Chapter 251 Humility is a virtue

Although Qin Yuanqing is young, he is already the brightest star in the Chinese scientific community, shining brightly.

In five years, Qin Yuanqing solved one world mathematics problem after another, won mathematics awards one after another, and won honors for China. As a result, China's mathematical strength has been continuously enhanced, and it is no longer despised by the world's mathematical community. A Fields The award is shining brightly.

The solution of Goldbach's conjecture has completely made Goldbach's conjecture and theorem an honor for China. In the future, whenever Goldbach's theorem is solved, the contributions of Chinese mathematicians will surely be seen.

Of course, in terms of engineering applications, Qin Yuanqing's contribution has produced great economic and social benefits. Automobile engine technology, automatic transmission technology, and automobile chassis technology have enabled China to solve the problem of automobile heart disease, allowing China's automobile industry to master the core of automobiles. Technology has transformed from a dumping ground and profit plundering ground for the world's automobile OEMs and international automobile giants to a powerful automobile country. As long as China's domestically produced automobiles occupy a dominant position, they can rely on the Chinese market to remain invincible and then compete with Other car giants are fighting for it around the world.

We must know that every year in the automobile industry alone, foreign car giants used to earn tens of billions of dollars from the Chinese market. The original market was well thought of changing technology, but as a result, the companies failed to live up to their expectations and only wanted to make money from joint venture cars. , became a foundry for foreign car giants, which always caused headaches for superiors.

As a result, the situation has now reversed. Automobile companies have become the most important engine for the economic development of the three northeastern provinces, which has also given the opportunity for social reform and revitalized the three northeastern provinces. The growth rate of the three northeastern provinces has ranked first in the country for several consecutive years. It is a hot spot for investment, and even Goguryeo and Japanese car companies have to move their factories to the three northeastern provinces in order to reduce production costs. This has further accelerated the economic development of the three northeastern provinces.

Without the huge hole in the Northeast, the fiscal year has been profitable for two consecutive years.

In addition to the automobile industry, the Aero Engine Research Institute established by Qin Yuanqing solved the engine technology of fourth-generation fighter aircraft, and also allowed the Chinese Air Force to solve the problem of heart disease, greatly speeding up the mass production and service of fourth-generation aircraft, and has great influence on China's national defense construction. Immeasurable significance. After all, if you want to deter a jackal, you must have a shotgun in your hand.

There is no doubt that the scientific research results of the Aero Engine Research Institute have a great impact on China's national defense construction, because materials, for example, are not only used in aero engines, but can also be used in other aspects.

In addition, Qin Yuanqing also made a huge contribution to the aircraft carrier project. It was precisely because of this contribution that leaders from all parties asked for credit for Qin Yuanqing, so the originally prepared list had to be revised to include Qin Yuanqing's name.

The dean is very satisfied with Qin Yuanqing's performance over the years. He and Qin Yuanqing are old acquaintances. It was he who worked behind the scenes that allowed Qin Yuanqing to break the shackles of tradition and become the dean of the two academies at a young age, and then he could also work with Shuimu. The university has established an automotive research institute and an aerospace engine research institute in a cooperative manner.

Facts have proved that Qin Yuanqing did not disappoint him, and he played a positive role in guiding young people. He also played a positive role in further deepening the reform of Huaxia education, forcing colleges and universities to reform, and passed the college entrance examination twice. The problem also forces high schools to carry out educational reforms.

Although he has a lot of wealth, Qin Yuanqing has not been a miser. Instead, he has actively done charity and returned his wealth to the society in another way. Whether it is scholarships, the Smiling Angel Plan, etc., many people have benefited. These are all starting from the have a positive impact on society.

The dean encouraged Qin Yuanqing to say a few words and then left.

Jingtian immediately updated his WeChat account after Qin Yuanqing won the award: "Congratulations to @Qin Yuanqing, for winning two awards again. The babies are proud of you!" At the same time, he uploaded photos of the two children. .

"Princess Cherry, don't you feel proud? (laughing evilly)" Some netizens were the first to find fault.

"Woooo~ Why is it so difficult for others to win a grand prize in their lifetime, but Academician Qin is like wholesale every year!" Some people are extremely envious.

"Alas~~~ With Academician Qin as the first prize winner of the Natural Science Award, it is difficult to miss the bye!" Some netizens lamented how they missed the previous years when the Natural Science Award had a bye.

"One first-class natural science award every year! Come on, Academician Qin! I believe in you! (Fist)" Some netizens are looking forward to Qin Yuanqing winning one first-class natural science award every year.

"I win more than one award every year. Can I stop winning it? I'm tired of watching it!" Some people said that they have become numb and have no sense of freshness.

"That's right, Academician Qin, I have won enough awards, please give more opportunities to young people!"

"Is that you upstairs? That's nonsense. People younger than Academician Qin are still in university, how can they win an award!" The netizen said, "There are always unscrupulous people trying to harm me" with a contemptuous expression, which really made people vomit blood.

