Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 602 The second manned moon landing (2)

At the European Space Agency, the conference room seemed a bit depressing.

Wallner glanced at the entire conference room. The leaders and technical experts of the European Space Agency felt angry in their hearts.

Damn it, you guys are just talking. You are like an ostrich. Do you think this matter can be revealed without talking?

Ever since the Chinese Space Agency's first manned moon landing was successful, the European Space Agency has been facing a lot of pressure. Before, there was a tall man like NASA blocking the way. Anyway, the tall man would hold up when the sky fell.

But NASA also carried out a manned moon landing. Although everyone in the know knows that that manned moon landing was not a complete success, the problem is that most people are ordinary people. NASA claims that the manned moon landing was a complete success. , and no accidents involving the manned spacecraft were announced to the outside world. The outside world did not know at all that there were casualties in the astronauts.

As a result, the European Space Agency is facing increasing pressure, especially since China is now carrying out its second manned moon landing and the European Space Agency has not yet completed the manned moon landing. Naturally, the pressure instantly increased tenfold.

As the director of the European Space Agency, Wollner is naturally the one facing the most pressure among the European Space Agency.

When he thought about the miserable life he had lived in the past few years, Wollner became angry. He was always being made things difficult for outside, and although he was the director inside, he was useless. Carry out manned space missions to achieve a substantial breakthrough in European aerospace.

As a result, his group of people told him that the technical difficulty of manned spaceflight in space is similar to that of moon landing. Now everyone has limited manpower and is already very busy with manned moon landing in 2030. He really can’t spare time for manned spaceflight. space.

You tell him that working four or five hours a day is not enough, and he gets angry with you and accuses you of interfering with academic freedom and infringing on human rights. Then he threatened me that if I had to work overtime, I would quit my job and pay my severance pay!

As a result, Woerner was so angry that he always smashed things in his office, and after smashing things, he had to coax these uncles.

"Everyone, we are all in the same boat now. If the ship sinks, everyone will be unemployed. The unemployment rate is so high now. If you want to become a member of the unemployed army, you don't have to listen to me." Wallner After all, he was the first to speak: "Just last night, I was scolded severely. They have already said that if manned landing on the moon is not achieved, the European Space Agency's funding will be cut off, and the European Space Agency will completely become history."

"Shit, do those officials know what aerospace technology is? Aerospace technology is the most complex and demanding technology in the world. We started late and have insufficient funds. What we need is time. By 2030, we will have a manned moon landing. Time is very tight, what else do they want to do?”

"Cut the funding of the European Space Agency and disband the European Space Agency. They will make Europe lose the space age, just like it missed the Age of Discovery during the Age of Discovery. Europe will have no future at all. They are committing a crime against Europe."

"Those guys, they only have votes in their eyes, and they will do anything for the votes! Is aerospace technology just coming? They want to realize manned moon landing immediately, why not cooperate with CNSA, as long as CNSA agrees, Our European astronauts can take the CNSA spacecraft to the moon and realize their long-cherished wish to land on the moon."

"Why would we do this if we knew it earlier? In the past, we proposed to independently develop aerospace technology, but they said it was unnecessary. It would cause a huge waste of resources and is a crime against humanity. We must cooperate with NASA to build a space station. This is what we want to carry out. The Galileo project also failed to successfully establish the network due to insufficient funds. It missed the opportunity and gave up the market to the GPS global satellite navigation and Beidou global satellite navigation systems. Now our Galileo project has worked hard in the past few years and is almost completed. The network was online, but they interfered again. Give us another two years and we will be able to complete the global networking of the Galileo satellite navigation system. This will be a large market of more than 500 billion euros a year."


As soon as Wallner finished speaking, the conference room rang out with condemnation of those people, and everyone was filled with indignation and extremely angry.

To be honest, since the European Space Agency announced that it will carry out a manned moon landing in 2030, the biggest achievement so far is none other than the Galileo satellite navigation system. The global networking of the Galileo satellite navigation system is basically completed.

