In July 2032, the atmosphere of the Summer Olympics was very strong, and the focus of the media was on the Greater Bay Area Summer Olympics.

In just one year, 10 large-scale modern stadiums were built, allowing people to see that the "infrastructure mania" will never fade. China has used its actions to show that even if it is an emergency, even if it only gives China one year, China will It is still capable of building 10 large-scale modern stadiums in a short period of time, and the facilities of the stadiums have all reached world-class standards.

In less than a year, the Chinese Olympic Organizing Committee has recruited 20,000 volunteers and invested 3,000 robots to serve the Greater Bay Area Olympics.

Qin Yuanqing naturally did not miss the Olympics that happened at home. He went to the Olympics and witnessed his children winning Grand Slams. In the past Olympic cycle, they did not let any championship slip away from their hands, showing their strong dominance. force.

In this Olympic Games, Chinese Olympic athletes won 60 gold medals, ranking first in both the gold medal list and the medal list.

But during the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games, Qin Yuanqing was in the laboratory, looking at the 20 genetic medicines produced. These 20 genetic medicines were the 'delayed aging' genetic medicines that Qin Yuanqing spent a huge amount of money on. As the name suggests, Taking this genetic medicine can greatly delay aging and extend the aging time to 90 to 100 years old.

"Dean, I need to report to you in person!" Qin Yuanqing personally called the dean at the end of the Olympic Games closing ceremony.

"Academician Qin, this way, I will return to the capital in the evening, and you will come to my office at ten o'clock tomorrow." The dean replied.

After Qin Yuanqing hung up the phone, he took a deep breath.

The cost of this 'delayed aging' gene potion is as high as 300 million yuan, which can be said to be extremely expensive. Qin Yuanqing spent a lot of effort to come up with such 20 gene potions. Naturally, how to use the gene potion is also on the table. problem on.

Qin Yuanqing was naturally eager to give the genetic medicine to his parents. Since his parents were old, not only physically, but also in soul. This genetic medicine was useful for the body, but it had no effect on the soul.

Therefore, these 20 genetic medicines need to be used by those who still have high spirits but are aging physically. Moreover, these genetic medicines are difficult and expensive to manufacture. They are still laboratory products. Unless the cost is greatly reduced and the output is greatly increased, they will not be used. It is destined to be impossible to popularize it. After all, only a very small number of people are qualified to use this genetic medicine.

As for who should use the genetic medicine, this is not decided by Qin Yuanqing, but needs to be decided by the dean.

And although genetic medicines have been created, they have not been used so far. It is still unclear how effective they are and whether there are any side effects. Everything is based on Qin Yuanqing's own theoretical analysis. When it comes to practical application, Qin Yuanqing cannot guarantee 100% effect, nor can he guarantee that there will be no side effects.

After putting 20 genetic medicines into the lockbox, Qin Yuanqing contacted the security department and requested the highest level of protection measures for himself.

As for security measures, Qin Yuanqing's usual security level is S level. Unless it is an extremely special moment, it will be upgraded to the highest level, SSS level.

Twenty minutes later, when Qin Yuanqing walked out of the laboratory, there were already two teams of soldiers wearing black special service equipment waiting outside the laboratory. There were 20 soldiers in each team, a total of 40 soldiers. Each one was fully armed, and the weapons they held were not ordinary. Guns, but laser guns.

"Academician Qin, according to your request, you will be given SSS-level protection next. This is the secret box you want!" This time the person in charge of security solemnly saluted Qin Yuanqing, and then took out a polished black metal Box, this metal box is specially built. Even if it is thrown into the center of a nuclear bomb explosion, it will be difficult to destroy it unless there is a password!

Qin Yuanqing entered his face and fingerprints, and then performed DNA authentication. After passing the authentication, the person in charge took out the special key and inserted it into one of the two key holes. With a click, the pillars around the box rose, and a line was immediately formed on the center line on the surface of the box. The cracks then slowly spread to both sides.

Qin Yuanqing put the secret box in his hand into the box, then closed the box and pulled out the key. The key was kept by the person in charge.

After the key is pulled out of this secret box, the corresponding keyhole can no longer be used. It can only be opened after reaching the destination, using both keys at the same time, and passing Qin Yuanqing's authentication.

Such a long-winded procedure is to ensure that nothing goes wrong. Even if the enemy gets the box at all costs, it will not be able to obtain it.

The security chief took out a pair of special handcuffs from behind, handcuffed one to the handle post on the side of the box, and handcuffed the other to his own wrist with a clean and neat movement.

