Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 545 Countdown to manned moon landing

On December 25, 2024, Beijing received its first heavy snowfall.

The snow is falling, the sky and the earth are the same color, only snow is white!

In addition to the snow removal on major traffic arteries, other minor roads and streets are blocked by heavy snow. People will choose to go out unless necessary, and others choose to stay at home.

Qin Yuanqing looked outside. It was covered with snow and thick snow. The branches were bent by the heavy snow, and the house was wrapped in the heavy snow.

The children wore thick down jackets and had a great time playing snowball fights and building snowmen outside, while the adults looked on and let the children have a good time.

Qin Yuanqing smiled.

Since he resigned from his administrative position in Shuimu, his wife has increasingly felt that living and working in the Shahe campus is inconvenient, so she slowly moved back to her home in the HD district. This year, she directly returned the assigned villa in the Shahe campus to the school. .

Qin Yuanqing will not be used to living in Lanhuayu'an. Think about it, when he bought this villa, he spent a total of more than three million, but now it has doubled ten times!

This has been a major trend in the past ten years. With the development of the national economy, housing prices are also rising. It is impossible for houses to be as cheap as cabbage and can be bought and sold at will. Look at other countries around the world, or housing prices. It is very high, or the house price is cheap but the related taxes are very heavy, and the overall package is not cheap.

If you want to spend very little money to live in a good house with good surrounding supporting resources, you can only say that you are overthinking!

There is never a free lunch in this world!

Looking at the feather-like snowflakes floating in the sky, Qin Yuanqing's thoughts couldn't help but drift to the Wenchang Satellite Launch Center. He didn't know how the launch work there was being prepared as the manned moon landing project entered the countdown.

After decades of construction, there are a total of five China Satellite Launch Centers, namely Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, Xichang Satellite Launch Center, Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center, Wenchang Launch Center and China Oriental Space Port.

Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center is one of the launch test bases for scientific satellites, technology test satellites and launch vehicles. It is the earliest and largest comprehensive missile and satellite launch center established in China, and it is also the only manned space launch site in China. The launch center covers an area of ​​about 2,800 square kilometers. The surrounding terrain is flat and sparsely populated. It has an inland and desert climate. It is dry and rainy all year round. Spring and autumn are short, winter and summer are long, and there are sunny days and light cloud cover all year round. , with long sunshine hours, about 300 days per year can be used for launch tests.

The Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center was founded in 1967. In 1968, the first medium-range launch vehicle designed and manufactured by China was successfully launched from this launch center. The launch center performs more international commercial launches.

The Xichang Satellite Launch Center was founded in 1970. It is a space launch base mainly responsible for the launch of geosynchronous orbit satellites. It is responsible for test launches and application launches of communications, broadcasting, meteorological satellites, etc. A series of satellites of the Beidou navigation system are located in this launch center It was launched from a relatively well-known launch center in China.

Wenchang Satellite Launch Center is the southernmost of the Chinese launch centers, with a dimension of about 19°30″. It is the latest launch center to be built. The launch center was built to adapt to the sustainable development strategy of my country’s aerospace industry and meet the needs of the new generation. Non-toxic, non-polluting launch vehicles and new spacecraft launch missions. It is mainly responsible for the launch missions of geosynchronous orbit satellites, large-mass polar orbit satellites, large-tonnage space stations and deep space exploration satellites. Milestones in recent years Launch missions are basically carried out at the Wenchang Satellite Launch Center. For example, in June 2016, the Long March 7 carrier rocket newly developed by China Manned Space Engineering to launch cargo spacecraft was ignited and launched from this launch center. For example, in November 2016 Yuehuaxia's new generation large transport rocket 'Long March 5' was also launched for the first time at the Wenchang Satellite Launch Center. Later lunar probes 'Chang'e 5', 'Chang'e 6' and other series were also launched from this launch center.

This year's Long March 15 launch vehicle, a super-heavy launch vehicle that shocked the world, was successfully ignited and launched here for three consecutive times. It will prepare a series of quantum communication satellites, navigation satellites, core modules, etc. for the manned moon landing project. Send it to the earth-moon orbit, lunar orbit, and the expected landing point for manned lunar landing.

On January 22, 2025, the first manned lunar landing will go ahead as planned. This is a milestone step that China has taken after the lunar exploration project has completed 'orbiting', 'landing' and 'returning'. China has reached this step. , we can see how much progress China has made in the aerospace field over the past two decades.

Otherwise, the manned moon landing would not be held at this time!

