On September 10, 2021, the Olympic craze has passed, but military training is already in full swing on higher education campuses.

Even in Shuimu Shahe Campus, you can hear the sounds of military training from surrounding schools. However, on this day, Shahe Campus was very busy. Shuimu college student volunteers were welcoming and guiding mathematicians from all over the country.

These mathematicians will gather in Shuimu for academic lectures on the existence and smoothness of solutions to N-S equations!

Mathematicians from all over the world are no longer unfamiliar with Shuimu University. It should even be said that they are very familiar with it!

Looking at the past ten years or so, too many outstanding achievements in mathematics were born in Shuimu. Even under the special circumstances last year, Shuimu also held three mathematics seminars.

The paper on the existence and smoothness of solutions to N-S equations has caused a lot of discussion among mathematicians around the world after this period of fermentation. At present, they are basically optimistic that Qin Yuanqing’s team has really solved this millennium problem. problem!

Overseas mathematicians are eager to come to China to participate in this academic lecture. However, due to special reasons, they can only watch the live broadcast of this academic lecture in front of their computers or mobile phones.

I don’t know how many people envy Chinese mathematicians who can travel freely and attend in person this academic seminar that is destined to be recorded in history.

There's more at stake than just the vesting of a million dollars!

It’s the beginning of a new era!

"Hello, Professor Xu, can I interview you?" A reporter quickly walked up to Xu Chenyang and wanted to interview this famous mathematics professor in the Department of Mathematics at Yanda.

Xu Chenyang nodded, indicating that he could accept the interview.

"Professor Xu, have you read the paper? Do you think this paper really proves this millennium world mathematical problem?" the reporter asked.

Xu Chenyang pondered for a moment and replied: "I have read the paper, but I am majoring in algebraic geometry and don't know much about the field of partial differential equations."

"As for whether this millennium world mathematics problem is really proved, I think the academic community will come up with a unified conclusion. Everyone knows that mathematics is a shining pearl in the crown of natural subjects and the foundation of all sciences. , it is rigorous! For example, Professor Qin’s paper on the proof of the Hodge conjecture is still being demonstrated in the academic community, and it has not been able to give a unified conclusion, and it has been four years!”

"For the same reason, it took the academic community several years to complete the proof of Perelman's original paper proving the Poincaré conjecture!" Xu Chenyang said.

"Brother, I think the paper by Academician Qin's team is correct. They really proved the existence and smoothness of the solution to the N-S equation!" said a young man with a unique appearance and casual clothes. He was carrying a somewhat A broken schoolbag, a steamed bun and a bottle of water in his hand.

"Ah Wei, you also know that mathematics is a very rigorous subject. What we personally think is right may not necessarily be right. Since this paper was published, our mathematics department has been demonstrating it. It uses New mathematical tools, and new mathematical tools are often full of controversy, and you also participated. Even our mathematics department cannot give a unified conclusion, let alone other mathematical institutions!" Xu Chenyang patted him on the shoulder.

Xu Chenyang also values ​​​​this junior brother very much. This year, he was stopped by reporters for an interview because his image of carrying a bottle of mineral water and two steamed buns sparked discussions among netizens. He became popular on the Internet, and then his experience was discovered, so many people said He is "Wei Shen"!

But this is just a favorite name among netizens. For Yan University, there is only one Wei God, and that is Zhang Wei!

Zhang Wei is truly known to everyone in the Mathematics Department of Yanda!

At the age of 29, he won the Ramanu Gold Medal. At the age of 34, he was hired by Columbia University as a tenured professor in the Department of Mathematics. At the age of 35, he won the Morningside Mathematics Gold Medal... This outstanding person has simply become the heart of countless students in the Department of Mathematics at Yanda. idol!

"Junior Brother Zhang, you are here too!" Xu Chenyang's eyes suddenly lit up and he saw a figure. He immediately led Wei Shen to quicken his pace and shook hands with the person.

"Here we come, this is a grand event in the world of mathematics!" Zhang Wei said: "And I'm back this time, and I don't plan to go out again!"

"Great, Junior Brother Zhang, you are back. The strength of our School of Mathematics at Yan'an University will be even stronger, and it is not impossible to regain the title of China's No. 1 Mathematics Department!" Xu Chenyang said with great joy after hearing this.

"The best mathematics department in China!?" Zhang Wei smiled bitterly when he heard this.

Since Qin Yuanqing was born and rose to prominence, under his bright starlight, the Department of Mathematics at Yanda lost its former starlight and became dim. Then as Qin Yuanqing won world-class awards and national awards one after another, in just a few years Time has forged the godhood, and ascending to the throne has determined that as long as Qin Yuanqing is around, the Mathematics Department of Yan University can only compete for the second place in the millennium!

