Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 533 The Era of Rapid Advances

About two hours later, the interview came to an end.

"Professor Qin, can you take a set of photos?" Elena said, "We want to make you the cover of this issue of Nature Weekly!"

What a joke, after finally interviewing Qin Yuanqing, they naturally wanted to put Qin Yuanqing on the cover to attract readers and increase the authority and influence of the newspaper.

With Qin Yuanqing's fame and power, he is definitely one of the best in the world! Its influence is so great that it affects the entire era. How can we let such a good opportunity pass?

In the past, it was everyone's honor to be interviewed by "Nature Weekly", but this time is different. In turn, it is the honor of "Nature Weekly" to be able to interview Qin Yuanqing!

Look at how many media outlets around the world are able to interview Qin Yuanqing. There are not even a thousand but eight hundred media outlets who want to interview Qin Yuanqing, but only a handful of them can be interviewed by Qin Yuanqing. Even some big media in China find it difficult to interview Qin Yuanqing.

What's more, this time Qin Yuanqing also gave Nature Weekly a certain amount of respect and attended the interview with his wife.

Qin Yuanqing smiled and said: "No problem!"

Qin Yuanqing didn't even remember how many magazine covers he had appeared on. Even "Times" had him on the cover five times!

Qin Yuanqing cooperated with the photographer and took several sets of photos, both of him alone and of his couple.

After more than half an hour, the photographer of "Nature Weekly" finally made a satisfied gesture of OK. The sky outside the window had already turned dusk.

"Why did you choose Nature Weekly? Not long ago, Time Magazine wanted to interview you, but you rejected them!" Jingtian said curiously after seeing off the reporters and photographers from Nature Weekly.

Compared with Nature Weekly, there is no doubt that Time Magazine is more famous. It was founded in 1923 and has been published for more than 100 years. It can be said to be a century-old magazine. It is extremely difficult for anyone to be listed in Time Magazine.

"There is no way, we always have to consider the importance of public opinion. China's revival has a long way to go!" Qin Yuanqing spread his hands and said helplessly.

Jingtian pouted, what are you pretending to be? If he didn't know the truth, he might really be deceived!

In fact, now, China is already the world's largest economy and the world's largest market. In addition, it has made up for its shortcomings in all aspects. The only thing that can be talked about is GDP per capita!

There is no way. China has such a large population. As long as it is averaged out, it will be very pitiful. This is exactly the case. Even now, it is not an exaggeration to say that China is a developing country, because the per capita GDP ranks China At least the previous twenty or thirty countries are developing countries.

"Society is developing faster and faster, and I feel like I can no longer keep up with the development of the times. In the past, 3D in cinemas was the best. Even though Avatar swept the world, everyone around the world knows the power of 3D movies. They build 3D theaters and use 3D cameras. Shooting, but 3D still cannot achieve full coverage, only a few are true 3D, and the others are pseudo-3D, but it has only been a few years since holographic projection movies began to appear in movie theaters!" Jingtian shook his head, feeling very emotional.

Even though he is a social elite and one of the richest people in the country, Jingtian still feels that society is developing too fast, so fast that people cannot keep up with the times.

Let’s just talk about the industry she is engaged in. Her hometown is the entertainment industry. Really disruptive changes have taken place. The breakthrough and commercialization of holographic projection technology has enabled holographic projection to crush 3D technology in film and television. In the past two years, the box office has been almost They are all played by holographic projections. The feeling of being there is simply the best experience. Almost no one can resist the charm.

Technology is the primary productive force, which is also reflected in this aspect.

Because of the relatively high price of holographic projection equipment, apart from movie theaters, only a small number of wealthy families can afford to install it. The middle class and low-income groups can only shake their heads when they see the price of holographic projection equipment.

For example, after more than ten years of development, the former smartphones have begun to enter a period of transformation and are being replaced by brand-new smart devices-smart bracelets. Major smartphone manufacturers, just like the original traditional mobile phones, are inexplicably Failed.

For example, famous manufacturers such as Apple and Samsung, which occupy a part of the market share in the field of smartphones, are facing the danger of the collapse of their kingdom.

Furthermore, more and more new energy vehicles are running on the streets, completely replacing fuel and gas vehicles. It is difficult to sell fuel and gas vehicles in the second-hand car market.

The school's education model is also undergoing great changes. Schools that have just implemented computerized teaching have begun to use intelligent teaching, combined with holographic projection technology, so that a teacher's lecture can often be listened to by many students.

A well-known teacher from a key middle school in Beijing is giving a lecture. In the classroom thousands of miles away in Sichuan and Sichuan, you may be listening to this teacher's lecture as if you were there. In a sense, it is rationalizing education and shortening differences. Regional educational gaps.

Even Jingtian feels this way, and the feelings of others are obvious. For example, in e-commerce in the past, you could only read product descriptions online, but now it seems like the second dimension has opened, and you can immerse yourself in it, as if you were in a store. When you pick something inside, the experience becomes even more powerful.

"Live and learn, that's the truth!" Qin Yuanqing said with a smile: "While you have time at this time, why not go to school to study and recharge your batteries!"

Once upon a time, the students trained by colleges and universities lagged behind the enterprises in terms of knowledge and equipment. As a result, the students entered the enterprises after graduation, and the enterprises had to spend a lot of effort to train these graduates.

However, after the rapid development of higher education in recent years, especially the Thirty-three School Alliance, as a locomotive, leading the rapid development of higher education as a whole, making colleges and universities always stand at the forefront of social change. Many teachers cannot follow because they do not study. It was up to date, and then it was eliminated.

And being able to take this opportunity to re-study and bring out the new often results in great achievements, and academic achievements reach a higher level!

Many people shouted, slow down your pace and wait for your people. They still don’t understand that human potential is infinite. As the times progress, people will be forced to tap their own potential. How many people will be more advanced? Thus a change of fortune occurred.

As for those who clamor for time to slow down and wait for him, in the final analysis they are just lazy, too lazy to change themselves and too lazy to learn.

Qin Yuanqing especially hoped that his wife could continue studying in school, learn new knowledge, and maybe get a doctorate.

Another chapter will be updated in the evening

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