Chapter 332 Meeting

The Shuimu campus at the end of June is full of hot summer atmosphere.

Under the scorching heat, there is joy, reluctance and sadness of parting.

At this graduation ceremony, 2,259 people were awarded doctorates and 4,489 were awarded master's degrees. Among them, 76 doctoral graduates were awarded the title of 'Outstanding Doctoral Graduates of Shuimu University', and 79 master's graduates were awarded the title of 'Outstanding Master's Graduates of Shuimu University'. Health' title.

In addition to doctoral students and graduate students, there are also 3,300 undergraduate graduates who have been awarded bachelor's degrees.

The graduation ceremony was held in three days. The first one was the doctoral degree. As soon as these doctoral students graduated, they all went to various walks of life. Not even 5% of them could stay at Shuimu University. If we want to get together again in the future, we may not even know that it is the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

President Chen personally issued graduation certificates and degree certificates to outstanding doctoral graduates and outstanding master's graduates, and then invited their parents to come on stage to share the glory. It also represents that Shuimu University has lived up to its expectations and cultivated them into talents.

80% of this group of outstanding doctoral graduates and outstanding master's graduates come from ordinary families. It can be said that they have not forgotten their original aspirations and have been working hard since they entered university. By the time they graduated with their doctoral degrees, they were already ahead of their peers.

Qin Yuanqing personally presided over the graduation ceremony. Seeing the bright smiles on the faces of the students' parents and seeing their children crying with joy after receiving the graduation certificates and degree certificates, Qin Yuanqing was also very emotional. Chinese people are so pure. The hope that their children will become successful is deep in their hearts and bones. As long as they Children can become successful, and parents will never complain no matter how hard or tired they are.

In the past, Qin Yuanqing felt that there was a problem with this and that. Later, he gradually realized that in fact, the problem will never be solved. With the development of society, problems will continue to arise. What is needed is not blame and criticism, but practice. To give and to solve.

As long as you are positive energy, there will always be a group of people inspired by you to unite around you and work hard together.

Qin Yuanqing personally awarded degrees and graduation certificates to 28 overseas doctoral students and 32 overseas master students. He congratulated them on their academic achievements in Shuimu in the past few years and wished them continued hard work and struggle in their future life to achieve their goals. your own life dreams.

With the increase in the threshold for international students in Shuimu in 2011, foreign students who can study in Shuimu can be said to be the geniuses and elites of every country. After all, the tuition fees for graduate students and doctoral students in Shuimu are not low, unless your academic performance is excellent enough. Apply for a full scholarship and various scholarships, otherwise the annual tuition fee will be at least 10,000 to 20,000 US dollars.

When it came to the undergraduate graduation ceremony, Qin Yuanqing was filled with emotion because the quality of this batch of graduates was not as good as the previous two. This problem existed not only in Shuimu, but also in other prestigious schools.

The first two graduates are truly powerful. All of them have made extraordinary achievements as undergraduates. It is not just one or two who have published papers in first-class international journals, but the majority. Moreover, no student will change majors. , that is, deeply rooted in that major.

Even among the first two undergraduate graduates, there are mathematics majors who have solved world-wide mathematical problems, sensationalizing the country and the world, and becoming new rising stars in the field of mathematics. They are even known as "Little Qin Yuanqing", 'The successor of Qin, Yuan and Qing'.

The students of those two batches were very good from the time they entered university until they graduated, but in this batch of students, there were quite a few who came in as top scorers in the province and ended up not even among the outstanding undergraduates when they graduated.

Among the 59 outstanding undergraduate graduates, only 2 were provincial top scorers in the college entrance examination.

Qin Yuanqing was thinking about whether he should respond to everyone's strong call next year and serve as the leader of the college entrance examination test group again to torture next year's college entrance examination candidates.

Real gold is not afraid of fire. After being tempered by fire, what is left in the end is real gold.

With the three-day graduation ceremony going on, it means that Shuimu University has officially entered the summer vacation mode. Undergraduate students and graduate students have a two-month summer vacation, while scientific research institutions and doctoral students with research tasks continue to work on technology.

This is what scientific research dogs are like, the largest scientific research in the world.

The greatest joy in the world is not young ladies, but scientific research projects.

Qin Yuanqing is also preparing for the second project meeting of the 'Phantom' stealth strategic bomber on July 5. The scientific research of the 'Phantom' stealth strategic bomber still continues the previous model. At the beginning, it was developed by the Aero Engine Research Institute itself. There is no problem with the test flight and it meets the requirements of the Air Force, and then the relevant companies will pay to buy out the technology.

The advantage of this is that the Aero Engine Research Institute has sufficient autonomy, sufficient funds, and fast development speed. It will not be constrained by relevant departments and does not need unnecessary interference. Anyway, just spend money to create an advanced aircraft.

