Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 686 Rejuvenation? (Please subscribe, please vote)

"The vital characteristics have returned to normal, breathing, heartbeat, blood pressure, and temperature are normal!"

"The concentration of life energy in the green liquid decreases slowly!"

"Cell activity detection, the enhancement trend is slowing down!"


Data came to Qin Yuanqing one by one. Qin Yuanqing breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the data. Today is the sixth day. No abnormalities occurred. It was so smooth.

According to the current situation, just as originally simulated, the seventh day will end. The aging cells are activated and quickly absorb the life energy in the green liquid to replenish their own energy. Under such a fierce and rapid reaction, the living body Metamorphosis is also taking place. This change starts from genes, then is reflected in cells, and cells are reflected in organs, skin, bones, etc.

The valuable data accumulated in this process will make a huge contribution to future experiments.

Of course, Qin Yuanqing knew that at this point, there would be no surprises. From the very beginning, he injected the 'delayed aging' gene agent to rapidly stimulate the cells. The cells were like dry sponges, constantly absorbing energy from the outside world. At that time, every 6 hours The concentration of life energy will drop to the warning line, and life energy must be replenished immediately. But now, the life energy consumption in 12 hours is less than a quarter of the life energy consumption in the previous 6 hours, indicating that the cells have received enough life energy replenishment. , now starting to gradually become saturated.

"It's amazing. High blood pressure has completely disappeared. The heart rate, heartbeat intensity, breathing intensity, and body temperature are all the same as those of a 30-year-old body at its peak. I really feel like a child again." Yan Ning marveled.

At the beginning, although Qin Yuanqing came up with the 'delayed aging' genetic medicine, as Qin Yuanqing said, those were based on theoretical analysis and there were no clinical trials. The specific situation was not clear at all, both in terms of effects and risks. , not sure.

From being frightened on the first day to witnessing the miracle in person, Yan Ning could only describe her inner feelings as wonder and shock.

You will never understand the huge impact that a phenomenon that violates the basic laws of life will have on a life scientist's values, cognition, and worldview. But it has already appeared, and you have to accept it.

"The anti-aging gene medicine does not mean that people delay aging, but rather regains a short period of youth. Although theoretically speaking, if the anti-aging gene medicine is enough, it can even keep people young until their life span. It's the limit. Unfortunately, human genes are too fragile. One injection of 'delayed aging' gene medicine is the limit. One more injection will have basically no effect." Qin Yuanqing smiled lightly: "Unless life technology has made great progress in the future. Progress can fundamentally resolve the conflict between external and internal factors, so that human genes will not produce rejection and resistance."

Speaking of this, Qin Yuanqing couldn't help but shake his head slightly. It would be difficult to achieve this situation even if humans were given another hundred or even two hundred years.

In one hundred or two hundred years, it will be a good situation for human beings to be able to understand and develop the relevant theories of Qin, Yuan and Qing in this field.

It takes a very long time from the creation of a theory to its actual development. Just like Qin Yuanqing solved a series of world problems in the field of mathematics, there are almost no people in related fields who have really studied it thoroughly. This requires workers to continue to study and research, and then based on it, new results can be born.

When Einstein proposed the theory of relativity, it was so great that it broke new ground. It left aside the classical mechanical system and was generally recognized by the theoretical physics community during Einstein's lifetime. However, it was not until almost a hundred years after Einstein's death that this year , there are very few people in the world who understand the theory of relativity. Even professors in the field of theoretical physics may not really understand the theory of relativity.

The same principle exists in the quantum field. The quantum field has been continuously developed and improved for more than a hundred years since its establishment more than a hundred years ago. It is only in the past ten years that it has truly exerted huge economic and social benefits. Quantum computers, Quantum communication and so on have truly made their debut, profoundly changing the entire world and playing a huge role in various fields.

For example, in the fields of dark matter and black holes, from their creation to their gradual improvement, even though Qin Yuanqing proposed a conch physical model that had no place for dark matter and black holes, which dealt a heavy blow to the fields of dark matter and black holes, experts in related fields did not agree and insisted on dark matter and black holes. A series of theories in the field are correct, and they even spent a lot of money to study them. After ten years of resistance, because they could not produce strong evidence, they had to surrender and throw the theory of dark matter and black holes into hell. From then on, dark matter , Black holes only exist in science fiction works, and they are rarely seen in the mainstream.

