Chapter 539: Anti-Gravity


Warm applause broke out, and the applause lasted for a full three minutes. This was the warmest applause that had erupted in the quantum physics seminar so far, and it was also the longest-lasting applause.

It is extremely rare for a group of scholars who are famous for their rationality to burst into applause that lasts for a full three minutes. Being able to do this is enough to show how wonderful Qin Yuanqing's academic lecture was and how wonderful it made these physicists feel. , benefited a lot!

As Qin Yuanqing said, mathematical formulas in physics are always beautiful. The beauty is that everything seems to be a coincidence, but yet so reasonable.

"Academician Qin's lecture is so good. We are still very shallow about quantum physics. I thought I already understood quantum physics before, but now I find that I am so shallow and ignorant. The world of quantum physics is vast and infinite. I only understood it before. fur!" a physics professor said excitedly.

What Qin Yuanqing said absolutely crushed their knowledge reserves, making them feel as if they were the primary school students they used to be, with such shallow knowledge!

"You are right. Academician Qin deserves to be Academician Qin. His achievements in physics are indeed great, and they are as outstanding as ever. He simply started from mathematics, but it is enlightening." A professor said with emotion: "Sure enough, there is no limit to learning and hard work, and you will have to learn as long as you live!"

"It's a pity that Academician Qin has stopped recruiting graduate students and doctoral students for a long time. Otherwise, those who can be his students must be the most enviable."


Qin Yuanqing was very calm. He had seen too many scenes like this and experienced too much, so it was naturally difficult for him to cause waves in his heart.

As he concluded the academic lecture, it also meant that this quantum physics seminar came to an end and came to the closing ceremony. The closing ceremony took less than twenty minutes and ended with the applause of scholars.

Qin Yuanqing did not stay in Lin'an, but took a plane back to the capital that night.

Next, there are not many things for Qin Yuanqing. The main thing is the upcoming national award, which will reward those who have performed well and made outstanding contributions in the first phase of the 'Golden Crow Project'. The list of awards is mainly from the previous command level. Filter the award list.

Then it’s time to sort out the second phase of the ‘Golden Crow Project’. He only needs one more year of work before he can get out of the ‘Golden Crow Project’!

Qin Yuanqing stayed at Shuimu University, taking him as researchers for the anti-gravity technology project to make final academic preparations. After Qin Yuanqing’s teachings over the years, these researchers can be said to be practitioners of the new discipline, and it won’t be long before they will He will become a famous scholar, carry forward the new disciplines developed based on Hodge's conjecture, and become a new branch of mathematics.

"Commander-in-Chief, we propose to build a laboratory near the fusion nuclear power plant for the verification of anti-gravity technology and the development of anti-gravity devices!" On this day, in Qin Yuanqing's office, a middle-aged man was expressing his opinion.

Although the Anti-Gravity Technology Command has been established for several years and was established at the same time as the 'Jinwu Project' command, but unlike the 'Jinwu Project' command, the Anti-Gravity Technology Command actually stays at the early stage of technical learning and is more focused on Train people and take confidentiality measures, but the construction of the project has not yet started.

Moreover, compared with the ‘Golden Crow Project’, the funding for anti-gravity technology is only 2 billion yuan, a difference of 50 times.

Of course, the funding for anti-gravity technology is relatively small, but this does not mean that the application prospects of anti-gravity technology are not broad. On the contrary, the application prospects of anti-gravity technology are very broad. It will profoundly change the entire world, and its influence is no less than that of controllable nuclear fusion.

It is precisely because of its importance that the Anti-Gravity Technology Command was specially established. The authority of the command is the same as that of the 'Golden Crow Project' command.

Qin Yuanqing pondered for a moment. The first fusion power station unit will be able to start generating electricity in 2025. In fact, anti-gravity technology verification does not require special fusion power generation, and can only be carried out in the laboratory.

But there is no doubt that establishing a laboratory at the location of a nuclear fusion power plant also has advantages, that is, the electricity bill will be greatly reduced.

However, Qin Yuanqing thought for a moment and rejected the proposal, because he felt that it would be enough to complete a series of technical verifications in Shuimu Laboratory. Although the electricity bill would be higher, confidentiality would be better.

The most important thing is that in Shuimu Laboratory, he can also focus on anti-gravity technology and the double-ring space station project at the same time.

