Chapter 335 Strange Factor

Just after the National Day, the chemistry laboratory and biology laboratory were officially stationed at the Shahe campus, becoming the first Shuimu University to station in the new campus.

The School of Chemistry and the School of Life Sciences, which had been occupied by the laboratory for nearly a year, breathed a sigh of relief and sent away these researchers.

They didn't want to give up their laboratory to people from Qin Yuanqing's laboratory for experiments, but Qin Yuanqing, a big business owner, directly offered a rent of 10 million a month, which made their dean weak in the knees and asked them to overcome it on their own.

There is really no justice in this world. Wherever you go if you have money, you will be a master. If you go without money, you will be miserable and have to grovel.

"Director, now the 10 experimental groups in the three laboratories have been arranged." Yan Ning led Qin Yuanqing into the laboratory. There are three floors in the life laboratory, divided into 10 experimental groups, and each group has its own Scientific research projects.

There are a total of 200 researchers in the Life Laboratory, which is equivalent to 20 people in each experimental group. It may not seem like a lot, but in fact it is almost enough for a research group.

The life laboratory is built according to the world's first-class standards. Whether it is instruments, equipment or staffing, it is second to none in the world.

Moreover, the Life Laboratory uses a local area network, which is only used within the laboratory, and only one computer is used externally. This is specially designed for network security. Otherwise, if it is invaded or infected by a virus, the loss will be immeasurable.

"Professor Yan, how is the cooperation with the hospital going?" Qin Yuanqing asked.

In life sciences, especially research on HIV, cancer cells, leukemia and other projects, it is not possible to rely solely on the laboratory. It must also cooperate with the hospital. The cases in the hospital are big data and can be used as samples for research.

Shuimu University itself has a medical school/Jingcheng Union Medical College-Shuimu University School of Medicine and School of Medicine. However, because Shuimu University is relatively weak in the medical field, Qin Yuanqing personally contacted the Academy of Military Medical Sciences, the Institute of Biomedical Sciences and other institutions to work hand in hand.

"It's going very smoothly so far, the funds have been allocated, and the relevant data have been collected in the laboratory," Yan Ning said.

There are 10 scientific research projects involving thousands of researchers, and there is no doubt that the laboratory is the core, and even the cooperative unit laboratories allocate part of the research funds.

"By the way, Director, when we were studying myocarditis, we discovered a strange factor." Yan Ning suddenly remembered something and said.

"Oh? What a strange method?" Qin Yuanqing couldn't help but become curious.

"We prepared more than a dozen mice and injected the virus into the blood. When we tested the blood of the sick mice, we found that the proportion, number, and serum changes of various immune cells all showed irregular changes. "Yan Ning reported the situation.

The mechanism of viral myocarditis is a typical disease. The study of the mechanism involves the immune logic of the heart. It can also play a great reference role in the study of heart diseases.

Heart disease has become a deadly killer for mankind in the 21st century.

One can imagine how significant the significance of studying the mechanism of viral myocarditis is.

Countless laboratories around the world are studying it, but with little success. However, no laboratory has given up. It is precisely because of the scientific spirit that they have continued to move forward regardless of hardships, and they have just crossed the hurdles and conquered the peaks, allowing people to keep moving forward in understanding their own bodies, viruses, and response mechanisms, and never Stopped.

"Oh? This kind of strange factor sometimes appears and sometimes disappears? This is quite strange!" Qin Yuanqing was immediately interested.

Normally, viral factors are very stable. Once found, they can be found in subsequent experiments.

This was the first time he had heard of a factor appearing and then disappearing.

"Let's go over and take a look!" Qin Yuanqing said.

Qin Yuanqing and Yan Ning came to an experimental group. It was said to be an experimental group, but in fact the area was very large, exceeding 500 square meters. The researchers were wearing white coats and were concentrating on shaking the sample liquid in the test tubes, but they did not notice them. 's arrival

"Professor Guo, director, come here, you can bring up the laboratory data and show it to the director." Yan Ning said to a middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man is called Guo Zhenhua. He is 48 years old this year. He once worked as a researcher at a life research institute in the United States. After returning to China this time, he served as the team leader of myocarditis virus research.

Guo Zhenhua called up the experimental data from the computer. Qin Yuanqing looked at the experimental data with his eyes and scanned them one by one. Slowly, Qin Yuanqing understood something in his heart.

In fact, the key point in the pathogenesis of myocarditis is the functional self-healing response of the human body. Myocardium shows that it is also a muscle tissue, just like the muscles of the arm, and can recover normally from infection.

