Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 506 The Future of Humanity

After Qin Yuanqing became Professor Shuimu, his achievements have attracted the attention of the world. This has allowed Shuimu to develop rapidly and occupy the dominant position of China's number one university for a long time. It has also made Shuimu become one of the top ten universities in the world, regardless of status. Both his influence and influence have increased by more than ten times. Qin Yuanqing's strong support allowed Shuimu to build the world's first campus "Shahe Park", making Shuimu's competitiveness and attractiveness the first among the world's famous schools!

It is precisely for this reason that missing the Qin, Yuan and Qing Dynasties is known as a century-old regret of Yan University! Since then, Yanda has increased its attention and investment in enrollment and recruited more high-quality students!

Students and schools achieve together!

As the saying goes, today you are proud of the school, and tomorrow the school will be proud of you!

And this sentence has been continuously interpreted and performed in China.

The gap between Huaxia University has not narrowed over time, but has further widened over time.

For example, Qin Yuanqing advocated the establishment of the Twenty-Two School Alliance. Thanks to Qin Yuanqing's strong support, these schools have made rapid progress in just a few years, and all have entered the top 30 in the country.

Famous universities such as Yan University and Zhejiang University also officially joined the university alliance during the new alliance conference last year. Since then, the thirty-school alliance originally envisioned by Qin Yuanqing has been officially established, which also means that the alliance will no longer expand enrollment and is completely finalized.

The goal of these thirty schools is not to become a first-class university in the country, but to become a first-class university in the world!

Not to mention that Qin Yuanqing's academic achievements made other scholars in the 21st century eclipse in front of him, and he established his godhead early.

Xiao Sa smiled and said to Qin Yuanqing: "Before the program starts, I would like to ask you a few questions for our audience friends."

Qin Yuanqing smiled and said: "Ask, I will tell you everything I know and can answer! If you can't answer, I'm sorry, even if you beat me to death, I won't tell you!"

After saying this, Qin Yuanqing spread his hands with an innocent face, causing good-natured laughter from the studio.

"I hope everyone can understand that it is inconvenient for you to answer!" Xiao Sa turned over the cards in his hand and said: "The first question is from a netizen from Beijing. His question is about controllable nuclear fusion. The thermal pollution it brings may aggravate global warming, how should this problem be dealt with, and what do you think of this problem?"

Thermal pollution refers to the environmental pollution caused by waste heat emitted in modern industrial production and life. Thermal pollution can contaminate the atmosphere and water bodies.

Hot water discharged from cold cutting systems of thermal power plants, nuclear power plants and steel plants, as well as production wastewater discharged from petroleum, chemical, paper and other factories, all contain large amounts of waste heat. After this waste heat is discharged into the surface water body, it can increase the water temperature. For example, in the United States, 450 million cubic meters of cooling water are discharged every day, which is close to one-third of the country's water consumption. The heat content of waste hot water is about 250 billion kilocalories, which is enough to raise the temperature of 250 million cubic meters of water by 10 degrees Celsius.

Controllable nuclear fusion and power generation will naturally produce cooling water and thermal pollution, which no one can avoid.

“Regarding this friend’s question, I don’t think you need to worry about thermal pollution caused by controllable nuclear fusion, because the current thermal pollution in the world mainly comes from hot water discharged from the cooling systems of thermal power plants, nuclear power plants and steel plants, including Petroleum, chemical industry, papermaking, etc. The efficiency of controllable nuclear fusion power plants is much higher than that of current nuclear fission power plants. Even fourth-generation nuclear power plants cannot compare with fusion power plants. By then, we will not need so much Nuclear power plants only require a few fusion nuclear power plants, coupled with large hydropower plants, medium-sized hydropower plants and solar energy to meet the country's needs. Other small hydropower plants, thermal power plants, etc. will withdraw from the stage of history, and oil and steel plants will be greatly reduced. Overall The thermal pollution generated will be greatly reduced, equivalent to one-tenth of what it is now, or even less!"

"I think such a simple account can be easily calculated! Any country knows how to choose! What we have to do is not to have no pollution at all, but to develop sustainably, and the pollution reaches a level we can accept. !" Qin Yuanqing smiled and said.

For some reasons, some people think that environmental protection means no pollution at all and no pollution at all. In fact, this understanding is wrong. Even after the completion of the fourth industrial revolution, it does not mean that there is no pollution at all. No, but to achieve carbon neutrality set by China, that is, the carbon dioxide produced is less than or equal to the carbon dioxide absorbed and digested by the vegetation within the territory!

In other words, China has always emphasized sustainable development and the coordinated development of man and nature, rather than non-development. Otherwise, even if mankind regresses to feudal society, there will still be birth pollution.

Controllable nuclear fusion can make inefficient power stations such as coal power stations withdraw from the stage of history, and the use of oil will be greatly reduced. This will undoubtedly alleviate the trend of global warming.

