Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 663 The curtain of the era

If they say you have weapons of mass destruction, you better have them!

If you don't, your end will be extremely miserable!

Facts have always shown this truth. In the past, China has continuously launched satellites into space, promoted the "Double Ring Space Station" project, and also launched the "Moon Base" plan. Various voices from overseas have appeared, and one of the mainstream voices is that of hardliners. , claiming to use force, use missiles to knock down the opponent's satellites, destroy the space station, and use missiles to attack the 'moon base', causing significant economic losses to the opponent.

Some hard-liners expressed a view that they would dispatch the space force to take the space station and the "moon base" as their own.

At that time, such tough voices kept appearing, and some even shouted to launch a war to eliminate the threat.

Unfortunately, the facts tell them, foreign adults, times have changed!

The great changes unseen in a century are not just talk.

One after another, advanced weapons and equipment appeared in weapons exhibitions. Advanced fighter planes became the most beautiful in the air show. The videos of fourth-generation fighters, strategic transport aircraft, and strategic bombers walking like elephants were so exciting. , missile formation, ballistic missile formation, tactical nuclear weapons formation, strategic nuclear weapons formation, like a sharp sword, exuding cold light.

And now, the Space Force has officially made its debut and officially entered the stage of history, which represents the leapfrog development of the Chinese military from the three services to the four services.

For a time, instead of making an uproar, the entire world's media fell into deathly silence.

The Pentagon, located in Arlington County, Virginia, southwest of Washington, is named after the building's pentagonal shape. A meeting was being held in a conference room at this time.

Everyone in the meeting looked at the video data. In the video data, there were both the Shenlong space plane and the space force, but what was indispensable was the laser weapon system shown in satellite images.

The scale of the ground-based laser weapon system is huge, which means that once it is built, it is difficult to escape the detection of satellites. Under the high resolution of satellites, and with the cooperation of professionals, it is easy to identify that it is a ground-based laser weapon system.

"Okay, guys, that's it. You can take a look at the information. What countermeasures should we take?" Johnson, the Pentagon's spokesperson, turned off the video, stood up, and looked around the conference room: " Seeing this, do you think our space weapons can defeat us in a crushing way?"

Johnson's voice was so deep that people couldn't help but feel their hearts beat when they heard it.

Johnson has never had a good day since he became the spokesman for the Pentagon. Johnson is very disdainful of all the clamoring voices in the country. He is very clear about the comparison of power between the two sides, so he has always been cautious in his statements. As a result That's why he was labeled a dove.

There was never a shortage of criticism against him.

But Johnson never changed, because he knew that if he followed the wishes of these hard-liners, it would not be a local war, but the situation would get out of control and evolve into a world war. In that case, it was not clear whether Kyushu would destroy Johnson. But he knew that it was certain that North America would be reduced to rubble and destroyed.

It seems that the United States still has hundreds of overseas military bases, but in fact these are already dominated by foreign powers. The current era is no longer 30 to 40 years ago.

It is no longer an era for them to hit whoever they want and bomb whomever they want.

After Johnson finished speaking, the entire conference room fell into deathly silence.

There are not generally hard-liners here, but they are different from laymen. They are all experts in the military field. They know very well what the information they just saw means. It means that the other side of the Pacific has become a hedgehog and has no way to start. It has abandoned the traditional missile defense system and switched to a ground-based laser defense system. The ten ground-based laser defense systems seem to have put a layer of solid armor on the land of Kyushu. It is estimated that neither aircraft nor missiles can threaten it. The other party.

Moreover, China has always been ahead of the world in laser weapons. Who knows whether this dark rabbit, who always pretends to be cute and silly, and occasionally shows its fangs, has mastered the miniaturization of laser weapons. If so, This means that all their missiles and aircraft have become targets and have lost their power.

Yes, they have space-based weapons and deploy weapons in space, but now that the space force has officially appeared on the other side of the Pacific, and considering the aerospace aircraft, there is no doubt that they also have space weapons and attack targets from space.

And their space-based weapons, to be honest, are no different from targets in front of China's laser weapons. It is estimated that if there is a conflict, all their satellites in space will become the first targets and be knocked out.

Why did they give up the Asia-Pacific strategy? It was not really for world peace, but they had to withdraw because they were powerless.

Johnson sighed inwardly when he saw this.

After two rounds of funding cuts and a storm, US military spending has dropped to US$500 billion, a full US$350 billion less than its peak of US$850 billion, equivalent to a 41.2% reduction.

The Pentagon is also powerless!

