January 3rd, evening, sunset

Qin Yuanqing stood at the school gate, looking at the red banner at the school gate. The banner was to celebrate his winning the CMO championship gold medal. Even though more than half a month had passed, the red banner had not been taken down.

This time, he took a direct flight from the capital to Ludao Airport. After getting off the plane at Ludao Airport, Qin Yuanqing did not choose to go back to the County No. 1 Middle School because it was already the New Year's Day holiday, and even the senior year of high school had a three-day holiday this time.

So Qin Yuanqing went home directly from Ludao by boat.

Enjoying this rare New Year's Day holiday at home, his parents were very happy to know that he won the CMO gold medal, and then told Qin Yuanqing that reporters kept coming to interview them during this period, and the town leaders came to express their condolences, including a bonus of 50,000 yuan. .

With this 50,000 yuan bonus, plus the 100,000 yuan Qin Yuanqing remitted to his father, there are 150,000 yuan, and the family's finances suddenly became much easier.

Dad said that he wanted to build an extra floor at home to avoid being too hot in the summer. Qin Yuanqing was originally engaged in engineering design. Although it was not housing construction design, many things were similar.

The old house was built more than ten years ago. In the 1990s, the concept of rural architecture was relatively backward. The foundation only used pieces of stone as ring beams, and then the walls were built directly without pillars. The old house is close to the road. Over the past ten years, the foundation has sunk, resulting in uneven settlement. Cracks have appeared in the walls, and leaks can be seen in the floor slabs on rainy days.

Therefore, old houses cannot continue to be built, otherwise they will become dilapidated and the money spent will be wasted.

In the original trajectory, whether to build another layer on the old house or rebuild it from scratch, Qin Yuanqing chose to rebuild it after comprehensive consideration.

At this time, labor and material costs are relatively cheap. You can build a three-story rough house for about 200,000 yuan. If you wait until 2015, the prices of cement, steel bars, and sand have increased, and the price of labor has also increased. The same building The area and the same style would cost 380,000.

After convincing his parents, Qin Yuanqing went to an Internet cafe, downloaded CAD, and used his memory to redesign the house he originally designed. However, he also learned from experience and lessons. The single width of the stairs was left to 1.5m. In rural areas, stairs are not suitable for being too narrow. The original design of 1.25m wide was obviously too narrow, and his father complained a lot.

The master bedroom has also been optimized. The bathroom has become smaller and divided into dry and wet areas, leaving space for cabinets. The entire layout is much more reasonable than before.

Then he found a soil and water master in his father, and Qin Yuanqing explained everything carefully, including construction, structure, water supply and drainage, electrical, etc., and then Qin Yuanqing left with peace of mind.

This time when he returned to school, Qin Yuanqing received a grander welcome than last time. The principal specially held a celebration party on the playground. Qin Yuanqing didn't speak last time, but this time he couldn't run away. Qin Yuanqing chose '90 not to be defeated. Generation' as speech.

"Dear students and teachers, I was born in 1990. I think most of the students here are from the 1990s and the post-90s generation. In society, there is a synonym for the 90s and the post-90s generation as the 'Beat Generation'!"

"The Beat Generation is such a big hat, it is placed on us and makes us breathless..."

"In fact, we are by no means part of the 'Beat Generation', we are a generation of individuality. The post-90s era is beckoning to us. History will eventually prove that we Chinese are stronger than the previous generation, and the young are better than the blue. !”

"Some people may yell that we don't respect our elders and are arrogant! But what I want to say is that the revolutionary predecessors established New China one after another. Didn't they just want to provide a complete and peaceful country for future generations? They didn't I just hope that my descendants will get better and better!”

"Each generation is stronger than the other, and the young are better than the old! This is our greatest tribute to our revolutionary ancestors!"

. . . . . .

When Qin Yuanqing's speech ended, there was thunderous applause. Every student felt very excited, as if Qin Yuanqing had spoken out his heart for them.

After the celebration, the senior county official gave a brief speech and rewarded Qin Yuanqing 200,000 yuan on behalf of the county government, encouraging Qin Yuanqing to continue his efforts and lead the Chinese Mathematical Olympiad team to IMO to win glory for the country!

Qin Yuanqing and senior county officials took a group photo each holding a sign representing 200,000!

Qin Yuanqing did not expect that the county would reward him with 200,000 yuan for winning the CMO championship. This was a big deal.

But Qin Yuanqing soon discovered that not only that, the Provincial Department of Education, the Provincial Mathematical Society, and the Municipal Education Bureau subsequently rewarded him, with a total bonus of 500,000.

This is China. As long as your academic performance is good enough, you have nothing to worry about. Qin Yuanqing even remembered that there was a college entrance examination major who took the college entrance examination every year and was admitted to Shuimu University and Yanda University. He received high bonuses and then won the exam for several years without falling behind in a year. He was also an outstanding person.

