Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 519: Conspiracy (please subscribe)

In the past, China was not inferior to Western countries in terms of small rockets, but there was a big gap between China and the United States and Russia in terms of the carrying capacity of large rockets.

For example, the Long March 5 launch vehicle specially developed for Chang'e 5 has a carrying capacity of only 25 tons in low-Earth orbit, only 18 tons in synchronous orbit, and only about 8 tons in the Earth-moon transfer orbit. The take-off mass of manned spacecraft like Shenzhou 11 and 12 is almost 8 tons. Considering that the lunar landing spacecraft must be redesigned according to the magnetic field environment of the moon, it must also carry a lunar module and a lunar module weighing at least 3 tons. With a living module of more than 5 tons, the final weight of the entire lunar landing spacecraft may exceed 20 tons.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the Long March 5 rocket is not enough to support the completion of manned moon landing. Even if China has made many breakthroughs in the field of materials, the weight of the spacecraft and other aspects will be reduced, but no matter how much it is reduced, it will still reach 10 tons, it can be said that the Long March 5 carrier rocket is very reluctant to support China's manned spaceflight. Even if it is reluctant to send people to the moon, then basically one person will land on the moon and then return in a hurry. As for conducting inspection activities or other aspects , don’t even think about it.

It can be said that the symbolic meaning is greater than the actual meaning!

But with the birth of the "Long March 15" super-heavy launch vehicle, these problems are no longer a problem.

The three "Long March 15" launches to be carried out this year are not only due to the need to carry out these activities, but also to provide technical verification and practice for next year's manned moon landing.

As the time of the conference approaches, more and more guests arrive in the auditorium, each sitting at the marked position.

This lunar landing project seminar, there were more than a thousand people participating in the seminar, close to 2,000 people. You can imagine how many people were excited when they received the news that China was going to manned the moon. Can't sleep.

Although manned landing on the moon will hardly generate any profits in a short period of time, it is far inferior to the controllable nuclear fusion that is now within reach. The construction of cross-regional power grids and controllable fusion power stations will have the highest return rate in the short term of ten years.

But everyone who can attend this meeting is undoubtedly not an ordinary person, but a real social elite. Their eyes are not only focused on the present, but also on the future.

When the time came to 9:00, the lunar landing project seminar officially began. The host of the meeting read out the main content of the meeting, as well as some disciplinary issues of the meeting, and then announced the start of the meeting.

When the leaders of relevant departments spoke as representatives, they said that next year, that is, 2025, they plan to launch manned moon landings. At present, China's aerospace technology has made rapid progress. The success of Chang'e 5, Chang'e 6, and Chang'e 7 represents that China has Mastered the technology of traveling between the earth and the moon.

Immediately, this news made most of the people present whisper. Obviously, the news of manned moon landing in 2025 was enough to surprise everyone. Although there were always news on the website from time to time to speculate when China would manned the moon, various manned There are dates for the moon landing, but no official timetable has been given.

According to what they know, the Long March 5 carrier rocket currently in China's hands can only barely carry people to the moon. However, it is most likely a "face project", and China does not need a face project now.

Of course, I was surprised. In fact, all the private entrepreneurs participating in the meeting showed a lack of interest. After all, so far, although private enterprises have mastered certain launch technologies of their own, equipment such as high-thrust rockets used in the moon landing project, even if the relevant policies have been liberalized, ordinary private enterprises do not have that If you don’t have the capital and courage to play, you won’t be able to go through a thankless effort to build that technical reserve.

At present, the launch technologies mastered by these private enterprises in China are mainly small satellite launches, which are small launch vehicles, and their transport capacity can only meet enterprise-level requirements.

However, with the speeches of the invited expert guests, they started to talk about the current history and current situation of the world's aerospace development, and said that the aerospace market is constantly expanding, and the role of private aerospace enterprises is constantly emerging. The demand for private aerospace is expanding rapidly, and aerospace will be a real emerging industries.

Some guests also mentioned that more and more talents are joining private companies and bringing advanced technologies to private aerospace companies. For example, private companies can produce qualified aviation materials and launch small satellites, which was unimaginable before. Judging from the development of private aerospace enterprises, private aerospace enterprises are rapidly becoming bigger and stronger!

Beihang University is talking about the fact that relevant domestic aerospace and aviation majors are continuously increasing enrollment and cultivating talents, but the supply is still in short supply. The booming development of aerospace can also be reflected in the strong demand for talents.

The chief designer of the Chang'e Project introduced the achievements of the Chang'e Project in the past two decades, as well as the detected conditions on the moon, such as resource storage, distribution, climate conditions, etc. on the moon.

