Chapter 52 Grand Parade

In the golden autumn of October, the sky is clear and blue

The whole capital is beaming with joy, the eyes of the whole China are focused here, and the eyes of the whole world are focused here!

Today the Republic will hold a grand military parade here to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Republic!

Qin Yuanqing was dragged by Jingtian early in the morning and woke up after pouring a basin of cold water on him. He realized that there would be a military parade today, so he quickly washed himself up, took a shower, and went out to look at the military parade. After many inspections and reviews, , finally came to the viewing platform.

There are many small benches on the viewing platform. Due to the limited space, sitting down is almost shoulder to shoulder. If you want to turn around, you need to adjust your posture.

At this time, there are still 2 hours before the parade begins!

Qin Yuanqing turned his head slightly and saw many celebrities, such as Liu Chuanzhi from Lianlian, Alien from Alibaba, and Ma Huateng from Tencent. . . . . .

"These are the guests from domestic entrepreneurs, and there are the guests from Xiangjiang..." Jingtian introduced in a low voice.

Qin Yuanqing also understood that the guests who could attend the military parade were almost all social elites, either business tycoons or high-ranking officials. . . . . . It can be said that they are representatives of almost every field and every class.

When he thought about Jing's father getting the quota for the ceremony for the two of him, Qin Yuanqing had to sigh. Jing's father was so powerful that he even got the quota for the ceremony.

After a long wait, the military parade finally begins!

"Everyone stands... raise the national flag and sing the national anthem!"

Suddenly everyone stood up and began to pay attention to the national flag, and sang the national anthem as the national anthem was played. Everyone stood up, almost all of them chose to stand and watch the military parade, and few people chose to sit down.

There was really no other way. Those in front stood blocking the view, and those behind had no choice but to stand behind.

"Look, the honor guard of the three armed forces is coming!" Qin Yuanqing held Jingtian's jade hand and became excited.

Watching the military parade live is not as good as watching it on TV, but it is still very shocking to see it with your own eyes. The atmosphere is far better than live TV, with uniform footsteps and neat queues. The honor guard of the three armed forces represents the three armed forces and is the face of the three armed forces.

Jingtian was also super excited, applauding and waving in salute.

And when the female soldier formation came, they saw the bright red female militia formation, all wearing riding boots and short skirts. The atmosphere at the scene suddenly reached a climax. All eyes were fixed on the female soldier formation, which caused more reactions than the previous three armies. Guard of honor.

One-third of the troops reviewed this time have participated in earthquake relief and fighting against rain, snow and freezing disasters. Seven troops have participated in support and security for the Beijing Olympics. Five troops have participated in joint military exercises. One troop has participated in the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China. Three troops have participated in the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China. One troop participated in the 35th anniversary of the National Day military parade, and seven troops participated in the 50th anniversary of the National Day military parade.

It can be said that he is an elite representative of the military!

All the weapons in this military parade are domestically produced, and more than 90% of them are new faces on the National Day military parade. The twelve air echelons consisting of one hundred and fifty aircraft were also the largest in history.

It is entirely conceivable that this grand military parade will once again shock the world, and national pride and cohesion will once again be enhanced!

When the military parade ended, 36 square formations composed of 100,000 people from all walks of life, 60 floats, and 6 marching theatrical performances passed through the central area of ​​the square in sequence, echoing the background patterns presented by 80,000 young people in the square.

Qin Yuanqing was so happy that he and Jingtian were immersed in the joyful atmosphere, the party and the fireworks show.

When I got home, it was already 12 o'clock in the evening. I took a couple's bath with Jingtian, and the two fell asleep hugging each other.

In his sleep, Qin Yuanqing dreamed that he became a soldier, participated in the military parade, walked through the city gate with firm and powerful steps, and accepted the review of the party and the people.

I will not regret entering China in this life, and I will still be a Chinese in the next life!

As the poet Ai Qing wrote: "Why do I always have tears in my eyes? It's because I love her deeply..."

After Qin Yuan woke up, he logged into QQ and wrote in the QQ space - I will not regret entering China in this life, and I will still be a Chinese in the next life!

Jingtian was deeply moved when he saw what Qin Yuanqing wrote. He logged into his Weibo and wrote on Weibo: "I will not regret entering China in this life, and I will still be a Chinese in the next life!"

Then he applied for a Weibo account for Qin Yuanqing, which certified him as Shuimu University, CMO gold medalist, IMO gold medalist, and top scorer in the college entrance examination.

Jingtian followed Qin Yuanqing's Weibo account, and then used Qin Yuanqing's Weibo account to follow himself and each other. @Qin Yuanqing sent a photo of the two on National Day.

Weibo was launched by Sina in August this year. It was very popular as soon as it came out and formed the Weibo effect. Although it was only launched less than 2 months ago, it already has millions of users.

Seeing Jingtian posting on Weibo, Qin Yuanqing felt funny.

In the previous generation, Weibo was extremely influential, with 400 million users, but Qin Yuanqing had never registered or played on Weibo.

