Scientific research center, commander-in-chief office.

Qin Yuanqing signed his name on a document, placed the document in a corner of the table, put down the pen, stood up, shook his hands, stretched, yawned, and worked hard all night long. Only then did I dispose of the files accumulated during this period.

"When the reconstruction of the fission nuclear power plant gets on track next year, we will resign as commander in chief!" Qin Yuanqing muttered.

Up to now, the first phase of the "Golden Crow Project" can basically be declared over and a complete success. It can be said that the goals set at the beginning have been basically achieved. The "Golden Crow Project" begins to shift from the first stage to the second stage. The second stage is more important at the beginning, and only needs to be followed step by step.

Furthermore, in the second stage, the role of the "Jinwu Project" headquarters will be weakened, and it will be dominated by the Nuclear Power Group and the Guodian Group. Its role is to solve technology and use its own prestige to promote the project.

Therefore, Qin Yuanqing felt that he could resign as commander-in-chief at about that time and shift his focus to the anti-gravity technology project and the "Double Ring Space Station" project!

If possible, Qin Yuanqing actually prefers to be a pure professor, teaching students, training and educating those talented people, so that their arrogance cannot burn and they take less detours.

Unfortunately, time does not wait for us. Once an opportunity is missed, no one knows when a new opportunity will come next, and no one knows whether we will receive such unprecedented support.

In recent years, due to the huge funds required for these huge projects, the country has continued to increase revenue and reduce expenditures, just to complete these large projects proposed by him while ensuring that economic development is not affected.

It can be said that this kind of trust is unprecedented, and no scientist in history has been able to obtain such great support.

In the blink of an eye, the time came to May 1, 2024. In a high-level auditorium in the capital, the commendation conference for the first phase of the 'Golden Crow Project' was held as scheduled. It started with the speech of the host of the conference and warm applause. Curtain.

This commendation conference is to reward outstanding performance among participating institutions and scientific researchers in the first phase of the 'Golden Crow Project'. Representatives of universities, scientific research institutions and scientific researchers invited to come this time are all winners. .

Although this is not a national-level commendation conference, it is a commendation conference for the 'Golden Crow Project' headquarters. In addition to receiving an exquisite medal and a big red certificate, the award-winning institutions and winners will also receive a considerable amount of money. bonus.

Although bonuses seem very vulgar and vulgar, scholars are often shy about talking about money, feeling that talking about money hurts feelings and is full of the smell of copper. But Qin Yuanqing still feels that bonuses are more practical. After all, many scientific research workers are also very hard-working, and the wages they receive are average.

With such a bonus, family life can be improved, and even some scientific researchers who are single due to financial reasons can feel free to find a girlfriend and complete life-long events.

This commendation only honors units and advanced individuals with outstanding performance in the "Golden Crow Project". It does not involve the meritorious figures who started researching nuclear fusion in China, starting from Qin Yuanqing's writing of the controllable nuclear fusion project proposal, to the promotion of controllable nuclear fusion. The nuclear fusion project was approved, and now the second launch of the experiment has been a complete success, which means that China has mastered controllable nuclear fusion, opened the door to controllable nuclear fusion, and entered a new energy era.

In the past few years, a number of groups and individuals have emerged with outstanding performance. They have demonstrated not only technical aspects, but also extremely high professionalism and moral character. By rewarding them, it is not only recognition of them, but also encouragement. Improve morale so that scientific researchers and engineers can perform more outstandingly in the second phase of the 'Golden Crow Project'.

For scientific research institutions and researchers, this is not only an affirmation of their efforts in participating in the "Golden Crow Project", but it also not only means that they can receive a considerable bonus, obtain a certificate of honor, and achieve more in the field. Great fame and fortune.

More importantly, only by receiving awards from the headquarters can one have the opportunity to enter the national level awards. Qin Yuanqing wants to ask his superiors for credit for scientific researchers. It is not a big secret among the project team.

As long as you win a national award, it means that it is basically a matter of course for the winner to be elected as an academician!

As more and more outstanding talents are born in China, it becomes more and more difficult to select academicians. Among them, academic level and honors obtained have become important indicators in the selection. When two people have similar academic levels, If one party has won a national award and the other has not, then the scholar who has won the national award will have a greater chance of being elected as an academician.

Up to now, the value of the title of academician has not declined, but has become more valuable. As long as they are Chinese scholars, there is no one who does not want to be elected as an academician. This is the highest academic title in China!

