Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 694 Impact (please subscribe for monthly tickets)

Aerospace aircraft assembly plant

This is the first time that the aerospace aircraft assembly plant has welcomed foreign guests since its establishment. In the past, no matter who they were, no matter how good the relationship was, their application to visit the aerospace aircraft production was declined!

But the first day of the trip is to visit the aerospace aircraft assembly plant.

This aerospace aircraft assembly plant, after several expansions, has covered an area of ​​more than 10,000 acres. It is very large. There is a runway that belongs to the assembly plant, and there is also a control tower. Many materials, devices, and components are not It is transported by bus or train, but directly transported by helicopter or transport aircraft.

For the current stage of aerospace aircraft manufacturing, efficiency is higher than cost, and efficiency always comes first.

"This is Yang Yue, the head of the aerospace aircraft manufacturing and assembly plant. He will explain something about the manufacturing of aerospace aircraft!" Zhang Tianqin introduced with a smile.

The visiting group consisted of one hundred people, and the welcoming group also reached 50 people. The entire team of 150 people seemed very large, and the transportation was directly by bus.

The experts on the Russian Space Agency's delegation all looked shocked. They all knew that China had a place specializing in the production of aerospace aircraft. However, because China used special technology to shield the entire factory, even satellite surveillance was required to monitor the factory. If not, no photos can be taken. As for various reconnaissance planes and drones, they will be shot down if they cross the airspace.

Then Yang Yue led everyone to a huge factory. Seeing this factory, everyone in the Russian Space Agency delegation was shocked beyond measure, because this factory was even larger than the factory where they produced the Buran space shuttle, and was different from the factory where they produced the Buran space shuttle. At the same time, the factory was very clean. Everyone had to change into special clothes when entering to prevent dust, viruses, and static electricity. In the factory, they not only saw engineers working on the engines, but also a large number of robots. Although everyone knew, Robots have become a general trend, but robots are more commonly used in some common industries. In such high-tech industries, I have never seen any company use robots.

At the assembly plant, four Shenlong aerospace planes are being assembled!

These experts were like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden. They looked around curiously, with shock in their eyes. When they saw the aerospace plane, they couldn't wait to enter it and experience it.

Especially Andrei, the chief engineer of the Russian Space Agency, was so surprised that his jaw dropped to the ground. None of them knew the specific itinerary of the visit, because it was arranged by CNSA. He did not expect that the first stop of the visit arranged by CNSA would be the production of aerospace aircraft.

"Yang, I would like to ask, is this model of aerospace plane equipped with weapons?" Andre couldn't help but ask.

Yang Yue hesitated for a moment and looked at Zhang Tianqin and Qin Yuanqing. Qin Yuanqing and Zhang Tianqin nodded slightly and said that they could answer directly. Anyway, at this point, what is important is to show strength and use huge strength to get the Russian Space Agency to agree to cooperate, and it has arrived. Now, many things that originally needed to be kept secret no longer need to be kept secret.

Because many military experts have decrypted the "Shenlong" aerospace plane quite a bit. They all know that it is extremely simple to carry missiles and nuclear weapons on the "Shenlong" aerospace plane, because of the load capacity of the "Shenlong" aerospace plane. It's very impressive, and it couldn't be easier to carry twenty or thirty warheads.

It is precisely for this reason that the 'Shenlong' aerospace plane is like the Sword of Damocles hanging above the head, making all parties dare not move tampering no matter what the circumstances, because no one knows that the evil one No matter what the rabbit will do, the key is for everyone to make a small amount of money together safely.

Now that he finally saw the aerospace plane in person, Andre, as an aerospace expert, couldn't help but ask. Several experts related to weapon systems couldn't help but look forward to it, wanting to be confirmed positively.

"Of course, this 'Shenlong' aerospace plane is a standard combat aircraft. Its mission is to fight, just like a fighter jet of a military aircraft!" Yang Yue said.

After receiving a positive answer, many people looked shocked. They speculated on one side, but were personally confirmed on the other side.

Yang Yue didn't explain much. For this kind of thing, if the guests ask, they will answer. If they don't ask, they won't answer.

"Everyone, now we have 7 'Shenlong' aerospace aircraft in service. Needless to say, its superior performance, any advanced fourth-generation aircraft is less than one-tenth of it!" Qin Yuanqing smiled lightly: "Although it is still It has not been used in actual combat, but there is no doubt about its power!"

Yes, up to now, 7 Shenlong aerospace planes have been put into service. The powerful space force has also brought strong confidence, making CNSA's cooperation invitation attitude more and more tough every time, and the pressure it exerts is also increasing. , so the Russian Space Agency overcame many obstacles to form this delegation.

