Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 444 Moon landing in 2020? !

"Today, our fourth lunar probe, the Chang'e-4 probe, successfully achieved a soft landing on the back of the moon, opening a new chapter in China's lunar exploration project!"

"It is reported that Chang'e-4 completed the first soft landing on the far side of the moon in world history, which will bring mankind's understanding of the far side of the moon into a new era!"

"Shocked, Chang'e actually did such a crazy thing. Is it a distortion of human nature or a moral frustration?"

"Shocked! On this day, China was shocked and the world was silent!"


The Chang'e-4 probe successfully achieved a soft landing on the back of the moon. This news has been reported in both news and newspapers! Whether it is traditional media, Internet media or self-media that should be booming, they are all reporting on it!

Suddenly, news related to the Chang'e-4 detector easily dominated the headlines, and the top ten items on the news search list were all related to the Chang'e-4 detector without exception.

Journalists ushered in a news boom, and many professionals also ushered in a shining moment, analyzing the significance of the successful landing of Chang'e 4.

China's national pride has once again climbed to a new level!

After all, being able to achieve a soft landing on the back of the moon is really awesome and awesome. At present, only China has mastered this technology.

In a very short period of time, the news spread rapidly, and people who did not watch the live broadcast also learned about the exciting news that the Chang'e-4 probe successfully landed.

And this is simply a grand gift from the lunar exploration project for the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Republic!

2019 is a very special year, because this year happens to be the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Republic. According to China's long-standing practice, the National Day is celebrated every May and National Day!

There is no doubt that the 70th anniversary of the Republic will be celebrated with a grand ceremony.

Since China became the world's second largest economy, after ten years of fermentation, its national self-confidence and national pride have far exceeded 10 years ago. China has made achievements in various fields such as economy, science, politics, culture, and national defense that have attracted world attention. The achievements, coupled with the fact that China has taken the lead in launching the fourth industrial revolution, represent that China has taken the lead in the fourth industrial revolution. At such a historic moment, this year is destined to be extraordinary and destined to be It will be recorded in the annals of Chinese history and also in the annals of world history.

There is no doubt that the great achievements achieved by the Chang'e-4 probe are a National Day tribute to the 70th anniversary of the Republic of China.

The descendants of Yan and Huang are also extremely excited and informed because of the soft landing of the Chang'e-4 probe on the back of the moon.

On WeChat and Weibo, netizens left messages one after another.

"How magnificent! I am the Great China!"

"Haha, for the first time in the world, we China have created a new history! No one can stop our progress, our goal is the stars and the sea!"

"At this rate, it will be just around the corner for our country's astronauts to land on the moon! I'm so looking forward to it! (Five-Star Red Flag)"

"What does it mean to land on the moon? We also need to establish a permanent scientific research station on the moon, establish a permanent base, and mine lunar resources!"

"Three-body people are nothing, China is not afraid of us! Defeat the Three-body people!"

"I hope one day I can board our country's spaceship and travel to the moon!"

"My goal is to build a Guanghan Palace on the moon!"

"Sister Chang'e, is that you?"

"Why do I always have tears in my eyes? It's because I love this land deeply!"

"I will not regret joining China in this life, and I will still be a flower farmer in the next life!"

"Flying against the light, continuing to explode, there will be another theatrical version of "That Rabbit That Year", we want to watch it!"


There was a sensation among Chinese people and great enthusiasm broke out.

Internationally, it is not inferior at all. After all, China broadcast the soft landing of the Chang'e-4 probe on the back of the moon live globally. Not only China watched the live broadcast, but many foreigners also watched the live broadcast.

There were tens of thousands of comments on Twitter and Facebook in just a short period of time.

"It's so shocking. The Moonset stage is simply perfect. It's hard to imagine that China has mastered such advanced technology. I remember that we in the United States have not mastered it!"

"It's okay, isn't it just a lunar probe? We landed on the moon half a century ago and left footprints on the moon. We have manned manned landings on the moon many times. We no longer want to play. The Chang'e-4 probe has not Nothing spectacular."

"The border wall has been built. I believe that without that garbage affecting our United States, our United States will soon be great again. By then, we will be able to manned the moon again, or even land on Mars. This is the real greatness!"

"Oh my God! I watched the live broadcast of the Chang'e-4 probe landing on the moon. It was so perfect and so shocking. I have checked the relevant information. It contains a lot of technology. I have to admit that China It is already a very powerful country. No wonder the fourth industrial revolution will start in China first, and they are indeed qualified to be favored by fate."

