Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 207 Aviation Engine Testing (Please subscribe)

Chapter 208 Aviation Engine Testing

All the leaders of Hangfa Power came to the gate to greet us in person!

Although the aircraft engine power has been reorganized, the Science and Technology Commission and other departments still have jurisdiction over the aircraft engine power. Otherwise, the final assembly and testing of the 'Everest aeroengine' would not have been placed in the aircraft engine power. The original intention of reorganizing the aircraft engine power was, The purpose is to enable Hangfa Dynamics to develop better, go public for financing, and increase the vitality of the enterprise.

"Mr. Ye, welcome to Hangfa Power to inspect our work!" Mr. Liao, Chairman of Hangfa Power, led the leadership to personally greet him at the gate.

Mr. Ye from the Science and Technology Commission and Mr. Liao shook hands: "To make a long story short, are you ready for the work?"

We are all very busy people. We have come all the way from the capital, not just for small talk.

This time there are over a hundred people, in addition to the Science and Technology Commission, there are also leaders and experts from the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Finance and other relevant departments. This is a major matter related to national defense, and the leaders are watching. No one dares to be careless, otherwise If the board above is knocked down, no one can escape.

According to the design specifications, the "Everest Aero Engine" is directly comparable to the American F119 aero engine, with a thrust ratio of more than ten and a maximum thrust of 16 tons. This is a high-thrust aero engine. Moreover, the Everest aircraft engine has applied many advanced materials, cooling and aerodynamic technologies in its design. In particular, advanced materials have been tested and verified and have begun to be used in Taihang and Kunlun engines.

But the superiors place more hope on the Everest aeroengine, because for an aeroengine, materials are very important, but cooling and aerodynamics are also important. The superiors are not sure that after solving the material problem, the Taihang engine or the Kunlun engine will immediately become an aerospace engine. Qualified engine.

In recent years, the Air Force has suffered from not having an advanced aeroengine. Even if it purchases an aeroengine from Mao Xiong, not only will it buy a monkey board, but it will also come with various conditions.

Soon, everyone came to a factory and saw an aero engine. Qin Yuanqing's eyes flashed with light, because Qin Yuanqing was familiar with this aero engine. It was the F119 aero engine, or the Chinese version of Everest Aviation. engine'!

Even though it took so long, such a prototype was finally produced.

The manufacturing cost of such a prototype is 4 million US dollars, which is simply ridiculously expensive. Even a Rolls-Royce is nothing in front of such an aero engine.

"Then let's get started!" Mr. Ye of the Science and Technology Committee said solemnly.

Immediately, the person in charge of the experiment began to conduct tests. As the aeroengine started, the aeroengine finally began to rotate. The three-stage fan initially combs and compresses the airflow, and finally divides it into two parts. A small part enters the outer duct. It not only plays a cold cutting role, but also provides some thrust in the end.

In addition, most of the airflow passes through a six-stage high-pressure compressor and is compressed again to reach the minimum required limit. Finally, the combustion chamber begins to ignite, and the high-pressure air and fuel mixture compressed into the combustion chamber are ignited, and every corner of the annular combustion chamber is filled with flames in an instant.

The high-temperature gas of thousands of degrees Celsius flows through the high-pressure turbine, and after being rotated by the stator, continues to flow through the low-pressure turbine, and the high- and low-pressure rotors begin to rotate rapidly. The hot gas is ejected through the tail nozzle, generating the maximum thrust of this engine.

For new engine testing, as long as it can run on its own and reach the predetermined thrust, it will be fine. There is no need to do anything more now, just wait silently together.

Even the technicians who monitor the engine data do not need to do anything more. They monitor the operating data intently and do not miss any detail that is not expected.

But everyone was very excited. Just listening to the roar of the Everest aircraft engine, everyone knew that this aircraft engine was a high-thrust aircraft engine. Thinking back to the fact that the Kunlun aircraft engine test and the Taihang aircraft engine test had frequent problems from the beginning, but the Everest aircraft engine has not had any problems so far, the difference was immediately judged.

The engine runs smoothly and even the noise is under control. It has to be said that this engine surpasses domestic engines in many aspects.

After running for a full hour, it stopped running.

The scene immediately burst into warm applause. The first test ran for one hour without any problems. This has set multiple records.

"Academician Qin, congratulations, you have developed an excellent aero-engine. I would like to thank you on behalf of the country! The motherland will never forget your contribution. I will take credit for you when I return to Beijing!" Mr. Ye said excitedly.

The researchers at the Aero Engine Research Institute who participated in the test were all excited, cheering, hugging, and applauding. Otherwise, it was not enough to express their excitement.

