Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 227 The Proving Significance of Mathematical Difficulties

Chapter 228 The Proving Significance of Mathematical Problems

The Chinese people's feelings towards Goldbach's conjecture are very unusual.

Not only because mathematicians such as Wang Yuan and Pan Chengdong have made contributions in trying to prove Goldbach's conjecture using the sieve method, but also because Chen Jingrun's "1+2" ​​has reached the closest position to proving Goldbach's conjecture.

More importantly, Chen Jingrun's deeds spread all over the country with the "Spring of Science". Everyone in the country knew that Chen Jingrun had proved "1+2" ​​and that he had "won the crown jewel of mathematics". people!

Chen Jingrun was only 33 years old when he proved "1+2", and thus became a nationally famous scientist in one fell swoop. After that, Chen Jingrun devoted his life's energy to the final proof of Goldbach's conjecture, but it was not completed. After Chen Jingrun's deeds were widely reported, there was a rush to prove Goldbach's conjecture in China, and the entire country had a very special feeling for Goldbach's conjecture.

Among the people, many civil scientists continue to claim that they have proved Goldbach's conjecture. This group of people is very large, surpassing other overseas civil scientists who claim to have proved Goldbach's conjecture.

Even Qin Yuanqing could have directly attacked Yang Mills' theory, but he still used Goldbach's conjecture as a warm-up, partly because of the feelings engraved in his bones.

There is actually a lot of controversy about the significance of Goldbach's conjecture. Some people think that Goldbach's conjecture is of little significance because it is very isolated and has few connections with other disciplines. However, some mathematicians believe that Goldbach's conjecture is of very important significance, because Goldbach's conjecture is related to all important methods in analytic number theory. If you study the Goldbach's conjecture as the theme, you will be able to learn analytic number theory well. all important methods.

In fact, Qin Yuanqing believes that proving a world-class mathematical problem, first of all, is of little significance to the current society. It is difficult for it to bring much benefit or great impetus to the current society. Its significance lies in the creation of new mathematical concepts, new theories, and new tools in the process of proof. This is the greatest significance.

Otherwise, many mathematical problems will not be understood and it will be difficult to move forward.

Mathematics has developed so far and has developed so many branches because mathematics has been studied in every era and new things and new tricks have been developed. It has become a tool for people to study physics, chemistry, and biology.

It is precisely because of this that mathematics is known as the brightest pearl in the crown of science.

In today's world of mathematics research, the cutting-edge positions are basically divorced from real life. Their research is like reading a book from heaven. However, it is not that they are unimportant, but that their importance will be gradually released. For example, Newton created calculus. As of now, 99% of the world are still confused about calculus. However, it is widely used in many disciplines and solves a series of scientific problems. Even now, it is not outdated at all. .

This is the beauty of mathematics.

It is precisely for this reason that mathematicians will exclaim that mathematics is the most brilliant pearl in the crown of human wisdom.

Descartes even said: "Mathematics is the most powerful knowledge tool left behind by human knowledge activities, and it is the root of some phenomena. Mathematics is immutable and exists objectively. God will build the universe based on mathematical laws."

The next day, Qin Yuanqing came to the school. Now all the undergraduates of the school have gone on winter vacation, and many graduate students and doctoral students have also gone back for vacation. The entire Shuimu University seems much deserted, except for the janitors, librarians and some research institutions. There are not many people left, even teachers who mainly give lectures, such as lecturers, postdoctoral fellows, and associate professors, can take their winter vacation comfortably.

Many people think that university teaching is the best career, and it is not unreasonable.

After all, look at the society, how many people wake up early every day and work overtime every day, even working overtime on weekends are trivial matters. 996 has become a blessing. But university teachers, like students, have summer vacation and winter vacation for more than three months every year. They have two fixed days of rest every week. A normal one-week course consists of two classes of two hours together or two classes before and after. There are two classes, which is 4 hours a week. At other times, you can do what you like in your office, such as reading the news, watching movies, making tea, or pursuing your own hobbies.

If you encounter a college with loose management and no attendance required, you can even go straight to work on your side job after class or go home to sleep.

So, this is the reason why so many people want to stay in school and become teachers every year. University teachers are much more comfortable than high school teachers, junior high school teachers and elementary school teachers.

This is how you make money easily by standing still.

And the key is that he is a university teacher and has a high social status!

That is to say, if you think of a research institution like this, you may need to teach part-time, but you also have to do scientific research, which will make you more tired. Basically, you focus on scientific research.