"Don't kid yourself too much, MAGAs. We need to unite and unite as one. The Chang'e-4 probe can achieve a soft landing on the back of the moon. Look at that video. It was not filmed with special effects in Hollywood. It was a live broadcast. , very perfect, shockingly perfect!”

"Hello everyone, I'm Mr. Bond. I am an UP owner on Huaxia Station B with more than one million users. I once went to Huaxia Jinling University for graduate school. Now I will introduce Huaxia to you. Interested students can click on the link."

"Oh my god, how do I feel? China's development is getting faster and faster, and it is simply unstoppable. They have made great achievements one after another in these years, and now there are still people who believe in the "End of History Theory". Wake up and open your eyes. Look at the world with your eyes, look at China!"

"Don't you think it's cool to use a relay satellite in mankind's first lunar exploration?"

"Those stupid guys at NASA, where do they spend their tens of billions of dollars in funding every year? China's aerospace engineering does not even have one-tenth of their annual funding, but they have achieved so many results!"

"We in the European Union also want to carry out a manned moon landing. We in Europe have the most advanced high-end manufacturing industry in the world, and our aerospace engineering is the most advanced in the world!"

"Europe, what's left now? Volvo is already Geely."

"Last year, more than 10 million Chinese people traveled to Europe, and they brought a lot of tourism income to Europe. It is undeniable that the Chinese people are very rich now, and they spend tens of thousands or twenty thousand euros without blinking an eye. And I have been working with Europe for a long time. When dealing with Chinese people, the Chinese people are worthy of being an ancient civilization and a land of etiquette. They are very polite, have high quality, and love peace. They are not like cowboys who always like war."


NASA, as the world's most powerful space agency with the most scientific personnel, has always been a leader in the aerospace field. It was the first to successfully land on the moon. It has the most funding in the world. Its annual funding is more than The funding of other national space agencies combined is much higher.

At this moment, NASA is holding a meeting, which will affect NASA's life and death.

"The time to achieve the moon landing in 2022 is already very tight. Depending on the situation, it may even be delayed to 2025 or even 2030! You actually demand a manned moon landing in 2020. Are you crazy? Are you, Commander-in-Chief? Do you think landing on the moon is as easy as building a building? Damn it, there are such stupid people in the world!" The person in charge of NASA felt as if his head was spinning and his heart was about to jump out.

NASA is also very concerned about China's Chang'e-4 probe, so there were people watching the live broadcast and paying attention to the Chang'e-4 probe throughout the process. Even during the final moon landing stage, all NASA researchers and leaders watched the live broadcast together. They were all shocked by the perfect moon setting of China's Chang'e-4 probe.

As insiders, they know all too well how difficult it is to do that.

This also gave NASA a sense of crisis. They felt that the annual funding of 21.5 billion US dollars was simply not enough to keep NASA in an absolute leading position in aerospace technology. Therefore, NASA experts immediately wrote dozens of reports and also applied for an increase. According to the NASA funding report, they plan to increase NASA's annual funding from the current US$21.5 billion to US$50 billion, so that NASA will have sufficient funds to carry out more aerospace projects and continue to maintain NASA's absolute leadership in aerospace technology.

As soon as the results report was submitted, the commander's confidants came directly to NASA.

"Nielsen, don't forget, it was the commander-in-chief who helped you become the head of NASA!" Another middle-aged man said with a sneer: "Many big shots are dissatisfied with NASA's inaction over the years. Don't think you are handing over the money." If you give it to Musk and others, no one knows what’s wrong with it, and you will be treated as a fool.”

"Many big shots are feeling a lot of pressure now. They need NASA to successfully land on the moon again to appease people and let the world see again that the United States is still the most powerful in aerospace technology and is still far ahead of the world." Middle-aged The man said coldly: "If you don't agree, I can let you sit on the throne of the head of NASA, or I can let you leave in despair, and some bad debts are enough to keep you in prison for 99 years!"

"You have no choice!" The middle-aged man knows very well that NASA is terrible. Although the annual funding of 21.5 billion US dollars is a lot, how many are actually implemented? A thermos flask costs 500 US dollars, and a thermos flask costs 500 US dollars. Office chairs cost $3,000 and a glass of mineral water costs $20. You can think about how crazy NASA is.

Since the successful establishment of the GPS network, no new satellites have been launched to replace the old satellites for five years, which has continuously affected the accuracy of GPS.

And now, China's Chang'e-4 probe is showing its superb technology in a global live broadcast. This puts a lot of pressure on many people. To resolve this pressure, it is very simple, that is, NASA will start manned moon landings again. , as long as the United States sends people to the moon again, it will prove that the beautiful father is still the same beautiful father and can still defeat the whole world.

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