Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 236 Influence (fourth update, presented)

Chapter 237 Influence

As the academic lecture ended, the national media coverage became more concentrated the next day. Authoritative media all used the two photos of Qin Yuanqing with his eyes closed slightly and his hands open as if to embrace the whole world, and taking the wooden box from Grothendieck as the background. Photo reporting.

"Goldbach's conjecture has become a theorem! The honor belongs to China!" Renren Daily used this as the title to report on yesterday's academic report. The previous report only reprinted the official website of Shuimu University and used it to analyze the possibility, but this time This time, it was reported positively. This report introduced the grandeur of the report meeting and the thunderous applause at the end. It represented the mathematical community’s recognition of the proof of Goldbach’s conjecture, and also represented the transformation of Goldbach’s conjecture from a conjecture to a conjecture. Theorem, many mathematical materials need to be revised, and Goldbach's conjecture is revised from a conjecture to Goldbach's theorem, and Qin Yuanqing's name and introduction will appear wherever Goldbach's theorem is mentioned.

"The first person in Chinese mathematics!" Youth Daily is the first time that an official media has called Qin Yuanqing the first person in Chinese mathematics. In previous introductions, everyone reported that Qin Yuanqing was a famous mathematician, but this time he named Qin Yuanqing the first person in Chinese mathematics. People put it on Qin Yuanqing's head and said that Qin Yuanqing was the greatest mathematician since the founding of the Republic. After proving Goldbach's conjecture, Qin Yuanqing's achievements will become an unavoidable name in Chinese mathematics!

"Great inheritance!" The Global Times reported on the background of a photo of Qin Yuanqing taking over the wooden box from Grothendieck. The focus of the report was on inheritance, believing that this was the new generation of mathematics popes taking over from the older generation of popes. Passing the papal scepter is the succession of kings in the mathematics world and a great inheritance. The world mathematics community will usher in his new pope! The report concluded with "There are talented people from generation to generation, and each has led the way for hundreds of years!"

All traditional print media, TV media, and online media placed reports on yesterday's report meeting.

Even "I Am a Singer" had to make way for it. The popularity was not as good as before. The Mango Channel program team laughed bitterly. It was really unreasonable. An academic has such great influence, and why should he let entertainment stars make money? .

"Should we invite him to be a singer too?" Hong Tao couldn't help but think thoughtfully.

Wang Feng was also dumbfounded. He held a press conference for the 2013 "Existence" Super Tour Concert in Beijing. As a result, three or four media came, and then they were all kinds of kittens. There was no popularity at all. Why is it so difficult for me to get headlines? .

Not only the mainland media, but also the media on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and the three places have reported on this. Even major overseas media have also concentrated on reporting on it.

After all, Goldbach's conjecture is not an ordinary mathematical problem in the world, not to mention that the Pope of Mathematics, Grothendieck, appeared at the academic lecture.

"He handed over the wealth of France to the Chinese!" Some French newspapers reported sourly. Pope Grothendieck of Mathematics was French, and those manuscripts were so precious. It stands to reason that after his death, Grothendieck would receive Inside the Louvre, but now Grothendieck gave him to someone else, and he was also a Chinese.

In Europe, there are still a large number of people who don't care about the Chinese.

This is a century of humiliation for China, which gives Europeans the right to despise China. After all, they are the ones who trampled China under their feet. How can they treat China as an equal now?

This excitement lasted for several days before dissipating.

In the past few days, one mathematical institute after another has officially announced that it has completed the demonstration of the proof of Goldbach's conjecture, and also officially stated that Goldbach's conjecture has completely become Goldbach's theorem.

Shuimu University has just started. As soon as the students returned to the school, they saw a big banner hanging on the school to celebrate Qin Yuanqing's proof of Goldbach's conjecture.

Shuimu people have a sense of pride in this. After all, this is the honor created by their own family, so they are naturally proud of it.

In the latest world rankings, Shuimu University has been ranked 30th, while Yan University is ranked 57th. This makes Shuimu people very proud. When Shuimu enters the top 20 in a few years, they can despise Yan University. It's a shame to be ranked with them!

In terms of domestic rankings, Shuimu continues to lead Yanda in first place, ranking first for three consecutive years.

The butterfly effect caused by Mizuki's growth is astonishing. In the past, Mizuki and Yanda were about the same size. Domestically, Yanda was often ranked first and Mizuki second. In the world's top school rankings, they are also about the same. There is no gap. distance.

However, Shuimu surpassed Yanda in domestic rankings and ranked first for three consecutive years. The international ranking has improved by more than 20 places. This growth rate is astonishing, and it is already widening the gap with Yan University. Yan Da felt a huge sense of threat and pressure, and began to reform and explore in order to continuously improve its strength and compete with Shuimu.

Yanda is taking action, and the second and third tier 985 schools such as Fudan University, Shanghai University of Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, University of Science and Technology of China, Jinling University, etc. are also following suit. In the past two years, changes in university education have constantly appeared in the mouths of university presidents.

