Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 229 Sensation from all sides

Chapter 230: Sensation from all sides

"The scum of the university has made the university full of copper odor!"

"Universities are noble and money should not be allowed to pollute the educational environment!"

"People who engage in scientific research actually have so much money. I am seriously suspecting the misappropriation of scientific research funds!"

. . . . . . .

Many people jumped out angrily. There are so many colleges and universities across the country, and the salary varies widely. Some colleges have an average monthly salary of tens of thousands, while some colleges have an average monthly salary of several thousand yuan and may even not be able to pay.

Originally, although there was a gap across the country, the gap was not too big. But now, look at it, people have an annual salary of one million and a high year-end bonus, and you only get a little money. You can only have a balance in your mind. .

Especially the male teacher, his wife was thinking about her heartbrokenly, and she was filled with anger. I don’t know how many teachers and families quarreled because of this that night. It was really a crime.

Of course, the popularity of the news continued to rise, attracting the attention of the media. It was not long before it was revealed that a certain school was in arrears with teachers' performance wages and subsidies. The teachers had no way to complain, and faced reporters with tears in their eyes, which was extremely shocking. Sad.

The teacher said that teachers are actually a vulnerable group. Migrant workers who are unpaid wages will be shown on TV, but teachers are required to contribute. This is his first year as a teacher. As a result, his salary was delayed for a year, and he also lost two months of salary and performance in the first semester. During the process of asking for salary, he received all kinds of looks at him. When he went to the Education Bureau, he received various threats. .

Then various news about university teachers are constantly being reported, some of which are teachers who are owed wages, and some of which are about the salary of universities.

As a result, netizens took a look and said, Damn, even though all the teachers in colleges and universities have high academic qualifications, their salaries are really not much. Compared with other companies in society, they are a lot lower. There are many colleges and universities with salaries of less than tens of thousands, but If you were in a company, your annual salary would be at least four to five hundred thousand.

Qin Yuanqing didn't have time to pay attention to these things on the Internet. After the wedding banquet, Qin Yuanqing took two days to read the paper from beginning to end. After confirming that it was correct, "Any even number greater than 2 can be expressed as The English version of the paper "Sum of Two Prime Numbers" was submitted to "Chronicles of Mathematics", which is the top journal he is accustomed to collaborating with. It has always been a pleasure to cooperate. Last time, he talked about two issues on the minimal model program and the BAB conjecture, "Chronicles of Mathematics" It is very impressive that in addition to the special issue, one issue is dedicated to the publication. Qin Yuanqing also felt very satisfied and was too lazy to change.

Then the Chinese version of the paper "Any even number greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers" was submitted to Shuimu's own journal, so that the good news would not go to outsiders!

Relying on the reputation of the Department of Mathematics of Shuimu University as the best in China and the Chinese version of Qin Yuanqing's paper, Shuimu University's mathematics journal has become a must-subscribe journal for major universities, centers, and mathematics research institutions. Many scholars who study mathematics have published papers in The first choice in China is the mathematics journal of Shuimu University, but the review of this mathematics journal is much stricter and not so good.

Later, Qin Yuanqing logged into Arxiv’s official website and uploaded the paper.

Logically speaking, for papers submitted to journals, the journal does not recommend uploading the papers to the official website of Arxiv before the deadline, because it may violate double-blind rules and so on. However, Qin Yuanqing doesn't care much about these things now. His paper has its own style, and others may not be able to learn it if they want to learn it. Moreover, he just submitted the paper to "Chronicle of Mathematics", and within five minutes, the editor-in-chief of "Chronicle of Mathematics" personally Call him and thank Qin Yuanqing for submitting the paper on Goldbach's conjecture to "The Chronicle of Mathematics". "The Chronicle of Mathematics" will arrange reviewers as soon as possible. Once it is confirmed that there are no problems with the paper, then "The Chronicle of Mathematics" will specially review it for you. This paper is published in a special issue.

The proof paper of Goldbach's conjecture is worthy of a special issue from any top journal.

Of course, Qin Yuanqing will explain the situation first as always. The Chinese version will be handed over to Shuimu's mathematics journal, and he hopes that the "Chronicle of Mathematics" will understand.

Qin Yuanqing was a little curious. Wiles's paper on proving Fermat's last theorem was reviewed by six reviewers at the same time. How many big guys will review his paper on proving Goldbach's conjecture this time?

. . . . . .

Luther, a British mathematician who teaches at Oxford University, is browsing the Arxiv webpage.

This is one of the things he must do every day, sometimes after his morning run, sometimes before going to bed.

Although most professors like to leave the work of tracking the latest research progress of their peers on Arxiv to doctoral or master's students in the laboratory, Luther likes to do this himself.

