Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 346 Taking advantage of Witten

The news that Perelman joined MSU is absolutely sensational.

After all, Perelman is the world's top mathematician. Except for Qin Yuanqing, no mathematician dares to pat his chest and say that he is stronger than Perelman and has achieved more honors than Perelman.

Even if Perelman is maverick and does not give face to the Clay Institute, the Clay Institute has already made a reputation to the outside world and welcomes Perelman to withdraw the $1 million at any time and anywhere. As long as Perelman Provide an exact account and the $1 million bonus will be credited immediately.

Speaking of which, the Clay Institute has been very unlucky in the past ten years. Although it became famous by promulgating seven major mathematical problems and offering a reward of US$1 million for each mathematical problem, it encountered Pei in a few years. Perelman, a weirdo, wouldn't accept the bonus even if he begged for it. Even the Clay Institute had become famous, so there was no need for Perelman to come to receive it in person or attend any award ceremony.

Furthermore, Qin Yuanqing's solution to the Yang-Mills theory is also a millennium problem. As a result, if others had a million-dollar bonus, they would have rushed to get the field bonus and then brag about the Clay Institute at the award ceremony. , so that although the Clay Institute pays a bonus of one million US dollars, it can also gain a lot of fame.

But Qin Yuanqing is a super rich man. He earns much more than one million US dollars in a day. He is not willing to go to the Clay Research Institute to receive the bonus. Then the top person in charge of the Clay Research Institute is pissing off. Going to Shuimu University and handing a check of one million US dollars to Qin Yuanqing in person, it can be said that he is not that high-level at all.

In the past, the Clay Institute's 1 million bonus was the highest in mathematics research. Whether it was the Fields Medal, the Ramanujan Medal or the Wolf Prize in Mathematics, it was only one million less than the Clay Institute's bonus. Big cut.

But now, it doesn't work, and it happened twice. This has caused the Clay Institute's reputation in the mathematics community to drop a lot.

As a result, the effects soon appeared. Shuimu University received many applications from visiting scholars and exchange students, many of whom were Fields Medal and Nobel Prize winners. The top ten famous universities in the world have all added applications with The quota for Mizuki exchange students.

President Chen is also much busier than before. When international scholars come, the first thing he does is no longer take the scholars to visit the Tsinghua campus, but takes the scholars to the Shahe campus to see the buildings that have been built. villas, as well as advanced research institutes, various laboratories and beautiful forest parks and lakes.

Don't say that no matter how beautiful the campus is, it is useless. This kind of statement is very one-sided. You must know that building a school well is itself a reflection of the strength of a school.

Just like beauties on Douyin, as long as they are beautiful enough, they can attract a large number of fans immediately. The first sense of these fans is beauty, not interesting souls.

The same goes for universities. When people come to a university, they will not first understand how long the university has a long history and how many famous scholars it has produced. Instead, they will look at whether the university is well built. The second step is to get in touch and understand its cultural heritage.

The Shahe campus of Shuimu University is undoubtedly the world's first-class hardware facilities, with six world-class laboratories, 23 world-class laboratories, its own supercomputing center, modern libraries, modern Classrooms and beautifully designed villas all undoubtedly reflect the hard power of Shuimu University.

As a result, all the students received were praises. Information about Shuimu spread rapidly internationally. Proud students from many countries considered studying in Shuimu. Some famous scholars were also considering whether to teach in Shuimu.

After Qin Yuanqing successfully deceived Perelman, he set his sights on Witten. If Witten was attracted to Mizuki, then Mizuki's mathematics department would not only become stronger, but also physics, especially string theory, would become one of the world's leading figures. First class.

The reason why Princeton University can take the lead in string theory is because Witten is at Princeton University. As a string theory expert, he is undoubtedly the most authoritative in string theory in the world.

Compared to Perelman, it seems much easier for Witten, because mathematicians and physicists all over the world know that Witten’s wish is to make new breakthroughs in string theory and win the Nobel Prize in Physics Award, prove yourself.

For Witten, although he became the first scholar to win the Fields Medal as a physicist, he has always believed that his major is a physicist and mathematician is his hobby. So compared to the Fields Medal, Witten wants to win the Nobel Prize in Physics.

If there are weaknesses, they can be easily solved.

At Princeton University, Witten may not be able to win the Nobel Prize in Physics until his death, because no one can help him.