Qin Yuanqing did not transfer the money to his father. It was not safe to have such a large amount of money, so it would be more appropriate for him to handle it himself.

Anyway, there are only 10 days left before the final exam, so I will go back after the final exam is over.

Qin Yuanqing accepted several more interviews, mainly interviews with counties, cities, and provinces. As for interviews with national media, they were conducted as early as the closing ceremony of the CMO.

Qin Yuanqing quickly integrated into the environment at school. He read books every day, gave lectures to his classmates, and talked and laughed with them. As for love letters, he received a bunch of love letters every day, and some of them looked pretty. A pretty female classmate.

However, as the saying goes, good-looking skins are all the same, but interesting souls are unique!

Qin Yuanqing didn't plan to fall in love in high school. When he went home after the final exam, he had to rush to the capital for the second training camp. He didn't want to fall in love, and he didn't have time to fall in love!

Therefore, the goddess has a dream, but King Xiang has no intention!

Suddenly, countless girls were crying under the covers, and countless male classmates were filled with indignation!

On this day, during evening self-study, Qin Yuanqing wrote the topic on the blackboard:

"Students, let me share a question with you next!" Qin Yuanqing said to the students, "Now I will give you 20 minutes to do this question!"

The question Qin Yuanqing wrote on the blackboard, (1) is the type of matrix and transformation. It is known that the linear transformation corresponding to the matrix turns point A (x, y) into point A' (13, 5). Try to find M The inverse matrix of and the coordinates of point A. (2) is the coordinate system and parametric equation. Given the straight line l and the circle C, try to determine the number of common points between them. (3) is an inequality. Solve the inequality |2x-1|\u003c|X|+1.

Qin Yuanqing looked at his classmates who were working hard on the questions, with a calm expression on his face. It was while he was doing the questions that the last question of next year's college entrance examination came up, so as a bonus, it was used as today's case question. As long as students work hard, they will definitely get these 14 points in the college entrance examination next year. Yes, although it is a three-question question, you only need to choose any two questions to answer.

Now everyone has learned the entire high school textbook knowledge, and has learned the matrix. Qin Yuanqing still remembers that many students did not know how to solve this question and could not get points.

For example, in question (1), you must first find M through the matrix, and then find the value of M’. Only by listing new formulas can the final value be obtained. (2) The question is to convert the equation of the circle to find the coordinates of the center and the radius of the circle. (3) The question is decomposed into different situations. One is x\u0026lt;0. After transforming the original equation, x\u0026gt;0 is obtained. The result is that x does not exist. The second case is when 0≤x≤1/2, the original equation is transformed to obtain the range value of x. The third case is x≥1/2, find the range value, and then combine the three cases to finally determine the solution set of the original inequality.

This question is not very difficult, but if it is placed as the last question in the college entrance examination, because everyone was very nervous when doing the question before, when it comes to this question, many knowledge points will be forgotten or there will be insufficient time, which will easily lead to tragedy.

Qin Yuanqing only got half the score for this question.

Sure enough, the students who had not gone through several rounds of review had not yet reached their peak combat effectiveness. Only two people in the class wrote out the complete calculation process and answers, and a large number of them did not even complete the first question.

Qin Yuanqing asked Lin Yuling to come up and solve the problem, and then he explained one by one beside him and wrote down the knowledge points in the book on the blackboard.

He didn't know how many classmates would remember this question, but the opportunity had been given, and if he didn't seize it, he couldn't blame others.

During this period, Qin Yuanqing slightly modified the real questions or test points for next year's college entrance examination that he remembered and used them as case questions. As long as the students work hard, there is no problem in taking the first line.

If you have a good foundation, you can even get into the admission criteria of Shuimu University and Yan University if you are not careful.

"Very good. Lin Yuling's solution is very complete. This question basically covers the elective knowledge points in mathematics. I hope everyone will use this question as a case question to consolidate the elective knowledge points." Qin Yuanqing said.

He found that sometimes the environment is really important. Although he did not participate in the last monthly exam, his class's monthly exam scores improved greatly. Lin Yuling ranked 38th in grade, and three other classmates entered the top 100. Compared with There has been a lot of progress before.

This time in the final exam, maybe I can get even better results. At least Qin Yuanqing is sure to win the first place in his age group, and his class average will be raised by then.

On January 14, 2009, the sun was shining and the temperature was about 20 degrees.

The entire Jinpu No. 1 Middle School has entered the final exam phase. The first and second grade students are separated from each other. Only half of the senior high school students are left in each class, with one desk per person, and the rest are arranged in the multimedia hall and other spare classrooms.

Mid-term exams and final exams are the most important exams in the school. Teachers use all means to prevent students from cheating. The grade leaders, class teachers, and invigilators have repeatedly warned.

It's just that for some students who are flexible in thinking, no matter how well prepared you are, it will be of little use to them.

The vast majority of students are well-behaved and honest. Even if two people sit at the same table, they don't dare to take a peek.

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