Qin Yuanqing didn't bother to pay attention to the commotion outside, which stock plummeted, which industry entered the cold winter. He was a scientific researcher, not a financier or an economist. These things were left to financiers and economists to analyze.

As a scientific researcher, the most important thing is that he conducts research honestly and produces results one after another.

Qin Yuanqing suddenly stopped and found that he had unknowingly arrived at the Shuimu Institute for Advanced Study. As a famous institute for advanced studies in the world today, it is almost as good as the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study. But as the leader of Shuimu, Qin Yuanqing has not been here for a while.

"I don't know what happened to those old friends!" Qin Yuanqing whispered to himself mockingly.

The Mizuki Institute of Advanced Study specializes in theoretical research. Although it is affiliated with Mizuki University, it is also very independent. Especially since there are a large number of world-renowned scholars here. If there is a place in Mizuki that has the most academic freedom, it is the Institute for Advanced Study.

Here, top scholars in various fields conduct pure cutting-edge research without any pressure from teaching assignments, research funds or sponsors.

Only those who are pleasing to their eyes will be accepted as graduate students!

It can be said that scholars at the Institute for Advanced Study fully embody academic freedom. They are engaged in theoretical research and are ahead of the times. Ordinary people cannot even read or understand what they do. They are a group of loners. , are also the most proud scholars in the world, because they have seen many things that are not available in this era.

For example, since that lecture, Suimu University has surpassed Princeton University and become the world's string theory research center. Many scholars have come here to study string theory, and there are also a group of young scholars who have devoted themselves to string theory with enthusiasm. Theoretical research has made string theory a core and popular subject in theoretical physics.

Because of the far-reaching impact of that lecture, with a great figure like Qin Yuanqing sitting at Shuimu University, countless physicists around the world wanted to know what the two blank spaces in the conch physical model represented. At the same time, because of this shocking conch physical model, Shuimu University has become the world's theoretical physics research center and an important level of theoretical physics in the world.

Here, there are not only the most famous physicists in the second half of the last century. The greatest physicist of the 21st century is also located here. Even world-class scholars can benefit a lot from here.

"Hey, Qin, you're a busy man, you haven't been here for a long time!" Witten smiled immediately when he saw Qin Yuanqing's figure.

When Qin Yuanqing heard Witten's joke, he could only smile shamelessly. He had no choice but to do so. He rarely came to the Institute for Advanced Study. Don't look at the fact that many people were urging Qin Yuanqing to join the Institute for Advanced Study and engage in theoretical research at the Institute for Advanced Study. But in the Institute for Advanced Study, You may not be able to see Qin Yuanqing in the institute all year round.

Some people even joked that they were tricked by Qin Yuanqing into coming to Shuimu Institute of Advanced Studies.

"Weiteng, I'm very happy to see your face glowing, as if you are ten years younger!" Qin Yuanqing said with a smile.

"You Chinese people have a saying that makes people feel refreshed during happy events. Maybe that's the case. I feel like I'm full of motivation now, just like a great young man in his twenties and thirties!" Witten also said proudly.

As a big brother in string theory, Qin Yuanqing has laid a solid foundation for string theory, cleared away the curse that has plagued string theory for half a century, and answered some of the paradoxical theories of string theory. Ushering in new developments, string theory researchers have produced papers one after another during this period, as evidenced by this.

After Qin Yuanqing announced his withdrawal from the Nobel Prize, leaving opportunities to more "young" outstanding scholars, Witten naturally became a popular candidate for the Nobel Prize in Physics based on his contribution to string theory.

Witten has received some information, and some old friends have begun to nominate Witten as a Nobel Prize candidate to the jury.

As an old guy who has already established a great reputation in the last century, Witten has a very wide network of contacts. It requires connections, achievements, prestige, qualifications, and the support behind Witten. It is Shuimu University and Princeton University. As long as it is possible, then Witten will win the Nobel Prize in Physics, either in 2019 or 2020!

Academically, it was smooth sailing, and the knot that had been bothering me for many years was resolved. In life, I spend time with my family, stroll around the capital with a few old guys from time to time, taste the delicious food, and appreciate the intoxicating beauty of Chinese civilization. Witten is naturally comfortable.

When other people saw Qin Yuanqing, they greeted him one after another with fanaticism in their eyes.

Nowadays, the Shuimu Institute for Advanced Study can be said to have been perfected in all fields. Different disciplines and different subdivisions of the same discipline have been perfected. Moreover, at the Shuimu Institute for Advanced Study, all of them are world-class scholars, who can be said to represent mankind. Peak wisdom.