In the past, it was rare for a school to expel a professor. Unless he committed some major outrageous matter, it would basically never happen. Hello everyone, hello everyone. Even if there is a scandal, as long as it can be covered up, no one will I will try to lift the lid, but in the past two years, a certain professor has been fired, and then there have been reports of academic fraud, misappropriation of scientific research funds, etc.

To be honest, when bad guys infiltrate the professor community, it is like a rat droppings ruining a pot of porridge. Some bad phenomena are constantly being discovered, such as professors eating grass from the side of the nest, and students enduring humiliation and living in order to graduate or face various threats. Why else take credit for students’ academic achievements? . . . . .

But now universities need to reform, spontaneous reforms, many things have to be eliminated, and they have to be killed, otherwise they will not be able to improve their competitiveness.

Losing competitiveness is undoubtedly very fatal for a university. Good students will not choose an uncompetitive university.

As students started school, Shuimu also ushered in the first school meeting of the new semester.

This school council meeting was an enlarged meeting. In addition to the school leaders, all the deans of each college attended the meeting.

"Comrades, I would like to make a proposal to re-evaluate the faculty and staff. Those who fail the evaluation should be retrained and retrained. If they are still unqualified, they should be dismissed!" Qin Yuanqing made a proposal at the meeting. It’s the assessment of faculty and staff!

"Vice Principal Qin, I don't think this is appropriate. Teachers' professional titles have been strictly reviewed, and their standards are still high." Some people immediately raised objections.

Qin Yuanqing sneered in his heart.

The mobility of university faculty and staff is very poor, and they are like an iron rice bowl. After being awarded a professional title, the increase in salary depends on the length of service, so many people start to hang around. Anyway, one day of hanging around is only one day, and the more you work, the more you can do. Make a dollar.

Some teachers even have no motivation to attend class, and they put all their energy and motivation into side jobs. Professor So-and-so of Shuimu University has just become a golden sign to facilitate the development of side jobs.

"What's wrong? Social enterprises now have assessments. What's wrong? Can't we take assessments when we get to our school?" Qin Yuanqing said rudely: "I'll report a situation to the principal and all comrades. Last year's Automotive Research Institute assessment , the assessment results show that 6 associate professors and professors failed the assessment, and 15 barely passed! 10 people barely passed the Aero Engine Research Institute!"

"Everyone should be aware of the situation of the Automotive Research Institute and the Aerospace Engine Research Institute, but in this situation, there are still so many faculty members who failed the assessment and barely passed the examination!" Qin Yuanqing said: "Do you think that their respective colleges are better than the Automobile Research Institute? The Research Institute and the Aero Engine Research Institute are good, there won’t be people trying to fish in troubled waters?”

"Vice President Qin, this is a bit inappropriate. We are engaged in academic research. Assessment will make academic research less free and limit creativity!" someone suggested.


Academic Research? free?

What’s wrong, assessment affects the freedom of academic research! ?

What kind of truth is this? Is it true that everyone eats from the same big pot, and whether they work hard or not work hard is the same?

"I don't think there's anything wrong with assessments. I heard that last semester there was a professor at the College of Civil Engineering and Water Conservancy who taught very casually during class and made frequent mistakes. He was kicked out of the classroom by students. I don't know if it's true or not? What if there was an assessment? System, I think this kind of thing will never happen!" Qin Yuanqing said with a sneer.

The assessment system will naturally not be like that of an enterprise, with things like attendance and attendance. After all, universities still need academic freedom, so the assessment system needs to be flexible. Just like the assessment systems of the Automobile Research Institute and the Aero Engine Research Institute, they have flexibility. , as long as everyone works hard and studies seriously, this assessment system will naturally be carried out by the human resources department.

The person who just spoke was the dean of the School of Civil Engineering and Hydraulic Engineering. After hearing Qin Yuanqing's words, his face turned red and he felt like his old face had been beaten to pieces. The matter caused quite a stir in the school, but in the end the professor did not get it either. Any penalties, business as usual.

Now Qin Yuanqing raised it in the school council meeting, which was a slap in the face, and he still couldn't refute it.

Although the other leaders are not very willing to conduct assessments, what can I say, who has nothing wrong with him? Qin Yuanqing has just been slapped in the face, are they still going to get close to him?

That's not even possible!

As the dean of a college, their technical and moral standards are no problem, otherwise they would not have reached this position. They believe that this assessment has no impact on them personally, and that it is others who do, and they do not deserve to be slapped in the face for this matter.

Finally, a resolution was passed to form an assessment team and formulate assessment-related matters. After all, there are awards and penalties, otherwise the assessment will lose its meaning.

How to assess, when to assess, assessment grading, reward and punishment measures, etc., must be formulated after research. Otherwise, if a system is copied mechanically, trouble will occur.

Explosions don’t happen often! ! I wonder if there will be a surprise when I wake up?

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