Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 259 World Reaction (Additional Update 6)

Chapter 260 World Reaction

Across the Pacific, America

Adelaide, editor-in-chief of "Chronicle of Mathematics", immediately paid attention to the submission area of ​​the official website of "Chronicle of Mathematics" after Qin Yuanqing hung up the phone. After seeing Qin Yuanqing's submission, Adelaide immediately held a meeting.

"Everyone immediately put down everything at hand and publish these five papers!" Adelaide said: "One paper and one journal. This time we published five journals in a row!"

Adelaide was so excited at this time. He did not expect that there were a total of five papers on Yang Mills theory and the unified theory of strong electricity, and the five papers were not small in length. Although two papers were published in separate journals, It is relatively thin, but the five papers connected together are Yang Mills' theory and the unified theory of strong electricity. With such a huge influence, no one will care about the thickness of the journal.

Although the journal "Chronicles of Mathematics" is not for profit, no one will dislike it if it can make more money, but it is a dream. Five papers in five journal issues, this is so exciting, and if you want to be sure, you have to be sure, because the papers are coherent!

"Editor-in-Chief, why don't you ask reviewers to review the paper?" Avril hesitated, but still reminded her.

"Yes, editor-in-chief, according to the procedure, reviewers need to be asked to review the paper to avoid problems that will have a negative impact on the journal!" Jones also reminded.

For a professional journal like this, the biggest fear is making mistakes!

Therefore, top mathematicians are often invited as reviewers in order to reduce and eliminate errors. Some papers are good, but they have to be revised seven or eight times after review and revision.

"Whatever happens, I, the editor-in-chief, will be responsible for it!" Adelaide showed her courage and blocked her future and past honors.

When other editors saw what Adelaide said, they felt helpless. The killing of people at the official level is not just domestic, but also abroad.

"Chronicles of Mathematics" began to arrange for publication, and the design of the journal cover began to be prepared.

. . . . . .

Shuimu University, Shuimu Mathematics Journal, Editorial Department

After receiving the Chinese version of Qin Yuanqing's paper, they decisively chose to publish it directly. Just kidding, they were used to Qin Yuanqing's defiance. As for making mistakes, how could the boss make mistakes?

Even if there is a mistake, then the explanation paper is too profound and beyond the ability of the world to understand. Anyway, everyone knows that except for Qin Yuanqing, everyone else in the country is still some distance away from the world.

Isn't it normal to make mistakes on such a millennium problem?

"Print 300,000 copies of each issue first!" the editor-in-chief said.

"Chief Editor, are you printing too many copies? Last time Goldbach's guess was that a total of 250,000 copies were subscribed?" An editor hesitated.

Goldbach guessed that it was so well-known and extremely popular in China that that issue generated 250,000 subscriptions, which was already a record.

This kind of professional journal has a very small circulation. There are many with a circulation of less than 10,000 copies per issue, and a better number of 10,000 or 20,000 copies.

"Just do what I say!" The editor-in-chief said unceremoniously. Although other editors thought that 300,000 copies was too much, when the editor-in-chief said this, they could only keep their opinions in mind. They were just kidding. Do you still want to mess around? Now, do you still want to make the right amount of money?

If you make the editor-in-chief angry, you will never get any good results.

The editor-in-chief watched everyone go out and shook his head. These young people still didn't think carefully. They thought this was like the previous mathematics papers, and only mathematics research institutions and mathematicians would order it.

The two institutions received the paper and arranged for publication as soon as possible. Little did Qin Yuanqing know that Qin Yuanqing was busy celebrating his child's birthday at this time.

Birthdays are actually very simple. Just prepare a cake, toys, and a sumptuous dinner. The main thing is the sense of ceremony.

Qin Yuanqing held his baby daughter, and Jingtian held the brat, and then took several sets of photos. After taking the photos, Jingtian started to update WeChat and Weibo. The two children wanted to cut the cake, and then they started fighting for it, and then they played. Noisy.

The two children are twins. They look alike, but they are not a family that loves each other at all. They have fought several times. The baby girl is quicker to walk and more naughty, so she always has the upper hand.

Qin Yuanqing saw that the two children could walk, and the brat could also call mom and dad. Although he didn't talk as much as his precious daughter, it still gave him a special feeling. He just came into this world last year, and now he can walk and talk. This life is simply amazing.

The happy song "Happy Birthday to You" was playing in the room and candles were lit. Qin Yuanqing couldn't help but put his wife into his arms. The warmth of home was always a warm harbor, allowing him to enjoy this warmth.

The two children were tired from playing and went to bed. Qin Yuanqing took his wife to the next room and inevitably had a while of intimacy. During this time, he still neglected the beauty.

