Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 268 The first report meeting

Chapter 269: The first report meeting

June 15, Auditorium

The auditorium, which could accommodate more than 2,000 people, was not only full of seats, but also full of people standing in the aisles, under the podium, and at the surrounding doors and windows.

Both Shuimu University and the city government paid considerable attention to this academic seminar. From cleaning up small advertisements to coordinating transportation, many things that the university alone could not do were solved with the help of the city government. The green light is done!

Everyone knows how influential this academic symposium is. After all, a world-class academic symposium that has attracted the attention of both the physics community and the mathematics community may not be encountered internationally even in ten or twenty years. once. Being able to host such a report is not only an honor for the school, but also a good opportunity for Beijing to showcase its image to the international community.

At a small level, it is about face, but at a big level, it is about political performance. Naturally, there is no room for carelessness.

The 2008 Olympic Games may not be as influential as this academic seminar. After all, the status of athletes, whether in China or in European and American countries, is actually not as good as that of scholars. Olympic champions are not as good as Nobel laureates and Fields Medal winners!

If it weren't for the limited number of scholars, Beijing would even be willing to raise the security level to the same level as during the Beijing Olympics.

But even so, the area around Shuimu University had been cleared of gangsters and pickpockets half a month ago, and the security had been improved. Many ex-convicts had returned to jail to eat.

At this time, the auditorium was filled with dark figures and whispering discussions. There are mathematicians and physicists, all discussing it.

In the middle of the first row of seats, Mr. Yang was sitting there, accompanied by Ms. Weng next to him. The scholars sitting in the first two rows were either Nobel Prize winners in physics or Fields Medal winners.

It can be said that those who have seats are at least famous scholars. For those who are not famous, I'm sorry, you can only sit in the aisle or stand by the door or window.

For those who have not won important awards, Shuimu University does not even arrange accommodation, so they need to solve it themselves. After all, it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice, and Shuimu has limited funds.

Principal Chen personally came to the scene to take charge and supervise the work of the logistics staff. All important tasks of the school were dispatched to escort this academic report.

"You refuse to wear a suit, but you wear a T-shirt instead. You will be embarrassed in the world, and I'm so ashamed of you!" The young lady personally helped Qin Yuanqing tidy up his clothes and complained.

Qin Yuanqing smiled noncommittally. This was not his first academic lecture, and it was so hot in the summer. What kind of suit was he wearing?

What everyone sees about you is the quality of your academic lectures, not what you wear. What matters to a scholar is knowledge, not nonsense.

Look at Perreman. Even if he tidied himself up, he just shaved his beard and had a haircut. He was still wearing jeans and a white T-shirt, but he was sitting in the front row. I don’t know how many shots were given to him. Who can say that he is sloppily dressed and has no image?

"Boss, come on!" Xu Jiayi clenched her fist and gave Qin Yuanqing a cheering gesture.

"Yeah!" Qin Yuanqing nodded slightly.

Then he checked the time and saw that the time on his phone happened to be 8:59. Qin Yuanqing turned his phone to silent and handed it to his wife, and then walked steadily to the front of the auditorium.

From the moment he walked to the microphone and stood still, the noisy voices faded away like the tide, and the originally noisy venue fell silent in an instant.

Standing on the reporting stage, overlooking the audience, Qin Yuanqing felt particularly calm.

This is not the first time he has stood on such an occasion.

This is not the first time that we have challenged world-class problems.

Reaching out to straighten the microphone, Qin Yuanqing simply tried the microphone and said in a clear voice: "Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to come here. According to the report meeting procedure, the content of this morning's report meeting is about Yang. Regarding the content of proving the existence of solutions to Mills’ equation, the morning report will be divided into two links: content report and question-asking link!”

"In order not to waste your precious time, let's get straight to the point!" Qin Yuanqing said: "Before coming here, I believe you have read my paper. I will simply go through the proof process in the paper again. explanation, and explain in detail the ideas I used to prove this problem."

"I believe that after my explanation, I can answer your confusion."

"If you still have any questions, please wait until the last question and answer session to point it out," Qin Yuanqing said. At the same time, the first page of the PPT appeared on the screen. Those who were seated farther away looked at the LCD screen on their seats. The ears stood up.

Qin Yuanqing holds the remote control in his left hand, and the laser functions are turned on and lowered one by one. Sometimes he feels that the PPT cannot be reflected, while Qin Yuanqing writes on the blackboard to explain.

Yang Mills theory has three major theoretical foundations: group theory, field theory, and nonlinear partial differential equations. These three major theories serve as support and are indispensable.

