Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 562 New Energy and Smart City

In recent years, in terms of military equipment, in addition to a series of advanced aircraft that have emerged as a large air force, as well as nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, conventionally powered submarines, 10,000-ton large-scale propellers, and amphibious landing ships, the most eye-catching ones are laser cannons and electromagnetic gun.

The electromagnetic gun is an advanced kinetic energy killing weapon made using electromagnetic launch technology. Unlike traditional cannons that apply gunpowder gas pressure to projectiles, electromagnetic guns use the ampere force generated by the electromagnetic field in the electromagnetic system to accelerate the metal projectiles to achieve the kinetic energy required to hit the target. Compared with traditional gunpowder-driven cannons , the electromagnetic gun can greatly increase the speed and range of projectiles.

As for the electromagnetic gun, it was not China that first proposed it. As early as the beginning of the 20th century, someone proposed the idea of ​​using the Lorentz force to launch artillery shells. During the two world wars, all major powers had studied electromagnetic guns. , after the Second World War, major countries also conducted research in this area.

In the early 1970s, the Australian National University built the first electromagnetic launch device to accelerate a 3-gram plastic block to a speed of 6,000 meters per second. Later, Australian and American scientists created different types of test prototypes and conducted many launch tests. An electromagnetic gun powered by a unipolar generator can accelerate a 318-gram runway to a speed of 4,200 meters per second. The compression electromagnetic gun accelerates a 2-gram projectile to a speed of 11,000 meters/second.

As soon as these research results were announced, they immediately attracted special attention from the military of various countries. The U.S. Defense Council concluded that "future high-performance weapons must be based on electrical energy." Then the U.S. Department of Defense established the "Electromagnetic Gun Committee" to coordinate Electric gun research efforts are dispersed among the Army, the Department of Energy, the Defense Atomic Energy Agency, and the Strategic Defense Initiative.

The United States has invested a lot of manpower, material and financial resources in electromagnetic guns, and has also achieved tremendous development. In 1992, the United States had pushed a prototype electromagnetic gun with a diameter of 90 mm and a muzzle kinetic energy of 9 megajoules to the Yuma shooting range for testing. test. The electromagnetic gun's journey from the laboratory to the shooting range shows that power supply miniaturization technology has made a breakthrough.

On December 12, 2010, the electromagnetic railgun developed by the United States was tested in the Navy. The electromagnetic railgun hit a target 200 kilometers away at a speed of 5 times the speed of sound. The range was 10 times that of the Navy's conventional weapons.

From 1970 to 2018, the United States has always been in the first echelon of the world in the field of electromagnetic guns. However, the development of science has always been difficult to explain with common sense. After China ushered in a technological explosion, it also made rapid progress in the field of electromagnetic guns. It has made such progress that it was the first to be installed on a 10,000-ton large drive and used in practical applications. It has also been used to destroy pirates many times and sunk several pirate ships.

According to some accounts, using electromagnetic cannons to sink pirate ships will be more environmentally friendly than traditional artillery shells.

Behind the rapid development of laser cannons and electromagnetic guns in China, Qin Yuanqing actually contributed a lot. According to some laser cannon and electromagnetic gun experts, no one in the world knows more about laser cannons and electromagnetic guns than Qin Yuanqing.

Taking into account performance and practicality, Qin Yuanqing equipped the aerospace aircraft and the 'Double Ring Space Station' not with missiles, but with laser cannons and electromagnetic cannons.

However, electromagnetic guns are only short-term. In the interstellar era, the ones actually used on interstellar battleships will definitely not be electromagnetic guns, but particle cannons. The power of particle cannons is much greater than that of electromagnetic guns.

Even the performance of particle cannons is far superior to that of laser cannons. Compared with laser cannons, the biggest feature of particle cannons is their overwhelming power. The powerful particle cannon is enough to shatter a planet with one cannon.

Of course, the energy required for particle cannons is also extremely terrifying, and it must rely on controllable nuclear fusion. Moreover, many of the technologies required for particle cannons are not yet available. In other words, even if the theoretical construction is completed, in reality, Zhongya can't make a particle cannon!

With the development of the times, nuclear weapons still seem to be the most powerful strategic weapons. In fact, nuclear weapons are no longer the most feared weapons, because you have nuclear weapons, but if you cannot attack the opponent, they have no deterrent effect.

Of course, now Qin Yuanqing also understands that his predecessors are worried that mankind will one day perish in his own hands, because he discovered that mankind is tireless in the research and development of weapons and is full of desire. That kind of motivation is very terrifying.

Such as genetic weapons, such as chip weapons, such as weather weapons

The lethality of each type is actually much greater than that of nuclear weapons, but humans have no fear of it.

If we talk about involution, actually this is also a kind of involution!

Qin Yuanqing also had some headaches about this. He didn't know how to solve this dilemma and let him become an environmentalist or pacifist like his predecessors. Qin Yuanqing felt that doing so was actually of no use.

