Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 321 Lithium-air battery sample (fourth update)

Chapter 322 Lithium Air Battery Sample

Qin Yuanqing returned to the chemistry laboratory.

Because after a lot of hard work, the laboratory finally produced a lithium-air battery laboratory prototype product.

After receiving the news, the director of the Ministry of Science and Technology came to Shuimu University. After all, this is a major scientific and technological achievement, which means that China has finally reached the world's leading level in lithium-air batteries. This is a major victory for China's scientific and technological community.

"Academician Qin, you are so surprising and shocking. You have developed a lithium-air battery without any noise. This is a major breakthrough in energy!" Director of the Ministry of Science and Technology shook hands with Qin Yuanqing and said with emotion.

Everyone knows that Qin Yuanqing suddenly suspended research in mathematics and physics, and instead established chemistry and biology laboratories, and also recruited a large number of researchers from around the world. Everyone is doubtful. After all, Qin Yuanqing has made great achievements in mathematics and physics. There is no doubt that Qin Yuanqing has made great achievements in mathematics and physics. The number one person, the boss among the bosses, has been worshiped as a god by many people.

However, Qin Yuanqing has never proven himself in the fields of chemistry and biology. If you want to look at his results in chemistry and biology, you have to go back to the college entrance examination in 2009. At that time, Qin Yuanqing got a perfect score in the comprehensive examination, which shows that he was good in high school. Good grades in chemistry and biology.

But you must know that it was chemistry and biology in high school. After you get to college, it is completely different. The knowledge is broader and deeper. Not to mention the depth of graduate students and doctoral students, which is completely different.

So many people are talking privately, saying that Qin Yuanqing has too much money to spend and is willful with money!

Now quietly, Qin Yuanqing has developed a lithium-air battery.

"Director Ye, in fact, the key to this lithium-air battery was that I solved the difficulty when I was studying the Yang-Mills theory. It is nothing more than creating a thin membrane to separate oxygen and only allow oxygen to enter the reactant. In theory, It has been perfected." Qin Yuanqing explained a little: "To be honest, I have solved the lithium-air battery theoretically. It is these researchers who actually make the battery, and they are the real heroes."

To be honest, at Qin Yuanqing's level, he no longer needs those false names. Even for papers from the Aero Engine Research Institute and the Automotive Research Institute, Qin Yuanqing no longer names the first author or corresponding author, but lets the researchers below do it.

Including his students' papers, Qin Yuanqing only served as the second author without even adding his own name.

He has consciously pushed his researchers and students to the stage and the stage of history.

Those false reputations are no longer important to him, but they are still very important to others. Whether it is to evaluate professional titles, evaluations, or reputation in the industry, these papers are needed.

"The people below deserve credit, and you, the leader, are the biggest contributor!" Director Ye patted Qin Yuanqing's shoulder.

Although Qin Yuanqing said this, Director Ye knew that the main contributor was Qin Yuanqing. Otherwise, why had no one else created a lithium-air battery before, but they had created a lithium-air battery after coming to Qin Yuanqing's laboratory.

Director Ye himself is also a major. He has worked in the field of chemistry all his life, and was finally transferred to the Ministry of Science and Technology as the director. He is very clear about the importance of theory. Simply doing experiments without theory is groping in the dark. , full of bumps and bruises, completely without direction, whether you can find it or not depends entirely on luck.

But with theoretical guidance, it is like walking on the highway during the day. As long as you keep moving forward, you will not take detours, and you will go fast and smoothly.

"When will the test be conducted?" Director Ye asked.

The laboratory has produced a lithium-air battery laboratory prototype product. This is only the first time. Various tests will follow, including charging test, safety test, capacity test, open circuit voltage, specific energy, etc.

Then, optimization will be carried out based on the test results, and then commercialized lithium-air batteries will be launched. Of course, there is one aspect that cannot be ignored, and that is the cost. The cost must be reduced to what the market can accept in order to be competitive. .

"Twenty-five minutes, start the test on time at three o'clock!" Qin Yuanqing said. There are still many things to prepare for the test. A series of tests need to be completed, and it is not just one test, but multiple tests to accumulate enough data.

"Now I'm looking forward to it. In recent years, our country's automobiles have grown on a large scale, and exhaust emissions have increased day by day. Leaders have also proposed the goal of achieving carbon neutrality in the future. To save energy and reduce emissions, we are under great pressure. Once this lithium If air batteries can be put into commercial use, the two pillars of new energy vehicles will be opened up." Director Ye was already full of expectations and said: "Other electronic products will also see a new round of changes, and our country will achieve overtaking in many fields. "

Once lithium-air batteries come out, it will be a huge energy change. Major changes will occur in the automotive field, electronic products, etc. that use lithium batteries. And every major change means a major reshuffle of the market. Who has mastered the advanced technology? Technology, whoever has the right to speak.

