Chapter 60 Aerospace

As Qin Yuanqing completed the proof of the twin prime conjecture, the system rewarded him with a mathematics level increase of one level, from level 12 to level 13, which means that he has become a mathematics professor and is an authoritative existence in the subject. He can serve as a mathematics professor in any prestigious school. Professors can take graduate students and master's students.

At least Qin Yuanqing has not won any major mathematics awards yet, but in the field of prime numbers, no mathematician in China can surpass him.

We can say without hesitation that in the field of prime numbers, Qin Yuanqing is now the number one person in China!

And his major, physics, was finally upgraded to level 11.

15,000 learning coins may seem like a lot, but China's heart disease, engine, and world-leading engine technology cost 30,000. His current learning coins are only half.

For example, the technology of the B2 bomber requires 40,000 learning coins to redeem. Even the slightly inferior White Swan bomber requires 35,000 learning coins.

There are also large transport aircraft technologies, which also cost tens of thousands of learning coins.

And even if he had enough study coins, Qin Yuanqing would not dare to hand them over directly after redeeming them, otherwise he would be arrested for slice research.

"The United States is indeed powerful, and there is nothing wrong with the world structure of one superpower and multiple powers!" Qin Yuanqing left the lecture hall and walked on the quiet path, feeling quite emotional.

The United States is the sole hegemon in the world today, with a substantial leading position in the economic, political, technological, and military fields.

For example, in the field of aircraft carriers, the United States has 12 aircraft carriers, which is more than the total number of aircraft carriers in other countries in the world, not to mention the advanced nature of the American aircraft carriers. The USS Ford aircraft carrier currently under construction costs US$13 billion and uses many high-tech technologies. Including integrated electric propulsion, electromagnetic catapult technology, etc., it is far ahead of the aircraft carriers of other countries.

For example, nuclear submarines are among the top ten nuclear submarines in the world. America's Virginia-class nuclear submarines, Seawolf-class nuclear submarines, and Los Angeles-class nuclear submarines are among them. The first two occupy the top two. Only Soviet nuclear submarines can threaten the United States.

For example, in the field of aircraft, the American F16, F18 and other fighter series are the most classic third-generation aircraft. They have shown extremely dazzling light in all wars. The B52 bomber was born in the 1950s and is still among the top bombers in the world. Killer weapon. The B2 bomber is the only stealth strategic bomber in the world today. Its combat range can reach 12,000 kilometers without refueling in the air, and it can reach 18,000 kilometers with one in-flight refueling, making the United States proudly claim to have 'global reach' and 'Global destruction' capability.

In contrast, although China's economy has developed rapidly in recent years and its national defense construction has also been rapid, it is more about making up for the lessons it has missed in the past. Whether it is air force, navy or army weapons and equipment, they are all far behind the United States.

Nowadays, China is known as the world's factory, with products made in China spread all over the world. However, in fact, China's industrial level is still at the level of middle school students, while in Europe and the United States, it is at the level of college students. There is still a big gap.

Of course, Huaxia Industry is known as the industrial crusher of developed countries, and it is not for nothing. Relying on economies of scale, cheap labor, and ultra-high cost performance, Huaxia Industry continues to crush those European and American factories, resulting in a large number of factories every year. Many European and American companies went bankrupt or could only transfer their factories to China.

The hollowing out of industry is not a conspiracy, but a necessity because it cannot compete in the international market.

"The road to China's rejuvenation is long and long, and I will search for it from top to bottom!" Qin Yuanqing's eyes became more determined.

Born in China and raised in China, China is his home and his root!

He will not immigrate to European and American countries. He will only serve the country, build China, and strive for the great rejuvenation of China.

On this day, after listening to the lecture, Qin Yuanqing rarely went to the library. Instead, he returned to his dormitory and turned on his computer. Qin Yuanqing received an email from the "Chronicle of Mathematics", which read: "Dear Mr. Qin, your paper has been If it passes the review, it will be published in the latest issue on December 5th!"

Qin Yuanqing smiled when he saw the email.

Although the email this time was slower than last time, there were responses from 6 reviewers, and each reviewer was full of praise.

Last time, there was only praise from Professor Deligne.

December 5th is only a few days away.

"Boss, what's the matter? You're smiling so happily!" The little fat man just returned to the dormitory and saw Qin Yuanqing smiling, and he was curious: "Is the goddess coming?"

Qin Yuanqing has basically been in the library every day since he registered as a freshman and will not leave until the library closes. He often returns to the dormitory at twelve o'clock in the evening. There are only a handful of times I have returned to my dormitory early.

"My paper has passed the review and will be published in the "Chronicle of Mathematics" in a few days!" Qin Yuanqing said with a smile.

He is very satisfied with the high efficiency of "Chronicles of Mathematics". You must know that these professional journals receive many papers every day, and many papers are published after a long time.

