Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 406 The Weakness of the Paper

Facing Schulz's question, Perelman wrote down lines of formulas on a new blackboard, and then said: "I think this is not a difficult question. You just need to think hard and you can get the conclusion!" "

Perelman's paper is salty and difficult to understand, not because Perelman did it intentionally, but because he believed that some steps were unnecessary. His paper is not for all mathematicians, but for the world. The top mathematicians and world-class mathematicians see that as long as they think carefully, they can always get the answer.

So tedious steps are not necessary!

It’s just that facts always disappoint him. The reason why his last paper proving the Poincaré conjecture made him angry is that he firmly believes that with the abilities of the world’s top mathematicians and world-class mathematicians, it is impossible to really see He understands the thesis, but they don’t recognize his thesis just because he is a mathematician from Russia, and Russia’s status is declining. This is a kind of prejudice, so Perelman feels that the mathematics world in the modern world is not pure. It is not pure. It has been invaded and corrupted by politics.

He even felt that being in the company of these people was a humiliation to himself and mathematics, so he simply stopped working and lived his own Buddhist life. Anyway, his dependence on material life was extremely low, and he was immersed in the world alone. Doesn't the ocean of mathematics make him feel more happy than the chaos outside?

But this time, Perelman did not expect that the leader of the young generation of mathematics in Germany and the successor of Faltings would actually ask such a simple question.

If Perelman hadn't changed a lot over the past year, he might have simply dropped the chalk and walked away.

Perelman felt that the young mathematician named Schulz was not qualified enough to be Faltings' successor.

Who is Faltings? Before the emergence of Qin Yuanqing and his strong rise, he was known as the man closest to Grothendieck, and was known as the person most familiar with the Riemann Hypothesis in the world. The methods and even mathematical tools used by countless people around the world all originated from EGA, the bible of algebraic geometry. As for this method and mathematical tool, the one who is most familiar with it is Faltings.

Even after proving the Poincaré conjecture, Perelman did not feel that he was greater than Faltings.

So after hearing the issues mentioned by Schultz, Perelman felt that Schultz was completely unworthy of being Faltings' successor.

After answering Schulz's question, Perelman stopped looking at Schulz.

This man is nothing more than that!

"Please explain the question on line 11 on page 31 of the paper." A young mathematician raised his hand and asked.

Everyone recognized this person as the mathematician 'Akshay Venkatesh' from Australia. Akshay Venkatesh, who is only 37 years old this year, is a genius like Schultz. Mathematician. He received his PhD from Princeton University in the United States and is now a professor of mathematics at Stanford University. His research areas are mainly counting, automorphic equidistribution problems and number theory, especially representation theory, locally symmetric spaces and ergodic theory. In this year of the Fields Medal, Akshay Venkatesh is also a popular candidate for the Fields Medal.

Of course, what is talked about about him is that he is the only Australian in the world who has won medals in both the International Olympiad Physics Competition and the International Olympiad Mathematics Competition. As for why he only won the silver medal, it is because when he participated in the competition that year Only twelve years old!

Perelman glanced at Akshay Venkatesh, and then wrote down eight lines of calculations, but his heart was full of helplessness. Except for the monster Qin Yuanqing, this young generation of mathematicians is really capable of beating everyone. No.

He really couldn't understand how someone like this could be a popular candidate for the Fields Medal!

Sure enough, even though the Philippine Prize is said to be fair and just, it is still affected by the power of mathematics.

Where is the real fairness? To be real, it means having absolute strength.

Perelman felt more and more how reasonable what Qin Yuanqing said was. He felt that many Russian mathematicians could win the Fields Medal for their achievements, but why they didn’t? Wasn’t it because they were suppressed by other forces?

"I have a question. Regarding this step on page 17, line 11, please give the speaker a detailed explanation!" Just after Perelman answered Akshay Venkatesh's question, a skinny The right hand was slowly raised tremblingly but powerfully.

Although the hand didn't have much power, it was as dazzling as a torch in Lecture Hall 1, and everyone couldn't help but look over.

Because the questioner this time is Faltings!

Many mathematicians couldn't help but fold their arms when they saw Faltings asking the question, and then slowly closed their eyes. They knew Faltings very well. In the past few decades, countless mathematicians have given lectures. Because of Faltings, he messed up and became a laughing stock in the mathematics world. Faltings either didn't ask questions, and when he asked questions, it was fatal. It meant that the paper contained logical errors and fundamental errors.