Even the position of the second oldest mathematician is still somewhat unsafe, because since Tao Zhexuan, the world's top mathematician, joined the Department of Mathematics of Zhejiang University, the strength of the Department of Mathematics of Zhejiang University has grown rapidly. The Department of Mathematics of the University pulled down the second position and moved to second place!

Just like this, Yan Da panicked and started a new round of recruiting troops to increase its strength. However, Zhang Wei was constantly being put to work, and finally made up his mind to return to China and return to the Mathematics Department of Yan Da.

When Xu Chenyang saw Zhang Wei's appearance, he knew that he had said the wrong thing.

Mizuki's mathematical power is already daunting!

Just this year, Mizuki’s mathematics ranking surpassed Princeton University for the first time, becoming the world’s strongest university in mathematics.

Moreover, the comprehensive strength ranking of Shuimu University has reached seventh place in the world!

This was not achieved by false boasting, but by Shuimu University's strong enough strength, it was surprisingly easy to win.

"Two senior brothers, do you think Academician Qin will give a report in person?" Wei Shen said, and then there was an inexplicable color in his eyes.

"Xiao Wei, Academician Qin probably won't give the report in person this time. He has a lot of things to do right now. Didn't you see that he was just the corresponding author?" Zhang Wei smiled, and then there was envy in his eyes.

Although Qin Yuanqing is the corresponding author and the author is one of three others, the entire paper reveals deep traces of Qin Yuanqing, whether it is the mathematical tools that have been hotly discussed or the ingenious proof methods.

What Zhang Wei envies is that if he has such a big boss to support him, then he can win the Fields Medal.

He is 40 years old this year, and the World Congress of Mathematicians will not be held until next year in 2022. By then, he will be 41 years old. This means that he missed the Fields Medal perfectly, which has become a regret in his life.

As mathematicians entered the lecture hall one by one, various media outlets had already adjusted their cameras, and behind the scenes, a scene that made people laugh and cry was going on.

"Professor Qin, you should go up. We have never experienced such a large academic seminar. I am so nervous. If I go on stage now, I probably won't be able to say anything."

"Yes, teacher, Professor Ren is right. You came on stage to give a report. Moreover, you account for 80% of the credit for the existence and smoothness of the solution to the NS equation, and all of us account for 20%. We have also solved many problems in it. Without thorough research, wouldn’t it be embarrassing if we couldn’t answer someone’s question?” Liu Xuan said.

The others nodded in agreement.

Although their names are on the paper, they know that the whole process was actually taught by Qin Yuanqing, they studied, and then they compiled it into a paper. In this way, the paper was revised three times before submission.

"Don't worry, just go on stage. You will all experience such a scene in the future. You will no longer be nervous after being nervous." Qin Yuanqing said with a smile.

He no longer needs this kind of limelight, nor does he need these honors, but these people do. This paper has their names, whether they are full professors, or become Yangtze Scholars, Distinguished Young Scholars, or even academicians, it has great significance. Help.

And these people will not have many opportunities to enjoy applause in the future, because they will go to the controllable nuclear fusion research center in the desert to participate in controllable nuclear fusion research anonymously and isolated from the world.

During this period, Qin Yuanqing worked up to 16 hours a day. He even ate in the office and slept four or five hours a day. The rest of the time was spent teaching, either in Shuimuzhong or online, and some He has to personally provide guidance on the coordination of projects and even the research projects undertaken by Shuimu University.

In new subjects such as spatial topology and spatial geometry, more than 70 new students were admitted to Shuimu this year. The professional teaching teacher is Qin Yuanqing. Every time he lectures, the classroom is full of people, and even outside the classroom there are people. The place was full of people.

It can be said that Qin Yuanqing single-handedly promoted the advancement of controllable nuclear fusion, anti-gravity, and "double-ring space stations."

Qin Yuanqing even designed a device that he rode on the "Golden Crow" to use magnetic confinement to achieve controllable nuclear fusion.

The official code name of the controllable nuclear fusion project is the "Golden Crow Project". In ancient myths and legends, the sun is the Golden Crow. Controlled nuclear fusion is also known as artificial sun. It can be said that the "Golden Crow Project" is the most appropriate.

It was also because of the "Golden Crow Project" that the Qin, Yuan and Qing Dynasties named the device "Golden Crow Device". This device is very different from the stellarator and Catomak. It is round, like a trigram, with two centers, so Achieve magnetic confinement to achieve nuclear fusion.

Of course, Qin Yuanqing has not completely designed this "Golden Crow Device". There are still many details that need to be completed. It is estimated that the design and construction will not be completed until 2022.

Qin Yuanqing was backstage, always paying attention to the report meeting.

Although Qin Yuanqing did not give the report in person this time, the overall result was a smooth one. This may be because the experts who attended the meeting in person were only five of the world's top mathematicians, and everyone else was watching the live broadcast online. If you have any comments, please send an email to the official website, and we will reply to each comment one by one after the meeting.

The third update will be updated around noon

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