Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 513 The experiment was a complete success

Nathan Harry, when he heard what this bad old man said, he suddenly felt unhappy!

One billion dollars seems like a lot!

But you must know that 400 million of them are for the payment of wages owed by the previous laboratory, which means that only 600 million US dollars were actually used for experiments.

Looking at the relevant information of the "Golden Crow Project" announced by China, the scientific research funding alone exceeds 100 billion yuan, which converts to nearly 20 billion U.S. dollars. And everyone knows that the purchasing power of China's renminbi is very strong. The purchasing power of 100 billion yuan is in China is actually equivalent to US$30 billion in America, or even US$40 billion!

Not to mention, hundreds of universities, more than 700 scientific research institutions, and a total of more than 50,000 scientific researchers were used!

As for them, they only have a mere US$600 million to spend, and the number of scientific researchers involved is less than 600, not even one hundredth of what others have. Whether it is funding or scientific research power, it is less than one hundredth of others. It was already lagging behind others, and now it still wants to achieve overtaking in a corner, why not die! ?

Not to mention compared with China, which is now known as the 'rich', but also compared with the Institute of Plasma Physics under the German Max Planck Society. In the past year, 'Spiral Stone 7-X' has raised 5 billion euros from various aspects. , the funding is also higher than theirs, and they have only achieved continuous and stable operation for 15 minutes.

"Mr. Minister, you are forcing things on others! I can't give you a specific time or specific indicators, unless Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory can give us a time to tell us about the D-Li interaction based on When will the neutron source be produced?" Although Harry wanted to punch this bad old man, he still held back and said.

When it comes to the ability to shift blame, technicians like them are the real masters!

Officials like Ernest Moniz, who have no technical background, do not know what controlled nuclear fusion is, what is involved in controlled nuclear fusion, and what a neutron source is.

As long as you mention one thing that is not keeping up with the progress, you can successfully dump the blame.

Ernest Moniz rubbed his temples and said with a headache: "So the key to the problem now is the neutron source?"

"Neutron sources are really important," Harry said.

Harry did not say that even if the problem of the neutron source is solved, there are still a lot of problems that need to be solved. Solving the problem of the neutron source can only be used to test the radiation resistance of materials, and the distance between controlled nuclear fusion and Europe's Spiral Stone 7- The extent of X' is equivalent to the distance from the United States to China!

Just when Ernest Moniz was having a headache about America's controllable nuclear fusion project and didn't know where to start, far away in the desert of China, the second start-up test of the 'Golden Crow Device' was going on.

Although the 'Golden Crow Device' does not look much different from the outside, various monitoring data show that the temperature of the reaction chamber in the device is already 100 million degrees Celsius. If it can be seen, Then it will be a light that is more dazzling than the stars.

Under the high temperature of 100 million degrees Celsius, endless energy surges out like a tide and is liberated from the tiny atomic nucleus.

A steady stream of energy is converted into electrical energy and sent out. At this point in the experiment, the originally input energy has been earned back from the output energy, and it is still a huge profit.

Don't underestimate such a small device. The energy produced by this small device can meet the energy needs of the entire Long Province. After all, compared with the active economy on the eastern coast, the current population of Long Province is only second. There are more than 10 million people, and the number of factories is far less than that on the eastern coast. The urbanization is quite different, and the electricity consumption is still much different.

The plasma gas ionized at high temperature is ejected from the nozzle, cutting the magnetic induction lines at high speed, converting the thermal energy in the reactor into a steady stream of electrical energy, and the monitoring data of this thermal energy converted into electrical energy is constantly displayed on the computer screen, sitting in the The researcher in front of the computer screen has his eyes fixed on the screen, for fear that abnormal curves will appear on the screen!

Not only the scientific researchers are focusing on experiments, but the security personnel of the base are also entering a first-level alert state. Anyone who breaks into this area privately does not need to report and obtain an order. The soldiers have the right to shoot and kill the intruder directly.

The more peripheral security forces have already turned on their radars at full power, searching for air targets, all air defense systems are turned on, and all anti-aircraft missiles are in launch mode. Once an unidentified aircraft, missile, etc. enters the security range, it will be judged to be attacking the base. will be shot down immediately.

Since they received the order and rushed to the desert as soon as possible, they knew very well that their duty was to protect the safety of the base. This was their mission. They were also the only division in the entire army that had no one in the past four years. A soldier retired! They didn't even have a family leave. They learned from their predecessors and used their loyalty and courage to guard the scientific research of the motherland, just like the two bombs and one satellite back then!