Moreover, China’s attitude on the issue of global warming has always been consistent and firm, and it has always followed its commitments. Whether it is desert control, increasing pollution control, energy conservation and emission reduction, there is no trace of it. Relaxation is a model for the whole world, so when faced with doubts, China often has enough confidence to refute the opponent.

With the completion of desert control, China will actually be the first to fulfill its commitment to carbon neutrality. From this point of view, China is impeccable.

"The next question is, if the first test of the 'Golden Crow Device' is successful, how long will it take before the practical application of nuclear fusion power plants? Ten years, twenty years, or forever fifty years?" Xiao Sa said the second one. question, I couldn’t help but laugh, and the audience in the studio also laughed.

Because in fact, no one who knows anything about controllable nuclear fusion will ask such a question. However, because the question was raised by a wide range of netizens and ranked according to the vote rate, it is natural that most netizens do not understand controllable nuclear fusion. of.

"In fact, the successful first test of our 'Jinwu Device' means that it can actually be used commercially, that is, to build a commercial reactor for generating electricity and connecting it to the grid. The reason why it is still in the experimental stage is because our country is not that urgent yet. It is because our country adopts a responsible attitude and further improves it to reduce problems during the operation stage." Qin Yuanqing also smiled, and then said: "In less than five years, everyone will see that some provinces will use nuclear fusion Electricity from the power plant!”

The end of the questions before the two programs also means that the program has officially entered the normal stage. Xiao Sa first played a short video about the past and present life of controllable nuclear fusion. It has been more than half a century since controllable nuclear fusion was proposed, and now it is Finally, light appeared in China.

"Academician Qin, what motivates you to devote yourself to controllable nuclear fusion and vigorously promote controllable nuclear fusion?" Xiao Sa mentioned a question that everyone wants to know.

"About this issue, I think you can learn about it from the book "When Humans Started to Look Up at the Stars" I wrote. I think that in the vast universe, humans on earth are not the only ones. Human beings are not alone. There must be many lives. Planets, these planets even have very developed civilizations, even more advanced than humans on earth!" Qin Yuanqing said: "The future of mankind is not on the earth, the future of mankind is in the stars. The interstellar era is what mankind must move into. If mankind stays on the earth forever, , then in 50 years, human beings will forever miss the interstellar era and stay on the earth forever. At that time, what will greet the earth is internal friction, and then it will slowly die!"

"The prerequisite for moving towards the interstellar era is not fossil fuels, but controllable nuclear fusion. Controlled nuclear fusion is the prerequisite for moving towards the interstellar era. Therefore, controllable nuclear fusion must be achieved no matter what. As long as controllable nuclear fusion is achieved , the dawn of mankind on earth moving towards the interstellar era has appeared, which is the general trend of history!" Qin Yuanqing explained.

"The earth's reserves of controllable nuclear fusion fuel are only enough for two to three hundred years, but the moon is rich in helium 3. Therefore, developing the moon has become a must for mankind. This is recognized in the academic community and has a unified Understanding!" Qin Yuanqing said: "And now we, China, are twenty or thirty years ahead of other countries in getting tickets to the interstellar era!"

"Knowledge is priceless! China is very beautiful now! But tomorrow will be even better! A better tomorrow requires our joint efforts to achieve it!" Qin Yuanqing said seriously: "The regret of Sanbao Eunuch's voyage to the West cannot be Let’s do it again in the 21st century! We must seize this historical opportunity and move forward bravely!”

There was warm applause in the studio.

The book "When Humans Started to Look Up at the Stars" written by Qin Yuanqing has sold tens of millions of copies in China, been translated into dozens of languages, and sold tens of millions of copies overseas. It is a veritable best-seller.

There are few popular science articles that are as best-selling as "When Humans Started to Look Up at the Stars".

Even some of the theories and ideas in it have been studied by scholars and formed new disciplines. They have even had a great impact on astronomy and cosmology.

For example, Qin Yuanqing's views on life in this book are not limited to carbon-based life. He also proposed silicon-based life, special life and other forms. Life can survive even without air.

This can undoubtedly greatly increase the number of planets where humans can find life!

And Qin Yuanqing believes that the universe does not only exist for 13.7 billion years, nor does it come from the Big Bang. If the universe comes from the Big Bang, then this kind of explosion is extremely terrifying. 13.7 billion years is not enough for the universe to give birth to life. Not even enough to stabilize the universe!

The cosmic energy proposed by Qin Yuanqing has also been studied by many scholars and religious figures. After all, in ancient China, there were ancient martial arts and Qi practitioners, and in the West there was magic. However, in this era, these have become legends, and from the perspective of the cosmic energy, Energy, but it can be explained. This kind of cosmic energy has become rare on the earth, or the method of absorbing the cosmic energy has been lost, making these become legends.

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