Chapter 25 Harvest

But education reform is a big deal!

China is not a European and American country. The Chinese party and government do not serve capital, but serve the people. Otherwise, they would not spend a huge price to alleviate poverty. Under the poverty alleviation policy, tens of millions of farmers have been lifted out of poverty, and the cost is not only Hundreds of billions or trillions of funds were spent, and many poverty alleviation cadres spent countless efforts and even sacrificed their precious lives.

At the summary and commendation meeting, more than 1,800 poverty alleviation cadres died, including some top students and others who had just become fathers.

Many experts clamor to learn from Europe and the United States and implement elite education. In their eyes, ordinary people are not human beings at all, but just cheap labor.

Therefore, many people criticize the education system, but it has not yet moved towards elite education. Otherwise, the upward path will be closed and social classes will be rapidly solidified.

Qin Yuanqing shut down the computer and sighed. He himself didn't know if there was a new way to learn from each other's strengths. He only knows that his ability is far from enough now, and these are not things he can consider.

Quality is not enough, quantity is enough!

There are so many people in China, and millions of them take the college entrance examination every year. Among so many people, there are always a few geniuses born.

"Why are you sighing?" Shen Yi washed a fruit and threw it to Qin Yuanqing. He took a bite of the fruit himself: "The girls in this competition are so good-looking. That Russian girl is so beautiful!"

As he spoke, his eyes glowed, looking like a pervert.

Qin Yuanqing was speechless. For such a serious test in the IMO competition, Shen Yi dared to be distracted by admiring the girls from other countries' Mathematical Olympiad teams.

Not only the Chinese Mathematical Olympiad team, but also other countries are basically all boys, and there are only about 20 girls, which makes them stand out from the crowd.

"And that Swedish girl, she's so cute. It would be great if she could be my girlfriend!" Shen Yi was thinking about her.

"Wake up, there is a game tomorrow!" Qin Yuanqing said angrily, this is a sperm on the brain! ?

The next day, nine o'clock sharp.

The second day of the IMO competition starts on time, and each contestant will face the remaining three questions.

After Qin Yuanqing got the test paper, he quickly browsed through the three test questions, "The last question of these three questions... is very perverted!"

Qin Yuanqing took a deep breath, stopped looking at the last question, adjusted his state, and started looking at the first question: "In △ABC, AB=AC, AD and BE are the bisectors of ∠CAB and ∠ABC respectively. K It is the heart of △ADC, assuming ∠BEK=45°, find all the values ​​that ∠CAB can take."

Seeing this question, Qin Yuanqing drew an isosceles triangle without hesitation, then made two bisectors AD and BE, made the inner K of △ABC, and marked 45° on ∠BEK. Immediately, the literal things were immediately transformed into graphics, and then the intersection point I of AD and BE was marked, and connected to CI, CI bisected ∠ACB. Since K is the center of △ADC, point K is on the line segment CI. Assume ∠BAC=α. Since AB=AC, there is AD⊥BC, so ∠ABC=∠ACB=90°-α/2. Since BI and CI bisect ∠ABC and ∠ACB respectively, then ∠ABI=∠IBC=∠ACI=∠ICB=45°-α/2.

Therefore, ∠EIC=∠IBC+∠ICB=90°-α/2, ∠IEC=∠BAE+∠ABE=45°+3α/4.

So IK/KC=S△IEK/S△EKC=. . . . . . Qin Yuanqing solved it step by step and quickly came to a conclusion.

Although there are many steps, it is very clear. First, graphically form the problem, then transform it step by step based on the diagram, and finally obtain the range value.

Then, Qin Yuanqing immediately looked at the second question: "2. Find all functions ∫: Z+→Z+, such that for any positive integer a, b, a, f (b), f (b + f (a) - 1) They can all form a triangle.”

Qin Yuanqing took a look and found that this question involved not only functions, but also mapping and mathematical induction. After a little analysis, Qin Yuanqing started to answer it, and finally concluded that f (n) = n was the only solution.

The third question was significantly more difficult, and Qin Yuanqing felt it was even higher than yesterday's last question.

a1, a2,.,an are different positive integers, M is a set of n-1 positive integers, but M does not include s=a1+a2+an. A grasshopper jumps on the integer point of the real number axis. It starts at point O, and then jumps n times in the direction. The step length of n times is exactly an arrangement of a1, a2,.,an. Proof: The order of a1, a2,.,an can be appropriately adjusted so that the grasshopper will not jump to any integer point where the number in M ​​is located.

Qin Yuanqing rubbed his temples. This question was the most difficult question he had encountered so far. Qin Yuanqing closed his eyes slightly and calmed himself down. About half an hour later, a flash of light flashed in Qin Yuanqing's mind, but it was finally his math level. After reaching level 10, it suddenly became much clearer. When I looked at this question again, I suddenly felt confident.

Qin Yuanqing picked up the pen and began to answer: When n=1, M=, the conclusion is of course true; when n=2, M has only one number m, one of a1 and a2 must not be equal to m, put it in the first step That’s it. Just build. . . . . . .

When Qin Yuanqing finished answering the questions and saw that there was still one hour left before the end of the 4.5 hours, he thought of another solution and wrote another solution on the answer sheet. This time it was much smoother. After all, he already knew one solution. Another solution is just a different way of thinking.