"You still have the time to talk about this? Shouldn't we work hard to create people and marry Academician Qin?" Some people transferred it to their two children, which was quite courageous.

"The great man upstairs can imagine all this! In 20 years, I will try to marry Academician Qin!" Some people reacted with admiration.

. . . . . .

Qin Yuanqing didn't know that someone on the Internet was already plotting against his precious daughter and brat. If he had known about it, he would have risked his life to fight them.

piss off!

Who is your in-laws?

Qin Yuanqing was being interviewed by the media at this time. As the big winner of this grand prize and the most famous scientist, Qin Yuanqing was the most popular in the news.

"Actually, I have nothing to pay attention to. Mr. Cheng and Mr. Zhang are the stars that everyone should follow. They have dedicated their lives to the country. Their spirit is worth learning from. Compared with them, my achievements are insignificant! "Qin Yuanqing said.

Sometimes it is hard to imagine what a great spirit and integrity it is to dedicate oneself to the country throughout one’s life without any regrets. This state is probably called great!

The maximum number of top prizes is two each year, which means that more people will pass away before they can win the prize. Many of these people who passed away also made great contributions.

For example, Mr. Qian, if he could live for two more years, he would probably not be able to escape the highest prize!

Returning to the institute, a celebration banquet was held, because this was the second consecutive year that the Automotive Research Institute and the Aero Engine Research Institute had won national awards. As for the municipal awards, there were even more. It can be said that although the two institutes were established long ago, It is not long, but in terms of honor, it is not inferior to those old research institutes that have existed since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Honor is a precious spiritual wealth that can make everyone feel proud, find their own value, and be willing to fight for it throughout their lives.

Everyone in the institute is full of energy because they can get honors by working here. For many researchers, honors are actually more important than material wealth.

What's more, they don't have to worry about salary in the graduate school, they will only make others envious.

At the celebration banquet, President Chen and Executive Vice President personally attended and expressed congratulations on the achievements of the Automotive Research Institute and the Aerospace Engine Research Institute.

In this year’s Science and Technology Award Conference, Shuimu University also gained a lot. In addition to the Automotive Research Institute and the Aero Engine Research Institute, Shuimu University participated in the scientific research of five projects for the second prize of the Natural Science Award, and the first prize of the Invention Award was completed by Shuimu University alone. , the second prize will be awarded to Mizuki for completing one item alone and participating in three items, the first prize for progress will be awarded to Mizuki for completing one item alone, and the second prize for participating in two items.

Now, Principal Chen’s life is getting better and better. In 2013 alone, the supercomputer center not only met the needs of scientific research, but also made a profit of 300 million due to the relationship with Zhongguancun. You must know that this profit belongs to the school. There are also Warwick smartphones, but every time one is sold, Mizuki will pay a portion of the money. Mizuki will get billions of profits from Warwick smartphones alone, and all of them belong to the school.

Many things will be easier to do if you have money. After all, many things are caused by money. With money, you can replace old experimental instruments and equipment, invest in scientific research projects, improve the benefits of faculty and staff, and reduce or reduce student fees. Tuition and fees, etc.

Qin Yuanqing also expressed his gratitude to the two school leaders for coming. To Qin Yuanqing's surprise, Principal Chen had no idea of ​​adding money to the institute's account.

He also said that in the new year, the Automobile Research Institute and the Aero Engine Research Institute will continue to work hard and make new achievements.

Afterwards, everyone ate and drank happily. After all, the most important thing about the celebration party is eating, drinking and having fun.

"Principal Chen, please remember to come to the tail-tooth banquet!" When leaving, Qin Yuanqing stayed with Principal Chen for a while and extended an invitation.

"I will not participate in your tooth banquet. The assessment work has not been completed yet. You are not having fun while I am here!" Principal Chen declined politely: "If you hadn't been participating in scientific research outside at that time, Not in school, otherwise the burden of assessment would be left to you, which would give me a headache now."

Qin Yuanqing smiled, but felt a little lucky in his heart. Shuimu University has 15,000 faculty and staff, involving all aspects of methods, and the assessment work is much larger than that of his research institute. Moreover, people and sophistication are always involved. If you want to maintain fairness and justice, you have to keep an eye on it at all times. Keep it, otherwise I will definitely play tricks on you.

He had heard a lot of jokes in the past few days. A professor was voted for the worst teacher award by his students. Instead of reflecting on himself, he started a quarrel with students in class, which became a big joke in the school.

There are also associate professors who were reported for making comments that crossed the line, and then were investigated by the school and openly claimed that this affected freedom of speech and wanted to sue the school.

Anyway, during this period, as the school entered the assessment stage, all kinds of jokes were always made. Two professors were even fired by Mizuki for doing things that made people angry, and they sued the two professors at the same time.

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