Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 679 Stuck in the Neck (Third update completed, please vote for me)

The saddest thing in this world is not that your opponent has surpassed you, but that you have thought about it and prepared your PPT. However, before you take action, your opponent is the first to implement your PPT, leaving you behind. Looking back, I was stunned.

Super large space station. As early as the millennium, when the International Space Station was being built, NASA proposed a plan for a super large space station. It was ambitious to build a super large space station in space to explore space technology and Other disciplines of science, they even proposed that this super large space station can accommodate hundreds of scientists working on it.

Unfortunately, after the International Space Station was decommissioned, NASA could no longer convince other partners to build this large-scale super-large space station. Then when they saw CNSA proposing a 'double-ring space station', they thought CNSA was joking at first because they didn't have it. In this area of ​​technology, CNSA does not have a super-heavy launch vehicle, and it is fighting alone. It is impossible to build a 'double-ring space station'. As a result, under their dumbfounding, China's aerospace technology has made rapid progress, and then in 2030, the 'double-ring space station' will be built. The station has ended the technical demonstration stage and entered the construction stage. In less than half a year of the first year, CNSA has built a space station larger than the International Space Station.

NASA is not without ideas for aerospace planes. They have already carried out several plans and allocated funds for research. Unfortunately, they have been stuck on PPT and have not made further progress because aerospace planes are too expensive, and at that time, they felt that space was too expensive. It’s not worth investing so much without getting enough return. As a result, China took out its aerospace plane, and when the aerospace plane's first flight was broadcast live around the world, NASA was dumbfounded.

For the lunar orbiting space station, NASA proposed the "Gate to Deep Space" early on, and also made great efforts to win over the Russian Space Agency, prompting both parties to issue a joint statement and jointly carry out the "Gate to Deep Space" plan. However, the plan could not keep up with the changes, and in the fierce competition Under the current international situation, both sides are too insignificant to continue the 'Gate to Deep Space'. But now China is going to build an orbital space station. It was announced on the same day that it will be carried out on the same day. The speed is staggering.

It’s not that NASA hasn’t studied and judged the development trend of aerospace, and has considered everything that should be considered, but it has yet to advance to the substantive stage.

Ordinary people think that the 'Double Ring Space Station' is just a super large space station one size larger than the International Space Station, but they don't know that it looks like a rabbit and is harmless and looks so cute and charming. In fact, it is a belly. Once the black rabbit shows its fangs, the bald eagle will also be torn into countless pieces by this black-bellied rabbit.

That can lock space and make them lose the space age. They can only play under the atmosphere. They occupy the commanding heights and can hit you whenever they want.

The Lunar Orbital Space Station is not just a space station, it means locking up the moon. It is not surprising at all to say that the moon is officially declared to be owned by him. It's okay if people don't show their fangs normally. Once they show their fangs, they can easily kill you. of spacecraft destroyed.

Yes, as senior experts in the aerospace field, they know very well what the lunar orbiting space station means. It means that NASA has lost the right to freely travel to and from the moon. As long as the CNSA issues a policy, you have to implement it obediently. Be obedient and don't even want to go. Once you go, you'll be like a dog and you'll never come back.

They have done this kind of thing on the ocean many times. They will directly detain you by force. Once the GPS is turned off, you will have to stay still and unable to move. No matter how wronged you are, you will have to swallow it. Protests are useless.

Above the moon, there was a pitch-black night, and the icy silence was broken by faint arcs of light.

A silver-white space plane, like a silver shuttle coming from deep space, smoothly completed the orbit switch and slowly merged into the 127-minute orbit.

All operations are done in one go, without any sloppiness.

"Jingcheng, Jingcheng, this is Dapeng. We have entered the 127-minute orbit of the moon. Please give us instructions!" Sun Fei, the commander of the Dapeng aerospace plane, reported to the ground command center.

This is not his first space mission. In fact, this is his third space mission since the launch of the Dapeng space plane.

"Dapeng, this is the capital. Please carry out the mission as planned and release the space capsule in 30 minutes!" An instruction came from the ground command center.

"Dapeng received it!" Fei replied.

Then preparations for the mission began. In addition to its own 7 astronauts, this time the 'Dapeng' space plane will be accompanied by 20 astronauts. They will be escorted by the 'Dapeng' space plane to the 'Moon Base' , at the same time, five astronauts will also have their vacation time, and they will leave the "Moon Base" and return to Earth on the "Dapeng" space plane to start their vacation time.