If not, there wouldn't have been a decent war in the past five years.

After the meeting, Johnson returned to his office. He sat on the chair in his office, closed his eyes, and thought silently, thinking about the current situation in the military field, thinking about the global situation, thinking about China's space force, and the future of China. What impact will it have on the current situation?

On the other hand, during the Chinese Lantern Festival, great news came out. CNSA and the European Space Agency have reached a cooperation. The two parties will carry out friendly cooperation, including allowing European astronauts to visit the space station and participate in lunar scientific research stations. Scientific research work, engaged in space exploration.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately aroused a great response. Although both parties promoted that this was a win-win cooperation, for the development of world aerospace, and for the peaceful use of space, everyone knows that the European Space Agency must have paid a huge price, otherwise CNSA Why should I take you flying and wave with you?

Looking at the countries that can ride on the CNSA's coattails, there is no doubt that they are all friendly countries. Both sides have long-standing and tested friends. Moreover, CNSA’s space station and lunar scientific research station are all in Chinese, which means that astronauts who want to participate in CNSA’s space station and scientific research station must learn Chinese.

But Chinese is not that easy to learn.

"How much did the European Space Agency pay to facilitate this cooperation negotiation?" The Times, a century-old newspaper, reported with this title, fully playing the role of a spoiler.

"The huge deterrent power of the Space Force is initially revealed!" The New York Times focused on the Space Force, viewing this as the impact of the official debut of the Chinese Space Force, and at the end expressed concern: "It depends on our Our allies are leaving us, and they are abandoning the democracy and freedom we have always shared."

Once upon a time, Europe and the United States were mentioned together, and the two were deeply bound together. Although their positions sometimes differed, and there were even wars of words from time to time, at critical moments, the positions of both sides were consistent. However, it was later discovered that the differences between Europe and the United States The differences are getting bigger and bigger, and now, as the European coalition continues to grow, there is already a big gap.

Europe is the Europe of Europeans. This sentence is always mentioned, and it is regarded as a clarion call that Europeans need to fully master their own orders.

Now, the European Space Agency has reached a cooperation with CNSA, which is even more worrying. Everyone knows that Europe must have paid a huge price for this, but the agreement has not been made explicit.

Although the European Space Agency stated that the two sides are mutually beneficial and win-win, seeking common ground while reserving differences, and working together to promote the development of human spaceflight. Although CNSA stated that CNSA has always adhered to an open and win-win mentality and welcomes all friendly countries. But everyone knows that this is not a matter of both parties working together. It is CNSA that pulls the European Space Agency to fly together. The European Space Agency must pay a huge price, otherwise how can it meet the standards of a 'friendly country'.

Qin Yuanqing looked at the dejected look of the European Space Agency Director Woerner, with the corner of his mouth slightly raised and a faint smile. These guys who kept struggling and wanted to show their arrogance finally understood what the general trend is and what the situation is. A strong person knows what it means to have an arm that cannot twist a thigh. In the face of absolute strength, all arrogant people are vulnerable.

If you still want to pay less and have sex for free, isn’t this thinking too much!

"A new era is gradually beginning. This era is after the Age of Discovery - the Space Age! The Space Age! The Interstellar Age!" Qin Yuanqing seemed to be able to see that the curtain of the era was opening, and this era brought The impact will far exceed that of the Age of Discovery. In this new era, the country or nation will not be the main body, but the earth will be the main body.

Of course, this great era will not happen overnight, and the integration of nations and the letting go of everything by each country will take time. It may take 50 years, it may take 100 years, it may take 200 years, but no matter what, this era will eventually When the time comes, anyone who dares to contend with the general trend of the times will eventually be crushed into pieces.

"The future is bright and the road is tortuous, but we will eventually win." Qin Yuanqing murmured to himself in a low voice. This is only the first step. The next step will be the Russian Space Agency. As long as the Russian Space Agency is included in the scope of cooperation, Then the overall situation has been decided. Even if NASA wants to resist and reverse the situation, the situation is already over and cannot reverse the situation.

For the Russian Space Agency, Qin Yuanqing is greedy, not for the equipment of the European Space Agency, but for its talents. There is a large group of outstanding talents there. These talents are extremely outstanding and can effectively supplement the shortcomings of CNSA. As long as they are recruited With this group of talents, many of Qin Yuanqing's ideas can be put forward, and the era can be pushed forward faster.

It's just that unlike the European Space Agency, the Russian Space Agency is not that simple or easy to get it to agree to cooperate!

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