So seeing that there were only 5 minutes left before the end, Qin Yuanqing stood up and raised his hand to hand in the papers. When the invigilator put the papers into the envelope and sealed it, Qin Yuanqing left.

After the exam was over, the next step was to wait for the results to come out. Qin Yuanqing seemed very relaxed, while the other five team members seemed a little worried. When I asked, I found out that none of them had finished the last question.

But the exams were over, and they left the hotel, walked around, and even went to watch a Werder Bremen football match.

Qin Yuanqing had to admit that European football has surpassed basketball to become the world's largest sport and the most influential sport. It is indeed not unreasonable. The fans are fanatical and loyal, professional players have professional ethics, and referees do not dare to blow whistles. At the end of the game, both sides tried their best. The competition is very fierce and the viewing experience is very high.

As for domestic football, there are all kinds of shady things going on, and it is simply a scene. The group of players, coaches, and referees are simply professional actors, earning high salaries, but treating the fans as fools. When it comes to problems, there are all kinds of reasons and excuses, blaming others.

In such an environment, it is impossible to become a football power in another 20 years. Chinese football fans can only find a parent team in European football.

During this period, the deputy team leader asked Qin Yuanqing how he did in the exam. Qin Yuanqing just gave him an OK gesture. The smile on his face made the deputy team leader's heart drop to the ground.

One day later, it will be the day when the results are announced.

The Chinese Mathematical Olympiad team cheered with joy after receiving the official results ranking list.

The scores of the six players were: Qin Yuanqing 42 points, Yang Teng 34 points, Shen Yi 32 points, Luo Wei 32 points, Wu Jie 28 points, and Cui Yu 28 points.

Total score of China Mathematical Olympiad Team: 196 points

All six members of the Chinese Mathematical Olympiad team won individual gold medals except Wu Jie and Cui Yu, and the Chinese team scored the highest team score of 196.

"Yes, we are champions!"

"we are the champion!"

Everyone in the Chinese Mathematical Olympiad team was overjoyed, high-fiving each other, and the atmosphere was joyful.

"Qin Yuanqing, you are so awesome. IMO you are the only one to score 42 points this time!"

"Awesome, get them all right! That's awesome. This year's questions are much more difficult than in previous years, and you can still get full marks!"

"You must be the number one gold medalist, congratulations!"

If Qin Yuanqing hadn't gotten full marks this time, the Chinese Mathematical Olympiad team would have lost to the Russian team. It was really because Wu Jie and Cui Yu's score of 28 was too eye-catching.

Although no one from the Russian team scored a full score of 42 points, two players scored 40 points, and the total score was one point less than the Chinese team.

Therefore, each team member expressed their respect to Qin Yuanqing one by one, which was simply inhuman! In the past, there were always a few who got full marks, but you know, among so many players, only Qin Yuanqing got full marks. How difficult it is!

Qin Yuanqing was also very happy. As the results were announced, he also received corresponding rewards, and his consciousness entered the system space:

Host: Qin Yuanqing

Age: 19 years old

IQ: 165

Emotional Quotient: 100


Chinese: Level 6 (80000/10000000)

Mathematics: Level 10

English: Level 10

Physics: Level 7 (3000/100000000)

Chemistry: Level 6 (70000/10000000)

Creature: Level 6 (90000/10000000)

Physical fitness: 10

At the same time, he also received a reward of 6,000 learning coins for completing the task, bringing his accumulation of learning coins to 9,000 learning coins.

"Congratulations to the host, for winning the IMO individual gold medal and team gold medal!" The system's congratulatory voice sounded: "I hope the host will continue to work hard and create greater glory!"

Subsequently, Qin Yuanqing saw the two honors of IMO individual gold medal and team gold medal added to his honor column.

The taskbar has become:

Task 1: Rank first in the city in college entrance examination results and receive 500 learning coins as a reward.

Task 2: Obtain the first place in the science subject of the Fujian Provincial College Entrance Examination and be rewarded with 500 learning coins.

Seeing this new task, Qin Yuanqing was speechless. This system is too conciliatory. The top scorer in science in the Fujian Province College Entrance Examination is much more valuable than the top scorer in the city, but the task given is only 500. Does this mean that the college entrance examination is too easy for him?

At noon that day, the award ceremony was held as normal.

Qin Yuanqing and others were uniformly dressed and happily received the team gold cup, which symbolizes the highest honor.

The media below kept pressing their cameras, and relevant reports were immediately sent out by reporters.

"The Chinese Mathematical Olympiad team won the International Mathematical Olympiad team championship with 196 points! This is related to the successful defense of the Chinese Mathematical Olympiad team!" This was the Chinese version of the quick report, which was reported immediately.

Subsequently, there were silver medals for the runner-up and bronze medals for the third place. The runner-up was won by Russia, and the third place was won by the Japanese team.

Then came the individual gold medals. Qin Yuanqing, Yang Teng, Shen Yi, Luo Wei and others took the stage one after another. Qin Yuanqing was placed in the middle. As the only player with perfect scores in this competition, he naturally won the C position.

"Congratulations to Chinese Mathematical Olympiad players Qin Yuanqing, Yang Teng, Shen Yi, and Luo Wei for winning individual gold medals! Congratulations to Qin Yuanqing for getting the only perfect score in this competition!" The news was immediately spread back to the country.

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