Qin Yuanqing finally came to the Institute for Advanced Study. Naturally, these scholars would not let Qin Yuanqing leave just like that, and simply held a small academic seminar.

"Professor Qin, it is still difficult for us to understand how traditional Chinese medicine can cure leukemia?" An old professor mentioned the most popular topic in the medical field today, the treatment of leukemia with traditional Chinese medicine.

As leukemia patients are cured one after another, more and more people are turning their attention to China and traditional Chinese medicine.

But as a scholar of theoretical research, I feel miserable. No matter what angle I study from, there is absolutely no way to explain traditional Chinese medicine, let alone explain the mechanism of treating leukemia.

Even the Chinese people's theoretical research in this area cannot explain it.

"This is actually not difficult to understand. You must first study the relevant Chinese theories, such as Yin and Yang, the five elements, meridians, acupuncture points, and a series of theories. Once you understand it, it will naturally not be difficult to understand." Qin Yuanqing said: "The theories you are exposed to now , are all Western studies starting from the industrial era, and are based on the micro level."

"We all know that macroscopic objects can be continuously dismembered into microscopic molecules, but when microscopic molecules are synthesized, they are all kinds of strange." Qin Yuanqing is not opposed to Western medicine, because Western medicine also has its unique features.

"How to integrate Chinese and Western medicine will be a major issue in the future. It is not uncommon for this issue to give birth to ten or eight Nobel Prize winners!"

If Chinese and Western medicine can be integrated, it will be a major leap forward in physiology and medicine, and many major diseases today can be treated.

However, this major issue may not be solved even if it takes half a century or even a century.

However, theoretical research always takes one step ahead of social development. If theoretical research does not take precedence, society will not develop.

"Professor Qin, we have been studying the conch physical model during this period. As a result, we racked our brains about the two blanks you left, but we still can't find a direction or explanation. Is this the realm of God? There is something in there somewhere. Obsessed!?" asked a scholar.

Is there a God in the world? ?

If it were the many people in China who have received high-quality education, most of them would say that there is no God in the world, and believing in God is superstitious.

But if you are an ordinary person, most people will say that there are gods in the world, and there are gods three feet above your head. Just look at the mountains and temples, and the villages and villages have ancestral halls and shrines.

If you are a scholar or a scientist, you are also polarized. Some do not believe it, but some believe it. There is a saying in the scientific community that the end of science is theology!

"Perhaps, the current scientific methods can neither prove the existence of God nor the non-existence of God!" Qin Yuanqing shrugged and said with a smile: "If God really exists, then we have to understand what Is he a god? Can a human become a god!?"

What is God! ?

That's a problem!

If God means that he can easily destroy a planet or a galaxy, Qin Yuanqing believes that the five thousand universe nations that can create his black technology academic system can probably do it, then he is a God!

If God is the truth of heaven and earth contained in the universe and the truth of the universe, then Qin Yuanqing believes that God exists!

If the so-called gods are Eastern gods or Western gods, then Qin Yuanqing believes that he may also be called a god!

After all, he punches out with three to four tons of power. This kind of terrifying power is no different from that of a god to ordinary people.

From the bottom of his heart, Qin Yuanqing believed that there was a god in the dark, because if there was no god, it would be impossible to explain how he was reborn. Returning to his high school days, it would also be impossible to explain the existence of the black technology academic master system.

The more he stood at the top, the more Qin Yuanqing was filled with a sense of awe towards the universe. The universe was so vast, so vast that humans could barely even scratch the surface of detecting the universe.

Qin Yuanqing always explores the universe with awe. He feels that any arrogance in human exploration of the universe will bring devastating blows.

An academic seminar was held and an intellectual exchange was held with various scholars. Only when the scholars were satisfied, Qin Yuanqing was able to leave the Shuimu Institute of Advanced Studies.

Although the annual funding for top research institutes like the Shuimu Institute of Advanced Studies is very high, measured in billions, it is worth it. Some basic investment is necessary, because if you don’t invest in this area, then Social development is always prone to bottlenecks.

Perhaps these theoretical studies will not immediately produce great social and economic value, but they will always influence mankind and prompt mankind to continue to move forward. Perhaps ten years from now and decades from now, a strong force will burst out. .

He does not object to the fact that there are scholars in the institute studying theology, because since theology exists, it has its rationality and necessity.

It is Qin Yuanqing's tolerant mentality that makes Shuimu Institute of Advanced Studies bloom with hundreds of schools of thought, blooming with dazzling sparks. The research results are proof of this.

However, this exchange also made Qin Yuanqing realize that his current wisdom is indeed far ahead of others. Although it is an academic seminar, he is actually like a teacher, while other scholars are like students.

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