Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 266 The Eve of the Report Meeting

Chapter 267: The Eve of the Reporting Meeting

June 14th

Shuimu University seemed particularly lively, much more lively than the last Goldbach Conjecture academic lecture. Foreigners could be seen everywhere, and students from Shuimu were invited to act as translators and tour guides, which led to heated discussions on the Shuimu Forum.

Except for famous scholars with invitation letters, there are dedicated Shuimu staff to pick up and arrange accommodation. Other uninvited scholars have to arrange their own accommodation.

Shuimu University is currently the number one institution of higher learning in China and is ranked in the top 50 in the world. It is also a world-class university. Many scholars do not just stay in hotels when they come, but come to Shuimu University to visit this famous school.

If it were in other schools, it would definitely not be a good idea to find students as translators, but here in Shuimu, there are many people with English CET-6 and CET-8, and their spoken English is also very good. After all, many people started in their sophomore year. I am planning to study abroad to further my studies, and English is the common language in the United States, so I naturally have to study hard.

This time, many students were hired as tour guides and translators, which was a small fortune. After all, the cost was not low. It was three hundred US dollars a day, which converted to nearly two thousand yuan.

This is much better than students becoming tutors.

This was a feast, surpassing the last one at the Goldbach Conjecture Academic Lecture, with the number of people more than doubling.

"Oh my god, that's Professor Witten from Princeton University. He's here too!?" Some students saw Witten, a man who has made outstanding achievements in mathematics and physics. Some students even wanted to come forward and pay their respects to the professor who studied string theory. Master.

Not only Witten, but also famous mathematicians and physicists appeared at Shuimu University, becoming a beautiful sight.

After so many years of development, especially large-scale infrastructure construction, Huaxia has developed rapidly in civil engineering, water conservancy engineering and other disciplines, and it is certain that it will take the first place in the professional rankings. In mathematics, relying on the banner of Qin Yuanqing, he also ranked among the first-class mathematics. But in the area of ​​theoretical physics and experimental physics, things are a bit disastrous.

When it came to the question of whether the collider should be built or not, Mr. Yang bluntly said that the benefits of the collider's construction were extremely limited. The feast of the collider's achievements was over, and even if it was built, come to For foreign scholars working in China, their probability of winning the Nobel Prize is far higher than that of Chinese scholars.

Mr. Yang's words are definitely not an exaggeration, because China's development in recent years has paid more attention to short-term, fast, and high-output industries, while the basic sector, which has high investment and slow returns, has been left behind. The talent team is relatively slow, and the talent pool is relatively slow. The quality is far behind.

Shuimu's high-energy physics research relied on Mr. Yang's contribution to reach the world-class level in one fell swoop. Without Mr. Yang, it probably would not have been able to build or recruit talents.

Students naturally have a kind of admiration for these scholars who are engaged in mathematical research and theoretical physics. When they see celebrities, they quickly come up to take photos with them.

"Weinberg, old man, I never thought we would meet one day again in this lifetime!" Mr. Yang was accompanying several guests at this time: "And Rubia, Hooft, Weltman, you guys, see I'm so happy that you are still healthy!"

Mr. Yang looked very happy looking at these old friends. After all, most of their generation had gone to God. The person who came to visit him this time, even Weinberg, was 11 years younger than him. As for the others, at last The young one is 40 years younger than him!

"Yang, it seems that you did the right thing when you decided to return to your home country. With your efforts, China has developed rapidly in the field of high-energy physics. Now there is a genius who has solved the problem of Yang Mills. Theory, unified theory of strong electricity! To be honest, I am surprised!" Weinberg said: "Princeton University, Harvard University, Cambridge University, etc. are currently using supercomputing to verify the epoch-making discovery of the general solution, and the results exceeded all of our expectations. Unexpectedly...the general solution to the Yang-Mills equation is completely correct!"

"In fact, our Suimu University Supercomputing Center also conducted supercomputing verification immediately, and the results showed that the general solution to the Yang-Mills equation is completely correct. It can be said that both the first paper and the second paper are correct!" Mr. Yang smiled and said: "I told you old guys before that I have a strong hunch that Qin's thesis is correct, and looking at it now, this hunch is still very accurate!"

After major research institutions in the world completed the verification of the existence proof of the solution to the Yang-Mills equation, they all invariably used supercomputing to verify the general solution to the Yang-Mills equation.

But even if supercomputer verification is used, the amount of calculation is still extremely huge. Even if the supercomputer verification is correct, major institutions did not immediately announce that the general solution to the Yang-Mills equation was correct out of caution and rigor.

But for many people, the second paper's general solution to the Yang-Mills equation was already confirmed.

