Chapter 67 Number Theory

On Saturday, there was light snow falling in the sky.

Qin Yuanqing and others put on down jackets and looked handsome. Liu Feng and Zhang Jie each wore a suit.

In order to buy a suit, the two of them spent the whole morning shopping in the mall. They came back at two o'clock and even had a haircut. They looked much better than before.

Qin Yuanqing also rarely went to the library and read in the dormitory.

As December enters, exams for some courses have begun. Of course, Qin Yuanqing got full marks in the exams without exception, which made many classmates exclaim that they are abnormal.

The two dormitories finally met at the school gate. Qin Yuanqing took a look and found that the four girls on the other side were all pretty good-looking. They were all at the top of their department.

The little fat man's girlfriend is in great contrast to the little fat man. She is about 155cm tall and a thin girl.

Qin Yuanqing couldn't understand what the fat man's hobby was, but he liked such a thin girl.

As the middleman, the little fat man introduced both parties to each other.

The three girls all set their eyes on Qin Yuanqing with expressions of infatuation on their faces. Unfortunately, Qin Yuanqing was indifferent and greeted them with a smile. Zhang Jie and Liu Feng were so nervous that their palms were sweating.

I took two taxis and arrived at a shopping mall not far away.

It is said that it is a friendship, but it is actually not complicated. In a Western-style restaurant, everyone was talking and laughing. After all, except for the two of them, no one knew each other, and they never realized that getting to know each other requires a process.

After finishing the meal, he directly opened a private room on the 4th floor of the shopping mall, and then karaoke. Qin Yuanqing sang a song "Fireworks Easily Cold". As a result, waiters came to take a peek and cheered constantly. Qin Yuanqing was quite excited. Sorry, low-key, low-key!

Other girls also showed off their throats. Qin Yuanqing found that these four girls were good at singing. Even if the little fat guy looked away, they were all singing tender songs.

However, Liu Feng and Zhang Jie were the worst. They were tone-deaf and could only sing Xiao Qi Ge's songs. However, they had all kinds of broken voices. It was so miserable that they had to go to the toilet to draw circles.

Until about 11 o'clock, everyone was singing happily. Qin Yuanqing arranged a task. Each boy escorted a girl back, but this created opportunities for Liu Feng and Zhang Jie.

The little fat man heard Qin Yuanqing's arrangement, which was called wretched. The previous steps went smoothly, and tonight came the most critical step.

Qin Yuanqing also sent a girl back, but along the way he only talked about studying and taught the girl how to study, but there was no romance at all.

When Qin Yuanqing returned to the dormitory, he found that Liu Feng and Zhang Jie had not returned yet, and they didn't care. It would be best if they did not go back to the dormitory at night.

Qin Yuanqing picked up his cell phone and chatted with Jingtian. They talked more at night and rarely at other times.

At this time in the video, the young lady is basically wearing a facial mask. According to her, women should start taking care of themselves from a young age, so as not to become sallow at the age of thirty, and she plausibly uses Zhao Yazhi as a typical case.

Qin Yuanqing was also speechless. This White Lady really set a bad example and could be called an immortal goddess. She was already in her fifties, but she still looked as young as a woman in her thirties. Time seemed not to be with her very much. Act on the body.

I don't know if it was the magic book taught by Qin Yuanqing last night that had an effect, or what happened, but Zhang Jie and Liu Feng stayed up all night.

When Qin Yuanqing went out in the morning, he didn't see them.

Qin Yuanqing brought milk and bread and arrived at the library. Unfortunately, the library was not open yet, but there were already students outside the library reading in the morning. Some were memorizing English while others were reading. There is never a shortage of serious study here. people. Many students start preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination as early as their sophomore or junior years, and even graduate from their bachelor's degree early.

Although an undergraduate degree is a four-year program, it does not mean that you have to stay for four years to graduate. Many people finish their undergraduate majors early and apply for graduation early. As long as you complete the credits and pass the graduation defense, you can graduate.

Qin Yuanqing plunged into the Hailibong conjecture and studied number theory in depth. The hail conjecture belongs to the field of number theory. If number theory is not deep enough, it is impossible to solve the hail conjecture.

Number theory is one of the branches of pure mathematics. It mainly studies the properties of integers. The advanced number theory studied by Qin Yuanqing roughly included algebraic number theory, analytic number theory, computational number theory, etc.

The greatest development of number theory was from the 15th to 16th centuries to the 19th century. During these three hundred years, great mathematicians such as Fermat, Mersenne, Euler, Gauss, Legendre, Riemann, and Hilbert were born. These great mathematicians writers promoted the development of number theory.