With only the last month left, the topic of manned landing on the moon continues to heat up throughout society. No news, whether it is messy things in the entertainment industry or big news happening in the world, can shake the idea of ​​manned landing on the moon. News, major media have continuously taken this opportunity to launch special articles on the history of human spaceflight, popular knowledge about the universe, and lunar knowledge. People have never been so interested in the moon and the universe.

After all, it has been 52 years since the legendary last manned landing on the moon, a full half century.

When the United States announced the launch of its manned lunar landing program a few years ago, people thought that it had launched a total of 7 manned lunar landing spacecraft half a century ago. Except for the failure of Apollo 13, the other 6 The mission was a complete success. A total of 12 astronauts successfully landed on the moon and stayed on the moon for nearly 300 hours. Then its manned moon landing plan will definitely be successful this time. After all, so many years ago, American technology has also made great progress, and the technology has become higher. Unexpectedly, the whole world watched the most spectacular fireworks in history.

Now, China has launched a manned moon landing plan, giving people hope again. After all, in recent years, China's lunar exploration project, the 'Chang'e' series of lunar probes, has achieved remarkable results in successive battles.

If even its manned moon landing fails, other countries will no longer have the courage to carry out manned moon landing plans.

Therefore, scientists and officials from all walks of life in various countries are paying great attention to this manned moon landing.

Qin Yuanqing asked the artificial intelligence to turn on the holographic projection, and then he felt as if he were at the Wenchang Satellite Launch Center. He saw a huge and seemingly huge rocket already erected on the launch pad, waiting to be launched at any time.

Obviously, the manned moon landing project is still being carried out as planned and has not changed.

With the previous three launches of the Long March 15th super-heavy carrier rocket, Qin Yuanqing has full confidence in the Long March 15th carrier rocket that he and a group of people built. He believes that this manned moon landing will be able to achieve success. A complete success.

Moreover, this manned landing on the moon not only has symbolic significance rather than practical significance, but also carries many scientific research tasks, such as building a preliminary scientific research base, such as experimenting with plasma engines, although the five astronauts will only stay on the moon. Three days, but they will need to complete nearly a hundred scientific research tasks in these three days.

As for lunar soil, China no longer needs it. Previous lunar exploration projects have brought back a large amount of lunar soil, which is enough for scientific researchers to study.

Qin Yuanqing also used artificial intelligence to check the world's response to China's manned moon landing. It is obvious that overseas feelings about China's manned moon landing are very complicated. Some people are eager for China to have a grand fireworks and then make fun of them. Fan. Some people are full of expectations, looking forward to the complete success of China's manned moon landing. Once successful, the world's aerospace industry will usher in a milestone node, ushering in the beginning of human conquest of the moon.

And some people are already imagining that humans will enter the era of interstellar immigration, use spaceships and space battleships to develop planets and colonize living planets.

In recent years, as human space activities have become more frequent, the interstellar science fiction market in film, television and literary works has become more and more popular year by year. For example, in China Film and Television, there have been the "Wandering Planet" series, "The Three-Body Problem" series, and There are many movies and TV series with Chinese protagonists traveling and exploring life planets in outer space.

"In the future, when manned landings on the moon become a daily routine, I will also go to the moon to see this special planet!" Qin Yuanqing thought to himself.

The moon is extremely special. Many scientists believe that a large part of the reason why life on the earth can continue to this day should be attributed to the moon, because it is the existence of the moon that helps the earth block many threats from the universe. Giant meteorites, that is to say, the existence of the moon is equivalent to adding a shield outside the earth to block various meteorites from the universe. Otherwise, the earth will at least experience multiple mass extinctions like the dinosaur era.

It is no exaggeration to say that the moon is the biggest gift from the universe to the earth!

Although the earth has continued to explore outer space in recent years, so far, no signs of life have been found in the entire solar system. It seems that the earth is the only living planet in the entire solar system. Even if the probe lands on Mars, there is no sign of life on Mars. Discover any signs of life, or prove that life once existed on Mars.

Various studies vaguely point to the fact that the reason why the earth can give birth to life is because of the presence of the moon. It is the moon that has provided huge help for the birth of life on the earth!

Qin Yuanqing was not sure whether this statement was correct, but he always had a hunch that the moon was very special, as if it always had a unique attraction that attracted his attention.

However, traveling to and from the moon has not been normalized in China. Qin Yuanqing will not make fun of his own life by going to the moon.

Really, China cannot afford such a big loss!

As the saying goes, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. Qin Yuanqing still understood this truth. Only by ensuring that he is safe enough, Qin Yuanqing will go to the moon to see what is so special about the moon and why there are myths and legends about the moon all over the world, especially the special status of the moon in Chinese myths and legends!

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