Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 689 Tsunami-like Storm (First update, please recommend monthly tickets)

A tsunami-like storm was brewing in Shuimu and exploded.

In an interview with the media, someone openly accused Qin Yuanqing of being a scholar of the new era. The scholars of the old era have been overthrown, and the scholars of the new era have dominated Chinese academia for more than 20 years, turning academia into a He has lost his sphere of influence and has become a talking point. As long as his students or friends are easy to publish papers, have good professional titles, and are even rated as outstanding young people, Yangtze Scholars, and academicians, people who have nothing to do with him or have opinions about him People can only endure hardship until retirement.

The leaders of the school accused this academic behavior of seriously hindering the development of Huaxia academics and seriously hindering the development of Huaxia science, causing Huaxia science to hesitate to move forward. Moreover, during the interview, the leaders of the school reported Qin Yuanqing in real name, accusing Qin Yuanqing of openly taking advantage of the school and taking the scientific research structure as his own during his tenure in Shuimu. This kind of misappropriation of property is shameful and criminal.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused a big stir. In addition, many professors came out to criticize Qin Yuanqing and leaked what they saw and heard. They believed that this academic behavior seriously damaged the development of China's universities and caused huge losses to China. .

In addition, driven by caring people, a group of keyboard warriors who were accustomed to key politics were filled with indignation. They did not verify or investigate anything, and directly wrote long articles full of criticism and accusations, joining in the blatant The crusade against Qin, Yuan and Qing.

"I can't believe that in this era, there are still academic circles. This kind of overbearing behavior has simply turned academics into a one-word hall. We must use our actions to tell academic circles, academic circles, that times are different, and people's legs We have already stood up, we are born free, who can be above us?"

"I have always been super disgusted with Qin Yuanqing. When I took the college entrance examination, he was the leader of the college entrance examination question group. The test questions turned out to be very difficult. Are you sick? This is the college entrance examination. It is for high school students. Such difficult questions are asked. Are you torturing candidates to highlight their talents? The college entrance examination scores of all of us in that session dropped a lot, and I was forced to work at the construction site. From then on, I could only work hard at the bottom moving bricks."

". Huge news broke. During his time at Shuimu, Qin Yuanqing openly had an affair with a female colleague and used nepotism. Look, this is Xu Jiayi, the former head of Shuimu. When Xu Jiayi was 27 years old, he was recruited by Qin Yuanqing into his laboratory after graduating and became his adopted child. Canary, Qin Yuanqing was promoted step by step in Shuimu, and Xu Jiayi was also promoted step by step. A woman in her thirties actually became the deputy dean and dean of a research institute. The key is that she is not in this major, but in financial accounting, which is equivalent to a layperson. He is an expert in leadership. Finally, he was promoted by Qin Yuanqing to become the vice principal of Shuimu. Later, Qin Yuanqing left the position of head of Shuimu and pushed Xu Jiayi to the position of head of Shuimu."

"I have long seen that there is something hugely fishy here. A freshman who has just entered the school has just entered school. Others are ignorant in the first semester of their freshman year and are still familiar with the university environment. As a result, he directly graduated from the university with a bachelor's degree and obtained a master's degree in water and wood." degree, doctorate, and was hired as Professor Shuimu. This seemed fishy and problematic. Then, driven by the forces behind it, he became the youngest academician at the age of 20 and an academician of both academies. Behind this There must be a powerful force that will support a strict investigation to the end, make the truth known to the public, and bring clarity to everyone, and we will not give up until the academic faction is overthrown!"

"It's too dark. Originally, I respected Qin Yuanqing very much. I thought he was a great scholar and great scientist. I also used his deeds to teach my children at home and let them study hard. I didn't expect him to be such a person. It's so dark. It’s too many to write down, I’m very angry, let’s unite together and defeat the academic clique.”

"The majestic world's number one school, the pride in the hearts of countless Chinese people, actually contains a bottomless dark world. In this dark world, it is full of ugliness and lies. Is this still our pride? What an ugly world. The ditch is a hopeless stagnant water!”


Keyboard warriors have appeared simultaneously since the emergence of the Chinese Internet. In the past thirty years of the 21st century, they have never disappeared. In the past, people thought that the quality of netizens was too low, and later they thought it was erosion, and then they thought this was It's because of the lack of relevant laws that this place has become a lawless place.

The fact is that China is the freest country in the world. With freedom of speech, you will not be killed by society. There are various platforms for you to speak out. As long as you do not commit crimes, no one can make you lose your right to speak, although I disagree. point of view, but I will defend to the death your right to speak. At the same time, it also shows that China is too big and there are too many people. The same rice can support hundreds of people. The forest is so big that there are all kinds of people.

Although the criticism of Qin suddenly became violent and thunderous, you must know that there have always been many people who support Qin Yuanqing.