Because environmentalists or pacifists have too little influence and cannot be stopped at all.

Sometimes Qin, Yuan and Qing Dynasties thought that when China continued to grow and grew to a certain extent, the earth would enter the "World of Great Harmony" constructed in Chinese legends. At that time, other countries would put their swords and guns into storage, and their horses would be released to Nanshan, and all the heat would be transferred to them. Weapons and military equipment were destroyed, including tens of thousands of nuclear warheads, because at that time, including nuclear warheads, they were actually of no use, and it was a dimensionality reduction strike.

At that time, there will be a real global village, or there will be an Earth Human Alliance as shown in science fiction novels or movies. In the space age, humans will leave the earth, and there will be only one identity left - Earth humans.

In mid-November, Qin Yuanqing took a break from his busy schedule and attended the New Energy Vehicle Industry Summit.

Academic leaders from major domestic automobile industries, relevant research institutes of major universities, and capital parties interested in this field have gathered in Xinjing!

The automobile industry is a pillar industry in the three northeastern provinces. Traditional automobiles have basically been eliminated, and new energy vehicles have become the mainstream of the automobile industry. Xinjing, the headquarters of FAW, has become a world-famous automobile holy city, just like before. Same as Detroit.

This new energy vehicle summit was also held in Xinjing.

Qin Yuanqing came to the summit and attended the summit as a special guest.

Lithium-air batteries have officially switched cars from traditional fuel to electric drive, that is, new energy vehicles.

Among them, the Chinese car companies have benefited the most. Under this wave of reshuffling of the automotive industry, Goguryeo's former automotive pillars such as Hyundai, Ssangyong, Kia, Daewoo and other car brands have suffered huge losses, declining performance, and competition. After the sharp decline in power, it could only stay in Goguryeo and wait for the consumption of the Goguryeo people, making it difficult to export.

The Japanese cars that were once famous all over the world are no longer in their hands. Toyota, Hino, Mitsubishi Motors, etc. Only Toyota is still hanging on, but it has basically retreated from the mainland market.

The only ones that can still drink some soup are German cars, and this is because they have obtained a part of the quota for lithium-air batteries.

New energy vehicles have also benefited greatly from this breakthrough in controllable nuclear fusion. It can be predicted that it will not be long before new energy vehicles will eventually completely eliminate fuel vehicles.

After all, by then, there will really be no shortage of power.

"The development of science and technology is rapidly changing our lives and society. With the rapid development of the Internet, Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, quantum computers, etc., the development of smart cities is also changing with each passing day. And controllable nuclear fusion We have brought cheap, clean energy, which is a perfect match with lithium-air batteries, and it also makes it possible to realize everything in our blueprint for the future."

Qin Yuanqing looked thoughtful as he listened to the opening remarks.

Smart City!

Ten years ago, some people actually proposed the concept of smart cities. Cities such as Beijing, Magic City, Yangcheng, Pengcheng, Lin'an, etc. all began to explore smart cities ten years ago to make society more intelligent. , Intelligent' direction development, and ten years of exploration, there are successful experiences, there are also failed experiences.

It seems that now, after the design at the upper level has summarized the successful experiences and eliminated the essentials, they will begin to promote the successful experiences across the country and accelerate the transformation and development of society.

But it’s normal to think about it. After ten years of exploration, it is neither long nor short. These cities that are like bright pearls in the Chinese plate are not all. Their development actually involves a lot of exploration and experimentation. , to obtain valuable wealth, it is natural to expand.

Even if China becomes the world's largest economy and the world's largest consumer market, there are actually various problems within China. How to further reform and promote social change and transformation are what scholars and elites have been thinking about. is a major topic of research in universities.

Smart cities are a hot topic in new cities today. Experiments have shown that smart cities can improve the level and efficiency of urban management, make better use of common resources, and effectively reduce waste.

It’s incredible to think about it. In 2010, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) officially proposed the vision of “smart cities”. As a result, IBM was still stuck on PPT and had not yet achieved results in North America or Europe. However, China has already taken the lead in completing it. The construction of smart cities in several first-tier cities will begin to be promoted from the first-tier cities to the whole country.

At the subsequent summit, Qin Yuanqing, as a special guest, published predictions about the future development of new energy vehicles. Qin Yuanqing proposed that the future of new energy vehicles does not lie in increasing speed or range, because in this regard, the current new energy vehicles Energy vehicles are already available. They will not let you speed on China's highways. And the range of the smallest new energy vehicle has reached 2,000 kilometers, and the highest even reaches 10,000 kilometers. The range is completely sufficient.

The future development direction of new energy vehicles lies in the air and becomes a flying car!

As soon as Qin Yuanqing finished speaking, the entire venue was silent. Everyone was in disbelief. They didn't know whether Qin Yuanqing was crazy or they were crazy.

Aerial vehicles, don’t they only exist in science fiction novels or science fiction movies?

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