Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 434 The beginning of the golden age of physics (ninth update, please subscribe)

Originally, Qin Yuanqing's academic seminar was mainly attended by scholars in the field of string theory and some mathematicians.

After all, everyone thinks that Qin Yuanqing's achievements are in the field of string theory, and the reason why mathematicians came here is actually because they are curious about how Qin Yuanqing explains that the Calabi-Yau space is the best choice when the absolute value of Euler's number is 6. .

This question is not only a physical question, but also a mathematical question. After all, string theory scholars often ask mathematicians about this question, and no mathematician has been able to answer this question so far.

Therefore, mathematicians are of course curious, and they also want to see how the mathematician who is now known as the world's number one solves this problem.

Maybe it can give them inspiration, so that they can be touched and gain something from their research in other fields.

As for physicists, in addition to most scholars in the field of string theory, there are also some particle physicists who are also curious. After all, although string theory is usually regarded as a lonely subject, everyone has heard about it and has some contact with it.

But it turned out that the biggest achievement of this lecture was not the achievement of string theory, but the conch physical model constructed by Qin Yuanqing, with the intention of proposing a path to the unification of physics.

This conch physical model is very likely to affect the development of physics in the next hundred years, or even the development of physics in two hundred years!

In addition, this conch physical model does not include dark matter and dark energy, which stimulates scholars in the field of dark matter and dark energy, causing these scholars to come to Shuimu University one after another to get the theory.

Other physicists such as quantum mechanics and particle physics were also touched, so they also chose to come to Shuimu University, wanting to participate in this collision of sparks of wisdom.

Although Qin Yuanqing's debate with Yu Hoshitani and Ding Zhaozhong was not a formal debate competition, it was spread out immediately. Scholars were better off, but ordinary people caused a big stir.

Chinese netizens are more like melon-eaters.

"What the hell~~A modern version of talking nonsense?"

"Have you noticed that scholars who study dark matter and dark energy use words like "possible", "approximately", and "approximately", which means that they have always been vague, and they themselves are not very sure!"

"Hahahaha, it turns out they have been playing word games, and I just discovered it today! Those who are good at word games are not ordinary people, but these scholars!"

"Do you think the big devil will give in and compromise and add dark matter and dark energy to the conch physical model!?"

"How is it possible? If you give in and compromise, will you still be the devil?"

"The great demon king is mighty! His demonic power is unparalleled and he looks down upon the world!"

"As expected of the devil, now everyone is beginning to doubt Einstein and the theory of relativity!"

"You kids, don't you know that the Big Devil's status in physics is almost on the same level as Newton and Einstein? He is a physics god. Why is he not qualified to question Einstein?"

"My teacher taught me before that the scientific spirit is a spirit of doubt. It is better to believe in books than to have no books at all. As a result, the older I get, the more ignorant I become. I even become superstitious about these physics masters, thinking that what they say is the truth!"

"Newton's main job was theology, and mathematics and physics were just his spare time. He just wanted to use mathematics and physics to prove the existence of God. Therefore, the end of science is theology!"


Although Chinese netizens know about dark matter, dark energy, and parallel universes, the Big Bang, expansion of the universe, etc. when they were in junior high school because of science popularization, as for the theory of relativity, it even appears in junior high school physics textbooks or test paper questions. , but to be honest, because of China's rapid changes, people are exposed to more and more information, and coupled with China's ancient culture, people will not really regard a theory as a truth like belief.

If this road doesn't work, just take another road.

Even if they are gods, the gods of China are different from the gods of the West. The gods of China are all outstanding people, and they are the edicts given by later generations to their predecessors, such as worshiping Guan Gong, worshiping the Black Emperor, and the Yellow River Hebo, etc. Which one does not become a god after death?

Chinese people worship Taoist gods and Buddhist Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to pray for peace and to give birth to children. If the gods are good, they will praise them and fulfill their wishes. If they are not good, they will be scolded.

Even in ancient times, if the Dragon King did not rain, the Dragon King would be beheaded!

An ancient emperor wanted to rule the human world when he was alive, and when he died, he would lead tens of millions of troops and horses to rule the underworld!

In the West, people are just poor servants before God!

Therefore, dark matter and dark energy are not included in the conch physical model, which is just a joke in China and is not a big deal.

But it's different in other countries.

Japan, a group of Buddhist otakus, give full play to the fighting power of keyboard warriors.