"Open your eyes and take a look. Academician Qin Yuanqing has donated more than 700 billion yuan to charity in the past 20 years. Shuimu University alone has received more than 50 billion yuan in donations. He is an ignorant white-eyed wolf. Without Qin Yuanqing, how would he be today? Mizuki? Look at how much honor he has brought to Mizuki, I really feel for him!"

"Haha~~ Let me tell you a joke, Qin Yuanqing loves money as much as his life~~ Sure enough, there are always some people who are born with white-eyed wolves and cannot be raised well no matter how hard they are raised. I really feel for Academician Qin!"

"Once upon a time, I thought that no one would waste money without conscience. Now it seems that people's hearts are always complicated. Some people's hearts are dark. I really want to dig out his heart and see how dark his heart is. , He can make people like Academician Qin black, doesn’t he know that the only thing in this world that can make him black is the sun?”

"Puff~~~ I couldn't help laughing. The big devil has hindered the academic development of China and hindered the development of science. China's science and technology is hesitant. Who is shouting every day, please go slower, etc. Your people~~~Who are weeping every day, those born in the 80s and 90s have been abandoned by the times and fallen behind? Yesterday they were shouting that science is advancing by leaps and bounds and social development is changing with each passing day. Today they are criticizing China’s inadequate development planning~~~So it’s good words You have said bad things, you are already invincible, you are indeed an old double standard, slap the right cheek with your left hand, slap the left cheek with your right~~~ People who are shameless are invincible!"

"I think this society is so chilling. People who work silently and carry forward with heavy burdens are always moving forward, while bad people sit back and enjoy the gains and say some weird things!"

"Haha, is the Great Demon King greedy for money? Is the Great Demon King controlled by Yu Jie? Look at the rich flowers in the world. Even though he is over forty years old, he is still as beautiful as a flower. He has a lovely wife and can still taste the fragrance of wild flowers? It seems that some people If your heart is really too dark, use your dark heart to speculate on the bright people!"

"Scholars~~~ This word is used well. Let us count the titles that Academician Qin has won. He is a three-time Fields Medal winner, forcing Academician Qin to withdraw from participating in the Fields Medal for the development of young people; the Nobel Prize In addition to the rubbish Peace Prize, there are also literature prizes and economics prizes. He has won them all. He is soft-hearted and does not want to take them. The people under him have given birth to more than 20 Nobel Prize winners so far! Domestic honors , I don’t even bother to win science awards at the municipal and provincial levels. I have won all the national awards, so many that I am not even familiar with them. I have received all the lifetime honorary awards except for the ancient awards~~~ This kind of scholar is very good and powerful. I like it very much and support you!"

"My conscience has really been eaten by dogs. Look at how many tricks he has conquered in his laboratory. He is behind all the tricks that make people laugh when they hear about leukemia, AIDS, cancer, etc. He can't save many lives." No matter how many people he knows, it turns out that just a short time ago, some people are slandering him. Sure enough, you can’t be too conscientious in life. Good people don’t live long, and harm will last for thousands of years! The wisdom of our ancestors is really more and more admirable!"

“Come, come, come, support the relevant departments to investigate everything, not only the big devil, but also those people to see who is innocent and who is dark~~~ It’s ridiculous, so ridiculous! "


These comments in support of Qin Yuanqing were not only made by netizens, but also many professors, researchers, university leaders, and even many academicians who were usually unknown also jumped out to give Qin Yuanqing strong support!

" @Qin Yuanqing, Professor Qin, I welcome you on behalf of Zhejiang University. When you come, I will be your best brother!" Internet expert Tao Zhexuan posted a message immediately, and then mocked that group of people.

" @Qin Yuanqing, teacher, I will always support you!" Qin Yuanqing's students stood up one by one to support Qin Yuanqing. They had studied under Qin Yuanqing for several years and knew Qin Yuanqing very well.


In less than a day, public opinion turned around. The pro-Qin faction directly overwhelmed the anti-Qin faction with a crushing attitude. Even if the anti-Qin faction invited naval troops, they were unable to reverse the situation.

And in the center of this tsunami-like storm, Qin Yuanqing looked at the rising wind and clouds with ridicule. Looking at the gathering of the tsunami-like storm, he saw clown-like people jumping out one after another, showing off their ugly materials. Lian Boren smiled. Neither can be done. A group of old people and young people, a group of people who only know how to fight for power and gain, are nothing more than a group of clowns.

Qin Yuanqing did not intervene. Otherwise, if the "Double Ring Space Station" project headquarters issued a document, it could be easily quelled. Even if the big stick is waved, many people will be punished. But Qin Yuanqing didn't, he just looked at it, looking at who was behind the scenes who just couldn't see his kindness, and seeing how many people he blocked the way.

Monsters and ghosts are dancing wildly. They usually hide in the darkness and no one knows who they are. But at this time, everything will be very clear. Only when the monsters and ghosts come out can they be cut out in one fell swoop and let the world have more sunshine.

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