The Double Ring Space Station project will next enter a critical node. Many technologies will achieve technical verification and breakthroughs, including the launch of a super-heavy rocket that has been launched twice, the launch of a quantum communication satellite, and the delivery of a life capsule to the scheduled manned moon landing site. , preparing for the next manned landing on the moon, and also preparing for the future lunar scientific research station.

In the rest of this year, more equipment will be launched to the moon, and more communication satellites in earth-lunar orbit will be built, as well as satellites orbiting the moon. By the end of the year, a core module will be launched into orbit around the moon to serve as a transfer station.

Many of these are for technical verification of the Shuanghuan Space Station, and Qin Yuanqing needs to keep an eye on them and solve the problems in a timely manner.

As for the issue of electricity bills, Shuimu itself is a large consumer of electricity in the capital anyway, so it is normal to use more electricity. China is actually not short of electricity at present. After all, whether it is hydropower stations or nuclear power, they can basically meet China's electricity needs.

What's more, in the next two to three years or so, Narcissus Fusion Nuclear Power Plant will build hundreds of units. Once the team of engineers and managers are trained, other nuclear power plants will be transformed into fusion nuclear power plants. In about ten years, the fusion nuclear power plants built by China will be able to Meet the nation’s energy needs.

When the middle-aged man heard Qin Yuanqing's words, he couldn't help but show disappointment. To be honest, as the deputy commander-in-chief of the anti-gravity project, he felt that he was simply living an idle life with a white-collar salary and could not play his role.

From the director of the Science and Technology Commission to the deputy commander-in-chief of the anti-gravity project headquarters, Qian Sanfeng originally thought that he could show off his skills and make contributions. When this job was over, he would be able to make further progress in the offensive. As a result, in the past few years I had nothing to do when I came down, but I gained ten pounds.

Qian Sanfeng then thought of one of his colleagues, who was also transferred from the director of the Science and Technology Commission to the deputy commander of the 'Golden Crow Project' headquarters. Although Qian Sanfeng did not know the specific situation, he saw that the news had reported that the 'Golden Crow Project' had achieved With great achievements, Qian Sanfeng could naturally guess that his colleague would surely rise to great heights in the future.

It is precisely for this reason that Qian Sanfeng hopes to promote the pace of anti-gravity technology, and setting up a laboratory at the Narcissus Nuclear Power Station will undoubtedly promote the pace of anti-gravity technology.

Qin Yuanqing also couldn't see through a person's inner thoughts, otherwise he would definitely laugh endlessly. Because anti-gravity technology and controllable nuclear fusion technology are very different. Controllable nuclear fusion technology involves many materials, the constraints of high-temperature plasma, power generation, transmission, atomic observation, safety monitoring, etc., so a large amount of manpower, material resources, and financial resources need to be mobilized to overcome it.

As for anti-gravity technology, the focus is not on the discovery and conquering of anti-gravity technology, because from a theoretical perspective, Qin Yuanqing has completed the construction of the theory, and what is needed is to train talents in new disciplines so that they can build anti-gravity devices and use anti-gravity devices in the future. Gravity is used in various fields.

In this aspect, Qin Yuanqing is a bit like the founder of a martial arts sect, who creates a new martial arts concept, then recruits disciples, teaches martial arts, and allows the disciples to carry forward his martial arts philosophy.

To put it bluntly, when new subjects such as spatial topology and space geometry officially become a mainstream of mathematics, Qin Yuanqing will be respected as the ancestor by scholars of these new subjects.

What Qin Yuanqing is doing now is cultivating seeds so that they can germinate and grow vigorously in the future.

Otherwise, Qin Yuanqing only needs to bring a group of people to create a single anti-gravity device in the laboratory for a few months.

"But your suggestion just now also reminds us that it is time for us to develop an anti-gravity device and conduct verification in all aspects. Otherwise, when the Double Ring Space Station enters the construction period, the anti-gravity technology will not be mature yet, and then it will be released. Big problem!" Qin Yuanqing touched his chin and said.

The reason why anti-gravity technology is launched is not only because with the breakthrough of controllable nuclear fusion, human beings are freed from energy constraints and can support the development and application of more technologies. Anti-gravity technology is highly energy-consuming, but it can be used in transportation. Tools and other aspects have profoundly changed human life. For example, flying cars can make traffic less crowded.