For this Galileo satellite navigation system, the European Space Agency even broke up with Space X and launched satellites one after another to hit the small satellites of the "Starlink Project". Space I still hold on, thinking that Space Amid roars and anger, Space X launched the satellite into the orbit originally occupied by the small satellites of the Starlink Project.

As for litigation, who is afraid of who?

The European Space Agency is shameless and is not afraid of Space X at all! Anyway, come to Europe, this is the headquarters of the European Space Agency, and space agencies around the world have been suffering from Space X for a long time. With the European Space Agency charging at the front, world public opinion is basically in favor of the European Space Agency and not good for Space

"Everyone, please stop arguing. Don't forget that Europe still has a 'Spiral 7-X'. Controlled nuclear fusion is also a super project. They are eager to get more funds. Some reports in recent years have shown that it is a controllable nuclear fusion project." The purpose of promoting the fusion project behind the scenes is to reduce space funding and increase funding for controllable nuclear fusion." Wallner said impatiently, the reason why these guys push the Galileo satellite navigation system is very simple. Those European communication giants are closely connected, and once the Galileo satellite navigation system is successfully networked globally and can provide global satellite navigation, these communication giants will receive huge returns, which is the most tangible benefit.

As for the manned moon landing, to be honest, even if it succeeds, the symbolic significance is greater than the practical significance, and there is no reward at all.

To put it most simply, manned landing on the moon will bring no tangible benefits!

And Wollner didn't stop him before. It's also because of this. If he wants to make a bigger impact in politics, he can't offend the communications giant. Otherwise, he will have no future, and it is unknown whether he can even work in the European Space Agency. thing.

"In controllable nuclear fusion, they were originally the world leader, but over the years they have been overtaken. China has mastered controllable nuclear fusion technology and has already built fusion nuclear power plants and is generating electricity. I heard that their electricity bills have been reduced. to one-third of the original amount. Anyway, we in Europe are not as good as them in fission nuclear power plants. We will just ask them to build fusion nuclear power plants. Why spend huge amounts of money on controllable nuclear fusion? This is a huge resource. Waste, these guys are wasting taxpayers’ money!”

"That's right, we used to say that nuclear power plants were unsafe and shut down most of the nuclear power plants in Europe. Anyway, we used to ask other people to help build nuclear power plants and let China build fusion nuclear power plants."


As soon as 'Helix Stone 7-X' was mentioned, these people became very angry, because in recent years, they have often criticized it in the media, and those in the controllable nuclear fusion project often said something to bring about the consequences. The European Space Agency is dead.

Wallner looked at the messy conference room and felt powerless. Is this how they can achieve a manned moon landing in 2030?

The Russian Space Agency is also holding a meeting at this time, and it had to hold this meeting because of China's second manned moon landing.

Unlike the European Space Agency, which is in chaos, the Russian Space Agency seems to have more needs. After all, the Russian Space Agency has always been a major force in the world's aerospace field, with extremely strong foundation and technology. The Russian Space Agency has a A batch of very outstanding aerospace engineers.

"China CNSA held a press conference yesterday to announce that they will carry out the second manned moon landing on December 31, 2027. I believe everyone already knows this news." Russian Space Agency Director Dmitry Rogozin He said in a deep voice: "Mr. Vladimir asked me to go to his office in the afternoon and report to him on the manned moon landing. Now let's talk about how the preparations are going."

"Three of the super-heavy rockets 'Angara' we have developed have been built. At the end of the month, a communication satellite, relay satellite, and probe will be launched to the moon, which will be carried." A white-haired old man, Said first.

The 'Angara' super-heavy rocket is the latest super-heavy rocket developed by the Russian Space Agency based on previous rocket technology. It is specially used for deep space flight exploration of the moon and Mars. Its carrying capacity reaches 200 tons.

