Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 340 The manufacturing stage of the ‘Phantom’ stealth bomber

The 'Phantom' stealth bomber has an empty weight of 72 tons, a normal take-off weight of 162 tons, a maximum take-off weight of 200 tons, and a bomb load of up to 30 tons at a range of 12,000 kilometers. It can be said that the firepower output is amazing.

Of course, in terms of bomb load, the Tu-160 is the real king. With an effective bomb load of 45 tons, it is estimated that it can level a city to the ground in one fell swoop.

But that's it. The 'Phantom' stealth bomber can not only carry 30 tons of conventional explosives, but also 30 nuclear warheads. Its attack power is very impressive.

And unlike the Tu-160, the Phantom stealth bomber is invisible and difficult to detect, and can also cruise at Mach 1.2, which the Tu-160 does not have.

However, Figure 160 also has its merits, and that is its appearance. It is very beautiful, like a beautiful 'white swan', noble and beautiful, but extremely deadly. With a bomb load of up to 45 tons, a high-altitude subsonic range of 16,000 to 18,000 kilometers, and even a final sprint speed of 2,000 kilometers per hour, it is simply impossible to guard against, and even missiles are not easy to intercept.

But there is no doubt that the 'Phantom' stealth bomber is definitely the most advanced strategic bomber in the world. It can take off from China and arrive anywhere in the world, perform missions and then return.

Although lithium-air batteries only support low-altitude and low-speed flight, 600 kilometers per hour is equivalent to the flight speed of a passenger aircraft. This situation is still special. Once flying over the sea, this flying speed is enough.

And with the development of technology, maybe when the constraints of thin oxygen at high altitudes are overcome, the performance of this part will be further improved, which means there is still a lot of room for improvement in the future.

During the seven-day preliminary design review, each deputy chief engineer explained each part. This 'Phantom' stealth strategic bomber involves more than a thousand majors. It can be said to be a collection of high-tech, almost concentrating the most advanced technology in China. Many technologies are even applied only after breakthroughs have been made.

A "Phantom" impression strategic bomber has raised more than 300 majors to the international advanced level. One can imagine its high-tech content.

Composite materials, alloy materials and even graphene are all used in this bomber, including the newly commercialized lithium-air battery. The avionics system is boldly attempted and explored to achieve new breakthroughs.

This is the specialty of the Aero Engine Research Institute, and it has also made great attempts in aero engines. These are all attempts at technological breakthroughs.

Now it is the preliminary design. After it is approved, the production of materials, the forging of parts, and the testing of aeroengines will be on track.

After all, the Aero Engine Research Institute itself does not have manufacturing capabilities and must cooperate with other units to manufacture, and this requires coordination from relevant departments.

If Qin Yuanqing had to coordinate, it would be a lot of trouble, but the relevant departments are different. With a single order, even listed state-owned holding companies must fully cooperate.

There are also wind tunnel tests, which require the cooperation of relevant units, otherwise it will be difficult to use even if you have money.

Although supercomputers can solve many things, some things still need to be tested in wind tunnel tests before they can be known.

The entire meeting lasted for seven days and was held separately in different conference rooms according to majors. After all, these experts were only proficient in one aspect, not all aspects, but even so, it lasted seven days. Meeting.

During these seven days, Qin Yuanqing was responsible for running in various conference rooms. Once he was asked about a certain link, Qin Yuanqing would explain it in person. As the chief engineer, he undoubtedly knew the most about the Phantom stealth bomber.

When it comes to aircraft, it can be said that he has no blind spots in all aspects. At least none of these experts has a higher level than him.

"Academician Qin, congratulations to you, you have come up with another powerful weapon. I am looking forward to its first flight!" Air Force leaders shook hands with Qin Yuanqing and expressed congratulations and expectations to him, and warm applause rang out in the conference room.

Because after seven days of review, these experts could not even raise a single question. Qin Yuanqing and his design staff were so well prepared. The supercomputer calculations alone were carried out ten times. It can be said that this is no longer a preliminary design review, but a real deal. Land can be used in manufacturing.

It is hard to imagine that in such a short period of time, the Aero Engine Research Institute and related units have done such an outstanding job. It is simply impeccable.

"Dear leaders, we will now enter the stage of wind tunnel testing and prototype manufacturing. It is up to you to take the lead in coordinating all parties and complete the manufacturing of the prototype as soon as possible. In terms of money, we are already prepared." Qin Yuanqing said.

"That's for sure. We also hope to have a powerful weapon to protect our country's airspace security!" the Air Force leader said with a smile.

The relevant departments acted very quickly. A few days later, a joint meeting was held, and the leaders personally made the decision. This also represented that the 'Phantom' stealth strategic bomber entered the manufacturing stage from the research and development stage, and relevant R\u0026D personnel began to go to various units.

This involves aircraft engine manufacturing, pulley manufacturing, landing gear manufacturing, avionics manufacturing, etc. It can be said to be a big project, no less than the aircraft carrier project.

