In the past, when China's automobile industry was not doing well, automobile manufacturing was promoted as the crown jewel of modern industry. It was said that the automobile industry played an important pillar role in the economic development of developed countries and was the basis for the development of many related industries and related industries. A comprehensive enterprise developed on the market. The industrial level of enterprises represents the level of industry. China's automobile industry is a waste. Therefore, China's industry is only at the pediatric level, and China is only engaged in low-end manufacturing.

As a result, China's automobile industry rose and imported cars were basically driven out of the Chinese market. The automobile industries of Japan and Goguryeo were severely hit, and the economy experienced negative growth for four consecutive years. Auto companies such as Deutsche had to turn to cooperation and focus on North America. and other regions, but growth is still slowing down significantly. They are trembling with fear of the Chinese automobile industry, fearing that the Chinese automobile industry will break out of China and conquer cities and territories in the world. They will be miserable, like girls in gauze being ravaged by strong men.

Under such circumstances, in the eyes of some public intellectuals, the automobile industry has become a leftover from developed countries such as Germany and Japan. People no longer want to play with it. It has little technical content, which makes China's automobile industry somewhat level. The automobile industry is completely It is an industry from the last century. It is not advanced at all. It is a traditional backward industry.

Not only in the automobile industry, but also in machine tools. In the past, advanced machine tools were known as the mother machine of industry. In the eyes of public intellectuals, advanced machine tools are the embodiment of comprehensive industrial capabilities. China has not developed advanced machine tools. China’s industrial capabilities are not good, and Japan , Germany is the best, they are developed countries, the machine tools are the most advanced. As a result, when China masters five-axis CNC machine tools, five-axis CNC machine tools will immediately become rubbish. People have been playing with five-axis CNC machine tools decades ago, but now they don’t want to play with them at all. They play with seven-axis and six-link machine tools. Even Germany has proposed industrial 4.0, we must realize smart factories, smart production, and smart logistics by 2025. People are playing with technology and high-end, and you, China, will not be able to catch up in a hundred years.

Take the aircraft carrier project for example. In an era when China did not have aircraft carriers, aircraft carriers were the highest industrial level of a country. Only great countries could build aircraft carriers. The United States has 11 aircraft carrier fleets, Britain has the Elizabeth aircraft carrier, and France has the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier. Therefore, the industrial level of European and American countries is high and extremely awesome. However, China cannot build an aircraft carrier and can only engage in low-end manufacturing. Even if China is given a hundred years, China will not be able to build an aircraft carrier. As a result, when the 001 aircraft carrier was put into service, people said that the 001 aircraft carrier was not a Chinese aircraft carrier, but a Soviet aircraft carrier. It had been almost built in the Soviet era. China was just renovating it and did not have the ability to build its own aircraft carrier. After all, where could the refit be? It's better than creating something from scratch. Then the 002 aircraft carrier was launched. Among these people, conventionally powered aircraft carriers are completely backward and obsolete. The United States has already eliminated conventionally powered aircraft carriers. As early as World War II, the United States had dozens of conventionally powered aircraft carriers. What they are playing now is Nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, only nuclear-powered aircraft carriers are high-tech. China is just following the path that the United States took decades ago, and there is still a gap between China and the United States 70 or 80 years ago.

Sometimes I have to say that the Chinese government is definitely the most difficult government in the world!

In fact, China has grown rapidly in recent years, and although the United States has also grown very fast, the distance between China and the United States has continued to shrink, especially with the massive printing of U.S. dollars, U.S. debt rising rapidly, and the RMB appreciating against the U.S. dollar. These two For more than a year, it has been stable at about 5.9 RMB per U.S. dollar. According to China’s statistics, China’s total GDP in 2016 reached 81.61 trillion RMB, equivalent to 13.83 trillion U.S. dollars. The total GDP of the United States was 18.71 trillion U.S. dollars. China’s GDP The total amount is approximately 73.94% of that in the United States.

Compared with the previous life, due to the butterfly effect caused by the Qin, Yuan and Qing Dynasties, China's comprehensive national strength has become stronger, and its economic development has become more rapid and healthy, especially the sustained and rapid growth of the three northeastern provinces. The three northeastern provinces not only do not need central transfer payments, but also become The land of profits and taxes has allowed the central government to run surpluses for several consecutive years. The total amount of central government debt has continued to decline, and more money has been invested in the central and western regions and some overcapacity reduction plans.

The United States, on the other hand, is issuing US dollars indiscriminately, and its debt has reached a terrifying US$18 trillion, causing the US dollar to continue to depreciate.

China gradually reduces its holdings of U.S. dollars and U.S. Treasury bonds, and continues to change the exchange rate to reduce losses.

Speaking of which, financial empires are indeed terrifying. They can harvest the whole world by turning on the money printing press. Those weak countries are powerless and can only watch themselves being harvested. However, some countries are benefiting from China's development belt along the Belt and Road Initiative. The dividends that come are not too difficult, but South America is a bit miserable, and it continues to be cut off like leeks.