For example, aerial cities can greatly increase human living space. Theoretically speaking, as long as there is mature anti-gravity technology and sufficient energy support, the aerial city can always be suspended in the air. This will undoubtedly greatly increase the living space and survivability of human beings.

Then there is the anti-gravity technology, which can be used in the space station to make people's life on the space station no different from life on the ground. It can greatly increase the defense capabilities of the space station and greatly strengthen the relationship with aerospace fighters and space shuttles. Class connection.

Anti-gravity technology, in a sense, can also evolve into repulsion and gravity, and control switching between repulsion and gravity.

In essence, antigravity is not a new force, but a known force, which is gravity!

When people talk about gravity, they will naturally think of the gravity of celestial bodies. For example, gravity will bind objects with mass on the planet so that people or other living things will not fall out of the earth. Therefore, launching satellites requires a launch vehicle to provide a huge lift. Propulsion is needed to lift off.

But you must know that gravity is not only that, gravity will also be converted into repulsive force to a certain extent, and how to convert the attraction of celestial bodies to objects into repulsive force is anti-gravity!

With this anti-gravity device, the aircraft can take off vertically easily, and it can actually fly at speeds of Mach 2, Mach 3 or even better without having to worry about the pilot's physical fitness, because it can make the pilot in the cabin less tired. There will be weight loss and brain congestion.

Of course, the most important thing now is actually the anti-gravity device. The technology needs to be mature during the construction of the double-ring space station, so that the double-ring space station can truly achieve the planning and design goals.

Over the past few years, the design and construction drawings of the Shuanghuan Space Station have been completed. At about the end of the year, the construction drawings of the Shuanghuan Space Station will be reviewed, including the review of various technical indicators, construction technology, construction procedures, etc.

Compared with the controllable nuclear fusion project, the Double Ring Space Station is larger, and the units, institutions, and universities involved are also becoming larger. Although some technologies and materials have been realized in the controllable nuclear fusion project, there are still a lot of technologies that need to be broken through. ,capture.

Among them, two of the most important ones are controllable nuclear fusion and anti-gravity technology. Controlled nuclear fusion is the energy source of the Double Ring Space Station. It supplies the energy needs of the entire space station and also provides the defense system of the space station. Energy support. Anti-gravity technology provides a space station that allows astronauts to live and work for a long time. After all, with anti-gravity technology, the living area in the space station is not weightless, but is no different from the earth. Not only how, but also anti-gravity technology can achieve rapid arrival and connection from the earth to the space station.

Therefore, Qin Yuanqing also attached great importance to anti-gravity technology.

Qian Sanfeng was very happy when he heard this. As the deputy director of the anti-gravity technology project, he naturally knew something about it. Qin Yuanqing really mastered the anti-gravity technology. The others were actually apprentices who learned from Qin Yuanqing. They had not studied it at all. Penetrate anti-gravity technology, let alone create anti-gravity devices.

Currently, only Qin Yuanqing can create an anti-gravity device.

As long as Qin Yuanqing personally manufactures the anti-gravity device, then no matter what, Qian Sanfeng, as the deputy director of the project, has no credit but hard work. In the future, when leaders mention anti-gravity technology, they will think of him, Qian Sanfeng, and he, Qian Sanfeng, can go further. .

Qin Yuanqing was overjoyed to see Qian Sanfeng and looked thoughtful. It seemed that he, the deputy director of the project, had been working hard these years and had to bear it a bit hard.

Qian Sanfeng is like this, so the other deputy project commander "Luo Yong" is probably the same. The anti-gravity technology project headquarters has two deputy commanders. Qian Sanfeng is in charge of project confidentiality, finance, administration, logistics, etc., and Another person, Luo Yong, is in charge of the coordination of different internal departments, institutions, and universities.

Qin Yuanqing smiled. His two assistants were originally at a high level and had strong working abilities, but they were not technical and were in the nature of administrative leadership. Their pursuits were different from those of scientific researchers. Scientific researchers pursued academics and technology, while These people pursue their own career.

At this level of official career, if you want to take another step forward, you must have excellent political performance and leave your competitors speechless. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to move up, and the resistance will be too great!

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