And his first paper, as well as this paper, were reviewed and published within a very short period of time, which is very rare.

""Chronicles of Mathematics"? Thesis?" The little fat man exclaimed: "Damn it, boss, you are playing Dafa! Why did you write another thesis? Are you going to graduate early!?"

"Notice, big news, big news! Qin Yuanqing, the master of our class, once again has a paper included in the "Chronicle of Mathematics"!" The little fat man picked up his phone and sent a message to the group.

Suddenly, the students who were still discussing the game and forming a CF team suddenly exploded.

"Little fat man, is what you said true?"

"Damn it, great god, please take off the knees of mortals!"

"Is it still a mathematical problem? Little fat boy, are you proving some mathematical problem? Find out quickly and give you a kiss!"

"Did I go to a fake university? At the same time, why am I still playing games while others already have two papers in hand (tears)"

"Long live the promised 60 points? (tears) I am really stupid and naive!"

The whole group exploded, and the little fat man smiled proudly.

I tell you to want to play games every day, I tell you to DNF and cheat, I call you DOTA to mock me, I tell you not to study hard, I torture you to death!

"Boss, which mathematical problem is this proof?" The little fat man asked Qin Yuanqing quickly.

Just now, his little girlfriend told him that as long as he found out the answer, they would go to a hotel outside to broaden their horizons together on the weekend.

Even though the little fat guy ended his single life early, after months of hard work and coaxing, he just couldn't take his little girlfriend to a hotel for a walk. On normal dates, he held hands and hugged her at most. As for now, I haven't even been able to get my first kiss.

And now, the opportunity has finally come.

The boss is indeed the boss, and the happiness of my little brother depends on you.

Qin Yuanqing didn't know about the little fat man, so he said nonchalantly: "Twin prime number conjecture, even if I tell you, you won't understand it."

Normally, when he heard Qin Yuanqing's words, the little fat man would definitely have suffered a 9999 critical hit, squatting in the corner and drawing circles and wiping his tears. But at this moment, it was like animal blood boiling. How could the little fat man think about this? He quickly sent it to his little girlfriend. , and send messages in the QQ group at the same time.

In modern society, news travels very quickly. Soon someone posted a message on major forums, and it spread like a gust of wind throughout Shuimu University, and then quickly spread across the country.

In fact, Qin Yuanqing is not an ordinary student. The heat will hardly dissipate before new heat is generated, one after another, never ending.

The Yanda Forum was very lively at this time, and the focus of the topic was Qin Yuanqing's proof of the twin prime conjecture.

"The twin prime conjecture has troubled the mathematical community for more than a hundred years. Since it was proposed in 1900, countless mathematicians have tried successively, but have failed to overcome this problem..." There are mathematics majors who want to popularize what twin prime numbers are. What is the twin prime conjecture and the difficulty of the twin prime conjecture and the significance of the proof.

“Damn it, great master, if you have conquered such a difficult math problem, wouldn’t that make me the number one person in Chinese mathematics world now!?”

"It's no good that I, Yan University, claim to be the number one in mathematics... Ugh, oh, shame!" A student from Yan University felt aggrieved when he thought about this period of time when Shui Mu moved him. After proving the twin prime conjecture, I suddenly felt sad and burst into tears!

"Don't cry~~~"

"The darkness will eventually dissipate, and the dawn will eventually come!"

Suddenly the forum went crazy!

As for the Shuimu Forum, there are all kinds of exclamations, praises, and blessings, revealing the pride of being a Shuimu person. Of course, there are exceptions, and that is the Department of Mathematics. From the Department of Mathematics to doctoral students and undergraduates, they suddenly felt unhappy after seeing the news.

Thinking about the teacher continuing to use Qin Yuanqing to flog them, thinking about the difficulty of the graduation thesis being invisibly increased, I suddenly felt like crying. Is this possible? Let no one live!

It would be easier for them if Qin Yuanqing was also a math major, but Qin Yuanqing was a physics major. This would not only be extremely harmful, but also extremely insulting.


Of course, other schools can only marvel. This is no longer a matter of one or ten steps ahead, but a hundred or a thousand steps ahead. They don't have anything, but only wonder and admiration, shouting loudly. ,666!

Qin Yuanqing, on the other hand, knew nothing about this. Today he had a rare video chat with Jingtian. The two of them no longer chat on QQ, but instead use WeChat.

Today, WeChat has nearly one million users, and its activity is far more active than QQ.

The young lady had a facial mask on her face, which made Qin Yuanqing dumbfounded. This woman's love for beauty is truly incredible.

The young lady became a trapeze artist during this period, sometimes in Pengcheng and sometimes in Yangcheng. . . . . . Today, they are in Shanghai, in a villa they bought.

The previous chapter needs to be revised.

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