Part of the funds Qin Yuanqing cashed out from U.S. stocks were remitted domestically, and part was used to purchase various advanced equipment and experimental instruments. Otherwise, Qin Yuanqing would not be able to lend 30 billion yuan to the Aero Engine Research Institute and once again poured 20 billion yuan into the laboratory.

Like the Automobile Engine Research Institute, the school only accounts for 10% of the laboratory, and Qin Yuanqing alone accounts for 90%. According to the school's intention, Qin Yuanqing can only account for 90% no matter how much money he invests, so he has to ask the school for money. , the school definitely has no money.

Qin Yuanqing came to the Life Laboratory. There is no doubt that the topics here are at the forefront of the field of life sciences. Whether it is HIV virus research or cancer cell research, it is a blind spot for humans. Even after so many years, humans have no understanding of it. Their understanding is still limited.

For example, if a person is infected with HIV, it almost means they are finished. It cannot be cured at all, and it is highly contagious, making them a very special group in society. They are not accepted by people, and people even take precautions against it. , for fear of being infected.

For example, this cancer is simply a terminal disease nowadays. Only in the early stage of cancer can surgery be performed. Once it reaches the middle stage of cancer, it is already very troublesome. Even if the operation is actually just a few more years of life, then the cancer cells will break out again by accident. , or even transfer. Once cancer reaches the advanced stage, it means death, and doctors with excellent medical skills are of no use. Every year, countless super-rich people go to the United States to undergo expensive surgeries in order to survive, but the result is undoubtedly death.

This is true even in the United States, which has the most developed medical care in the world, let alone China. Although China has many hospitals, every city has at least one tertiary hospital, and the medical care in first-tier cities is even more complete, but the medical level is still the same as that in the United States. There is a big gap in the United States. Firstly, there is a gap in medical equipment, and secondly, Huaxia Medical is also developing very fast and does not have enough accumulation, so the level of doctors is relatively limited.

Like education, Huaxia's medical care pursues universal medical care for all people, making it affordable for ordinary people and solving the problem of difficulty in medical treatment. Medical care in the United States is a profit-making industry. As long as you have money, you can enjoy the best services. With just a phone call, a family doctor will come to your door. If you don't have money, then I'm sorry, just queue up. Maybe you have to queue for three months, maybe for a year, it's all up to God.

The laboratory is currently conducting research on these diseases. In fact, it is not working alone, but in cooperation with several hospitals. The hospital is the database of cases.

Laboratories, unlike other places, are very particular about hygiene, because some special viruses are highly contagious and lethal, so we cannot be careless at all. Therefore, when conducting experiments, we are all cautious and do not dare to be careless in the slightest.

"Director, there are three important papers here that need your personal review." Yan Ning said to Qin Yuanqing.

Qin Yuanqing nodded slightly. Some of the more important paper results need to be reviewed by Qin Yuanqing to prevent anyone from publishing a paper by chance and being found to have falsified it, which will have a great impact on the reputation of the laboratory.

Not only Qin Yuanqing's laboratory, but also other famous laboratories in the world, researchers do not just publish papers if they want to, they all need to be reviewed. After all, it is related to the honor of the laboratory.

"Okay, you will put it on my table later, and I will take a look." Qin Yuanqing said.

The results of the laboratory are reflected in the papers. The number and quality of the papers are the strength of the laboratory. The laboratory needs enough papers. Of course, researchers also need papers, because if you want to get honors in the industry, you must have papers.

Including academician selection, if you don’t have a paper, you are not even qualified to review it.

"Yan Ning, how about the research related to myocarditis?" Qin Yuanqing asked. The biggest achievement of the Life Laboratory is myocarditis. The nine papers have caused a great sensation in the medical field and brought great honor to the Life Laboratory.

"Director, there are currently 500 volunteers receiving treatment. So far, they are all within the model, and the efficacy is beyond expectations." Yan Ning said: "There are several related papers that have been completed, but I took a look and the papers are still there. There are some flaws that need to be corrected, and I will submit them to the director for your review after the modifications are completed."

Yan Ning is simply too satisfied with working in the laboratory. She is so grateful for the decision she made. Not long after she joined the laboratory, she made great achievements. Although she is not the main contributor, she is a major participant. , which earned her a national honor. It was the first time she stood at the National Science and Technology Awards Conference to accept this honor.

In fact, if Qin Yuanqing hadn't wanted to open a laboratory, Yan Ning would have had an idea in mind, that is, to go to the United States, where physiology is the most developed, and try it out, maybe he would get a breakthrough.

Now she is very happy that she did not go to the United States but joined Qin Yuanqing's laboratory. Firstly, she does not have to leave the familiar environment. Secondly, she can engage in scientific research with peace of mind and gain her own honor.

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