Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 641 The complete success of the experiment

The United States, Russia, and Europe feel strange these days. They find that China's high-power lasers are fired a bit frequently these days.

Aren't you worried that your body won't be able to bear it?

Through monitoring and calculation, all parties have determined that China’s laser weapon is a powerful laser weapon with a power of more than 1 megawatt and an attack altitude of 1,000 kilometers.

Such a powerful power and attack range are enough to destroy most reconnaissance satellites and communication satellites. Just when they thought it was Space One of their satellites was destroyed by Chinese laser weapons.

Is it a laser weapon anti-ballistic missile test?

However, satellite reconnaissance showed that no ballistic missile was launched. All parties speculated, and the results were inconclusive. We can only find out more after the relevant Chinese departments make an announcement.

In fact, laser weapons are not unique to China. The United States, Europe, and Russia also have laser weapons. For example, the United States' powerful laser weapons used laser weapons to attack a low-orbit satellite at the Spark Optical Range in New Mexico in 2007. And now the United States has two ground-based laser anti-satellite weapons with calibers of 3.5 meters and 3.67 meters, with powers exceeding 1 megawatt, which is powerful enough to destroy military reconnaissance satellites in an orbit of 800 kilometers.

Russian laser weapons are also very advanced. There are many models. For example, one of the laser weapons is mounted on the chassis of various vehicles and is used to detect, track and destroy various drones within a range of 5 kilometers. It has been used many times In actual combat, very gratifying results have been achieved. There is also the airborne laser air defense and anti-missile weapon system ‘A-60’, which is specially designed to target spy satellites. There are also ground-based laser anti-satellite weapons with a power of more than 1 megawatt and can destroy military reconnaissance satellites in an orbit of 1,000 kilometers.

In Europe, several second-tier powers are also continuously investing in laser weapons, and they are not much weaker. For example, Germany has installed a laser weapon system on the Navy's F124 'Saxony' class frigate. For example, France conducted a laser weapon test two years ago and mistakenly destroyed 6 Space X satellites, causing Space X to continuously protest.

But everyone knows that China is the world leader in laser weapons. As early as 10 years ago, China was equipped with ground-based vehicle-mounted chemical laser weapons with a caliber of 0.6 meters and a power of 0.1 megawatts. Attack satellites in low orbits 600 kilometers away. There is also a laser weapon that is specially used as a ground-based vehicle-mounted weapon to intercept missiles. In fact, China has developed a "laser weapon" that is a big killer. The effective killing range reaches 30,000 kilometers and can instantly destroy a large satellite. It can directly burn through the thickened warhead of ballistic missiles, declaring that medium- and long-range missiles and intercontinental missiles are no longer threatening weapons.

At this time, when the outside world was speculating, China began to conduct the final stage of the experiment, which was the experiment of using the 'energy shield' to face the attack of a 2-megawatt laser weapon. Once this experiment is successful, it means that' The energy shield' will be able to withstand the most powerful laser weapons in the world.

In Long Province, the power of the No. 3 laser cannon was adjusted to the maximum, and a very thick laser was shot out, attacking the 'Experimenter' satellite.

At the same time, the ground command center was monitoring the satellite at all times. When it saw the laser attacking the satellite, the satellite was still operating normally.

At this time, the ground command center burst into warm applause and cheers. This represents the complete success of this 'energy shield' test, and means that in the future, whether it is a satellite or other spacecraft, the protection capabilities will be improved to a big level. .

The 2-megawatt laser weapon is now the most powerful laser weapon in the world, and only China has it. It will take at least 10 years for other countries to successfully develop a 2-megawatt laser weapon.

Qin Yuanqing received the news immediately. When he saw the good news, Qin Yuanqing smiled. He completed the space test of the 'energy shield' and passed the test, which means that the 'energy shield' device will be used in the future. On aerospace aircraft and future military satellites.

The military also attaches great importance to this 'energy shield' space test. After all, the Space Force is also a member of the military after it was established. This is related to future military theory and military changes. The new military system will They must be explored and tested one by one. This is undoubtedly what every military expert must pay attention to and study.

National defense construction has always been a top priority.

Without a strong national defense, no matter how well the economic construction is done, the fruits of economic construction will not be preserved and will be plundered by others. Look at each and every one of them that was once prosperous and included in the developed countries, but it turned out to be nothing in an instant, or It has been turned into ruins, people have been displaced, there are broken eaves and walls everywhere, or there is economic turmoil. Under the economic crisis, the currency has devalued dozens, hundreds, or thousands of times, and decades of hard work have been robbed.