Many famous conjectures were born at that time and have been left to the 20th century and even the 21st century. Some of them have not been solved even now. For example, the Riemann Hypothesis!

Elementary number theory mainly studies the integer theory and congruence theory of integer rings. Classic conclusions include the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, Euclid's proof of infinite prime numbers, the Chinese Remainder Theorem, Euler's theorem (a special case of which is Fermat's little theorem), Gauss's quadratic reciprocity law, the quotient-gauge theorem of the Pythagorean equation, the continued fraction solution method of the Pell equation, etc.

Analytical number theory uses calculus and complex analysis (i.e. complex functions) to study problems about integers. It can be mainly divided into two categories: multiplicative number theory and additive number theory. Multiplicative number theory explores the issue of prime number distribution by studying the properties of product generating functions. Among them, the prime number theorem and Dirichlet's theorem are the most famous classical results in this field. Additive number theory studies the possibility and representation of the additive decomposition of integers. The Waring problem is the most famous topic in this field. In addition to the circle method, sieve method, etc., analytical number theory methods also include modular form theory related to elliptic curves, etc.

Algebraic number theory extends the study of number theoretical properties of integer rings to more general integer rings, especially algebraic number fields.

Of course, there are also geometric number theory, computational number theory, combinatorial number theory, arithmetic algebraic geometry, etc. In particular, arithmetic algebraic geometry is the most profound and cutting-edge field in the development of number theory so far, and it can be said to be a master. It starts from the point of view of algebraic geometry and uses profound mathematical tools to study the properties of number theory.

For example, Wiles's proof of Fermat's conjecture is a classic example of arithmetic algebraic geometry. The entire proof used almost all the most profound theoretical tools at the time.

An important research guiding program in contemporary number theory is the famous Langlands program. With this contribution, Robert Langlands became a world-famous mathematician and won the Wolf Prize in Mathematics in 1996.

Qin Yuanqing plunged into the deep field of number theory and spent almost every day in the library. In addition to taking individual courses, he also read related number theory books and tools.

Many conjectures in number theory have been proven in the past. The most important value is not that the conjectures become theorems, but the tools and mathematical thinking used in the process.

On December 5, the latest issue of "Chronicles of Mathematics" was released. Qin Yuanqing's twin prime number conjecture paper was still on the first page. After it was spread back to China, it caused a carnival in the domestic traditional media.

In the past, the traditional media could only watch the online media bombarding it with envy. Now the paper is indeed confirmed, which also means that Qin Yuanqing has proved the twin prime conjecture, so why not brag about it.

"After proving Zhou's conjecture, two months later, Qin Yuanqing once again proved the twin prime conjecture!" "Journal of the Mathematical Society" reported this as the title, explaining the concept, development process and proof significance of twin prime numbers, and at the same time, Qin Yuanqing His status in the mathematics community was affirmed, using words like Qin Yuanqing, China's top mathematician, for the first time.

"Confirming two major mathematical conjectures, Qin Yuanqing answered Qian Xuesen's question with facts!" "China Youth Daily" reported this as a headline. Qian Xuesen is the father of China's missiles and a scientific master renowned at home and abroad. In 2005, Mr. Wen visited Qian Xuesen. Mr. Qian said with emotion: "None of the students we have trained for so many years has academic achievements that can match those of Qian Xuesen." Compared with the masters trained during the Republic of China." Then Mr. Qian asked: "Why can't our schools always cultivate outstanding talents?"

Then some people used this sentence to make a fuss, making various criticisms, ranging from major criticism to minor criticism, and then they wildly praised overseas.

This kind of criticism has even affected a generation. I don’t know how many college students have lost hope in China and gone to the paradise world.

In the future, many people will criticize the public for not coming back after studying abroad. We must also reflect on why the public knowledge market is so big and has such far-reaching influence. How many people have been deceived by public knowledge.

Many people are actually very unconfident in the public opinion environment created by public knowledge, and feel that European and American children are inherently smarter than Chinese children.

But in fact, Chinese people are the smartest, and Chinese people are also the most learned.

In the past, China was in an era of survival and food and clothing, and it was difficult to invest too much money in education. But now China has a lot of money per year, and naturally geniuses are constantly emerging.

This is the reason why the economic base determines the superstructure.

And now the emergence of Qin Yuanqing seems to be an answer to the old man's question of the century.

As a young man, Qin Yuanqing rose like the morning sun, shining brightly and dazzlingly.

If Qin Yuan cannot be regarded as an outstanding talent by continuously proving the world's mathematical problems, then who in the entire world can be called an outstanding talent?

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