Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 554 Cheering and whipping corpses

The Chang'e spacecraft returned safely. When the six astronauts walked out of the command module, the whole of China cheered for the heroes' triumph.

"The whole world celebrates the triumphant return of the heroes!"

"Once a thousand-year-old wish comes true, to send astronauts from the earth to the surface of the moon, and then safely send the astronauts back to the earth from the surface of the moon, from this moment on, we in China will master the technology of manned round-trips from the earth to the moon. Maybe it will not be long before After that, we will build the Guanghan Palace on the moon, and people can take a spaceship to the moon and live in the Guanghan Palace, where they can look at the earth 380,000 kilometers away."

"I have decided to start saving money from today. I hope to be able to afford a round-trip spaceship ticket in ten years. Then I will have no regrets in this life!"

"Just now, I added another position to Alien Technology Co., Ltd. I believe it can bring me huge returns! The future lies in space and the universe. Our future is the sea of ​​stars!"

"Everyone, please stop being too arrogant. We haven't unified the earth yet, and we are heading to the stars and the sea? Can you please stop being too arrogant! I am even more looking forward to the popularization of controllable nuclear fusion. The price of electricity is extremely cheap, and I can use electricity at will."

"In ancient times, Chang'e flew to the moon. Today, the Chang'e spacecraft lands on the moon. It's so exciting! I just beat up my brat. From now on, he will be engaged in the aerospace industry, either as an engineer, a R\u0026D personnel, or as an astronaut. , don’t always want to be a professional game player!”

"In such prosperous times, I have no regrets in this life. Even if I go underground, I can proudly tell my ancestors that the motherland is getting stronger and stronger, and it is as prosperous as the Han and Tang Dynasties!"


The 'Chang'e' spacecraft returned successfully, and the astronauts all looked in high spirits. The sensation caused was definitely much greater than the success of the first manned mission of Shenzhou 5. After all, the media was not developed at the time, and it was not carried out. live streaming.

But this time, the entire process was broadcast live from before the launch, which made people deeply feel how difficult and amazing it is to land a man on the moon, especially when they saw the astronauts walking out of the lunar module and performing various gestures. style', and now that the astronauts have safely returned to Earth, the shocking feeling is definitely difficult to express in words.

National pride and national cohesion are further enhanced and sublimated at this moment.

This live broadcast was watched by many people not only in China, but also overseas. Coupled with reports from the overseas edition of Chinese media, as well as public statements from NASA, ESA, Roscosmos and other agencies, it spread throughout the country. Every corner of the world.

This time the 'Chang'e' spacecraft successfully landed on the lunar surface and returned safely. The entire process was broadcast live. Even many astronomy enthusiasts can know the authenticity by watching it directly with high-magnification astronomical telescopes. And so far, using high-power astronomical telescopes Even high-power astronomical telescopes can see the scientific research station established by China on the moon.

This is not half a century ago, when countless people were questioning whether to complete the moon landing.

Except for a very few people, everyone believes that China's manned moon landing is real, successful, and inspiring.

After all, more than half a century has passed since the last legendary manned landing on the moon. Over the past half century, humans have launched one spacecraft after another to the moon, surveyed and mapped the moon, and detected the moon, but no human from Earth has ever landed on the moon. Go to the lunar surface and leave footprints on the lunar surface.

There is no doubt that the successful manned landing of the Chang'e spacecraft on the moon is a huge inspiration to the world's aerospace industry, exciting countless astronauts, and exciting countless space enthusiasts and astronomy enthusiasts.

China has successfully manned a manned landing on the moon, so is mankind still far away from the era of spaceflight, and is it still far away from the era of interstellar migration?

Many people in the world believe that the era of interstellar migration is a greater era than the Age of Discovery, with a more far-reaching influence.

The Age of Navigation has profoundly affected the world situation for 500 years, allowing sea power to completely trump road rights. The maritime hegemon is the world hegemon.

And whoever occupies a position in the era of interstellar migration will have a say in the future, while others will be insignificant and their destiny will be controlled.

Of course, various space agencies have felt the pressure from the people. After all, private space enthusiasm is high. If they do not come up with plans and actions, they will be hated by the people.

Among them, the one with the greatest pressure is NASA!

No comparison means no harm. Although it cannot be said that NASA's research in the field of outer space has made no progress in the past half century, the pace of development has undoubtedly been much slower. But you must know that NASA's annual funding has exceeded the total investment of other countries in the aerospace field for decades. In the past, there was always a reason for being casual, and there was an excuse for being casual. But now, China has achieved a manned moon landing, and NASA invited the whole world to watch the most brilliant and expensive fireworks in history during the previous manned moon landing event. Now, although NASA announced a few days ago that it will launch a manned moon landing again. Plans for manned landing on the moon and manned landing on Mars are no longer as convincing as before.