But Qin Yuanqing is different. If anyone in this world can help Wei Teng win the Nobel Prize in Physics, it would be Qin Yuanqing.

Physics is about to reach the max level. Although Qin Yuanqing did not study string theory specifically, he still has a lot of understanding of string theory. When talking about string theory, we have to talk about its history.

Before the birth of string theory, theoretical physics believed that the basic units of nature were point particles such as electrons, photons, neutrinos and quarks. In this particle theory, it is believed that all matter is composed of "point" particles that occupy only one degree of space. It is also a widely accepted physical model at present, and it has also been very successful in explaining and predicting quite a few physical phenomena and problems. The knowledge currently received in high school can basically be considered as particle theory, and it is relatively simple. For example, neutrinos and quarks are briefly mentioned in high school physics.

However, the "particle model" on which particle theory is based encounters some unexplainable problems. For example, the gravitational force increases to infinity close to a particle.

So theoretical physicists want to study whether there are some smaller basic units. As a result, the prototype of string theory was discovered by Venechino in 1968. He was originally looking for a mathematical formula that could describe the strong force within the nucleus, and then found the 200-year-old Euler's formula in an old mathematical book. This formula could successfully describe the strong force he wanted to solve. force. However, the further understanding of the formula as a small elastic 'line segment' that can be twisted and shaken like a rubber band was soon discovered by Leonardo Suskan. This later gave rise to "string theory", and Leo Nat Sushkan is also known as one of the founders of string theory.

In the physics community, it is recognized that string theory was first proposed by Yoichiro Minami, a Japanese-American physicist at the University of Chicago, in 1970 as a self-contained set of theoretical basis.

And this involves an interesting thing in the world of physics. Yoichiro Nanbu's 1970 paper, which was the foundation of string theory, was actually first presented to the public in 1995 when he published a collection of papers.

Later, the physics community confirmed what happened to Professor Nanbu. He completed his landmark string theory paper in the spring of 1970, and then invited several top physics figures in the United States at the time to review his paper in a secret room.

The big guys were shocked by Yoichiro Nanbu's explosive theory, and they all praised him. The 50-year-old Yoichiro Nanbu has become famous and is remembered by many big guys.

Afterwards, Yoichiro Nanbu went to San Francisco to give a special lecture. When he came to the lecture hall, Professor Yoichiro Nanbu opened his briefcase and suddenly found, Damn, where is my paper?

There were no PPTs at that time because Microsoft had not yet been established. Nanbu Yoichiro originally planned to read according to the thesis, but the thesis was lost.

So Professor Nanbu Yoichiro reported his research results on string theory based on memory.

Although only a few people have read Nanbu Yoichiro's paper, these people are all physics big guys and are very influential and authoritative. In addition, Yoichiro Nanbu's string theory ideas at the time were original, and he relied on his good reporting skills. Even if the paper was not found, Yoichiro Nanbu was widely regarded as the founder of string theory at the time.

The world of physics is full of weird things, and Little Nanfang has become Old Nanfang. He won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2008, but the reason for the award was not string theory, but the spontaneous symmetry breaking mechanism of subatomic physics.

As string theory continues to improve and develop, a relatively complete theoretical system has been formed. A basic point of string theory is that the basic units of nature are not point particles such as electrons, photons, neutrinos, and quarks, but very small ones. Small linear "strings" include "open strings" with endpoints and loop-shaped "closed strings" or closed strings. Different vibrations and movements of strings produce various basic particles. Energy and matter can be converted, so string theory does not prove that matter does not exist. Strings in string theory are very small in size, and the basic principles governing their properties predict the existence of several larger-scale, thin-film-like objects, which are simply called "branes."

In string theory, the basic objects are not elementary particles occupying a single point in space, but one-dimensional strings. The strings can have endpoints, or they can connect themselves into a closed loop. Just like the strings on a violin, string theory supports certain oscillation modes, or resonant frequencies, whose wavelengths match exactly.

Of course, Schwartz, a physics teacher at the California Institute of Technology, and his French student, this pair of masters and apprentices perfected the theory of Raymond, a researcher at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in the United States, and promoted the birth of superstring theory, and they are also regarded as Founder of superstring theory.

However, what really played a huge role in promoting superstring theory and string theory was Edward Witten's strong entry into the field of superstring theory research. In order to study superstring theory, he specially invented a set of mathematical methods, and surprisingly obtained Phil. He became the first physicist in the world to win the Fields Medal.

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