Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 421 Creation of Physical Model

Just as the Dongge incident intensified and was pointed out by thousands of people, Qin Yuanqing continued to worry about superstring theory and M theory.

Including how to explain the five theories contained in M ​​theory, it doesn't matter how Witten spreads his hands and understands it how he likes. In fact, academics are rigorous, and if you fail to clarify them, it will be fatal.

"Dad~~" Qin Yuanqing returned home with a thoughtful expression. His daughter, who had already returned home from school, shouted, waving the conch in her hand, and trotted towards Qin Yuanqing.

The two children have already celebrated their fifth birthday and are both healthy. However, as they start to go to school, the skin of the two little guys is not as fair as it was when they were young, and has become a lot darker.

"Baby girl~MUA" Qin Yuanqing picked up his daughter, kissed her on the cheek, and walked out of the world of superstring theory with a smile on his face.

"Dad~ Isn't the conch pretty?" The daughter giggled and then showed off the conch in her hand.

"Beautiful~" Qin Yuanqing laughed when he saw his daughter's milky voice, and then suddenly a lightning flashed in his mind. This lightning seemed to have infinite power, splitting apart the chaos, making Qin Yuanqing seem to see a new world.

"So that's it, that's it!" Qin Yuanqing murmured to himself in a low voice as if he had realized something.

At this moment, Qin Yuanqing wished he could go into seclusion immediately and take advantage of this inspiration to see the world he saw after the chaos was broken.

"Dad~~What's wrong with you? Why are you in a daze~~" the daughter said in a sweet voice.

"Baby daughter, you are really my father's lucky star. You bring him blessings. Dad has to go to work for a while, and you and your brother go to play." Qin Yuanqing said with a happy smile, and then put his daughter down.

"I am the elder brother and Doudou is the younger sister!" the brat said dissatisfied.

Qin Yuanqing could no longer care about the two children starting to quarrel over this issue again. He went directly to the study room, picked up the draft paper, drew a conch on the scrap paper, and then filled it with formulas, and the scrap papers were covered with It’s full.

As soon as he entered the research state, Qin Yuanqing had reached a state of selflessness and could not notice the passage of time at all. As he continued to outline a world in depth, the world became clearer and more stable.

Time passed bit by bit, and before he knew it, the Golden Crow rose in the east and the Jade Rabbit fell in the west. Qin Yuanqing seemed unaware of it. When he felt tired in waves, he retreated from this emerging world. When he looked at the time, he saw It has been three days and three nights.

Qin Yuanqing didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Fortunately, he was young and in good health. Otherwise, he had not rested for three days and three nights and his brain was extremely burned. He would have died.

Qin Yuanqing asked his cousin to cook some millet porridge. Since his parents returned to his hometown, Qin Yuanqing always thought that it would be inconvenient and unsafe to have no relatives to help pick up and drop off the children, so he communicated with his cousin several times before convincing her family He came to the capital and worked as a nanny, picking up and dropping off his children. Then he arranged a job for his brother-in-law, and the children went to kindergarten at Shuimu Elementary School.

After drinking two bowls of millet porridge and eating two steamed buns, Qin Yuanqing called his bodyguards and gave them some instructions before going back to his room and falling asleep.

At the Mizuki Institute for Advanced Study, a discussion on string theory is ongoing.

As the Mizuki Institute of Advanced Study continues to publish articles related to superstring theory, it has officially established Mizuki as the forefront of string theory research, and has become the world's string theory research center alongside Princeton University. Even Cambridge and Oxford universities cannot compare. .

During this period, the team studying string theory and M theory has produced many results. They have reexamined the past theories about string theory and M theory, introduced new ones, and made new results, which greatly complemented the previous string theory and super theory. Shortcomings of string theory and M theory.

Here, there is a group of like-minded scientists who firmly believe that string theory, superstring theory, and M theory are correct, and are committed to in-depth research. They hope that one day, the unification of the four basic forces can be achieved under the framework of string theory.

They actually know very well that with humanity's current scientific and technological means, it is basically impossible to observe strings in experiments, thus proving that strings are the basic unit. They can only continue to lay a solid foundation and conduct in-depth research to lay the foundation for those who come after.

Theoretical physics research is like this. Theoretical aspects come first, and often half a century, a century or even two centuries after the theoretical aspects are born, the discoveries can be confirmed in experiments.

For example, strong electricity, weak electricity, relativity, etc. Is this the case?

There is a saying in the theoretical physics community that only a person who truly loves science and research can be a true theoretical physicist.

