Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 594 ‘Returner’ Spaceship

Xiao Sa then asked some questions, not limited to mathematics or physics. Qin Yuanqing also made simple statements in easy-to-understand language for the parts that he could answer.

It took an hour for the interview to be completed.

The completion of the interview does not mean that it can be broadcast. It also needs to be edited. After the editing is completed, it needs to be shown to Qin Yuanqing. After Qin Yuanqing feels that there is no problem and agrees to sign, the exclusive interview of this issue can be broadcast.

Due to a change in schedule, Qin Yuanqing's schedule became busy after attending the seven-day World Congress of Mathematicians to ensure that this year's work can be completed in order.

For example, the miniaturized 'Golden Crow Device' has been officially built and has entered the testing process to ensure that this 'Golden Crow Device' can still provide a steady stream of energy after being miniaturized. Unlike the 'Golden Crow Device' of the fusion nuclear power plant, miniaturization is better. The fuel used by the 'Golden Crow Device' is helium 3, which is mined from the lunar surface, and some helium 3 refined on the earth is used as a supplement.

On average, every two months, a probe goes to the moon base and returns to the Tiangong space station in Earth orbit with helium 3, which is then brought back by astronauts when they return to the earth's surface.

In the future, as the aerospace aircraft enters service, the cost of this speed will be greatly reduced. In a short period of time, relying on the rocket launch mode, even with rocket recycling technology, the overall cost is still relatively high.

The test location of the miniaturized 'Jinwu Device' was conducted directly at the aerospace center to test the stability and safety of the 'Jinwu Device', as well as control and deployment to a certain extent. After all, the first aerospace aircraft was actually There is no need for such a large energy output, which requires a control valve to control fuel combustion to save fuel and cause unnecessary waste.

The stability and safety of the device are also top priorities. After all, the most important thing for an aerospace aircraft is the energy core, which provides the energy for the entire aerospace aircraft, including the avionics system, including the anti-gravity device, including Plasma engines are powered by the miniaturized 'Golden Crow Device'.

The miniaturized magnetic fluid generator set was also installed in a 1:1 size aerospace aircraft model for testing under various conditions. The entire test will take almost half a year.

Not only the miniaturized 'Golden Crow Device' and the magnetic fluid generator set, but also the plasma engine and anti-gravity technology have been completed and entered the testing and inspection phase. Specialized technical teams are surrounding them, and sometimes even in order to obtain For a set of experimental data, it is normal to conduct experiments all night long until dawn.

Qin Yuanqing also became like an aerial expert, constantly flying around, participating in the entire testing process, and finding problems in time to solve them.

For example, the energy output control system of the miniaturized 'Golden Crow Device' was controlled by Qin Yuanqing's own program.

The aerospace aircraft is sprayed on the entire aircraft, and the avionics system is also installed according to the design. It can be said that only after the testing of several core components is completed, it can be installed on the aerospace aircraft, and then the entire aircraft can be inspected.

On December 25, 2026, the world's attention is not focused on Christmas, but on the Cape Canaveral launch site in the United States, because this Christmas, the United States will launch a super-heavy rocket to send the 'Re-entry' spacecraft The journey to the moon is different from the previous launch of the 'Pathfinder' probe. This time the 'Reentrant' spacecraft is to carry out a manned moon landing. There are a total of four astronauts who spend their time on the earth. After Christmas Eve, we will say goodbye to our confidence on Christmas Day and embark on the journey to the moon.

There are two major space launch centers in the United States, one is Cape Canaveral Launch Site and the other is Vandenberg Air Force Base. Cape Canaveral Launch Complex is located on the east coast, Florida. Cape Canaveral Vandenberg Air Force Base is located on the west coast, California.

The Cape Canaveral Launch Site is located between Jacksonville and Miami. It is a relatively remote place with sparsely populated areas, easy security, and good natural conditions. The launch site has a low dimension, and launching rockets eastward can take advantage of the additional speed of the Earth's rotation, which helps the spacecraft enter orbit.

The launch site was kicked out in June 1947. In 1950, it launched an A-4/WAC rocket for the first time. Since then, it has carried out many launches of launch vehicles, including the Atlas rocket, the Hercules rocket and the Astros- Spacecraft launch missions such as the Agena Rocket Scout rocket, Saturn 5 rocket, and Saturn 1B rocket have been launched from Cape Cape, including all U.S. launch missions to geosynchronous orbit. The Apollo spacecraft Skylab unmanned planets have also been launched from here. and interplanetary probe scientific weather communication satellites, etc.

Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that Kajiao is an important base for the pre-flight test assembly and launch of NASA's manned and unmanned spacecraft.