Regarding the three papers "Answers to the Mass Gap Problem of Strong Interaction", "Solution to Problems of Strong Interaction and Electromagnetic Interaction", and "Unified Theory of Strong Electricity", especially the last unified theory of strong electricity, physicists It seems that there is no problem at all. It is very well written and can explain what I have discovered so far very well.

"It's hard to imagine that our unit's supercomputer took 96 hours to complete the verification, but Professor Qin relied on his own calculations to solve the general solution of the equation. Is this still a human being!?" Weltman exclaimed.

In fact, it cannot be compared like this. Traditional supercomputers have an advantage in numerical calculations, and the human brain has an advantage in fuzzy calculations. For problems that require the use of abstract algorithms to solve, it is difficult to use supercomputing to provide "hard solutions" using exhaustive methods. Unless a quantum computer is born in the future and the quantum computer matures, it may have a slight advantage in facing this kind of problem. But now, when it comes to cutting-edge problems in mathematics, supercomputing is not omnipotent!

"But I think there will be results soon after this report. If no organization points out the fatal errors in the paper, I think this year's Nobel Prize in Physics will be awarded to you and Professor Qin! You two will set a record , one will become the youngest recipient of the Nobel Prize, and the other will become the oldest recipient. This will be a good story for the Nobel Prize and a good story for the world!" Weinberg said.

We are all in the industry, and we know very well what the achievement of solving the Yang-Mills theory and the unified theory of strong electricity represents. It can be said to be the largest physical achievement in half the world. This achievement is comparable to the discovery of certain particles or particles based on physical models. The characteristics are much greater, and even those results can win the Nobel Prize. If Yang Lao and Qin Yuanqing fail to win the Nobel Prize in Physics this time, then the authority of the Nobel Prize in Physics will be fatally hit and will only be criticized. , in the future physicists will not feel honored by winning the Nobel Prize in Physics.

So far, the youngest Nobel Prize winner is Lawrence Bragg, who shared the Nobel Prize in Physics with his father in 1915 at the age of 25. The oldest recipient is Raymond Davis Jr., who was 88 years old when he won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2002.

Now Qin Yuanqing is 24 years old and Yang Lao is 92 years old. Once he wins the award, he will break these two records.

Mr. Yang smiled endlessly. After all, it has not yet been unanimously recognized by the mathematics and physics circles. It is too early to talk about this.

Mr. Yang was receiving his old friends, and Qin Yuanqing also went out to receive his old friends after completing the PPT.

Unlike the older generation of mathematicians who are accustomed to using the blackboard directly in academic lectures, Qin Yuanqing is still accustomed to using PPT combined with the blackboard, and always has a laptop placed during academic lectures.

"Qin, you are so amazing. You just proved Goldbach's conjecture last year, and now you have solved the Yang-Mills theory and the unified theory of strong electricity. Such high productivity is rare in the field of mathematics. Maybe when the myth of Euler will come, You have surpassed me!" Witten and Qin Yuanqing hugged each other and said with a smile.

Euler wrote an average of more than 800 pages of papers per year, which has always been an unattainable record in mathematics. Many mathematicians' lifetime papers combined cannot compare to the papers Euler wrote in one year.

Euler's high productivity has also made Euler spread all over mathematics and physics textbooks. As long as someone browses the index of mathematics and physics textbooks, he will find the following searches: Euler angles (rigid body motion), Euler constants (infinite series), Euler La equation (fluid dynamics), Euler formula (composite variables), Euler numbers (infinite series), Euler polygonal curves (differential equations), Euler homogeneity function theorem abstract differential equations), Euler transformation (infinite series), Bernoulli-Euler's law (elastic mechanics), Euler-Fourier formula (trigonometric functions), Euler-Lagrange equation (variational calculus, mechanics) and Euler-Maclaurin Formula (numerical method). . . . . .

Qin Yuanqing was thoughtful, this was an interesting challenge.

"Qin, I admire you very much for solving the Yang Mills theory and the unified theory of strong electricity, but if you solved the Hodge conjecture, I think I will admire you even more!" Deligne said.

The Yang-Mills equation is of great significance to nonlinear partial differential equations, but to be honest, it is even more significant to the physics community. After all, the Yang-Mills theory is one of the three major achievements of physics in the 20th century. The Yang-Mills equation They are the four most important equations in physics!

Once the Yang Mills theory and the unified theory of strong electricity are solved, it can almost be said to be the most important physics achievement in the 21st century, unless there is a physics master in the future who can find a new way and break through the constraints to create a larger physics theory.

The reason why theoretical physicists have a higher status than experimental physicists is because theoretical physicists have already drawn circles. Experimental physicists all conduct experiments within the circles that have been drawn, and their experimental results are also within the circles. The results inside the circle.

Qin Yuanqing shook hands with Wiles, Fefferman and other great mathematicians one by one. They were all old acquaintances and had met more than once. They usually contacted each other via email to discuss some mathematical issues.

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