"Professor Witten, you said before that Professor Qin promised to solve a basic problem, that is, why choose the 'Kabila-Yu Shing-tung space' with an absolute value of Euler number 6, but it is already September, and Professor Qin has no idea We haven't produced any results yet." A big Russian man who spoke distorted Chinese muttered, "Could it be that Professor Qin lied to us?"

The composition of Shuimu College is very strange. They come from all over the world, including those from Europe, North America, and Russia. Of course, the largest number of people are from China. This leads to many professors either speaking English or learning Chinese.

And because they are in China, researchers are also human beings. Under the leadership of Perelman, everyone would go out to taste Chinese food from time to time, so gradually a group of professors began to learn Chinese. However, because of oral problems, they seemed to speak Chinese It’s awkward, even when Chinese people speak English, not many people understand it.

In short, there are only two common languages ​​​​for senior researchers, one is Chinese and the other is English. The Chinese language is gradually gaining the upper hand, because after joining the Institute for Advanced Study, everyone has gradually come into contact with the unique computer language compiled by Qin Yuanqing. Chinese language is used in quantum computers and the underlying coding of many computers in China.

They even heard Qin Yuanqing say that the current popular computer languages ​​in the world are not enough to support artificial intelligence. It is for this reason that Qin Yuanqing deliberately created a unique computer language like Chinese language as a carrier of artificial intelligence and quantum computers. Support the fourth industrial revolution.

Although they are not experts in the computer field, they also know that China's computer and Internet fields have advanced by leaps and bounds in recent years, and the development speed has exceeded that of the United States. Every year, more than half of computer and Internet technologies are born in China. In China, Qin Yuanqing is known as the father of modern computers and the Internet in China and is recognized as the number one expert in this field.

So although they were shocked, they believed in this. Based on a certain mentality, they took the initiative to learn the Chinese language. They were vaguely aware that the fourth industrial revolution would be born in China first.

After all, China has taken the lead in developing a quantum computer, and the United States has still failed to successfully develop a quantum computer nearly a year after the birth of China's quantum computer.

"Professor Qin's credibility should be trustworthy to everyone. He not only promised me, but also said it in person in front of other people. Let's wait patiently. If Professor Qin can't solve it, then this century No one will be able to solve this problem." Witten said with a smile.

Compared with Chinese people who like to call Qin Yuanqing Academician Qin and President Qin, foreign scholars such as the Institute for Advanced Study are more willing to call Qin Yuanqing Professor Qin or Qin!

Everyone couldn't help but nodded when they heard Witten's words.

There is a saying circulating in the scientific community now. If you encounter a problem that makes you rack your brains and cannot solve it, then you can get Qin Yuanqing interested in it. I believe it will not take long to solve it.

Look at today's Yang-Mills theory and the unified theory of strong electricity, which have troubled many scholars for more than half a century. However, after Qin Yuanqing's research, it didn't take long to solve the Yang-Mills theory, and even proposed strong electricity. The theory of electrical unification has made more than half of the world's theoretical physicists climax, reaching the pinnacle of their lives, and pounced on this great achievement.

This is why, when the news of Qin Yuanqing and Witten joining forces to study string theory, superstring theory, and M theory came out, it caused a great sensation in the theoretical physics community. Many experts in the field abandoned others and came to Shuimu as a pilgrimage. Generally, it is because they believe that with the addition of Qin Yuanqing, string theory and other related theories will be perfected and make up for their deficiencies, making string theory another prominent subject of theoretical physics, just like the theory of relativity, quantum mechanics and particle physics. Even more, if string theory really solves the unification of the four fundamental forces, then string theory will become the greatest physical theory in the 21st century or even the 22nd century.

"Please be patient, everyone, our actions are now called the third revolution of string theory by industry insiders, and even the third revolution of physics!" Witten said with a smile.

Witten is still very satisfied with the news they have made during this period. After all, the results related to string theory have been silent for too long, and no decent results have been produced in the past twenty years.

There are even many theoretical physicists who openly claim that string theory is just a hoax, a lie fabricated by a group of paranoid physicists.

This made Witten really furious. For this reason, he has quarreled with people many times and debated in the media. Unfortunately, no matter how famous Witten is, even if he is called by some people the most important person from the 1990s to the first decade of the 21st century. One of the greatest physicists, however, cannot hide the fact that string theory has not produced outstanding results for a long time.

And now their movement has shocked the entire physics community. In addition to researchers related to Yang-Mills theory and the unified theory of strong electricity, the most lively and topical research in the past year has been the research related to string theory.

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