Even under the cold northwest wind from Siberia, wearing coats, they resolutely chose to be loyal guards. Ice sculpture warriors abound here!

Fortunately, today is different from the past. The coats they wear are all equipped with small air conditioners powered by lithium-air batteries, which provide them with enough warmth to avoid frostbite or death.

When the time of the experiment entered seconds, and as it reached 00:00, the engineer pressed the button and stopped the experiment. The temperature in the reaction chamber dropped sharply from a high temperature of 100 million degrees Celsius, and then the nuclear fusion reaction stopped. Without the support of temperature, the nuclear fusion reaction cannot proceed.

However, inspection of the device will have to wait until after the cold cutting.

Now that the experiment is over, no one celebrates the success of the experiment. Instead, they meticulously start collecting data, writing reports, and summarizing.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night, and no one will choose to go to bed early tonight.

Although the experiment only lasted for an hour, it was an hour with historical significance. It will be recorded in the annals of Chinese history and is destined to be recorded in the annals of world history!

From this moment on, it can be said that controllable nuclear fusion has officially moved from the laboratory to commercial application. All the laboratory needs to do is further research on controllable nuclear fusion, including research on materials, research on improving energy conversion rate, and Research on miniaturization and lightweight of controllable nuclear fusion!

Of course, these studies will come later. The controllable nuclear fusion of the scientific research base in 2024 will mainly be multiple experiments on the 'Golden Crow Device'. It is planned to conduct up to 10 experiments in 2024, and conduct a comprehensive The test can be said to be conducted almost once a month.

By the end of this year, everyone will not be in the scientific research base, but will have new tasks, either returning to their original units, or being transferred to other units, and this huge base will be transformed into a controllable The nuclear fusion power station has become the first controllable nuclear fusion power station in the country, supplying the electricity needs of the entire Long Province.

Everything about this huge scientific research base will only be available through historical materials, documentaries, etc.!

Qin Yuanqing held a temporary meeting in the general command conference room to make arrangements for 2024. This is the last year of the experimental phase, and it is also the most important and least important year.

It is said to be the most important because after the 'Golden Crow Device' achieves new breakthroughs, it will carry out tests in all aspects, including the longest continuous running time test, the highest temperature test, etc., so as to obtain the best design running time, the best optimal operating temperature and other indicators related to future commercial applications.

This is also an indicator of the first generation of controllable nuclear fusion power stations. With future research, like nuclear fission, second-generation controllable nuclear fusion power stations, third-generation controllable nuclear fusion power stations and fourth-generation controllable nuclear fusion power stations will be developed. Controlled nuclear fusion power plants have obvious generational differences!

From the current point of view, the power generation efficiency of controllable nuclear fusion achieved with today's technical means is already five times that of fissionable power stations of the same level. This efficiency is extremely terrible, which means that it only costs about 100,000 yuan a day. It can meet the power needs of the entire Long Province.

Even if this number is enlarged ten times, it will have great social benefits and economic efficiency.

Because compared to fissile power plants, controllable nuclear fusion power plants are safer and will not cause major nuclear accidents. It is true that mankind has experienced so many nuclear accidents and has become insane.

Moreover, nuclear fusion power plants do not produce nuclear waste. Now the whole world is having a headache with the disposal of nuclear waste. The radioactivity of nuclear waste always makes people miserable. Even if it is secretly discharged into the sea, the surrounding seawater will be contaminated by radiation. , marine life has been mutated. Look at the waters around Japan today, who else dares to eat the fish there.

Moreover, nuclear waste is extremely radioactive, with a half-life of thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of years. In other words, after hundreds of thousands of years, these nuclear wastes can still affect humans and the environment. How to safely and permanently dispose of nuclear waste is a major issue for scientists, but there is still no good way!

But with a nuclear fusion power station, this problem is no longer a problem!

Therefore, the next test experiment is also very important!

I say it's not important because at this stage, all the necessary technologies are available and the fundamentals won't be involved.

Of course, Qin Yuan cleared his repeated emphasis on work. One of the topics of the meeting was the list of personnel who should be rewarded based on their merits. Those who have merit will be rewarded and those who have demerited will be punished. This is a principle, and it is not just a reward based on merit within the scientific research base. , also includes national-level merit-based rewards, especially the later national-level list of merit-based rewards, which needs to be representative, stand up to scrutiny, and be able to truly imitate.

As for Qin Yuanqing himself, he needs to review different materials. Which materials can be uploaded to publicity and known by everyone, which ones need to be kept confidential, and what is the confidentiality level. As well as the review of researchers' papers, not all papers are suitable for publication, and many papers need to be kept confidential.

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