Moreover, many teachers will look down on scientific researchers like this, thinking that they are really sick and can easily make money, but they have to be so tired and still can’t make any money. It's better to be a little clever, apply for funds, and then do an accounting. Although the funds won't be much, they are still money. As for the inability to achieve results, there is nothing we can do about it. Results cannot be achieved all at once.

Therefore, Qin Yuanqing has always insisted that real scientific researchers must not suffer losses and maintain high salaries and high benefits. After all, those who really focus on scientific research have simple minds and will not do this or that.

Those who are called honest people outside will suffer a loss, but this does not exist here at all.

As soon as Qin Yuanqing arrived at the Automobile Research Institute, Xu Jiayi came to the door and took out four documents for Qin Yuanqing.

"Dean, this is the holiday time decided at the previous meeting. I want you to sign it today and I will send the holiday notice to my colleagues," Xu Jiayi said.

Qin Yuanqing nodded slightly. Xu Jiayi was the deputy dean in charge of finance, logistics and human resources at the Automotive Research Institute. At the Aero Engine Research Institute, there is the financial director and assistant to the dean, who can be said to be Qin Yuanqing's right-hand man.

Xu Jiayi is also a strong woman. She is very principled. She does what she should do and handles the things she is in charge of in an orderly manner.

In the Aero Engine Research Institute, the financial director is in charge of the finances. It means Qin Yuanqing controls the financial power to prevent the money from disappearing all at once. Without his nod, neither Yihang nor the school can take a cent from the institute's account. money.

Qin Yuanqing signed his name on two holiday notices. This year, the two institutes chose to have a holiday on February 2, which means that the 22nd day of the twelfth lunar month is a Saturday, which means they will have a holiday two days earlier than before. Three days.

As for the Spring Festival holiday, only a few people were arranged to be on duty. Those on duty were all people from the capital, and they had enough time and no other arrangements. As for being on duty, they were paid three times the usual salary. After the holiday, it will be February 19th, the tenth day of the first lunar month.

The other two documents are the year-end bonuses of the Automotive Research Institute and the Aero Engine Research Institute. This is also a feature that Qin Yuanqing maintains, which is the year-end bonus. Other colleges do not have any assessments or year-end bonuses. Anyway, the salary is It is paid on a monthly basis. As for the bonus, it is rare, unless you are engaged in scientific research, and then the scientific research reward is included in the year-end bonus. As for normal teachers, the so-called year-end bonus is reissued for extra class hours, which means that the year-end bonus is only a few thousand yuan, and it is difficult to exceed 10,000 yuan.

With the introduction of assessment, the year-end bonus is also based on the assessment results. Last week, the personnel assessment was completed, and those who were rated D have already left. As for qualified C-level employees, year-end bonuses will be paid based on monthly wages. If the assessment is grade B, that is, good, then 1.5 months' salary will be paid. If the assessment is A grade, that is, excellent, then the salary will be paid according to 2 months. If the assessment is S level, that is, very outstanding, then three months' salary will be paid.

It's a pity that Qin Yuanqing is the only one in both institutes who takes the S grade assessment.

Qin Yuanqing browsed it for a while and then signed at the signature place.

"Have the Outstanding Contribution Award, Pioneer, Best Team, etc. been implemented?" Qin Yuanqing asked.

The year-end bonus is a material reward, and material rewards are often the most effective. They can literally give people a shot of chicken blood and make them scream with excitement. But this is useful in the short term. If you want it to last for a long time, you have to rely on mental rewards.

The combination of spiritual rewards and material rewards can be beneficial!

"Everything has been implemented. I will bring the documents to you later. Over at the Aero Engine Research Institute, I will find Sister Min later and ask her to come over!" Xu Jiayi said.

Qin Yuanqing nodded slightly.

This year's Outstanding Contribution Awards, Pioneers, and Best Teams are mainly awarded to the Aero Engine Research Institute. After all, the Everest aircraft engine can't be praised enough. The Automotive Research Institute mainly gets some small awards.

Spiritual rewards like this, in addition to trophies and certificates, also include part of the bonus, and this part of the bonus is after-tax, while personal income tax belongs to the institute.

Moreover, this spiritual reward is carried out in Weiya. When everyone has a dinner together, the researchers' families will arrive, and their families will also enjoy the honors.

Yes, there will be a dinner party before the official holiday next week. Qin Yuanqing will use this as Wei Ya to attract Wei Ya from southern Fujian. It can also be used as a team building work to let the families of each researcher know that his significant other is What a great person, working on such a noble cause.

Regardless of whether they are men or women, those who achieve success have a person who works silently behind them. This person is also very important. Otherwise, if there is trouble, the family will be uneasy, and the researchers will not be able to conduct research with peace of mind.

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