Myocardium is different from other muscle tissues in that it must be in constant motion.

This is where the problem lies.

If other muscle tissues are damaged and you continue to exercise, the recovery speed will be greatly slowed down and even greater symptoms may occur.

The pathology of the myocardium is much more complicated, but the general process is the same. After the virus in the myocardium disappears, it is already in a damaged state, and it has to continue to exercise, which will lead to continued damage.

When the human body's immunity initially acts to kill viruses, it must adapt to the movement of the myocardium in the middle and subsequent stages, just like elastic deformation. The same is true for the human body's immunity. It is found that constant movement will slow down recovery and secrete some inhibitory factors. , impairing the normal function of the myocardium.

Qin Yuanqing picked up the draft and started drawing on the draft paper. Gradually it became clearer and Qin Yuanqing's eyes became brighter.

Yan Ning and others watched Qin Yuanqing draw ghost symbols on the draft paper. They were frustrated to find that they couldn't understand it.

Could it be

Is the gap really that big? ?

"That's it!" Qin Yuanqing put down the pen with a bright smile on his face.

"Director~~" Yan Ning was a little worried that Qin Yuanqing had gone crazy.

"It's great that you have discovered this strange factor. It has solved the mechanism of myocarditis. It can even be said that myocarditis will no longer be a disease that threatens humans!" Qin Yuanqing said with a smile.

Viral myocarditis is relatively common in China, and clinical manifestations are usually related to the amount of damaged myocardium. Mild myocarditis has fewer clinical manifestations and is more difficult to diagnose, so the pathological diagnosis is far higher than the clinical incidence rate.

Viral myocarditis often requires a high cost to treat, and more often than not, patients die before treatment.

Later, Qin Yuanqing personally explained the mechanism of viral myocarditis to the researchers on the blackboard, and explained why this strange factor appeared and disappeared from time to time. It was because of the reaction mechanism of the inhibitory factor.

On the other hand, the strange factor also has an effect on inhibitory factors. A large amount of it will cause the inhibitory factors to be suppressed, repair the body's immune function, and allow the human body's immune function to restore myocardial damage.

These highly educated professional researchers were like high school students, listening carefully to the teacher's lectures.

"In the next experiment, you inject NHCP into mice to see if this strange factor appears stably." Qin Yuanqing said.

Everyone was excited. Although they still didn't understand some of them, it still made him excited. After all, this meant that they would discover a new factor to clarify the pathogenesis of viral myocarditis and extract the drug. Completely solving the disease of viral myocarditis will benefit human health.

At this time, they could no longer care. It was already time to get off work, and they began to conduct experiments one by one. One by one, the experimental mice went onto the test bench and became the subjects of people's research.

Qin Yuanqing did not leave, but waited for the experimental results.

Once it is determined, it will be a great discovery in the medical field and a Nobel Prize-level research result. The application of the drug will be very wide, not just in China, but in the entire world. Even with this, other mechanisms of heart disease can be studied, taking another step into the field of heart disease research.

Fame and fortune will be at your fingertips.

This achievement alone will bring hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue to the laboratory at least a year in the future.

The next day, when the experimental results came out, there was warm applause in the laboratory, which was completely consistent with Qin Yuanqing's analysis.

This shows that they have really found the pathogenesis of viral myocarditis and also found the key to solving viral myocarditis. Now the key is in their hands.

When Qin Yuanqing saw that Yan Ning and the others were still thinking about getting chicken blood, and wanted to continue working overtime to write papers, Qin Yuanqing quickly stopped them and told them to rest quickly. Everyone in the office on the ground has their own place, so they don't have to go home. Take a break at the office.

"Everyone, please go back and rest. Now that we have discovered it, we just need to continue to improve and accumulate experimental data. The results of the paper will be a matter of course." Qin Yuanqing said with a smile.

Last night, while others were doing experiments, he sorted it out again, and now he was full of confidence.

"Yan Ning, as the person in charge this time, try to compile the paper for me within a month." Qin Yuanqing said to Yan Ning: "If there is anything you don't understand, come to me at any time."

For this person who has very rich knowledge, also has an exceptionally beautiful body, and looks delicate and beautiful, it is impossible not to like it.

But I have to admit that Yan Ning has a unique personality, she is independent and strong, a woman does not outshine her men, and she never feels that she is inferior to a man.

There are only 30 women among the 200 researchers in the Life Laboratory, but Yan Ning stood out due to her ability and became the deputy director of the laboratory.

Another reason why Yan Ning is appointed as the person in charge is because it involves transmembrane transport proteins, and this is Yan Ning's research field.

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