"Those red deer, Baga Yalu, spend so much money every year to study dark matter and dark energy, but it turns out that they don't exist at all. If you give me the money, why do I need to eat only one bucket of instant noodles a day?"

"The spirit of craftsmanship is no longer in Japan, lost for thirty years!"

"What a shame, my beautiful father insulted my women, robbed my finances, and even lied to me about science!"

"No wonder Mizuki has become one of the top ten universities in the world, but the University of Tokyo has never been able to survive. Woohoo~~~ Once upon a time, the University of Tokyo was the number one university in Asia!"

"Is China really going to usher in a prosperous age?? During the Han and Tang Dynasties, I, Japan, could only be the concubine of the Han and Tang Dynasties!"

“Since dark matter and dark energy do not exist, we can no longer waste taxpayers’ money, even though I have never paid taxes!”

"Scholars of dark matter and dark energy cannot be called scholars, but a group of liars!"


In the United States, there is also a lot of anger. After so many years of happy education, they deeply hate the waste of taxpayers' money.

"Shit, these liars also say that no matter where you are, tons of dark matter passes through your body at all times. I actually believe this nonsense!"

"These liars are just deceiving people. More than ten to two billion US dollars a year are just burned! Sure enough, the commander-in-chief is right, I want to join MAGA!"

"Why have so many great academic achievements in these years been born in the East and not my great America? It's because there are too many such liars!"

"What kind of detector, what kind of gravitational lens, spending so much money, and only to study the air! How irritating!"


In Europe, it is even worse. After all, Europe is the center of world physics, not only the center of particle physics, but also the center of physics in other fields. Physics institutes are spread throughout Europe, and the research on dark matter and dark energy is very strong in Europe. It is the largest, has the most research results, and invests the most research funds in the world every year.

Now, dark matter and dark energy have not been included in the conch physical model. It is very likely that dark matter and dark energy themselves do not exist.

That’s okay!

"Oh God, let me tell you, how can there be a parallel universe with dark matter, dark energy, and riding horses? If there is a parallel universe, why has no one successfully visited the parallel universe so far!"

"Professor Qin is right. The universe is so vast, the earth is so small, and human beings are exaggerating even a drop in the ocean. They classify what they don't understand and cannot explain into dark matter and dark energy. They are a group of liars. They only know Threatening us and demanding scientific research funds!"

"This group of liars should be expelled from Europe. I feel ashamed of them. I want the funds to speak out. Why are you lying? What I hate most is being lied to!"

"Haha, data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory last year showed that excessive X-rays emitted with a specific energy caused a bulge on the chart. As we all know, X-ray spectral lines can reveal the existence of dark matter!"

"I also believe that dark matter and dark energy exist. We Europeans are full of adventurous and scientific spirits, and we dare to explore the unknown. As we all know, Easterners are more conservative. They like to stay in their comfort zones. They cannot see The world beyond thinking! I believe that the research on dark matter and dark energy is Europe’s great contribution to mankind!”

"You fools, you're still counting the money after being sold! I'm done with you!"

"If these wasted scientific research funds are spent on improving welfare, our lives can be improved to a higher level!"


What they are most proud of and talk about about Europe is that they have the highest welfare and superior life in the world. They only need to work four or five hours a day before getting off work, and then with high wages every month, they can leisurely work Enjoy life.

Life is all about enjoying it!

As for the debt crisis and the bankruptcy of one company after another, they don't care, as long as it doesn't affect their good life.

Ordinary netizens are talking a lot, and physicists have come to China from all over the world. This is the first time that so many physicists have come to China. Some people have even called this academic conference, 21 The physics event of the century, many people already believe that this event will kick off the first golden age of physics in the 21st century.

Of course, some people believe that the prelude to the first golden age of physics in the 21st century should be moved forward to the Yang-Mills theoretical academic seminar in Qin, Yuan and Qing Dynasties. And this academic report should be said to have officially opened the golden age of physics!

Scholars in other fields are excited, while scholars in the field of astronomy are all worried, because once dark matter and dark energy are rejected, then astronomy based on them will be overturned from the foundation. We have to re-establish a theory that can explain it.

I don’t know how many brain cells will be burned by then, and I don’t know how many scholars will usher in the Mediterranean era in their youth.

But even though they were worried, they rushed to Shuimu University because if they missed it, they would fall behind in the academic field and their academic status would be overtaken and replaced by others.

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