As for Huaxia, it has already taken the lead. The laboratory has obtained five invention patents for metal/lithium-air batteries regarding lithium-air batteries. Lithium-air batteries are just one of them. In addition, there are also a large number of appearance related products. There are roughly more than 2,000 patents and utility patents, which can be considered a patent barrier.

These are not only domestic patents, but also international patents.

"Director Ye, I'm not worried about this. There is no problem with the emergence of commercial lithium-air batteries this year. What I'm worried about now is that the country's power generation will not be able to keep up with development. We still need to build large-scale solar power and wind power. Power generation and nuclear power generation." Qin Yuanqing frowned slightly, thinking about the amount of power generated.

It seems that China's power generation capacity has reached a terrifying level, but you must know that it is currently sufficient. When lithium-air batteries are put into the market, new energy vehicles will replace traditional vehicles without restrictions, and the demand for electricity will be large-scale. increase.

"Academician Qin, what you said makes sense. After I return, I will convene a meeting to discuss with relevant departments and come up with a plan to submit to my superiors." Director Ye said, and then sighed: "The road to China's rejuvenation is long and arduous!"

Qin Yuanqing couldn't help but think of controllable nuclear fusion. If controllable nuclear fusion is solved and a controllable nuclear fusion power station is built, then these problems will be easily solved.

It's just that there is no problem with controllable nuclear fusion in theory now, but many materials must be solved step by step, and a large number of professionals need to be trained, otherwise it will be impossible to build it.

"Director Ye, when building a nuclear power plant, it must be integrated with the controllable nuclear fusion in the future. Don't keep building nuclear power plants now. As a result, the controllable nuclear fusion will be solved in the future and all will have to be dismantled, which will be a waste." Qin Yuanqing Couldn't help but remind him.

Director Ye was startled.

He naturally knows about controllable nuclear fusion.

After all, this is the most cutting-edge research position, and it is also the best and most ideal energy source for mankind, which is inexhaustible.

However, controllable nuclear fusion still has an eternal name, "fifty years" forever. No one knows when controllable nuclear fusion will come out.

"Academician Qin, is it too early to consider controllable nuclear fusion? Now, whether it is our country or European and American countries, the progress of controllable nuclear fusion is almost the same. They are all calculated in seconds and are far from the commercial stage." Director Ye said.

Qin Yuanqing shook his head slightly and said: "I am an expert in this field. Believe me, controllable nuclear fusion has been theoretically solved, but there are still constraints in materials and other related aspects. However, in fifteen years at most, controllable nuclear fusion will definitely be born. , that was the era of controllable nuclear fusion."

"Calculated based on fifteen years, fifteen years seems like a long time, but in fact it is very fast." Qin Yuanqing said.

Fifteen years is not a long time! ?

It's a long time. After all, Qin Yuanqing is only 26 years old now, and fifteen years is already more than half of his life.

But you must know that the design service life of nuclear power plants is based on a hundred-year design, and the standard of third-generation reactors is based on a 60-year design service life.

Excluding the construction period, it was actually only a few years after a nuclear power plant started operating at that time.

"Academician Qin is so sure!?" Director Ye's face became solemn.

"Yeah!" Qin Yuanqing nodded slightly.

"When I go back this time, I will apply to my superiors for a joint meeting, and I will need you, Academician Qin, to attend." Director Ye said: "If controllable nuclear fusion can be achieved fifteen years ago, then the rejuvenation of China will be a real success. It is unstoppable, and when the time comes, I can also say that our future is the stars and the sea!"

Controllable nuclear fusion can not only solve the energy problem on earth, but it will also solve the energy problem of spaceflight. With controllable nuclear fusion, aerospace will completely enter the interstellar era, which will be an era ten, a hundred, a thousand or ten thousand times greater than the era of navigation.

China missed the great age of navigation and was bullied for hundreds of years. Naturally, China will never miss this interstellar age no matter what.

Director Ye did not doubt Qin Yuanqing's words, because as Qin Yuanqing said, he is the real authority in this regard, and Qin Yuanqing's words are more effective than anyone else. Since Qin Yuanqing is unquestionably certain, it means that Qin Yuanqing has indeed solved the theoretical problem.

Director Ye did not expect that he came here for the lithium-air battery, but he did not expect that the lithium-air battery was just a sesame, and the controllable nuclear fusion thrown by Qin Yuanqing was the real big watermelon.

Suddenly, Director Ye, who was already sixty years old, suddenly found that he had become younger. Fifteen years? With his body and bones, he felt that he could survive until that time, which meant that he would personally witness the arrival of the great era of controllable nuclear fusion.

In addition to becoming younger, he also has more motivation, the motivation to fight for the rejuvenation of China throughout his life.

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