Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 429 Report Meeting (Part 2) (Fourth update)

In recent years, many physicists have been cheering that physics has finally ushered in a golden age again.

In fact, many physics achievements have been produced in these years. The number of published papers, the number of citations of papers, and the rising stars of physicists have all increased significantly compared with before. Especially the rising stars of physicists, whether they are from China or A group of young and outstanding physicists have emerged both overseas and overseas.

Gravitational waves are one of the outstanding physics achievements that have emerged in recent years!

"String theory, its birth is full of coincidences, like a beautiful encounter, but many physicists firmly believe that string theory is a great power, and it can achieve the unification of the four basic forces." Qin Yuanqing said again : "If string theory includes gravity, then this theory is the ultimate unified theory that combines general relativity and quantum mechanics. And from the prediction of gravitational waves to its confirmation, it proves that the unified idea is correct!"

Speaking of this, it is really full of interesting things. When Einstein proposed the theory of relativity, it was difficult for the physics community to accept it. The orthodoxy in the physics community at that time was the classical mechanical system established by Newton. As a result, this theory of relativity was simply a heresy and would cause the collapse of the classical mechanical system. Naturally, it was difficult to accept it. will be boycotted. However, subsequent research results show that the theory of relativity can well explain the problems and phenomena that people encounter in studying the universe. In the same way, quantum theory is also the same. It was resisted and regarded as a heresy at first, and then slowly various results were born, accepted by the physics community, and then became popular.

The same is true for string theory. Before this, even if string theory itself experienced the string theory revolution in its own development and had a banner figure like Witten, it was still generally difficult to accept.

In the final analysis, whether it is Newton's classical mechanical system, Einstein's theory of relativity, or quantum mechanical system, they are actually summaries and inductions of observed natural phenomena, and can best explain the observed natural phenomena. It's not necessarily correct, it's just that it's the most appropriate explanation under certain conditions.

Compared with the vast universe, the earth appears too small, and humans on earth appear even smaller. Therefore, the theories and tools created by human beings are only used to explain the natural phenomena they observe and observe the universe.

For example, black holes, the black hole theory was proposed, wasn't it the theoretical system created by Hawking to explain some phenomena of the universe? According to the current black hole theory, not even light can escape from a black hole, so some scientists believe that black holes will swallow everything.

But in fact, black holes are still unobservable with today's scientific and technological means. Even in another hundred years, no black holes will be observed.

From another perspective, it is very likely that black holes do not exist.

"Superstring theory not only explains bosons with the vibration of strings, but also explains fermions. This is the difference between superstring theory and string theory." Qin Yuanqing paused briefly before continuing: "However, as we all know, including open strings There is a theoretical flaw in superstring theory."

"What makes countless physicists who study superstring theory so painful that they want to commit suicide is that if the superstring theory is not in the nine-dimensional space, the photon will have mass, which will contradict the special theory of relativity. In other words, the result of quantum swing Superstring theory suffers from a 'theoretical disease' that loses its coordination." When Qin Yuanqing said this, everyone was shocked.

They all know that superstring theory has many fatal flaws. It is precisely because of these fatal flaws that string theory, superstring theory, and M theory have never become the mainstream of physics. Instead, they exist as peculiarities, and only some of them are interested in string theory. Only those enthusiasts will devote themselves to this theoretical research regardless of trivial matters.

They all want to know how Qin Yuanqing solved these fatal flaws and improved them theoretically, making superstring theory truly a historic breakthrough.

Speaking of which, superstring theory has not produced any major achievements for almost thirty years!

"I finally solved the 'theoretical disease' in superstring theory through mathematical methods!" Qin Yuanqing pressed the page key and saw that the screen had completed switching: "Please look at the big screen, this new mathematical method, I Temporarily call it the Lie group extension of the quantum effect calculation method based on hybrid superstring theory!"

Everyone was shocked. Looking at the calculation formulas line by line on the screen, Qin Yuanqing explained carefully, "As you can see, through the new framework calculation method, a problem in superstring theory that has troubled us for decades has been solved. Question." Qin Yuanqing smiled lightly.

In these pages, although the PPT surroundings are beautiful, the substantive content is formulas and calculations, with no Chinese or English annotations.

After all, mathematical and physical symbols are universal throughout the world.

The scholars present were either physicists or mathematicians, and they were familiar with these symbols.

It's just that even the world's top mathematicians can't understand it for a while.