Qin Yuanqing was also watching the video in the CNSA Center Building. CNSA also attached great importance to America's manned moon landing. There were more than 200 experts in the aerospace field watching the live video in the conference room.

This time the American launch was not kept secret, but made public. Therefore, the world's major media went to the scene one after another. Satellites in the sky, scientific research ships at sea, and scientific research stations on the ground were mobilized to pay attention at all times. Card angle, observing NASA's launch mission.

As the time gets closer and closer, the astronauts of this manned moon landing began to set off. Unlike the solemnity and solemnity of the Chinese astronauts' departure ceremony, NASA astronauts were full of optimism and kept looking towards the people around them. They waved and even blew a kiss from the female astronaut.

The astronauts entering the spacecraft also means that the launch mission has entered a countdown. Time continues to pass, and finally there is a one-minute countdown.

"60, 59, 585, 4, 3, 2, 1!"


I saw the BFR rocket igniting and making a fierce sound, showing the powerful thrust of the BFR launch vehicle. Under the powerful thrust of the BFR rocket, it began to lift off!

At this moment, I don’t know how many people are praying in their hearts. The BFR rocket turns into a huge fire ball and they can enjoy the grand fireworks again.

The human heart is always so full of darkness and danger!

But we can also reflect a truth from it: there is much help in the right way and little help in the wrong way! If you commit too many sins, you will be surrounded by resentment and will always be cursed.

Unfortunately, this time the BFR rocket was successfully launched and did not turn into a ball of fire.

All over the United States, countless people cheered and celebrated.

Next, the 'Reentrant' spacecraft will first accelerate around the Earth's orbit. After accelerating to a certain speed, it will enter the Earth-Moon migration orbit, starting a long journey to the moon.

In space, China's satellites placed in orbit around the earth, between the earth and the moon, and in orbit around the moon are all aimed at the 'Returner' spacecraft, paying great attention to this 'Returner' spacecraft.

Qin Yuanqing did not stay at the CNSA center, but returned home. Regardless, Qin Yuanqing was also very concerned about the 'Reenter' spacecraft. When the 'Reentry' spacecraft chose the orbit angle, Qin Yuanqing knew which Earth-moon migration orbit was chosen by NASA. One thing, I also understood that the 'Returner' spacecraft still uses chemical propulsion means this time, rather than combining electric propulsion means.

Qin Yuanqing had to admit that the technology of the BFR rocket, which stood on the shoulders of giants, was indeed powerful to a certain extent.

However, the communication technology was stuck and delayed as always, which made Qin Yuanqing, who was used to a smooth communication system, frown and puzzled.

It stands to reason that with the communication technology of the United States, it may not be able to communicate as smoothly as China, but it can at least ensure that the communication delay is about 1 to 2 seconds. However, this delay is more than 3 seconds, even as the spacecraft As the distance from the earth gets farther and farther, the communication delay with the earth command center will extend longer, even reaching 5 seconds.

Regardless of this delay, communication technology is reflected in it.

In fact, Qin Yuanqing did not know that NASA was helpless in the manned moon landing project, because they found that such a manned moon landing would cost US$10 billion. If they continued to improve the communication level, at least more would be required. At about US$2 billion, the asking prices of those companies are not cheap!

NASA, however, does not have enough funds and cannot spend more money, so it can only make do with it!

This is purchasing power!

The cost is dozens of times that of a single launch for China's manned moon landing, but the results seem to be even worse.

There are many technologies that you cannot buy with money. For example, there is an expert with a bright idea who wants to rent China’s Earth-Moon communication system. Unfortunately, even if the rental fee reaches 100 million US dollars, the CNSA has not nodded. Agree, after all, it involves a lot of technology and secrets, how can it be possible to rent the earth-lunar communication system.

The 'Re-entrant' spacecraft has entered the Earth-Moon migration orbit, and news has spread to every corner of the earth. Not only news related to the United States is flying all over the sky, various experts continue to appear on the program to give professional explanations and open columns in newspapers to introduce it.

Even in China, there are many big Vs introducing and popularizing it, and some even cheered that the ‘Aerospace Era’ is coming.

But only insiders know that at this point, only one-third or one-fourth of the process has been completed, and it is still too early to talk about success.

It's a pity that the media and self-media don't care about that for the sake of traffic. They only need to hype it up and attract traffic.

As for other places, leave it to the authoritative experts, they only need to make money!

The focus these days is destined to be on the 'Returner' spacecraft. Any popular TV series or movies are about such human feats, being crushed into dregs and unable to resist.

This is the influence of technology, and it is also the most attractive part of technology. It also represents mankind’s enthusiasm for aerospace and yearning for the stars and the sea!

Even though China just completed the feat of manned landing on the moon not long ago!

But space feats always have such a powerful charm that people never tire of it!

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