years now, time and space are confused, 66 years of ups and downs, 66 years, China Aerospace has taken on a new look, and even the Tiangong space station is about to be retired.

At this time, above the 'Tiangong' space station was a much larger space station. The astronauts on the space station all got out of the cabin one after another and saluted the 'Tiangong' space station. The decommissioning ceremony is also the torch handover ceremony. The space age has officially entered the "Double-ring Space Station" era from the "Tiangong" space station era.

The fire and fire are passed down from generation to generation!

Subsequently, under the control of the ground command center, the 'Tiangong' space station began to disintegrate, forming the core cabin, cargo cabin, experimental cabin and other parts, and then began to change orbit and fall towards the earth. Each cabin entered the atmosphere, and the high-speed movement produced The friction caused these cabins to burst into flames, and the equipment and instruments installed outside would burn.

When it reaches a certain height from the ground, it starts to open the parachute to slow down.

At first, the decommissioning plan for the Tiangong space station was to let it crash into the Pacific Ocean. But later, the astronauts had feelings that they couldn't let go of. They jointly expressed their opinions several times, and finally made the decision to let the Tiangong space station fall into the Pacific Ocean after conducting demonstrations and extensive solicitation of opinions. It fell to the grassland, was transported to the museum for assembly, and became a collection of the museum as a treasure of aerospace education.

Including the previously packaged instruments and equipment, they will eventually be transported to Earth and reinstalled into the Tiangong space station.

The Russian Space Agency delegation looked at the decommissioning ceremony of the Tiangong space station with shocked expressions. They knew exactly what this meant. The successful recovery of the space station alone means that China is not only unique in the world in the launch process, but also in the spacecraft recovery process. It has also broken through the ceiling of world aerospace technology.

Why did the space stations built before eventually choose to crash into the ocean? It was because it was very difficult to accurately control the landing point. If there was a slight deviation, it would not be just a capsule, but powerful missiles, which would cause huge damage. casualties and property damage.

So they don't dare to take this risk. Even though they all know that retired space stations also have strong collection value, no one chooses to fall to the earth in the end. They all choose the uninhabited ocean. Anyway, the ocean is so vast, and the most... It is safe, and there is no fear of being salvaged, because normally it sinks into the ocean, and it is not easy to salvage it at such a deep depth.

Not to mention that the two sides are beginning to prepare to enter negotiations, and the hot news today is none other than the decommissioning ceremony of the Tiangong space station. This decommissioning ceremony was full of ceremony and moved countless people to tears.

But just when everyone thought that the decommissioning ceremony of the Tiangong space station was over, the live broadcast turned to the retirement ceremony of the first and second batch of Chinese astronauts. This batch of astronauts were already gray-haired and no longer what they thought. Each of the astronauts who represents the spirit of spaceflight is an old man, but these grandfathers are all grandfathers. When they retired, when the host read out their retirement speeches, tears filled their faces one by one. They worked hard. They have lived, struggled, and gone all out. They have made outstanding contributions to China's aerospace industry, and now they have officially bid farewell to their status as astronauts. Maybe they will appear on TV in the future, but they are no longer astronauts, they are just conducting A lover of aerospace publicity and aerospace education, or a 'Chinese former astronaut'!

It was also at this moment that time seemed to return to 9:00 Beijing time on October 15, 2003. Yang Liwei, as China's first manned astronaut, faced the unknown and huge dangers ahead, and entered the Shenzhou 5 spacecraft without hesitation, successfully completing the mission. He successfully completed China's manned space mission, greatly boosting national self-confidence and national cohesion, and became a national hero in the minds of the people across the country. I will also never forget the figures of Shenzhou 6, Shenzhou 7, Shenzhou 9 and the Shenzhou series of manned spaceflights.

Unknowingly, the Shenzhou manned spacecraft has withdrawn from the stage of history, and China's manned space flight has changed from the Shenzhou manned spacecraft to an aerospace aircraft, just like today's firewood.

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