Of course, the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, you need to pay for it yourself. Once the final prototype is tested and the Air Force is not satisfied, the huge investment will be in vain.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye. The security measures of the Aero Engine Research Institute were upgraded to a higher level. The other six deputy chief engineers of the Phantom stealth strategic bomber arrived at Shuimu University in time.

Qin Yuanqing personally presided over the development meeting of the 'Phantom' stealth strategic bomber and gave an overall introduction to the current development progress.

"Academician Qin, the avionics system design has been completed. The avionics system cooperates with the aircraft's computer to form a combination of manual operation and automatic operation. We learn from the experience of the Y-30 strategic transport aircraft and further improve informatization!" Responsible for the avionics system Deputy chief engineer Huang Jiabin said: "Now we need your school's supercomputer to conduct further simulations to see if there are any problems in any link."

The powerful functions of supercomputers play an important role in the development stage of aircraft.

Huang Jiabin and Qin Yuanqing have dealt with him more than once. He is the leading expert in domestic avionics systems. He has made outstanding contributions to the development of Huaxia avionics systems. He has won national awards three times and has personally experienced Y-8, Y-9, J10, J20, The avionics systems of the Y-20 and Y-30 represent the highest level in China, both in terms of technology and experience.

"One thing Commander Huang should note is that unlike transport aircraft, the Phantom stealth bomber is a bomber. It is not only responsible for the execution of conventional bombs and missiles, but is even a platform responsible for the delivery of nuclear weapons. Therefore, radiation protection must be considered in the avionics system. Question." Qin Yuanqing said in a deep voice.

Strategic bombers are different from transport aircraft. The main responsibility of transport aircraft is transportation, without considering combat effectiveness or other aspects. Even in times of war, they will be escorted by fighter jets.

But strategic bombers are different. Strategic bombers must have relatively strong combat capabilities and can even release nuclear weapons. One thing about nuclear weapons is more dangerous, which is nuclear radiation and huge shocks. If the original Y-30 avionics system is used, , in this case the avionics system will basically be scrapped.

"Our 'Phantom' stealth strategic bomber is different from the H-20 bomber. It has global cruising capabilities and can reach the airspace of any country after taking off from China." Qin Yuanqing said.

The Phantom stealth strategic bomber competes with the B2 stealth strategic bomber, and its performance will even exceed it. It is destined to be China's trump card and a national artifact. The number will not be large, and it should not exceed 20, but it can act as a strategic deterrent. Its role makes any careerist dare not act rashly.

"Understood!" Huang Jiabin said in a deep voice, but he had overlooked this point.

Next up is the deputy chief engineer in charge of the stealth coating, ‘Chen Jianguo’. One of the characteristics of the ‘Phantom’ stealth strategic bomber is that it is invisible. This does not mean that it is truly invisible, but because it is not easily detected by radar.

To achieve excellent stealth performance, aerodynamic layout is important, but stealth coating is also very important. Stealth coating has always been the focus of stealth performance.

Of course, the 'Phantom' stealth strategic bomber cannot be repainted every time it performs a mission like the B2 bomber. In that case, the cost of use will be too high. Only the United States, a big dog, can be so willful because it cannot spend all its military expenditures.

Stealth paint has always been a problem. Whether it is F22 or F35, there will always be news about losing fans, and they have been complained about.

"This time our research institute is studying a new type of stealth coating, adding rare elements to the ferrite absorbing coating. Judging from the current test results, the effect is relatively good. Although the cost will be higher, it can be used in the future Make sure the aircraft only needs paint once a year," Chen Jianguo said.

Chen Jianguo is a domestic expert in stealth coating research. He has led scientific research projects on J20 and H-20 stealth performance and won two national awards.

As the deputy chief engineer reported on the scientific research status and progress, as well as the problems encountered one by one, Qin Yuanqing couldn't help but nodded slightly. It was impossible for a new type of stealth bomber to not encounter problems. It involved thousands of majors, all of which were the most advanced. The technology, and even many technologies, have to make huge breakthroughs. This is undoubtedly the integration of the most high-tech technology. It can even be said that the integration of advanced technology lies in the aircraft carrier project.

After all, with the same weight, the cost of the Phantom stealth strategic bomber is far higher than that of an aircraft carrier.

The biggest problem is the operating system and command system of the strategic bomber. This aspect is the weak point of several research institutes.

But this was precisely Qin Yuanqing's strength. Qin Yuanqing decided directly to handle the software system himself, leaving an excuse to connect with the Air Force's command system.

Several other deputy chief engineers were delighted when they heard this. After all, Qin Yuanqing's talent and accomplishments in the computer field are not top secret. The Y-30 software system was designed by Qin Yuanqing himself, and judging from the current test results , the software system is extremely excellent and has been praised by many experts and leaders. It has not failed so far.

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