Although the quality of papers on Arxiv that have not been peer-reviewed varies, many newcomers have come up with some very creative ideas that are very inspiring... but they are not perfect yet.

After roughly reading about ten papers, Luther yawned and was about to get up and go to bed.

However, at this moment, his personal page suddenly received an alert from a website, and it happened to come from two tags he was paying attention to - analytic number theory and prime number problems.

Luther frowned, and obsessive-compulsive disorder prompted him to click on the reminder.

However, after seeing the title of the article, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but curl up - "Any even number greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers"

Isn't this the Euler statement of Goldbach's conjecture?

Generally speaking, this kind of paper will be thrown into the "General Mathematics" section, and this section has long been blocked by him.

Luther didn't know why this paper triggered the alert, but he thought it was probably a bug on the website or negligence on the part of the staff.

He shook his head, and just when he was about to close his laptop and go to sleep, he suddenly noticed the contributor's name.


He was stunned.

"Let me go~~~This is Qin Yuan Qing!? The number one guy in the field of number theory?" Luther suddenly trembled, no longer sleepy, a flash of lightning flashed in his mind, and a towering statue appeared!

Then Luther started to read the paper. The paper was one hundred and forty-three pages long, but compared to the amount of information contained in the title, this was nothing.

"He actually solved Goldbach's conjecture... It's incredible!" Luther was amazed: "Although everyone is saying that Qin is the most likely to solve Goldbach's conjecture in this era, but at this speed It’s too fast!”

"Not long ago, he just solved the Polignac conjecture! At that time, Qin's students said that Qin was solving Goldbach's conjecture and did not have time to give a report in person! How long has it been now? 1 month? It was solved like this Goldbach's conjecture!?" Luther was so amazed that he immediately shared the news with his friends.

Then he read down line by line, and he kept writing down formulas line by line on his scratch paper for verification.

. . . . . .

The official website of Shuimu University and the official account on WeChat and Weibo immediately updated the news: Congratulations to our school’s mathematician Professor Qin Yuanqing for proving Goldbach’s conjecture!

Although the text is short, the amount of information is amazing!

As the highest university in China, Shuimu University’s official website and official WeChat and Weibo account received a lot of attention. This news immediately alarmed all parties and immediately replaced the topic of teachers’ salaries and became the hottest news on the entire network in less than half an hour. It shot to the top of the news trending list.

"Shocked! A dignified academician actually did such a thing..."

"Shocked! Is it a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality? Academician Qin actually did this..."

"Shocked! Goldbach's conjecture was solved once..."

In less than half an hour, the UC Shock Department urgently processed three reports, shocking the entire network. This level of efficiency is truly embarrassing to our colleagues.

Tencent News is relatively cautious, with "It is said that Qin Yuanqing, an academician of the two academies of my country, cracked Goldbach's conjecture!" ” as a report, and then intercepted the report from Shuimu University’s official website, listing Qin Yuanqing’s achievements in the field of mathematics over the years.

The high efficiency of online media is so vividly demonstrated that traditional media have not yet paid attention to it, but online media has already reported it.

Whether it is traditional paper media or television media, they are much slower than online media in terms of timeliness.

But there is no doubt that the news that Qin Yuanqing proved Goldbach's conjecture spread throughout China at lightning speed in less than a day, causing a huge sensation.

In the past, when a civil scientist or a high school student claimed to have solved Goldbach's conjecture, everyone would be curious and admired at first. But over time, they would sneer at such news and not pay too much attention to it. They would just think that someone is crazy for wanting to be famous. .

But this time is different. This time it is Qin Yuanqing, a man who has made great achievements in the field of mathematics many times and is known as the number one mathematician in China. At a young age, he has already stood at the pinnacle of the Chinese mathematics community. He has even won the Fields Medal. He has won the highest prize, which is equivalent to the Nobel Prize in mathematics. Naturally, it is not comparable to those in the civil sciences and high school students.

After all, with many achievements behind him, Qin Yuanqing proved that Goldbach's conjecture is obviously more reliable.

The next day, Renren Daily reported with the title "Gechai's proof is the best New Year gift to the people of the country." The report quoted the official website of Shuimu University, and then reviewed history. In the past few decades, China The mathematical community has an indissoluble bond with Goldbach's conjecture. Once Goldbach's conjecture is truly proven, it will completely overwhelm China.

Chen Jingrun's relatives, friends, and students all cried with joy, went to pay homage to Chen Jingrun, and told Chen Jingrun the good news that Goldbach's conjecture had been proven, and it was proved by the Chinese.

The Chinese mathematics community also exploded. After all, no mathematician in the Chinese mathematics community has tried to prove Goldbach's conjecture. Unfortunately, they all ended in failure, but now Qin Yuanqing has proved it.

This is simply news that shocks the world!

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