When Qin Yuanqing celebrated his child's birthday and was intimate with his wife, Qin Yuanqing's interview had already added fuel to the fire outside, not only at home, but also overseas, because this time Qin Yuanqing was interviewed by several world-class media. They Get the report out as soon as possible.

"God, this can't be true!" A professor from Princeton was drinking coffee. When he saw the news on the TV, his hands froze and his face looked shocked. He even dropped his coffee on the ground and ignored it.

This is a professor of mathematics at Princeton. He can be a professor at Princeton, and his academic level is beyond doubt. Moreover, he happens to be studying the Yang Mills equation. He has been studying it for a full ten years, but he can't even pass the first level, even Yang Mills. The existence of solutions to the equations has not been proven.

Having been immersed in the Yang-Mills equation for ten years, this professor has quite a say in the difficulty of the Yang-Mills equation.

"God, why do you prefer that Easterner so much, give him such amazing talents, and live in the same era as him? I don't know whether it's luck or sadness!" The professor closed his eyes slightly, and he felt that his mind was filled with confusion. It's darkness.

As for Qin Yuanqing, he naturally knew this brilliant mathematician. In the past few years, Qin Yuanqing's biggest research results in mathematics almost every year were produced by him. He had attended Qin Yuanqing's lectures 4 times.

At the last report on the proof of Goldbach's conjecture, when he saw the Pope of Mathematics, Grothendieck, presenting his manuscript to Qin Yuanqing, he seemed to see this as the handover of the papal scepter, and the mathematics world was about to usher in a new pope.

But I didn't expect that this day would come so quickly!

After solving the Yang Mills theory, Qin Yuanqing is already qualified to be called the new Pope of Mathematics. As long as the output is stable later, then he will be like Grothendieck, making people unable to avoid him as soon as they open mathematics. name.

It is a blessing to be in the same era as such people and to be able to witness the development of mathematics to new heights. But the light of all mathematicians will be eclipsed by him, which is the tragedy of mathematicians of the same era.

Moreover, Qin Yuanqing is still so young and belongs to the golden age of mathematics. His golden age is at least twenty years away, which means that everyone in this era has to live under his terrifying shadow.

Not only this professor, but also the entire mathematics community watched the news. Qin Yuanqing said calmly and with certainty that he had solved the Yang Mills theory and the unified theory of strong electricity. No mathematician would doubt that Qin Yuanqing was doing this. Just kidding, unlike the physics world, the mathematics world has been conquered by Qin Yuanqing with high-quality papers.

"Qin, why don't you put your mind on the field of algebraic geometry? If you put your mind on the field of algebraic geometry, maybe Hodge's conjecture will be conquered by you!" Professor Deligne looked at the news, but his heart was very complicated. I don’t know how long my teacher, the god in my mind, can last.

Now, he has to go to France every month to visit his teacher, but he can still feel that the teacher is getting older every day.

Aging is a sad topic!

Especially for them who regard academics as life!

Although they don’t mind adding a few more grooves to their faces, the slowness of thinking and the decline of energy are irreversible. Their era is gone forever!

Even when visiting the teacher, the God in his mind would suddenly ask: Do you believe there is really a God in this world?

Then the nerves kept saying, there is God in this world, there is God in this world! He had seen God, this great God! He had already felt God's call somewhere.

It is hard to believe that a great man who was once arrogant and arrogant and dared to break all constraints and re-create modern algebraic geometry would say such unscientific words.

Deligne sometimes doubts that there is really a God in this world and that there is a God. It’s just that God looks down on all living beings, but all living beings cannot feel God’s overlooking. He now goes to church much more frequently than before. He goes to church every week to communicate with God and feel the presence of God.

Deligne is also the world's top mathematician. At that time, he proved the Weil conjecture, which was a weakened version of the Riemann hypothesis. He was very high-spirited at that time. If someone told him that there was a God in the world, he would follow you for three days and three nights.

But now, Deligne had doubts.

Maybe it's because of his old age. After all, he is 70 years old this year. To put it bluntly, he is already half-buried in the earth. Who knows how much life he has left. He may not wake up after going to bed one day.

Sometimes when sleeping, he would dream about friends and relatives who had left. Sometimes he would dream about being in a church, and the church would be full of religious music.

If there is any regret in his heart, Deligne would say that he has not seen the Hodge Hypothesis solved or the Riemann Hypothesis solved in his lifetime.

Now Deligne will not envy Qin Yuanqing for his brilliance. He just prays every day that Qin Yuanqing will study the field of algebraic geometry and re-develop the field of algebraic geometry to a new peak, so that his teacher can be happy. He prayed that Qin Yuanqing could solve the Riemann Hypothesis so that he could also see the whole new world of mathematics.

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