After bidding farewell to Yun Zhiwei, Qin Yuanqing looked thoughtful.

Once upon a time, the Department of Mathematics at Yanda dominated the Chinese mathematics community for nearly a hundred years, and a number of outstanding mathematicians emerged. They had great voice and authority in the Chinese mathematics community. All other mathematics departments combined could not even compare to that of Yanda. The strength of the great mathematics department.

The Department of Mathematics at Yanda is also the most attractive to talents. Talented high school students in mathematics often choose to accept the recruitment of the Department of Mathematics of Yanda and study in the Department of Mathematics of Yanda. It can be said that every IMO gold medal winner is basically recruited by the Mathematics Department of Yanda.

From the 1990s to the first decade of the 21st century, a number of mathematical geniuses emerged in the Department of Mathematics at Yanda. Zhang Wei, Xu Chenyang, Sun Song, Yun Zhiwei, Zhu Xinwen, and Yuan Xinyi were among the best. Even those studying abroad were They have become so famous that they can serve as professors in the mathematics department at the world's top universities such as MIT, Harvard University, and Princeton University. One can only imagine their talent and strength.

Once upon a time, they also had high hopes from the Chinese mathematics community, thinking that there would be a Fields Medal winner among them.

Unfortunately, all of this took a huge turn in 2009.

Just when these geniuses from the Department of Mathematics at YSU were working overseas and aiming for the Fields Medal, Qin Yuanqing suddenly emerged from the sky, shining like a dazzling meteor, solving mathematical conjectures one after another in less than two years. He became the world's top mathematician, and even won the Wolf Prize and the Fields Medal, easily winning the honors they need to strive for throughout their lives.

The Shuimu Mathematics Department has also rapidly improved from the second-rate level in China to the first-rate level in China. In just ten years, it has been able to compete with the mathematics department of Princeton University, and now it has become another center of mathematics in the world.

China also took this opportunity to achieve a magnificent transformation from a big country in mathematics to a powerful country in mathematics. No one can ignore the power of China's mathematics community.

This can be seen from the fact that "Shuimu Mathematics Chronicle" has become the first in the world's ranking of professional mathematics journals.

Qin Yuanqing suddenly realized that he seemed to have changed the lives of many people. He seemed to remember that in his previous life, countless people were filled with grief and indignation because of Yan Neng's overseas departure.

Zhang Wei, Yun Zhiwei, Zhu Xinwen, and Xu Chenyang served as full professors at prestigious universities, but they have never returned to China, which has become a case where many people criticize the status quo.

And now, those geniuses have returned to China early to develop!

Qin Yuanqing listened to two more lectures in the afternoon, but unfortunately, none of them made him feel refreshed or inspired.

In the evening, an opening ceremony dinner was held to entertain mathematicians from all over the world. The entire dinner lasted from six o'clock to eight o'clock, a full two hours.

For mathematicians living in China, this is not surprising. But for overseas mathematicians, these Chinese delicacies simply make them want to swallow them all. They feel that compared with Chinese delicacies, the so-called delicacies in their own country are almost like dog food.

Qin Yuanqing was undoubtedly the protagonist of the entire dinner. The person in charge of the Magic City and the relevant leaders of the International Congress of Mathematicians committee all came over to chat with Qin Yuanqing. One after another, world-class mathematicians who are regarded as national treasures in their own countries came over to toast Qin Yuanqing to express their respect.

In the past 20 years, Qin Yuanqing is no longer the rookie who first made a name for himself in the world of mathematics in 2009. He has made great achievements in the world of mathematics. An earthquake.

The most important thing is that mathematicians seem to be indifferent to fame and fortune, but in fact they also value fame and fortune. They know that once they have a bad relationship with Qin Yuanqing, they will never leave any good reputation in the biography of Qin Yuanqing or the history of world mathematics. infamy!

No mathematician wants to leave an infamy in the history of mathematics in the world. That infamy will truly be infamy for eternity. Not only will he be cast into the eighteenth level of hell, but his descendants will also be spurned and humiliated because of it. .

After the opening ceremony banquet, Perelman, Schultz and others felt that they were not enjoying themselves, so someone suggested that they put together two tables of bridge, and everyone took out their chips. These chips were not necessarily expensive, but they were very valuable. Commemorative.

For example, Qin Yuanqing took out two pens that had been with him for many years as bargaining chips.

Qin Yuanqing had never played bridge before. At first he almost lost all his chips because he was not familiar with the rules, but soon he became familiar with the rules and started the 'big kill' mode.

I have to say that playing cards with mathematicians is a very interesting thing.

It was just that everyone was very interested in playing at first, but soon they were killed by Qin Yuanqing and swept away, and they felt it was boring. After all, no one wanted to be treated as a rookie and abused them, even though their level was outside. They are all extremely high. After all, mathematicians are best at calculations, but in front of Qin Yuanqing, he was like a rookie.

After Qin Yuanqing finished playing bridge, he went back to the guest house to rest. His accommodation was not arranged in a hotel, but in a guest house.

After all, the hotel is crowded and difficult to guard against. No one knows whether those rats were really cleaned up or whether some individual rats escaped.

What happened in the early morning, through the press conference and the exchanges between Qin Yuanqing and several other mathematicians, everyone jointly blamed it. After all, this was to occupy the moral high ground, and it was also caught, even if it was his own country. , there is no way to defend it.

Back in the room, Qin Yuanqing did not rest directly, but worked on PPT. This was his habit. He was not used to writing on the blackboard with chalk. Maybe other mathematicians thought that this was the soulful report meeting, but Qin Yuanqing just wasn't used to it. , he is used to using PPT.

Regarding Hodge's conjecture, since he has to give a one-hour report meeting, Qin Yuanqing will not be stingy about keeping it. To be honest, he is in charge and has trained talents so many years in advance. He has even built an anti-gravity device now. Even if it develops China will also be at the forefront of the world when it comes to developing new disciplines. It will be impossible for other countries to make anti-gravity devices for at least 10 years.

After all, 10 years is a short time for a technology to develop from discipline to technology.

Therefore, Qin Yuanqing's PPT is quite exquisite, and he also expands on some calculation formulas. Qin Yuanqing will also explain some theories that have never appeared before.

Qin Yuanqing estimated that it would be quite good if about seven or eight people could understand what he said. Most mathematicians, even if they got the paper early and studied the paper for several years, would probably be confused.

As for the detailed demonstration and explanation of the paper, it can only be left to those mathematicians who understand.

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