"Through the quantum effect calculation method, the abnormal gauge symmetry is offset and is limited to the thirty-two-dimensional rotational symmetry. As for why the Kabila-Qiu Chengtong space with Euler's absolute number of 6 is the best choice, this also gives Explanations." Qin Yuanqing had more than twenty PPTs on these calculations.

These are the key points he picked out. As for whether he can understand and understand, after the report meeting, naturally mathematicians and physicists will jointly study and dig deeper. He is not a teacher, so there is no need to hold hands. Teach everyone to understand.

If this is the case, only he is needed, what else do other physicists and mathematicians have to do.

To put it bluntly, his lecture and his paper were enough to enable at least tens of thousands of people in the mathematics and physics circles to openly apply for academic research funding, and then publish hundreds or thousands of articles. paper.

"In order to keep superstring theory alive, we forced ourselves to believe that there is a six-dimensional space of Kabila's conjecture in mathematics. Today, we have completely proved this. Returning to the theoretical disease problem just now, type I After the nine-dimensional space determined by superstring theory and hybrid string theory is compacted into three dimensions, the future becomes brighter and everything becomes reasonable."

"This seems to be a simple elementary school math problem, 9 minus 3 equals 6, but in order to prove that 9 minus 3 equals 6, physicists have spent nearly half a century. Now, we can draw a full stop on this problem Yes! If you have any questions, you can study my paper in detail after the meeting!" Qin Yuanqing said confidently.

Solving the fatal flaws of superstring theory is no less difficult than solving a millennium problem. Qin Yuanqing felt that even solving the Riemann Hypothesis and capping the building of the Riemann Hypothesis would be easier than this.

solved! ?

Really solved! ?

The eyes of mathematicians and physicists from all over the world are filled with disbelief. The problem that has troubled the physics community for so many years and made countless physicists want to commit suicide has actually been solved!

Witten burst into tears. He had finally waited until today. He remembered that when he first came into contact with string theory, he was stunned and deeply attracted by the beauty of string theory. Then he jumped into the pit of string theory without any resistance. In order to perfect string theory, he forced himself to learn mathematics and improve his mathematical abilities in order to solve the problems in string theory.

He put aside his arrogance and asked Qiu Chengtong why the Kabila-Qiu Chengtong space with an absolute Euler value of 6 was the best choice. But at that time, he was just a young boy. The answer he got was that Qiu Chengtong rolled his eyes. How could he, a mathematician, think about this problem with the thinking of a physicist, and it was none of his business.

He kept working hard to win the Nobel Prize in Physics, but inexplicably won the Fields Medal. Instead, he became the first physicist to win the Fields Medal, and inexplicably became a mathematician. Boss.

But he didn't give up at all. What he hoped most was to win the Nobel Prize in Physics.

It's just that superstring theory and M theory are too advanced, and there are many problems that are difficult to explain. It is impossible to observe and demonstrate them with existing scientific and technological means.

He has no hope of winning the Nobel Prize in Physics. Every time he sees physicists younger than him winning the Nobel Prize in Physics, Witten is always extremely envious.

And now, this glimmer of light finally appears.

Witten was so excited that he couldn't help but applaud, and Witten's applause seemed to have kicked off. Thousands of scholars at the scene stood up collectively and burst into warm applause. Even the reporters and photographers in the last row couldn't help but cheer. applaud.

Although at this moment, we don’t know whether Qin Yuanqing’s solution is completely correct, but this is the first time in more than half a century that such a big boss has stepped forward to single-handedly promote the advanced development of string theory. , that kind of power is amazing and shocking!

"It's great. We have seen the dawn of string theory. Professor Qin is great. He has made history and we have witnessed history!"

"It's worth coming to China to attend Professor Qin's academic lecture in person. When I get old, I can hold my grandson in my arms and tell him about today's shocking scene."

"This is a memorable day in physics!"

"I found that my cells were jumping and my soul was throbbing. Is this the wisdom of the greatest physicist in the world today? It's so terrifying!"

"Why is it that even though I didn't understand and was so confused, my blood boiled all over and I couldn't help but applaud and cheer!?"

"Why can't I hold back my tears?"


Warm applause interrupted the academic lecture. Seeing the thousands of people below excited and excited, Qin Yuanqing showed enjoyment as he listened to the warm applause. He found that whether in mathematics or physics, Whenever he makes a result and is cheered and applauded by everyone, he always feels a sense of accomplishment. This sense of accomplishment makes him always full of motivation in academic research.

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