Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 523 Actions of private aerospace companies

"Ten years ago, I proposed the 'Starlink Project'. Most people thought I was crazy! But only I know that I am not crazy. I firmly believe that as long as tens of thousands of satellites are launched and the 'Starlink Project' is completed, Then there is no need to build millions or tens of millions of communication base stations, so that people can access the Internet from any corner of the earth, even in the Pacific Ocean and even in the Amazon forest!"

"Now, we have launched 1,800 satellites and completed more than 10% of the plan. We are working continuously. We will eventually have 12,000 satellites in low-Earth orbit, thereby establishing and improving global Internet communication services!"

"Of course, 12,000 satellites is not a goal, but only a first-stage goal. Our real goal is 42,000 satellites!"

"Space operations are very frequent in the world now. Various countries have proposed their own space plans, even manned landings on the moon! As the world's largest and most advanced launch vehicle technology, Space X has decided to launch manned landings after careful consideration. The moon plan is to send tourists who want to travel to the moon in 2030 to travel to the moon and let them stand on the moon and look up to the earth. I think that scene is absolutely great and unbelievable, and the ticket from the earth to the moon , one ticket only costs 100 million US dollars! With 100 million US dollars, you can start your own wonderful space journey, go to the moon for vacation, stand on the moon and look at the earth and the stars. You will surpass 99.999% of the people on the earth!"

Musk is speaking passionately, and underneath him are a group of enthusiastic young people. They worship Musk and think Musk is so cool that Musk is God.

Musk was also very high-spirited when he saw the excited cheers from his supporters. Thanks to the aerospace news flying all over the sky in the past few days, Musk's Space

His "Starlink Project" is very unreliable. It is impossible to make money back by collecting communication fees. But from the beginning, Musk never thought that the "Starlink Project" would make money by collecting communication fees. He only He can make money if his stocks grow because of this. As for the other part of making money, he collects track fees from other countries. If he doesn't pay the track fees, he will find trouble every day, causing all kinds of troubles.

Anyway, don't touch the satellites or space stations of those two or three countries. Other countries can only stare and dare not speak out. Even if they dare to speak, so what? Is it possible that they can still shoot down their satellites?

Now, in addition to the "Starlink Project", Musk has officially launched the concept of lunar tourism. To do space tourism business, you don't need many people to actually buy tickets. You only need investors to buy it and promote the stock price. , that’s it.

Space In 2020, not only did it not decline, but it increased 10 times. This is the only one in the entire US stock market that is Space X.

How could Musk, who has tasted this kind of sweetness, look at the golden boom period of aerospace and remain indifferent!

In fact, not only Musk, but also many private aerospace companies in the United States, such as Axiom Space, Space Dev, Bigelow Aerospace, Blue Origin, etc., are accelerating their aerospace projects, financing from financial markets to large sums of money, and promoting their greatness to investors. aerospace project.

Compared with China's private aerospace companies, American private aerospace companies are undoubtedly larger and more powerful. For example, in this field, they have almost no restrictions. These private aerospace companies can even wave money to poach people from NASA, and even He also makes money from NASA's aerospace projects.

For example, Blue Origin is the famous Blue Origin, a commercial space company owned by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos. With Amazon blocked from going out of the United States, and now stuck in the United States, with its market potential exhausted, global aerospace activities have changed. Jeff Bezos saw the opportunity and increased his investment.

Blue Origin will develop a rocket engine called BE-4, and at the same time accelerate its own 'suborbital tourism' project, and now Blue Origin has mastered considerable spacecraft recovery technology, rocket power recovery technology, and hydrogen-oxygen engine technology and other high-tech technologies, it can be said that it ranks third among the private aerospace companies in the United States!

It can be said that the United States has a profound aerospace heritage. The aerospace technology of a private aerospace company exceeds that of most countries.

It can also be seen from this that aerospace engineering is a high-tech and sophisticated job, full of technical content. It is impossible to carry out aerospace engineering without two or three brushes.

From another perspective, aerospace engineering is standard equipment for big countries, and only big countries can afford it. At the beginning, China also tightened its belt, and a group of outstanding scientists overcame many difficulties before making achievements in aerospace engineering.

It is only in the 21st century that China's economy has achieved world-renowned achievements. With relatively sufficient financial support and increased investment in the aerospace field, China has developed rapidly in the aerospace field.

When private aerospace companies in the United States launched their own aerospace plans one after another, all kinds of incredible aerospace concepts were proposed.