This world has never been a peaceful and kind world, but a world full of cruel and bloody forest laws.

The law of the jungle has never changed.

The first application of these aerospace technologies will not be in the civilian field, but in the military field. It will not be applied to the civilian field until one day when it is almost ready.

This is true for new technologies such as controllable nuclear fusion miniaturization technology, anti-gravity technology, plasma engine technology, etc.

Quantum computers, artificial intelligence, etc. are all first used in the military field. Then, after military technicians have explored and established a safe system to ensure national defense security, they are then applied to the civilian field.

With the complete success of this test, after completing the inspection of the satellite and charging the battery, the satellite was put back into the predetermined orbit and used as a normal satellite. The aerospace plane, driven by the astronauts, returned to the earth's surface from space.

Next, before the final test of "manned moon landing", the aerospace plane will conduct four test missions. During this test flight, all 10 astronauts in the test flight group will be able to operate the aerospace plane. skills.

When the second space shuttle is completed and enters service, five of the astronauts will serve as the flight team of the second space shuttle. At the same time, 20 newly selected astronauts will enter the two space shuttles. aircraft, conduct practical operations and perform missions, thereby step by step cultivating astronauts with experience in entering space.

So far, in addition to the astronauts who have retreated to the second line, China has 45 astronauts who have entered space and performed space missions in space. This number far exceeds that of other countries, and as time goes by, The number of such astronauts will increase rapidly, and the aerospace team will usher in a blowout period.

On this day, Qin Yuanqing came to the Astronaut Training Center. Today, the Astronaut Training Center is conducting a selection competition to select outstanding astronauts for the construction of the 'Double Ring Space Station' in space next year. Although the 'Double Ring Space Station' is constructed using modular automation, But this does not mean that all construction can be completed by automated module construction without human participation. In fact, this is not the case. Astronauts are still required to participate in the construction process, and some astronauts even have to do it themselves.

After all, many jobs are simply difficult to do with robots, robotic arms, etc. Machines are always machines.

"Commander in chief, each of these young astronauts is much better than us old guys. They are full of personality and imagination, and have strong creativity. They think about possibilities, and they have a strong grasp of new knowledge. The acceptance ability is obviously stronger than that of the first-generation astronauts, the second-generation astronauts and the third-generation astronauts." Yang Liwei personally took Qin Yuanqing to watch the ongoing selection from a distance: "It is the fourth-generation astronauts. Their ability to accept new things is not as good as that of the fifth-generation astronauts!"

Qin Yuanqing picked up the telescope, looked at the astronauts undergoing training not far away, and nodded slightly.

After years of development, China's astronaut team has formed a very obvious echelon construction. Each generation of astronauts has clear boundaries. Each generation of astronauts has their own age background and unique characteristics.

For example, the current fifth generation of astronauts are all born after 2000. This group of post-00s lived in the era of China's economic boom and were well-nourished, so they all grew taller and taller than their predecessors. Physical fitness is also much better. Moreover, for this generation, when they were studying, mobile phones were very common, and computers were also very common. When they were in junior high school, smartphones were popular and tablet computers were not uncommon. They had a broader view of the world, and they had a wider understanding of the world. They are also very receptive and willing to accept new things, and even new ideas are always popping up in their heads.

Innovation is very vividly reflected in this generation.

The third generation of astronauts, Liu Yang and Wang Yaping, have gradually moved to the second line. In the future, they will also serve as commanders when entering space, and they will train the new generation of astronauts on the ground.

So far, in the next ten years, the fourth generation of astronauts will be the middle force and the main force in building space stations, while the fifth generation of astronauts will be the main force ten years from now.

Even at this time, the sixth generation of astronauts has begun to be launched, targeting those born after 10 years old, so that the aerospace team will continue to develop, continue to live, and spread forever.

Even Yang Liwei will retire in a few years. He will quit his main job and turn to consulting to continue to use his remaining energy.

This exactly embodies the saying that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves in front, and the waves in front die on the beach. The torrent of the times is always moving forward, and no one can resist the progress of the times.

Compared with before, the facilities of the astronaut training center have been greatly improved. Quantum computers, artificial intelligence, holographic projection technology, realistic simulation technology, etc. are all used in astronaut training. Also because of anti-gravity technology, astronauts The training center has a dedicated training cabin that simulates the space environment in all conditions.

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