Because the Russian Space Agency does not have enough funds, this 'Angara' super-heavy rocket is a cooperation with the third brother. The third brother invested 20 billion US dollars. Once the 'Angara' super-heavy rocket is successful, then the third brother can get 'Angara' super heavy launch vehicle technology.

"According to the plan, we will launch a manned spacecraft in March to send three astronauts to space." Then another gray-haired old man said.

The Russian Space Agency has advanced aerospace technology. As early as half a century ago, they sent astronauts into space and set a series of aerospace historical records.

"The space shuttle Buran has been rebuilt using the latest technology," said a person in charge of the space shuttle field.

Speaking of space shuttles, people always think of the American space shuttles. In fact, Russia's space shuttles are not weak, they are quite advanced, and the "Buran" space shuttle is one of them. Its take-off weight is 105 tons, its landing weight is 82 tons after return, and it can deliver 30 tons of cargo. In low-Earth orbit, it can transport 20 tons of cargo back to the ground. It can also carry 10 astronauts into space.

At the time of the International Space Station, astronauts traveled to and from space on the space shuttle Buran.

This shows how advanced the space shuttle Buran is.

"Ask Third Brother to increase investment, we can give them a place to go to space together next year." Dmitri said in a deep voice.

The Russian Space Agency has limited funds, but this does not prevent the Russian Space Agency from developing friendly cooperation with other space agencies.

Adhering to the historical and friendly cooperative relationship between the two parties, Roscosmos successfully reached cooperation with the Indian Space Research Organization and received a franchise fee of US$40 billion from the Indian Space Research Organization.

The Russian Space Agency can successfully carry out various space programs, which is inseparable from this large amount of space funds. Even their commercial satellite launches are all handed over to the Russian Space Agency, giving the Russian Space Agency a large amount of income.

But, it's not enough!

In order to obtain more funding from the Indian Space Research Organization, Roscosmos can even include an Indian astronaut in next year's manned space flight, thereby achieving a historic breakthrough for the Indian Space Research Organization.

Although the Indian Space Research Organization vowed to carry out a manned moon landing project at the beginning, it knew its own affairs and relied on its little financial resources to achieve manned moon landing. It was a complete dream. They even did not send astronauts into space. Less than.

Therefore, when the Russian Space Agency came to seek cooperation, the Indian Space Research Organization hit it off immediately, agreed very readily, and gave money very readily.

Even if they send astronauts to the Russian Space Agency to receive systematic training and pay high training fees, they don't feel bad at all.

Anyway, after being slaughtered so many times, they are used to it!

As long as you can achieve your goals, that’s it!

"I even told the Indian Space Research Organization that as long as they give another 50 billion US dollars, then in 2030 we can have one of their astronauts among the manned moon landings." In order to obtain more space funding, Dmitry , and no expense was spared.

The meeting lasted for two hours, and Dmitri basically understood the situation and felt confident.

At the Wenchang Launch Center in China, media have begun to come to the periphery of the Wenchang Launch Center. After all, as CNSA announced the second manned lunar landing project, this means that the hottest news in the world will be CNSA’s second manned moon landing project. Manned landing on the moon, as long as we are here, there will be no shortage of news material and news!

As December entered, reporters began to see that the huge Long March 15 carrier rocket began to appear on the rocket launcher, and even the 'Chang'e 2' spacecraft began to appear in sight, although it was far away The ground cannot be seen clearly, but it undoubtedly represents the popularity of the news.

The interest in the Chang'e 2 spacecraft is also rising, and it has quickly become a daily topic in society and around the world. More and more information about the second manned moon landing is being released.

For example, the astronauts of the Chang'e 2 spacecraft appeared at the Wenchang Launch Center, and some astronauts even accepted interviews from the media.

For example, the special report on the manned moon landing has become a fixed-time daily program for many media, and the ratings remain high, which shows that people have an instinctive desire to explore the stars.

With all the people participating in the discussion, time passed day by day, and unknowingly it was December 31, 2027, the last day of 2027.

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