When twenty minutes are up, the two space capsules are released from the aerospace aircraft 10 minutes apart. Then, under the operation of engineers, they will be connected step by step. The entire connection process will last two hours to complete.

The three engineers controlled the connection of the two core cabins through the control system of the 'Dapeng' aerospace aircraft. This is a very precise job and cannot make mistakes. If there is an error, it may take several hours to complete, or if it is serious, it will take several hours. After a violent collision, both core capsules were destroyed and had to be rebuilt and re-delivered.

In the past, engineers could not go to space, because engineers' normal bodies were very ordinary and could not withstand the pressure on the body during rocket launch, as well as the terrifying pressure of the return capsule returning to earth, so engineers could only stay on earth.

But since the birth of anti-gravity technology, this is no longer a problem, and it has become commonplace for engineers to go to space to perform missions.

Even on the 'Moon Base', there are 10 people who are not astronauts but pure engineers, participating in the construction of the 'Moon Base'.

The construction of the lunar orbiting space station is not in the form of live broadcast, so other space agencies can only use their own methods to explore.

And just when the 'Dapeng' aerospace plane released the two core modules, several major aerospace agencies monitored it. There is no doubt that this means that China has basically succeeded. Now it depends on whether the two core modules can be spliced ​​together. success.

Regarding this point, in fact, not many institutions would doubt that China's technology in this area is the first in the world. It has been carried out countless times. Successful connection is not news, but unsuccessful connection is big news.

"Fuck, why don't you just hit the moon!" Thomas said a typical Chinese curse when he saw this scene. His face was not good-looking. He wished that the CNSA's aerospace plane would plunge directly into the moon, so that his life would be easy. I can feel relieved.

Now that the core module has been separated successfully, it means that his life will be difficult again.

When the two space capsules were successfully connected, the conference room was completely silent. There was no applause, no cheers, no cheers, only the cries of some aerospace experts.


Really lost!

The opponent didn't give them any chance at all, and didn't leave them any chance to breathe. Although there was no scolding or arrogance, they pressed harder and harder, leaving them with no room to speak of. This is a real killing blow, leaving them defenseless.

Once upon a time, they held the space age in their hands. They were high-spirited, scolded Fang Qiu, and pointed the country, as if the space age was in their hands. They were arrogant and looked down upon the world. They even said, "Even if we wait for 100 years, no one can catch up." We have great words, but who knows, just a few years ago, they have all been defeated.

They have lost the commanding heights. The commanding heights are in the hands of their opponents. Let them live or die. They are simply being strangled by the neck. As long as they resist the hand holding their neck and exert force, they will be twisted. Breaking the neck leads to immediate death.

It's a pity that no matter how many tears there are, it's useless. The world is so cruel and no one will sympathize with tears. Even the Chinese people have long understood that there are no tears in Moscow!

I don’t know how many people would have thought that when their great opponents failed to land on the moon several times, would they be like them now, howling and crying, seeing themselves completely defeated, and despairing of having no hope?

And at that time, they were enjoying the cigar of victory!

"These old people are really annoying. They are so old and they are still occupying the pit!" Thomas looked at the crying old men in the conference room, frowned slightly, and muttered to himself.

Thomas is very unhappy with these old experts, because these old experts always go to the media for interviews, and even go on TV stations, and then they criticize NASA in various ways and expose various inside stories of NASA. You say you The revelation revealed that NASA had nothing to do with him before, but he didn't expect these old experts to criticize and criticize Thomas. For example, they criticized Thomas for not understanding the aerospace field and being unsuitable for the position of NASA director. For example, he criticized Thomas for being nepotistic, rejecting dissidents, etc., which made Thomas very unhappy.

In Thomas' opinion, all these old guys should be swept away from the prison. He doesn't really believe that these old guys are fine, but they haven't been caught yet.

When Thomas sees CNSA building a lunar orbiting space station, he will feel that external public opinion will put pressure on him. He has no idea what this means. When he sees that the earth is so big and the moon is so big, all countries can be allowed to develop fairly. In the aerospace competition, competition is the driving force for progress.

He doesn't know at all that once the 'Double Ring Space Station' and 'Lunar Orbital Space Station' are completed, it means that people can lock down the entire space. If someone chokes you, whether you can breathe or not depends on their mood.

Unfortunately, no matter how unhappy Thomas is, no matter how heavy-hearted and crying those aerospace experts are, it is useless no matter how loud they cry. They have no measures at all to stop CNSA from building a lunar orbiting space station, and they have no way to break the situation on their own.

The third update has been completed again. Please give me a monthly vote to encourage everyone. I also hope that everyone will support the original version!

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