Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 503 Manned Moon Landing Plan (Happy New Year)

Big changes unseen in a century!

The general trend is coming. After these years of brewing and subtle influence, this general change has almost radiated to the entire world. People increasingly feel an illusion that the world is unreal and they can no longer understand the world. Nor can I adapt to the changes in the world.

What they see is that China's digital renminbi is very impressive. Chinese people use a smartphone to swipe it wherever they go without having to bring a dime of cash. They don't even need a mobile phone. They just swipe their faces. That's it.

They have also seen China’s terrifying consumption power. The records set by online shopping every year are simply unmatched, exceeding the rest of the world combined.

They have also seen that every time the CIIE starts, other countries are trying to grab a booth. Even if they don’t have money, a few countries will jointly pay for a booth, and then their sales will often exceed theirs in a few days. Total exports for the year.

There are more and more reports about China, and people are becoming more and more accustomed to watching reports about China. Some are through China’s international channels, and some overseas UP hosts take the initiative to report on China, letting more and more people know about China. the real side.

They also feel that their lives are getting worse and worse. The unemployment rate has remained high and hit new highs in the past two or three years. Unemployment benefits are becoming less and less, or even non-payable. The social system that once had high welfare As if it is teetering on the edge of being unable to sustain itself, they are increasingly unable to bypass China if they want to make money.

China, with its quantum computers, artificial intelligence, lithium-air batteries, holographic projection technology, and controllable nuclear fusion technology that is rapidly approaching, has become increasingly recognized as the birthplace of the fourth industrial revolution.

Not only overseas reactions were fierce, but they were also panicked, helpless, or indifferent. In China, various meetings are ongoing, and the theme is the discussion of future social development and deepening reforms.

The breakthrough in controllable nuclear fusion technology will inevitably have an impact on the traditional energy industry while bringing about changes in productivity. If the contradictions involved are not properly handled, these contradictions are likely to become resistance to social change.

A very simple example is that at least half of the people in the traditional energy field will face the risk of unemployment!

Although there are no real 'energy giants' in China, whether it is Three Barrels of Oil or State Grid, although they are companies in name, in essence, whether they are the first or second leader, their identity is not the first attribute. capitalist. It is much simpler for the country to regulate this area than other countries, but it still has to arrange the escape paths for other workers and retrain workers to adapt to the new era.

In addition, there are some private gas stations, and the workers in this group are basically facing unemployment. How to create more job opportunities to satisfy the re-employment of these workers also needs to be considered.

However, everyone understands that it is an inevitable choice to further develop oneself in the new era to adapt to the new era.

In the face of higher interests, any interests below this have only two choices. Either we follow the trend of history, or we are left behind by history.

This includes but is not limited to capital!

In addition, there are various aspects of organizational relationships. People are always the first element. How to make the organization full of vitality and combat effectiveness is always the top priority!

Of course, the bigger change is to devote greater attention and energy to the "Double Ring Space Station" and aerospace engineering.

After all, the current fuel for controllable nuclear fusion is deuterium and tritium. After solving the problem of tritium self-sustainability, controllable nuclear fusion technology will have the basis for commercialization. However, no matter how high the self-sustaining efficiency is, there will still be inevitable loss of tritium elements.

Therefore, helium 3 will eventually become the best fuel for controllable nuclear fusion. However, the earth's helium 3 reserves are extremely scarce and difficult to mine. The closest celestial body to the earth, the natural satellite of the earth, the moon has abundant helium 3. It has become a must to mine helium 3 from the moon and transport it back to the earth to meet the earth's controllable nuclear fusion fuel requirements!

The more they learn about it, the more people admire Qin Yuanqing's layout. Controlled nuclear fusion, anti-gravity technology, and the double-ring space station are three major scientific research projects at once. Each link is indispensable. Controllable nuclear fusion is the prerequisite for the application of anti-gravity technology, and controllable nuclear fusion and anti-gravity technology are the prerequisites for the double-ring space station, and the double-ring space station is the prerequisite for human development of the moon.

As Qin Yuanqing mentioned in the "Double Ring Space Station" project proposal, the "Double Ring Space Station" is not just a scientific research function, it is also a transfer station for mankind from the earth to the interstellar era!

Without the ‘Double Ring Space Station’, it would be unimaginable for humans to develop the moon on a large scale!

But with the 'Double Ring Space Station', it is like a home port, which allows many things to be completed in the 'Double Ring Space Station' instead of on the ground, saving a lot of trouble and problems.

Including helium 3 mined from the moon in the future, there is no need to transport it directly from the moon to the earth. Instead, the moon is transported to the "Double Ring Space Station" for storage, and then the cargo spacecraft is transported from the "Double Ring Space Station" to the earth.