This commendation meeting was both grand and low-key. It was grand because of its high level. Whether it was the number of departments attending the meeting or the high level of leadership present, it was very rare. Even the dean of the Academy of Sciences attended in person. I say low-key because there is no other media in the entire auditorium, except for special media to capture this extraordinary scene. As archives in the future, when people study the 'Golden Crow Project' in the future, this commendation conference cannot be avoided. .

This kind of commendation order also represents the contributions made by institutions and scholars in the first phase of the ‘Golden Crow Project’.

Qin Yuanqing also received a beautifully shaped medal. This medal was made of gold, with a sun pattern on one side and the 'Three-Legged Golden Crow', a mythological creature in Chinese mythology!

The Three-legged Golden Crow, also known as the Three-legged Crow, in ancient Chinese mythology, there is a black three-legged crow in the center of the red sun. The black crow squats in the center of the red sun and is surrounded by golden 'red light', so it is called the 'Golden Crow' As one of the sacred birds in ancient Chinese myths and legends.

The three-legged golden crow also represents the sun, and thus represents controllable nuclear fusion!

This time, a total of 1,080 yuan was awarded for the ‘Golden Crow Medal’. There were organizations and individuals who received the ‘Golden Crow Medal’. As for the individual recipients, in addition to scientific researchers, there are also administrative staff, logistics staff, and army soldiers!

The ‘Golden Crow Project’ can successfully complete the first phase of the goal. In addition to the scientific researchers from universities, scientific research institutions and scientific research centers, it also includes administrative personnel, logistics personnel and the police force. This achievement can only be achieved through the concerted efforts.

Naturally, this award cannot be missed from them.

Just such a 'Golden Crow Medal', made of pure gold, weighs 600 grams. According to the current gold price of 500 yuan per gram, this 'Golden Crow Medal' can be sold for 300,000 yuan if sold in gold, let alone The value is even higher if it is said to have exquisite shape and exquisite workmanship.

Of course, Qin Yuanqing believed that no one would be willing to sell the honor they had paid countless efforts to earn back. After all, compared to the price at which the 'Golden Crow Medal' could be sold, the meaning and value it represented was more important.

"Professor Qian, thank you for your contribution to China's controllable nuclear fusion!" After the commendation meeting, Qin Yuanqing saw a white-haired old man sitting below, stroking the 'Golden Crow Medal' in his hand, as if it was so precious.

Qin Yuanqing recognized this old man. Although this old man was not an academician, he was a well-known figure in the professional fields of nuclear engineering and nuclear technology. He had specialized in the professional fields of nuclear engineering and nuclear technology since he joined Huake University 30 years ago. , he has insisted on teaching undergraduate students at least once a week every week for 30 years. He is also a graduate tutor and doctoral supervisor, and has trained many outstanding talents.

Moreover, Professor Qian has actively participated in controllable nuclear fusion research since 2004, and has always firmly believed that controllable nuclear fusion can and will be achieved.

Now 55 years old, he looks full of white hair, several years older than the 70-year-old man. This is because in the past few years at the scientific research center, in order to complete the technology assigned to him, he brought his The team often works overtime, which consumes too much life.

In Qin Yuanqing's view, although Professor Qian is not a talented scientific researcher, he is undoubtedly a hard-working scientific researcher. He perfectly explains what "God rewards diligence" and "diligence can compensate for weakness"!

This is his spirit of daring to endure hardships and taking risks. He was awarded the "Golden Crow Medal", which can be said to be the greatest recognition of his efforts from the "Golden Crow Project" headquarters.

"Commander-in-Chief, thank you for allowing me to see the light of controllable nuclear fusion in my lifetime! With the breakthrough of controllable nuclear fusion technology, our country no longer has to worry about energy security issues. The curse that has been placed on China has finally been lifted. Yes!" Professor Qian solemnly thanked Qin Yuanqing and said: "I think even if I die now, I can still smile and say to my teacher, Teacher, you can rest in peace, we China has achieved controllable nuclear fusion! "

"Professor Qian, nuclear engineering still needs the dedication and efforts of outstanding scientific researchers like you to continue to advance. Don't talk about death or death now!" Qin Yuanqing said with some humor.

He can actually understand what Professor Qian said about his teacher. Professor Qian’s teacher is one of the pioneers of China’s controllable nuclear fusion. He is a true meritorious figure and also a person with many talents all over the world. It is a pity that Professor Qian’s teacher The teacher died five years ago and passed away. What he missed most before his death was not his children and grandchildren, but China's controllable nuclear fusion career.

His last words before his death were that he hoped that China would not give up on controllable nuclear fusion and could realize controllable nuclear fusion as soon as possible to solve China's own energy security problems and provide a steady stream of energy for China's great rejuvenation!

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