If a person wants to be familiar with Yang Mills' theory, he needs a series of solid mathematical foundations and mathematical knowledge. It's like building a building, building up layer by layer.

Calculus, calculus by substitution, Euclidean geometry, non-Euclidean geometry, Taylor series, Fourier transform, linear transformation, Maxwell's equations, group theory, functional analysis, algebraic number theory, college physics electromagnetism, topology, Field theory, Riemannian geometry, E7 Lie group, cohomology, random matrices. . . . . etc. . . etc.

It can be said that if you only major in mathematics as an undergraduate, then I'm sorry, but mathematics knowledge is far from enough. In other words, only the accumulation of professional knowledge of mathematics graduate students can be considered as a barely starting point. If you want to participate in professional research, you must have a relevant doctoral degree.

It can be said that none of the scholars in the auditorium or around the auditorium are undergraduate or graduate students.

The lowest level is a doctoral student!

But even so, Qin Yuanqing's explanation of the proof process and the core still made these doctoral students doubt their lives!

who I am?

Where do I come from?

Where do I go?

One by one, doctoral students who thought they had reached high academic attainments were suddenly tortured in their souls!

But it’s normal. Six of the Fields Medals, the highest award in mathematics, were won by deriving the “Yang Mills Theory.” Seven of the Nobel Prizes in Physics were won by deriving the "Yang Mills Theory" and discovering new particles. It is no exaggeration to say that Yang Mills’ theory has monopolized Nobel Prize in particle physics for 60 years.

But no one has proved the existence of the solution to the Yang-Mills equation. It is really strange that they can understand what Qin Yuanqing said now.

"In general, it is difficult for us to solve this nonlinear partial differential equation, and it is also difficult to discuss the existence of its solution. Here we must introduce a three-dimensional existing manifold, between the invisible equation and the tangible Build a bridge between the principles of geometry and introduce the idea of ​​topology to it..." Qin Yuanqing walked towards the big blackboard, picked up a pen and started writing on the upper panel.

As Qin Yuanqing continued to speed up the pace, the scholars in the venue stared intently at every line of calculations he wrote, and even every letter, for fear of missing any detail.

The PPT kept scrolling, Qin Yuanqing wrote on the blackboard from time to time, and there were more and more calculations on the blackboard.

Unconsciously, the report meeting has come to an end.

"Okay, that's it for the existence of solutions to the Yang-Mills equation. Next is the question-and-answer session!" Qin Yuanqing took some water on the podium and took a sip.

After explaining it for an hour, Qin Yuanqing felt his mouth was dry.

Because it has been almost a month since the paper was published, many institutions have completed the verification, so the big guys basically did not provide opinions.

However, many scholars still raise questions. After all, not everyone is a big shot, and there are also some physicists who were confused during previous research.

Qin Yuanqing answered the question very carefully. Unknowingly, the one-hour answer time was up, and Qin Yuanqing ended the academic lecture on the existence of solutions to the Yang-Mills equation.

In fact, the existence of the solution to the Yang-Mills equation has been recognized by the mathematical community, and many questions can be left to other mathematicians to answer.

The entire auditorium, both mathematicians and physicists, gave Qin Yuanqing warm applause. They didn't know what the results of the subsequent academic report would be, but at least there was no problem in proving the existence of this solution.

Based on this, it is a great academic achievement in the fields of mathematics and physics, and no matter how warm the applause is, it cannot be exaggerated.

The warm applause was also faithfully reported by the TV station immediately.

"It's so exciting. I couldn't figure out one of the steps at first. But after Professor Qin's lecture, it suddenly dawned on me. I bet 1 euro that there is no problem with the existence of the solution to the Yang-Mills equation!" A person from A friend from Europe said excitedly to his friend.

"Haha, Delman, you are really cunning. This proof has been recognized by the entire mathematical community, and there is no problem in the first place." His friend said disdainfully.

"No, no, no, you don't understand, Germani. This time I come to China, this report meeting is worth the return ticket! I think Professor Qin's proof ideas are of great help to my current research!" Delman said.

Although the report meeting is over, many scholars are reluctant to leave. Instead, they discuss with their friends. Even those who leave the auditorium are still two, three, four or five discussing together. There is no doubt that this report will be a success. Yes, many scholars have gained a lot.

This is the role of lectures. Even if the paper is recognized by the academic community, academic lectures are often held. Scholars are also keen to participate in academic lectures because the lectures contain great wisdom, and this wisdom is based on seeing What the paper doesn’t have.

This scene was seen by the students of Shuimu University, and it was also a valuable asset in their lives.

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