After Qin Yuanqing succeeded in the first experiment of the 'Golden Crow Device', he held an enlarged meeting of the 'Double Ring Space Station' project headquarters. The leadership of the headquarters and major technical leaders attended the meeting.

The success of the first experiment of the 'Golden Crow Device' was not just a shot of cardiotonic and a shot of chicken blood for the 'Golden Crow Project'. It is also a shot in the arm for the 'Double Ring Space Station' project, because in a sense, the energy core required by the 'Double Ring Space Station' has been solved, and the energy generated on a scale like the 'Golden Crow Device' Enough for the 'Double Ring Space Station'.

Because there are not many people in the 'Double Ring Space Station', the energy required by the machinery is never comparable to the energy required by a province, so there is no need to build a larger reactor.

"Comrades, the 'Golden Crow Project' is about to achieve complete success. It will take at most two years for the 'Golden Crow Project' to achieve the original goal. Then there is not much time left for the 'Double Ring Space Station' project. In the past two years, the space activities carried out by CNSA have been relatively difficult and need to be further accelerated. From the current point of view, they are lagging behind the original planned schedule!" Qin Yuanqing was the first to speak.

The main body of the 'Double Ring Space Station' project is still CNSA, which involves major universities, scientific research institutions and various industrial chains across the country. The scientific research strength is almost ten times that of the 'Golden Crow Project'. It can even be said that it has controllable nuclear fusion and anti-gravity. The research and development of technology itself is also part of the 'Double Ring Space Station'!

But maybe because they were used to the hard life in the past, Chinese researchers are used to breaking one dollar into two dollars and using it. The whole process is quite painful, so that now, the projects that have been carried out are longer than the timetable listed by Qin Yuanqing. Half way behind.

Previously, Qin Yuanqing's main energy was on the 'Golden Crow Project', but with the completion of the first start-up test of the 'Golden Crow Device', Qin Yuanqing can free up most of his energy, because the second experiment will be at the end of the year, and the second experiment will also Instead of building a completely new one, some parts of the device will be upgraded and modified, and then the experimental goal will be increased to 1 hour.

When Qin Yuanqing freed up more than half of his energy, he paid more and more attention to the 'Double Ring Space Station' project, which involved the mining of lunar helium 3 as fusion reactor fuel. There was no room for delay. The 'Double Ring Space Station' project was delayed by one year. So from now on The mining of helium 3 on the moon will also be delayed by one year.

Although with existing technical means, the cost of generating electricity from fusion reactors is low enough, and it will be inexhaustible for hundreds of years, it is not that urgent to go to the earth to mine helium-3.

But Qin Yuanqing has always been nervous. He believes that helium 3 is still the most suitable fuel for nuclear fusion. Once helium 3 is mined on the moon, at least China will always be prosperous. China's move towards the stars and the sea is an irreversible trend, even if he appears halfway. Even if he dies unexpectedly, there is no need to worry that China will lose its ambition and stand still.

Moreover, compared with current nuclear fusion reactions, helium-3 fusion reactions do not produce neutrons and are safer than deuterium-tritium reactions. From the perspective just mentioned, helium-3 fusion is also the only possibility to achieve miniaturization and lightweight of fusion reactors. On the other hand, now that controllable nuclear fusion has been ignited, and the feasible technical routes and solutions have become clear, if some major countries grit their teeth and persevere at all costs, the next generation of controlled nuclear fusion may be born in about 20 years. A country with fusion technology.

This is because Qin Yuanqing specially developed the "Golden Crow Device" and also created a large number of technological innovations out of nothing. Otherwise, if a tokamak device or a stellarator device were used, perhaps China would have just announced that it has mastered controllable nuclear power. Other major countries have also announced that they have mastered fusion technology.

Qin Yuanqing has always believed that in the fourth industrial era, the transmission of information is faster and more terrifying than in the third industrial era. Under such circumstances, no technology can be kept secret forever.

The way to maintain an advantage is never to lock the door, but to always stay ahead of others.

"CNSA must land on the moon within the specified time, complete three moon landings within 10 years, and accumulate enough experience for the future! The information transmission of quantum communication satellites in the earth-moon system must be accelerated, and experiments must be accelerated to strive to establish the first lunar landing in 2030. A lunar scientific research station!" Qin Yuanqing's tone was very serious and unquestionable.

Now that Chang'e-6 and Chang'e-7 have been completed, the Chang'e-6 lunar probe has returned samples from the lunar polar regions, while the Chang'e-7 has conducted a comprehensive exploration of the moon's topography, material composition, and space environment, and achieved a landing at the lunar south pole. , to carry out polar environment and resource exploration, and will return to Earth next month as planned.

It can be said that it is no longer a problem for China to achieve manned landing on the moon. The technology that needs to be mastered has been mastered!

I wish you all a happy New Year's Day. Have a good rest and have fun during the three-day New Year's Day holiday, and have a good start to the new year.

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