These are all detected by China itself, and they are real materials. They are far from comparable to the data published overseas. In the past 20 years of China's Chang'e Project, we have suffered a lot just because we initially believed in the data published overseas. Losing money can be said to be a heavy tuition fee.

But now it's different. The information China has on the moon can be said to have reached the world's leading level. Maybe China still lacks a lot in the exploration of Mars or the solar system, but for the moon, it is definitely in the first echelon in the world.

The business representatives who attended the meeting immediately realized that this was different from the aerospace-related meetings they had attended before. Leaders of several different departments read out policies in succession, all of which encouraged private companies to increase investment in the aerospace engineering field, with tax exemptions and exemptions. , there are technical support awards, and even authorization and training of related technologies.

This is almost like telling them directly that as long as you enter aerospace engineering and increase investment in aerospace engineering, not only will you not lose money, but you will make a lot of money.

In China, the most profitable thing is actually to follow the policies. As long as you follow the policies and go with the general trend, it will be difficult to lose money unless you commit suicide.

As an aerospace expert and the commander-in-chief of the 'Double Ring Space Station' project, Qin Yuanqing's seat is still in the middle of the first row, and everyone else has to sit aside.

"Next, let us welcome my country's famous scientist, the commander-in-chief of the 'Double Ring Space Station' project, Academician Qin Yuanqing to give a speech!" the host of the meeting said with a smile.

Suddenly the entire auditorium burst into warm applause. This applause was much warmer than the previous applause, showing the unique phenomenon of Qin Yuanqing's popularity among the entrepreneurial community.

"I am very happy to be invited by the organizer of the conference to participate in this seminar. As a scholar, I would like to say a few words here." Qin Yuanqing pondered for a moment and said: "When I wrote about controllable nuclear fusion, anti-gravity technology, When I submitted the proposal for the three major projects of the Double Ring Space Station, some people thought I was crazy and arrogant. As a result, four years later, we can declare that we have achieved a great victory in controllable nuclear fusion. In less than two years, we will Some provinces can use this clean energy!"

"As for anti-gravity technology, is it pseudoscience? Is it delusional? I think as a scholar, I can tell you responsibly that anti-gravity technology has been conquered by me long ago, and it does not have any technical problems. On the contrary, Regarding the related applications of gravity, I think I have seen relevant papers and news reports here. I won’t say more here. I just want to say that the next era will change faster and faster. The future era must be the aerospace era. It must be the era of science and technology. If we seize the opportunities of this era, not to mention that we will not fail for a thousand years, at least the dividend period of a hundred years is certain and guaranteed!"

"The 'Double Ring Space Station' has entered the second phase. The project headquarters will use practical actions to prove that we can do what we say about the 'Double Ring Space Station' project. Can you imagine that such a large space station can be built?" How many things can happen!" Qin Yuanqing said this, and said with a slight smile: "When the time comes, everyone will be at home, pick up the telescope, and you can see the 'Double Ring Space Station' flying overhead! Whoever controls space will control the world. , whoever controls the 21st century!"

This meeting is not just a seminar on the 'Moon Landing Project', it is not just a demonstration of the necessity of the Moon Landing Project, or how to manned the Moon Landing, nor is it just a policy encouragement for aerospace engineering.

It even takes this opportunity and window to carry out a conspiracy-like layout, forcing other competitors to increase investment in aerospace, thereby further diluting investment in other aspects, weakening the competitiveness of competitors, or slowly bleeding competitors. .

Standing at the commanding heights of technology, you can use this method to make a conspiracy-like layout, and competitors will either keep up or compromise and act like an ostrich. If competitors keep up, they will be bled continuously until they are finally drained. If you don't compromise and don't act like an ostrich, it will be a fatal blow to morale. In this way, you still have the morale and confidence to clamor.

Therefore, for those who play strategy, Huaxia is the real king, while the others are only at the bronze level and can only shout to fight and kill.

The weight of Qin Yuanqing's words was much greater than that of others. Suddenly, the eyes of the business representatives were shining. After all, Qin Yuanqing said that the future is the space age and the interstellar age. Whoever seizes the opportunity will be able to survive for a hundred years. From another perspective, it tells them that whoever seizes the opportunity will be able to survive for a hundred years. Whoever gets the chance can keep a hundred years of wealth!

Don’t think that the entrepreneurs participating in the conference each have tens of billions or hundreds of billions of wealth, but they know better than anyone else that such wealth is actually just a bunch of numbers, a castle in the air. Once there is any big storm, there will be nothing. He will go to jail, his beautiful lover will be raised by others, and his children will only be treated as grandchildren by others.

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