In China, private aerospace companies have also increased investment and financing. As major countries launch aerospace programs, the entire aerospace topic is hot, and the market is naturally heating up. For many large securities companies and financial institutions, they They tend to make medium- and long-term investments, and investors have great confidence in this.

Different from the half-dead stock market of China in the previous generation, as people did not invest money in real estate, many people invested money in the stock market as a means of financial management, making China the second largest stock market in the world, and its market value ranked second in the world. Although the total value of the stock market Far inferior to U.S. stocks, but still far ahead of other stock markets.

In addition, there are many half-dead stocks on the A-share market, which makes people feel hateful and helpless when they fall into the big pit. The financing of these private aerospace companies has suddenly made many people bite the bullet and cut their losses to buy these private aerospace companies. of stocks.

Qin Yuanqing accompanied the dean on a three-day inspection period on desert management. After several years of management, remarkable results have been achieved, which has won the favor of many environmentalists and environmental organizations. Huaxia has repeatedly praised Huaxia's efforts in the desert in public. The positive attitude in governance and the incredible results achieved have made China's international image continue to develop in a positive direction.

"Academician Qin, how many years do you think it will take for us to grow food and vegetables here and turn this place into a real granary?" The dean pointed at the land in front of him that had just grown teeth and said with emotion.

In China, whether you are at the bottom or at the top, you always have a special liking for growing food and vegetables. Even in the city, you always open a small vegetable garden on the balcony or on the roof of the building to grow some vegetables, which is like a farmer's gene. Engraved in everyone's bones.

Obviously, with the fruitful achievements in desert control, the dean has begun to imagine that the once more than two million square kilometers of desert has become a new living space for China and a granary to solve China's food security problem, so as not to If there is any trouble, food security is a fatal issue.

"Dean, from our scientific point of view, in fact, the Three North Lands are not suitable to be used as granaries. Even if desert control is completed, the annual rainfall in the Three North Lands can only meet the harvest of one season a year. Again. Well, at this stage, the population decline is already foreseeable!" Qin Yuanqing said after pondering.

Although from 2010 to 2020, due to the impact of his reasons, there were a total of 180 million new people, which was much better than the previous life, but in fact, the number of people who died every year continued to increase, making China perhaps just In the past few years, there will be negative population growth.

As women become more and more independent, they no longer want to have more than two children. Many women even only have one child, or even choose not to have children. Secondly, this is the case in an aging society. There are always births, old age, illness and death. After 1949, basically the number of births in China every year was about 20 million. Even after 1960, the number of births every year was between 25 and 30 million. Between 1970 and 1980, the number was basically in the range of 20 million to 25 million, and these age groups are entering the later years of life.

Even if life gets better and lifespan gets longer, it does not mean that we can break through the limit of human lifespan.

As for the Three North Region, Qin Yuanqing did not think it was suitable for the development of agriculture. If the annual agricultural output of this area can meet the needs of the region, it is already very good.

"And now with the supplement of imported agricultural products from Southeast Asia, it can greatly improve China's dining table. It is only right for these three northern lands to take a good rest. At least these ten years are not suitable for large-scale development!" Although Qin Yuanqing has not done much in desert control. It takes a lot of effort, but you know that covering the desert with vegetation does not mean that desert control is completed instantly. In fact, this is only the first step. Just a huge change in the environment will take at least ten years to regain a balance.

Besides, the sand in the desert is actually very barren. Qin Yuanqing actually had no hope that it could turn into fertile soil in ten years.

"The Middle East wants to ask for help in controlling deserts. What do you think about this?" the dean mentioned.

Qin Yuanqing looked thoughtful, but he had no doubt that such a thing would happen. The climate types in the Middle East mainly include tropical desert climate, Mediterranean climate, and temperate continental climate. The generally dry climate makes most of the Middle East very dry. Dry, desert conditions are common.

If the Middle East had not been rich in oil in the past few decades, which brought unimaginable wealth to various countries in the Middle East, the Middle East would never have been able to enjoy high welfare.

However, since the birth of lithium-air batteries, the value of oil has fallen from highs and has remained at a relatively low level. The first launch of the experiment at the 'Golden Crow Device' almost represents the advent of the era of controllable nuclear fusion, which has given oil a fatal blow. This blow has kept the price of oil at a low level, and the income from oil extraction is no longer enough to make the Middle East as rich as before.

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