Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 570: Picking off the pearl of number theory (please subscribe)

The development of gravity is a story-filled physical development!

Perhaps ordinary people's impressions are that Newton was reading under a tree one day, and then a ripe apple fell and hit his head. Newton suddenly realized that with a slap on his head, he proposed gravity, and then worked out the law of universal gravitation.

Not so!

In fact, in 1609, Kepler published "New Astronomy", proposing a theory about planetary motion, including the first two of "Kepler's three laws" known to later generations. In 1610, Galileo published "The Star Messenger", pointing out that a series of satellites around Jupiter orbit the sun, that there are mountains and canyons on the moon's surface, and that the Milky Way is composed of hundreds of millions of stars. In 1613, Galileo Galilei observed sunspots on the surface of the sun. In 1619, Kepler published "On the Harmony of the Universe" and proposed the last of "Kepler's Three Laws".

It was Kepler's three laws and Galileo's theory of celestial motion that played a crucial role in Newton's discovery of the law of universal gravitation, and also provided data support for the law of universal gravitation.

In other words, ‘Kepler’s three laws’ and Galileo’s theory of celestial motion really promoted the emergence of the law of universal gravitation.

Including the theory of the universe, physicists at that time believed that the universe was stationary or a very simple plane. It was Newton who proposed that the earth and other planets moved around the sun in a spiral, and the movement of the entire universe was dynamic.

Until now, regarding the nature of gravity, even after four hundred years of development, physicists' research on its nature has remained superficial, and what they have learned is only a drop in the bucket.

From the development of physics, we can see that the development of physics is dynamic, not static, and not constant.

The study of physics also requires a skeptical attitude. Just as the ancestors of China put forward, 'It is better to believe in books than to have no books at all.' A physicist who completely believes in the existing physical theoretical system must not be very confident. Good physicists are destined to be unable to achieve any great results.

The reason why Mr. Yang was able to get the Nobel Prize in Physics jury to break the rules and award him the Nobel Prize in Physics was because of his 'parity non-conservation' theory. At the time, one of the central messages of physics was that parity-conserving elementary particles and their mirror images behaved exactly the same!

His research results overturned one of the central messages of physics and established his position in one fell swoop.

Qin Yuanqing previously studied string theory and proposed the conch physical model, which overturned the theory of the existence of dark matter. Dark matter, which was touted as the frontier of physics and would bring subversion to physics, was thrown into the eighteenth level of hell.

In recent years, European dark matter theorists have been unwilling to give up. They have tried to prove the existence of dark matter. Unfortunately, until now, they have been unable to provide definite evidence of the existence of dark matter.

In the past, they could summarize all the unexplainable things they encountered when studying the universe as dark matter, and with a physics guru like Hawking at the helm, they were safe anyway.

But since Qin Yuanqing proposed the conch physical model, if they want to prove that their theory is correct, they must provide conclusive evidence of the real existence of dark matter. Otherwise, they will not be able to reverse the consensus of physics.

As for Huo Jin, he was not easy to use in front of Qin Yuanqing. The status of the two could be described as the gap between the light of a firefly and the glory of the sun and the moon.

In the whole world, the only ones who think Qin Yuanqing is as great as Hawking are the John Bulls in Britain!

Qin Yuanqing never really believed in existing physical theories, including the physical theories he proposed, because even he could not guarantee that the theory he proposed was 100% correct forever.

Maybe it is correct now, but one hundred years from now, two hundred years from now, maybe it will no longer be applicable.

For example, the novel subjects he proposed based on the 'Hodge Conjecture' all involve space. Based on the theories of these novel subjects, he also proposed the concept of 'dark universe' in physical theory, which made the speed of objects reach speed of light.

In Qin Yuanqing's concept of 'dark universe', the dark universe is lifeless and does not contain any celestial bodies. Even if objects in the same position are moving, they will not collide. It is only made up of special time and space.

Understood from another perspective, the "dark universe" is a special space-time, and its time flow rate is different from that of the bright universe. It is precisely because the time flow rate is faster that the speed of objects is also greater.

After the class ended, Qin Yuanqing left the classroom.

These students still have a long way to go before they graduate. The very young students are all undergraduate students in the major, the slightly older students are graduate students and doctoral students, and as for the middle-aged scholars, Researchers and professors at Shuimu University are interested in new subjects, leaving their original research behind and moving into new research fields.

Back in his office, Qin Yuanqing pondered for a moment, then picked up a pen and wrote down a line of announcements on the draft paper.

Several years have passed since he and Perelman proved the quasi-Riemann Hypothesis and solved more than half of the Riemann Hypothesis. However, after so many years, mathematicians who have studied the Riemann Hypothesis in large numbers have still been unable to overcome the problem. The final step is to cap the mathematical building of the Riemann Hypothesis.