Time passed bit by bit, and finally it came to the seventh day. On the seventh day, the life energy consumption in the green liquid was almost a straight line, which meant that the consumption of life energy was very small, and more of it was actually the living body maintaining life. required consumption.

Breathing, temperature, blood pressure, etc. are all normal and there are no major fluctuations.

"Boss, all the indicators are now normal. There is no doubt that the experiment was successful." Yan Ning said excitedly. At this point, it can be said that the experiment was very successful. There were no heart-wrenching abnormalities or changes. Everything went smoothly. outrageous.

"Then let's get started!" Qin Yuanqing was completely relaxed at this time. In the past seven days, in order to give Yan Ning and others sufficient confidence, Qin Yuanqing had been acting calm, confident, and calm, but in fact Qin Yuanqing still had a lot of pressure in his heart. This was really too special. One bad move would cause huge turbulence and even interrupt the entire social trend. There is no doubt that this loss is not one trillion or ten trillion. Yuan can be compared.

Although the dean has already arranged the work before entering the laboratory, and even if the worst situation occurs, there will be corresponding measures, but you must know that there is a saying that people are not as good as God, even if Zhuge Kongming always does his best and obeys fate. No one can really predict what will happen in just a few days.

In essence, everything in this world is changing, change is the law, and immutability is relative!

What's more, this involves the most complex human heart in the world. Even quantum computers have developed second-generation quantum computers, but even quantum computers cannot calculate the human heart, which shows how complex the human heart is.

Many experts in the field of artificial intelligence have determined that artificial intelligence cannot truly replace people. Even if artificial intelligence is combined with robots and has a body, it still has no soul and no human heart. In the final analysis, it is essentially a program. No matter how complicated the program, no matter how complex the program is, Even advanced ones cannot construct souls and human hearts.

Because even humans do not understand the soul or the human heart.

Since ancient times, sages and sages have all been lonely. They understand the heaven and the earth but cannot understand the human heart.

As Qin Yuanqing pressed the button, the green liquid was immediately drawn out, and then clean water sprayed out to wash away some impurities on the dean's body.

During the experiment, not only the living body absorbs life energy, but at the same time, the living body also emits various impurities and toxins when it is reborn. This is a change of life, and in this process, it is mutual. In this sense, a person is the purest when he is born, whether it is soul or body. As you grow up, absorb all kinds of knowledge, and see all kinds of things, your soul and heart will become complicated. The body, on the other hand, keeps eating and growing. It seems to be growing stronger, but in fact it keeps accumulating impurities and toxins. In a sense, human aging is also caused by the accumulation of impurities and toxins to a certain extent, and the body becomes sick.

For example, their life capsule is equipped with various monitoring equipment, part of which is to monitor the amount of impurities and toxins to accumulate data for future research.

When everything was settled, the life module hatch opened.

Dean's originally full head of white hair has now returned to black. The wrinkles on his skin have disappeared and his skin has regained its luster. The original age spots miraculously disappeared. All the fat on his body has disappeared, and now he is as healthy as a thirty-year-old young man!

"Dean, how do you feel? Is there anything uncomfortable?" Qin Yuanqing asked quickly.

"It's very good. There is no discomfort. I feel that my body is very relaxed and energetic. I haven't had this experience for a long time. I feel that I have become very young now. Even if I work overtime for three days and three nights, it is not the same." It happened!" The dean said with joy on his face: "Except for the numbness and itching during the process, as if there were countless ants crawling and biting on the body, which made people uncomfortable, everything else was fine. Even in the past two days, I feel very comfortable”

The dean couldn't help but talk more, talking about the process experience during the experiment, and Qin Yuanqing and others listened attentively. This will be a huge valuable asset. Computer simulation cannot simulate the life of a living body. experience during the cabin experiment.

"Now, I feel better than ever before. It seems like I am dreaming back to the 1980s. My presbyopia is gone. My eyesight has improved and I can see things clearly! My memory has also improved. Now, I remember all the things I forgot before." He said with a bright smile on his face, talking about his current experience.

Money cannot buy time!

This is absolutely true!

For world-class rich people and people who have reached a certain level of status, the most precious money in the world is not other things, but time!

Once upon a time, when the aliens were on the first show, they said that if possible, they would give me 20 years of youth, and I would be willing to use my wealth to exchange for it!

Maybe many people would laugh and say that they would not blush even if they lied, but who would really think that maybe he was telling the truth?

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