With SSS-level security measures, Qin Yuanqing did not go home at all. Instead, he went to an underground room on Chang'an Street. This room was prepared for special times. Even if a nuclear war broke out, he could be transferred to this place for reception. Come down to work instead of being beheaded.

"The genes of turtles, snakes, crocodiles, tigers and other animals may be inherently stronger. Starting from them, we will eventually get something." Qin Yuanqing was in the room, closing his eyes slightly to rest, his mind running fast.

This 'delayed aging' genetic medicine is made from the essence extracted from the blood of ten kinds of animals, including turtles, snakes, crocodiles, and tigers, and special substances extracted from precious medicinal materials such as Millennium Ginseng and Millennium Snow Lotus. .

A 'delayed aging' genetic medicine seems to be a very small amount, less than 100ml, but it contains a huge amount of life essence, which can be easily absorbed by human cells, thus replenishing the aging of cells and reactivating human cells. , so that the human body can be greatly supplemented with vitality, which can truly delay aging.

It is precisely because the raw materials for making the 'delayed aging' genetic medicine are rare and the manufacturing process is quite complicated that so much money was spent to produce 20 'delayed aging' genetic medicines.

"From a time scale perspective, the limit of human lifespan is decreasing, the human body is gradually degenerating, and the degree of brain development is increasing. It stands to reason that modern society has more material and is exercising, so this should not happen." Qin Yuanqing had a question in his mind, and that was about human beings themselves.

It stands to reason that the degeneration of the Y chromosome will lead to the weakening of male characteristics and the decrease in the proportion of males. However, from a time scale, the degeneration of the Y chromosome was not obvious in 2000, which means that the male characteristics are weakened and the proportion of males is reduced. It won't weaken so significantly. But the reality is that men's fertility has been greatly reduced now. In the past, men with three wives and four concubines could easily give birth to ten or eight children, but now this is no longer possible. Many are even infertile, and the phenomenon of effeminacy in society has It is becoming more and more obvious that many boys even dress up as girls. If they are more cruel, they even go to Thailand and transform into beautiful women in a few months.

In addition, the lifespan limit has been theoretically reduced by 5 years. In ancient times, old generals could ride horses and shoot arrows to fight. But now, once they reach 60 years old, they are obviously getting older. Let alone riding horses and shooting arrows to fight, even in the park. I get out of breath when I walk a little faster.

Of course, a very obvious change is that the degree of human brain development is improving.

"Could it be that in ancient times there was some special energy like 'spiritual energy' in the world, so there were qi practitioners? But later this special energy disappeared, and the qi practitioners also disappeared. Even the ancient martial arts declined, and now they are all Are there no powerful boxers?" Qin Yuanqing thought.

Ordinary people can only understand some superficial things, and what they can know is actually very limited. But Qin Yuanqing is different. Qin Yuanqing's identity is destined to let him know a lot of things. For example, he learned that in ancient times, there were many things that everyone now knows. For example, during the development of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin, there has always been a doubt as to why the excavation is not continued. The superficial explanation is that the technology is not up to standard, and continuing the method will cause the oxidation of ancient cultural relics. In order to protect the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin, , so we will continue to develop the Mausoleum of the First Emperor for the time being. And you need to know that with current technology, how to avoid oxidation, just isolate the entire place and pump out oxygen.

The fact is that there is a dragon-like creature in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor. This creature is very similar to the dragon recorded in history books. However, because they cannot be solved for the time being, no further excavations have been conducted.

Also, when we were in Mawangdui, the corpses were intact at first, without any decay. This cannot be explained by modern science. However, a strange stone carving was discovered in Mawangdui. The life carved in the stone carvings is today's. What animals don't have is that this creature is very powerful. Therefore, life scientists have speculated that the blood of this creature may keep the corpse from decaying for two to three thousand years.

Of course, all this has long since disappeared in the long river of history, and no one knows what the truth is.

But there is a consensus that the human body is becoming weak. This is not personal, but refers to the overall trend, which is gradually becoming weak.

For example, when practicing boxing in the same way, at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, there were many masters of Chinese martial arts, and there were not even a hundred but eighty who could be named. That period was called the "Golden Age of Chinese martial arts", but now there is not even a single master of Huajin among all the boxers in the country. , according to Qin Yuanqing's understanding, the boxer with the highest level of cultivation is the master of Anjin, and there are only three left. And this makes no sense. Today's nutrition level is far higher than in ancient times, and the facilities and conditions are also far beyond that. As a result, the number of masters is decreasing.

It's a pity that Qin Yuanqing is extremely intelligent. So far, Qin Yuanqing can't come up with a reasonable idea to explain these unknowns. He can't travel through time and space to see the truth of history. Maybe all of this requires human beings to keep moving forward to know more.

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