The aircraft carrier project has 532 construction supporting units, and the stealth strategic bomber is not far behind, with the same number of 492 military industrial units.

Therefore, this kind of manufacturing does not rely on a certain company, but on the comprehensive strength of a country. This is why aircraft carriers, strategic bombers, and strategic transport aircraft are regarded as symbols of a country's comprehensive strength.

The prototype aircraft is still being assembled at XAC, which is in line with the country's positioning of XAC. As XAC manufactures Y-20 transport aircraft, Y-30 large strategic transport aircraft, H-20 stealth bombers, and 'Phantom' stealth bombers, XAC Group also has to expand the scale of its factories and transform some factories, while also expanding its own power, otherwise there would be no way to keep busy.

And this also means that in the future, the XAC Group will be based on the production and manufacturing of bombers and transport aircraft, forming a huge production and manufacturing base. Even Y-8 and Y-9 will gradually be divested and transferred to other groups.

Chengfei focuses on the fighter field to form its own advantages.

Whether it is Xifei or Chengdu, they are far away from the coast and located in the hinterland, which is safe enough. There are enough vertical positions to ensure the safety of the production and manufacturing base, which is also a need for national defense and military industry construction.

As for Shenfei, it produces localized Russian fighter jets such as J11 and J16, as well as fighter-bomber and fighter aircraft series.

In the future, Shaanxi Aircraft will produce Y-8 and Y-9 series transport aircraft, as well as repair and maintenance of these types of transport aircraft, as well as high-tech special aircraft.

Hafei is a helicopter production base, including Z-5 and Z-9 helicopters, Z-10 and Z-19 armed helicopters, Z-15 helicopters, Z-20 helicopters, heavy armed helicopters and civilian helicopters.

In the future, Hongdu will mainly produce training aircraft, stealth unmanned combat aircraft, stealth reconnaissance aircraft and the like, specializing in the research, development and production of drones.

COMAC is mainly engaged in the production of civil aircraft, including the development and production of C919, C929, and C939. It targets Boeing and Airbus and will compete with these two major passenger aircraft manufacturing giants.

The leaders of the XAC Group were extremely enthusiastic about Qin Yuanqing. First it was the Y-30 large strategic transport aircraft, and now it is the 'Phantom' stealth strategic bomber. Coupled with the corresponding technological breakthroughs benefiting from the Y-30 large strategic transport aircraft, As a result, the Y-20 transport aircraft was put into mass production and service ahead of schedule, and the H-20 bomber was also tested ahead of schedule. Qin Yuanqing is simply the God of Wealth to XAC Group. It can be said that thanks to Qin Yuanqing, XAC Group's strength has more than doubled.

Therefore, as the prototype assembly plant, the leaders of XAC issued a military order to ensure that the manufacturing of the first Phantom stealth strategic bomber prototype would be completed in July 2018 and that the first test flight would be conducted by the end of 2018.

The original plan was to complete the development work by September next year, but it turns out that it is now much earlier than expected. Naturally, the corresponding progress will be advanced.

The overall control is still led by AVIC. After all, the main manufacturing units belong to AVIC, so it is naturally the most appropriate for it to take the lead.

Less than a week after the meeting, the Aero Engine Research Institute transferred the first 4 billion advance payment for prototype manufacturing to AVIC. According to the agreement, the second 4 billion payment will be allocated in July next year, and the final 1 billion will be Settled after first test flight.

Seeing that the Aviation Engine Research Institute paid the first advance payment neatly and neatly, AVIC couldn't help but sigh that the Aviation Engine Research Institute was really wealthy and could pay such a large sum without delay at all.

Then the leaders of AVIC secretly cursed in their hearts. The previous leader was really a pig. Why did the Aero Engine Research Institute only account for 9%? Otherwise, they would have made a fortune.

More than 70% of the R\u0026D personnel of the Aero Engine Research Institute go to the manufacturing unit to participate in the manufacturing process, while the remaining 30% stay at the research institute to contact front-line R\u0026D personnel in a timely manner to solve corresponding problems.

This suddenly made the Aero Engine Research Institute feel a lot deserted, but this time I don’t know how many researchers will be poached to participate in front-line aircraft manufacturing and aero engine manufacturing.

Sometimes I have to admit that being on the front line of manufacturing always makes people excited and full of infinite attraction. Being able to participate in making an aircraft from scratch, the sense of accomplishment is better than the attraction of money.

Therefore, not only the Aero Engine Research Institute, but also other cooperating units always have R\u0026D personnel poached and put under the command of several major manufacturing giants, which makes them hate it but have to accept it.

After the meeting, Qin Yuanqing can also put down the 'Phantom' stealth strategic bomber project. After all, the next step is the manufacturing process. Unless the R\u0026D personnel can't handle it, he doesn't need to appear frequently, and his attention returns to the laboratory.

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