When he went to the School of Physics yesterday, Perelman mentioned this matter, which made Qin Yuanqing take notice. He felt that it was almost time to cap the mathematical building of the Riemann Hypothesis.

He has given the opportunity to many mathematicians in the mathematics community, but they cannot seize it. Now he will do the capping work. From then on, mathematicians will always be embarrassed to complain that Qin Yuanqing was too overbearing and did not leave a way for mathematicians to survive. Bar.

As for the proof of Hodge's conjecture, his academic report has not been held for a long time, which has been puzzling the academic community. It is because the Hodge's conjecture is about the future and involves anti-gravity technology. Should we delay it as long as possible until China has completely occupied it? Take the initiative, and after locking space, it is not too late to hold an academic report.

Qin Yuanqing concentrated on writing symbols and calculations on the draft paper. The complete proof of the Riemann Hypothesis was already in his mind, so he didn't even have to think about it.

To be honest, although it is now known as the golden age of mathematics and countless mathematical research papers are produced every year, Qin Yuanqing is still very disappointed because he has done so much and there is still no mathematician who can complete the capping work of the Riemann Hypothesis. He is a very busy man and has to find time to complete the capping work.

What disappointed him even more was Hodge's conjecture. If he failed to complete the demonstration work in two or three years, it would be excusable. But now, how many years have passed, and the mathematical community has not yet completed the demonstration of his thesis. This is simply a waste of time!

"Done!" Qin Yuanqing looked at the draft paper in his hand and clapped his hands. He was very calm, without any ecstasy, as if this Riemann Hypothesis was not the 'crown of number theory', but just an ordinary piece of mathematics. guess.

After completing the work of capping the Riemann Hypothesis, Qin Yuanqing opened the document and typed, turning the characters and calculations into a complete paper.

A dozen pages of draft paper, and the resulting paper is as long as 108 pages, which is enough to publish a special issue of the journal.

In the middle of the night, Qin Yuanqing completed the entire paper, then completed the preservation of the paper and submitted the paper to "Shuimu Mathematics Chronicle".

"Shuimu Mathematics Chronicle", after rapid development over the years, has become truly the world's number one mathematics journal, surpassing other professional mathematics journals. The papers that can be included in "Shuimu Mathematics Chronicle" are undoubtedly first-class papers in mathematics and have considerable value.

The reviewers of the paper also invite mathematics masters, and even some extremely difficult mathematics papers invite the god-level figure "Qin Yuanqing" to review.

At this moment, the office of "Shui Mu Mathematics Chronicle" is still brightly lit. As the world's first professional mathematics journal, "Shui Mu Mathematics Chronicle" is not only accepting articles from China, but also the entire world, mathematicians from all over the world. The first choice for submission is "Shuimu Mathematics Chronicle".

Out of China's unique dedication, the staff of "Shuimu Mathematics Chronicle" implemented three shifts to ensure that the papers received can be noticed at the first time, and then preliminary screening and preliminary review opinions are given instead of Let the mathematicians wait.

"It's already early in the morning, and there are still people submitting articles, and the contributors are from China!" Li Qian muttered.

There are two mailboxes for "Shuimu Mathematics Chronicle". One is a domestic mailbox, which is dedicated to receiving domestic mathematics papers. One is an overseas mailbox, which is dedicated to receiving overseas mathematics papers.

"Eh? Qin Yuanqing!? Isn't this Academician Qin!?" When Li Qian saw the contributor's name, she lost all drowsiness.

As a mathematician, Li Qian may not know other mathematicians, but the Fields Medal winner must be remembered. As the boss among the bosses and the only great god in the world of mathematics, Li Qian is even more proud of Shuimu. Qian is naturally very familiar with the name 'Qin Yuanqing'.

After all, although "Shuimu Mathematics Chronicle" is a journal run independently to avoid suspicion, it claims to be unaffected by any university or institution, completely neutral, fair and impartial, but you must know that "Shuimu Mathematics Chronicle" is located in Shuimu University. Even their staff are all at Shuimu University, and part of their salary is paid by Shuimu University.

"What! Academician Qin submitted a paper?" Li Qian's voice was not loud, but it was enough to be described as earth-shattering. Other staff members looked at where Li Qian was, with shock in their eyes.

Because in the past few years, Qin Yuanqing has no longer submitted mathematics papers.

So much so that there is a voice in the mathematics community now, that is, Qin Yuanqing is not doing his job properly and has abandoned mathematics!

Now, Qin Yuanqing actually submitted a paper, how can this not be shocking!

The third update is at noon. Sorry, I will try my best to code well today and update on time tomorrow!

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