"By the way, I forgot something. The head of your mathematics department called you the day before yesterday and asked you to call him back. This is his phone number." Jingtian remembered something and said.

When Qin Yuanqing heard that it was the dean of the mathematics department who was looking for him, he already knew that it was his paper that had been published.

Qin Yuanqing called Director Lin: "Hello, Teacher Lin, this is Qin Yuanqing."

"Classmate Qin Yuanqing, are you free now? If you have time to go back to school, the dean will be there too!" Director Lin said.

"Okay, I'll be there in twenty minutes!" Qin Yuanqing said quickly.

Then he asked Jingtian if he wanted to go to school together. Jingtian shook his head repeatedly, and Qin Yuanqing drove back to school by himself.

Department of Mathematics, Director Lin's office, Qin Yuanqing knocked on the door and walked in.

As soon as he entered the door, Director Lin put down the pen in his hand, stood up and poured a glass of water for Qin Yuanqing, and said with a smile: "Classmate Qin Yuanqing, this time you suddenly released a big satellite!"

"Your attainments in the field of number theory are beyond my imagination. Even I can't compare to you. It's admirable!" Director Lin said with emotion.

"Teacher Lin, you are exaggerating!" Qin Yuanqing said quickly.

Just kidding, Director Lin is a big figure in domestic mathematics and has a great reputation.

"There is no need to be modest. Excessive modesty is hypocrisy. As academics, we have always emphasized seeking truth from facts." Director Lin waved his hand and said, "There are not many people who can be praised by Professor Deligne."

"I have read your paper. It is logically rigorous. No one in our school can write such a beautiful paper." Director Lin said: "The English version is published in the journal. I have to trouble you to translate it into Chinese these days for everyone's convenience. further research!"

"Well...Teacher Lin, I actually wrote it in Chinese at the beginning and then translated it into English after completing it." Qin Yuanqing said shyly.

"Okay! Very good!" Director Lin smiled and said, "Come on, let's go find the dean. You have achieved results, and all the rewards given to you according to the rules must be given to you."

"Haha, Lao Lin, here I come!" A loud laugh rang out, and then an old man was seen walking into the office.

Qin Yuanqing saw the old man and stood up quickly: "Hello, Dean."

It is difficult to see the principal. Normally, the only person you see is the dean of the college.

"Hello, hello, you're welcome, please sit down!" Dean Li looked at Qin Yuanqing and nodded approvingly: "You're a good young man. He has brought glory to our school just after the semester started. This paper of yours is earth-shattering!"

Dean Li smiled and said: "We old men are becoming increasingly useless. To prove these mathematical conjectures, we still have to rely on you, the younger generation!"

"Where, the seniors are rich in experience, they are the Dinghai Shenzhen!" Qin Yuanqing said quickly.

"Haha, you young man is too modest. I am also engaged in mathematics. The golden age of mathematicians is between 20 and 40 years old. After the age of 40, it is more difficult to achieve results." Dean Li scolded with a smile.

Mathematics is different from other subjects. The essence of mathematics is logic. After the age of forty, thinking begins to decline slowly. Therefore, most mathematicians make various achievements before the age of forty. It starts to decrease as soon as you are young. Once you are over 60 years old, you don’t have to expect mathematicians to still produce results that exceed their peak.

"Dean, has the school's reward policy been implemented?" Director Lin asked with a smile.

"It has already been announced. Both our school and our country strongly support this kind of outstanding scientific research results." Dean Li said with a smile: "The school will reward you 2 million yuan, of which 1 million will be given to you as a reward." Scientific research funding leaves one million for you to improve your life.”

research funding?

Qin Yuanqing murmured in his heart that his conjecture had been proven, so why should he give the scientific research funds to himself?

"Thank you, dean, thank you school!" Qin Yuanqing thanked him quickly.

Although he is not short of money, no matter how small the mosquito is, there is still some flesh on his thigh.

Who would object to having less money?

Originally, when Qin Yuanqing entered Shuimu University, the conditions given by the Shuimu Admissions Office were to waive all tuition fees, accommodation fees, and monthly meals, and also give Qin Yuanqing 3,000 yuan in living expenses every month. Since Qin Yuanqing started school, his school expenses have been almost zero. He eats in the cafeteria every day and has 3,000 yuan for living expenses every month.

Now that the school has awarded two million, Qin Yuanqing suddenly discovered that those doing academic research are actually not poor. In the past, the country was poor and had no money. Scientists worked hard. Selling tea eggs was not as good as building an atomic bomb. However, since the beginning of the millennium, the country's economy has developed rapidly. Now it is just around the corner to surpass Japan and become the world's second largest economy, either this year or next year, so investment in scientific research will naturally increase.

Those who engage in scientific research will naturally have a better life!

"By the way, where will your research direction be next?" Dean Li asked with a smile: "I think your talent in mathematics is better than that in physics. If you want to switch to the mathematics department, I will help you change!"

"No, no, dean! I didn't say that you can only do physics but not mathematics in the physics department!" Qin Yuanqing quickly refused: "My next research direction is the twin prime number conjecture!"

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