The guests all showed shocked and complicated expressions. For various reasons, their most advanced fifth-generation fighter jets had just completed mass production and been equipped with troops in large quantities. The powerful performance of the fifth-generation fighter jets made them extremely proud. There are three countries in the world that can develop fifth-generation fighter jets.

But I didn't expect that I would already fall behind as soon as I started equipping myself!

A more powerful aerospace aircraft has only been successfully developed by China. They and the United States are still in the technical research stage. There is no controllable nuclear fusion miniaturization technology, no anti-gravity technology, and no advanced electric propulsion technology. Airplanes were out of the question.

An aerospace plane may seem like just an aerospace plane, but behind it is actually a collection of advanced technologies involving all aspects.

Anyone with some knowledge will not refute Qin Yuanqing's words, because the normal cruising speed of aerospace aircraft is faster than missiles, and they do not require aerial refueling. They truly have all-weather and all-round combat effectiveness.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Yue took them into a basically completed 'Shenlong' aerospace plane. When they saw the aerospace plane's sci-fi-like equipment, everyone felt very complicated.

But their shock was not over yet. In the afternoon, they visited the 'Dapeng' aerospace aircraft. The huge 'Dapeng' aerospace aircraft gave everyone a stronger impact. A basically completed A 300-ton transport aerospace aircraft and a 500-ton transport aerospace aircraft that are almost completed.

The huge body is no worse than the An-225 'Dream' transport aircraft, but the load capacity is far beyond that of the An-225 'Dream' transport aircraft.

Looking at the shockingly huge space of the 500-ton transport aerospace aircraft, no one doubts that such a huge cabin volume can easily carry 2,000 passengers, which means that China has the ability to transport more than 2,000 passengers at a time The arrival of astronauts on the moon also means that China actually has the ability to develop the moon.

At this time, they finally understood why China was also carrying out the 'Moon Base' plan when it was developing the 'Double Ring Space Station', and both were progressing very quickly. It was not because China was arrogant, but because China had the ability. .

That night, when having dinner, although Qin Yuanqing and others greeted the guests enthusiastically, Andre and others faced the delicious food on the table, but they didn't eat very well, and they were still thinking about the sky in their minds. airplane.

This was only the first day of the visit, but it gave them a huge impact. This impact was on the soul and deep in the heart. They were proud of the 'Buran' space shuttle and the An-225' The Dream Giant Transport Aircraft is insignificant in this respect. This huge gap is like comparing the current aircraft to the aircraft during World War II. There is no comparison at all.

It was also at this time that they finally understood why China's large air force was no longer expanding in size. It only eliminated second-generation and second-and-a-half-generation aircraft and retired third-generation aircraft that had reached the end of their service life. The reason is simple. Because of its aerospace aircraft, China no longer needs to expand the size of its air force. This has ensured that China's air power has always been in the first echelon in the world.

"It turns out that the gap is already so big that even if you want to catch up, you can't catch up. The gap is as big as the modern world compared to the world during World War I and World War II!" Andre had trouble sleeping that night. He admitted that he was shocked. The impact of the aerospace plane was all in his mind. He had to admit that what he saw today alone put the Russian aerospace industry far behind.

"Perhaps, the only consolation that is worth it is that China has proved that that path is right! Those who buried that great country with their own hands were wrong. They are the puppet masters of the times!" Andre laughed at himself. He was muttering to himself, but his eyes were already shedding tears, as if he heard the high-spirited soldiers singing "Katyusha" passing by in front of him. It's a pity that that great country will never come back!

That night, Andre was not the only one who couldn't sleep. Except for a few big-hearted people in the Russian Space Agency delegation, everyone had insomnia. Without personal experience, you will never know the opportunity of the aerospace plane, and you will never understand the two sides. There is a generational gap, and this huge gap is simply unbridgeable.

As for Perelman, after taking a shower, he lay down and fell asleep, snoring. He was one of the very few people in the delegation who could fall asleep. To Perelman, he was just a mathematician. He did what he should do as a Russian. He is not an engineer, he cannot solve the technical problems directly, and he does not understand the greatness of engineering.

The professional thing is, leave it to the professionals!

He only gave advice on math, and he was an old guy at almost 70 years old. He did everything he could, he gave it his all, and no one who gives it his all would have any problems. Pity, regret.

The ruthlessness of the years has made Perelman feel that his thinking has been running very slowly, like an old computer that is always stuck, and the computing speed is so anxious. He knew that he had already half-stepped his feet into the soil, and he would go to those old friends and discuss mathematics in front of God.

It is gradually coming to an end and is about to enter the Great Nirvana Volume. Although I don’t know if you will like it or not, I feel that I should still write it down to see if I can explore the corresponding possibilities.

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