Therefore, many mathematicians have determined the outcome of this report meeting. The good situation is that the errors will be carefully corrected after the report meeting, and then it will be reviewed by the reviewers. The bad situation will be a complete failure.

Perelman's expression became serious, he pondered for a moment, and then replied: "This line just uses the Stirling expression of the Γ(s) function, thus simplifying equation (2) to J(δ) = Σd(k+1)(n)I(n)+Δ(δ)……”

"Of course I know what you are saying." Interrupting Perelman's speech, Faltings slowly continued: "Using the Stirling expression of the Γ(s) function is indeed a very clever method, which can save Get rid of a lot of unnecessary trouble, but even if you transform Re(s)=1-cln[|Im(s)|+2], you still cannot change the fact that there are no non-trivial zero points in the right area."

The entire lecture hall was silent!

Everyone knows that this is a difficulty. Once this difficulty cannot be overcome, the report meeting will be bleak!

Mathematics papers are different from other papers. Once there is a problem at a certain point, the entire paper is full of question marks!

Therefore, mathematics is the most rigorous subject, and this is the problem!

Faltings said slowly: "No matter how clever the hyperelliptic curve you choose is, you can't get around this knot! The most fatal flaw in your argument is here, so the right-hand boundary is represented by Re( Naturally, the conclusion that s)=1 translates to the left to Re(s)=1-ε(ε\u003e0) cannot be deduced.”

In the lecture hall, there was silence, as if a pin dropped on the ground, you could hear it carefully.

This question is a sharp one, like a sharp dagger, piercing the weak point of the entire paper.

Mathematicians are lamenting in their hearts that this failure may mean not only that the quasi-Riemann Hypothesis returns to the list of conjectures, but also that the research results of the Riemann Hypothesis are returned to zero.

Is it true that, as rumored, the Riemann Hypothesis is just like the ghost hovering over the mathematical world described by Gödel's incompleteness theorem? It is a dead end that can neither be proven nor falsified! ?

Perelman looked thoughtful, but could not answer it for a long time, because he suddenly discovered that the biggest weakness of this paper actually appeared in this most inconspicuous place.

Is all this going to be in vain?

Qin Yuanqing, who had always been a bystander, knew that he had to stand up and answer this question at this time, otherwise the report would be dim and the confidence of the mathematical community in the Riemann Hypothesis would be severely damaged.

When Qin Yuanqing just took steps, the entire lecture hall's eyes suddenly shifted to Qin Yuanqing.

At this moment, they suddenly remembered that the result of the paper that quasi-proved the Riemann Hypothesis was not just the work of Perelman alone, but the work of Qin Yuanqing and Perelman.

For Qin Yuanqing, a young mathematician who is already known as the greatest mathematician in the world today, everyone seems to see at this moment that Qin Yuanqing is radiating a boundless light, which is the light of mathematics and the light of human wisdom. It is the light of God!

Everyone was immediately full of expectations, looking forward to how Qin Yuanqing would answer Faltings' question and fill in the biggest weakness of the quasi-Riemann hypothesis.

"I will answer Mr. Faltings' question. Please ask the staff to bring up some blackboards!" Qin Yuanqing said calmly.

Immediately, staff members came up with blackboards, and five blackboards were placed together. The stage in the lecture hall was very large, and there was no problem at all even if ten more blackboards were placed.

"As for the question Faltings just raised, I think I need to start from the most basic steps, or in other words, the tool part of the entire paper!" Qin Yuanqing wrote a neat line of handwriting on the blackboard - —Hyperelliptic curve analysis method!

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the entire lecture hall was instantly detonated!

The hyperelliptic curve analysis method is familiar to all mathematicians present. As long as you reach the university level, you will learn about it. For the mathematicians present, it is really the most basic! It's just that they don't understand why Qin Yuanqing is talking about this. Is he going to give them a course on hyperelliptic curve analysis?

What a joke!

But as Qin Yuanqing continued to explain, the blackboard continued to write, as if it were extremely beautiful notes, which seemed to be the language of God, gradually drawing all the mathematicians present into the world of mathematics.

They did not expect that the very simple and common hyperelliptic curve analysis method could be understood and applied in this way. They found that they did not really understand this analysis method at all. What they had studied and learned before was So shallow.

Everyone did not dare to slack off at all, for fear of missing an opportunity for God to give them a lecture, which would make them regret it for the rest of their lives.

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