During this period of time, they have also spent a lot of energy and time on this. By saying this, Mr. Ye has actually recognized their efforts.

"Mr. Ye, please wait until you complete a series of tests and finalize the final product before asking for credit!" Qin Yuanqing said with a smile.

Today's test did not surprise him at all. After all, this is a mature aeroengine. The United States has gone through a series of tests, and the F22 has been in mass production for ten years.

Others looked sideways at Qin Yuanqing's calmness. If it were them, they would have cheered and been excited.

Then the group arrived at the conference room and held the first test meeting. The data testing personnel reported the various data of this test meeting.

Of course, this is only the first stage. There will be a lot of tests to test various data, such as thrust stability, thrust addition data, vortex front temperature, maximum temperature, etc., including the durability of the aero engine and how many hours it can operate stably. , how long does it take to need major repairs, etc.

Testing before finalization and mass production is not just an aeroengine. This process is actually a costly process.

If the entire testing process can be completed within one year, that would be great.

Most of the staff stayed, while Qin Yuanqing and Mr. Ye and other leaders left Hangfa Power and returned to the capital.

On the plane, Mr. Ye had regained his composure. At this time, he was already thinking about how to report to the leadership, and at the same time, he was also making adjustments to some future plans.

Although the successful test flight of the J20 marks that China has become the second country in the world capable of developing and manufacturing fourth-generation stealth aircraft. But in fact, it will take a long time for the test flight to be officially deployed in the army. The original plan was that from 2016 to 2018, domestic aviation engines would be barely enough, and then mass production of J20 fighters would be officially launched. Equip troops.

It seems that the Everest aircraft engine will solve the air force's heart disease problem. Once it is finalized and can be mass-produced, the J20 can also be mass-produced and installed in the troops in advance.

With J20 fighters, the combat effectiveness of the Chinese Air Force will be greatly improved, which can effectively defend China's airspace and deter enemy provocations.

There is no doubt that leaders will be very happy when they hear the good news.

Qin Yuanqing looked at several other people discussing in low voices and felt funny in his heart. The real data actually requires the entire test to be completed, and then during the entire test process, some problems will break out and then be solved.

It's too early to be happy now.

However, Qin Yuanqing also knew that China had not had an aircraft engine for a long time. It had not had the ability to develop fighter aircraft before, and it was almost impossible because there was no way. However, the J10 fighter jet was successfully developed, but it did not have its own domestic aerospace engine, so the J10 fighter jet was unable to be mass-produced. The Air Force still operates second-generation aircraft, and when performing missions, it is even prepared to ram the aircraft into enemy aircraft and perish together. .

Yes, this is the current situation of the Chinese Air Force. In the past, the foundation was too thin, there were so many places to protect, and the number of advanced fighters was not enough, so it could only make do with second-generation aircraft.

Just like Hong Liu, the sixth master, he is constantly improving, tinkering, and making do. This situation is not only for the Air Force, but also for the Navy. Many warships are older generations and are almost out of use.

The more he understood, the more Qin Yuanqing felt a heavy sense of urgency. Today, China is at a critical moment. If it does not make a breakthrough, it will be unable to move up or down, and it will be difficult to control its own destiny. If you want to truly develop and grow, you must achieve technological breakthroughs, otherwise the future will be very dangerous.

As a country that has experienced a hundred years of humiliation, and even experienced various difficulties and force after the founding of the People's Republic of China, China knows very well and feels this strong sense of crisis. Without enough force, it is simply not enough to defend its homeland and interests.

We cannot place our destiny on the kindness of others. This is a lesson that China has learned at great cost.

Therefore, even when the Republic was just born, it has always been emphasized that "it takes a long time for friends to come, and shotguns for wolves" because destiny must be in one's own hands. Only a truly sovereign country can have true national dignity. Otherwise, everything will happen. It's all false.

At this time, several very slender stewardesses with sweet smiles came over cautiously to ask for an autograph. Qin Yuanqing smiled, signed his name, and then wrote a line of blessing.

After going abroad, Qin Yuanqing felt that the quality of Chinese flight attendants was still very good. At least the service on the plane was very attentive, unlike foreign flight attendants who had a bad attitude and acted like they were uncles. Moreover, Chinese flight attendants are all very beautiful, at least they are pleasing to the eye, unlike foreign flight attendants, many of whom are fat aunts.

Nowadays, Qin Yuanqing often encounters people asking for autographs wherever he goes. Although he is not a star, he is still better than a star.

However, Qin Yuanqing hopes that there will be fewer such things. In fact, in the final analysis, he is not a star, he is just an ordinary person.

At most, he is just doing scientific research. Everyone's division of labor is different, and there is no distinction between superior and inferior.

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