Looking again, from 2000 to the present, China's total investment in the aerospace field in 25 years is less than 10 billion US dollars, while NASA's annual funding is 20 billion US dollars, and NASA's total funding in 25 years has exceeded 500 billion US dollars. As a result, China now has the only space station, China has the world's most advanced global navigation system, China has the most satellites in space, and it has even successfully achieved manned landings on the moon.

This manned moon landing will be broadcast live!

All Americans who watched the live broadcast and watched this incident couldn't help but be filled with questions and even anger!

What happened to their NASA? What are you doing?

With 500 billion US dollars, even a pig has become a god!

Could it be that NASA is like the soldiers, charging thousands of dollars for a thermos cup? A toilet seat costs tens of thousands of dollars?

In addition, half of the funding for the 'Sun God' project was taken away, and the relevant stakeholders were very angry. How could they not add insult to injury at this time and help!

"When Chinese astronauts stood on the moon, what were our people doing?" "The New York Times" unceremoniously posted two sets of photos. One photo showed Chinese astronauts doing "lunar style", and the other photo showed the Saturn V that had just ignited and launched into space a few years ago but turned into a huge ball of sparks!

Incomparably sharp contrast, there is no harm without contrast!

Coincidentally, just when the New York Times blew the trumpet against NASA, the Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post also criticized NASA's inaction from different angles. After all, NASA's annual funding is It is equivalent to the total investment in aerospace of other countries. As a result, there is so much investment but no output. This is unjustifiable!

NASA was so distressed that they were about to cry. They just wanted to say that this was a crime other than war!

In fact, if the assessment is fair, NASA's achievements in the aerospace field in recent years are not small. The boundaries of its exploration have even reached Pluto, and the two Voyager probes have set foot in areas outside the solar system.

It’s just that the results of all these have been ignored intentionally or unintentionally. People only remember that the Saturn V turned into a ball of fire a few years ago, and now that China has successfully landed a man on the moon!

Looking at the distressed NASA, the ESA couldn't help but feel lucky. Fortunately, NASA was acting as a shield in front of them. Otherwise, they would have been beaten to death by the European people. After all, Europeans are not vegetarians. They are even more like Virgin Mary!

However, the European Space Agency has also begun to arrange people to come out to complain. For example, the annual funding of the European Space Agency is only 2 billion euros, which is almost equivalent to one-tenth of NASA. It also started relatively late. It once planned to build the Galileo navigation system. For some reason, the Galileo navigation system could not be completed. Now it can only serve Europe, and the manned moon landing requires a navigation system. Anyway, even if we take NASA in the lead, NASA is so awesome and has so much funding, they can’t even achieve a manned moon landing. Naturally, we at ESA are not that fast either. We need more funding and more time. , please be tolerant.

The Russian Space Agency also cast envious eyes at China's feat of manned moon landing.

As a leader in the aerospace field, although it later failed in the manned moon landing and lost the lead, so that it later became the Russian Space Agency, but despite that gloomy history, relying on its strong foundation and resting on its laurels, the Russian Space Agency He is still the second in the aerospace industry. As early as 2017, the Russian Space Agency released a four-step strategy for manned lunar landing, claiming that it would achieve manned lunar landing in 2031, carry out a 14-day scientific research mission, and build a scientific research center on the moon in 2034. base.

However, due to economic development and extremely limited annual space funding, the implementation of this plan is really slow.

However, our neighbor has made rapid progress in the aerospace field, and its investment in the aerospace field has also increased dramatically every year. Coupled with the terrifyingly huge 'double-ring space station', it makes Russian astronauts envious. Jealousy.

For their former little brother, they were very complicated. First of all, they saw in their little brother that the road was not a dead end, but a correct road. It was just that they went astray and lost confidence. Secondly, my little brother surpasses me in all aspects. In the past, he would import weapons such as fighter planes and missiles, but now they have all imported natural gas, oil, ore, wood, etc., and many of them are even care orders. Now even the aerospace technology they are proud of seems to have been surpassed.

Who would have thought that as the first legendary country to send artificial earth satellites into space, it had set 20 firsts in the history of spaceflight. However, it is still resting on its laurels and has made very little progress, including building a space station and manning a manned moon landing. It's in the plan, but it seems a bit out of reach, not because they really can't do it, but because they don't have the money or sufficient funding.

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